HOMEBREW Digest #1321 Tue 11 January 1994

Digest #1320 Digest #1322

		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  taxes / scottish malt / anchor X mas ale (Brian Bliss)
  honey-based starters (Re: beware of glycogen depletion) (Dick Dunn)
  Dry Hopping, Using Yeast from Primary (LUKASIK_D)
  Ipswich Ale (Jim Grady)
  In Defense of Sherlock's (cush)
  St. Louis Competition Results (Tom Leith MIR/ERL 362-6965)
  Brew Pubs in Ft Lauderdale (ROBERT.URWILER)
  Re: Filtering (Jim Busch)
  DORIC Yeast anyone? ("when the cold winds blow, it'll ease your mind  10-Jan-1994 1035 -0500")
  no subject (file transmission) (Steve Scampini)
  computer controlled rims ("McCaw, Mike")
  Re: Sending Homebrew (George H. Leonard)
  sanitation (DAMON_NOEL/HP0800_01)
  Does HSA flavor go away with time ? (Dale L. Orth)
  Kitchenaid grain mill (Chris Amley - 3M Telecommunications)
  Poor Extraction (Marc Hugentobler)
  Bulk Grains Cheap? ("Stephen Schember")
  Shipping Homebrew (Fred Waltman)
  mmm--tasty! (Mark Bunster)
  raspberry recipes wanted (COCKERHAM_SANDRA_L)
  Why do you enter out of state competitions? (Bob Jones)
  Re:  Wort Chiller in ice bucket ("Christopher V. Sack")
  Potato Beer? (Scott Odell)
  First Time Dry Hoping (Bob W Surratt)
  three questions (sean v. taylor)
  Chocolate Porter Ferment Lag (WHEATON_JOHN/HPBOI1_03)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 02:21:52 -0600 From: bliss at pixel.convex.com (Brian Bliss) Subject: taxes / scottish malt / anchor X mas ale "John L. Isenhour" <isenhour at lambic.fnal.gov> writes: >in gestapo garb. Grant had gotten written permission from atf to produce >cider, which is not regulated/taxed (at least in that state, I guess) cause it >ain't wine, it ain't beer. But the atf now says they have to pay back taxes >plus a fine, and the previous permission given by atf ment nothing. Next thing all alcohol is federally taxed, with the exception of cider. apparrently when the started taxing liquor (how long ago was this ?), they wanted to exempt small-time mom & pop roadside shops serving hard cider from all the riagmoroll. I don't see how grant's can pay back taxes on something that's not taxed (federally, at least). - ------------------------------ cmryglot at disney.CV.COM (Chuck Mryglot X6024) writes: >I have seen a few recipies which call for some Scottish or >Scots malt. Does anyone out there know what this is and >how it relates to other malts. According to Noonan ("Scotch Ale"): "The Scottish malts were sprouted more slowly because of the lower ambient temp... Roger Martin of Baired's Station Maltings in Essex gives [a value of] 6-8 EBC (3-4 SRM) for Scottish Pale, as opposed to 4-6 EBC (2-3 SRM) for todays English Pale malt." Are SRM units the same as Lovibond ? - ------------------------------ jennings at readmore.com (Todd Jennings) writes: >Subject: Anchor X-mas > >In HBD#1317, Jonathan Knight notes the distinctive differences in taste >between this year's Anchor Brewing Co holiday product and those of prior >years. > >Jonathan you are right on!! I thought it was just me! I do not, in >fact, have a sharp enough tongue to distinguish the special ingredients >of this year's blend. But I too, noticed a distinctive drop off in, >shall we say, it's overall appeal. My opinion is that 1991's is the best I just finished my last bottle. This year's includes spruce essence. Most spruce brews I've tasted (not that many) have tasted absolutely horrid at near-freezing temps, but are great once you let them warm up a little. 1993 Anchor X-mas ale is no exception. bb Return to table of contents
Date: 10 Jan 94 01:31:37 MST (Mon) From: rcd at raven.eklektix.com (Dick Dunn) Subject: honey-based starters (Re: beware of glycogen depletion) fmicos!trojan!crowell at uunet.UU.NET (Paul Crowell) writes: > tony at spss.com: (Tony Babinec) writes in HBD #1248: [description of yeast glycogen-depletion causes and effects] > >All the more reason to build up yeast in some starter wort > >before pitching into your beer. > I'm responding because the beer's I've brewed recently have had a > *very* strong, yeasty background flavor. > The *single* variable at this point has been my introduction of > starters which I've just started making using clover honey... Why use honey as a starting medium? (OK, it's fair to reply, "Why not?") Honey (light honey in particular) tends not to have a lot of anything other than simple sugars. But, as I mentioned in an earlier note, looking at it from a different aspect (what yeast to use for mead), my experience is making me believe that some yeasts, particularly beer/ale yeasts, are just not suitable for mead. They produce an off taste in the young mead that takes a long time to age out. I certainly don't have conclusive evidence for this--it's just that, so far, certain yeasts have given me trouble every time I've used them in meads, while others produce consistently good results. So perhaps you're experiencing the same effect from your honey- based starters with ale yeasts as I'm seeing with mead-making and certain classes of yeast? >...I've had > consistently bad results in light beers with these starters, but > darker stouts/steam beers seem to be just fine... Can you be sure that there's an actual difference, as opposed to just the effect of darker/stronger beers masking the off-taste? (Is it obvious enough that you'd know?) --- Dick Dunn rcd at eklektix.com -or- raven!rcd Boulder, Colorado USA ...Simpler is better. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 08:22:31 -0500 (EST) From: LUKASIK_D at sunybroome.edu Subject: Dry Hopping, Using Yeast from Primary On my fourth batch I decided to try dry hopping (it is an IPA) for aroma. Could someone let me know if I am following standard/proper procedures for this as I can not find anything in TCJOHB to give me directions. I racked from the primary to the secondary but before doing so ground up 1/2 oz of Cascade into fine particles and paced it into the bottom of the secondary. The problem as I see it is that 1) there is a chance of contamination due to no boiling of the hops, and 2) all of the hops floated to the top of the carboy as it was filling which made a mess of the carboy neck and doesn't appear to get full utilization of what I put in. We bottled the beer this weekend and it seems fine (tasty actually). Am I doing this correctly??? Secondly, although I know this has been discussed (i missed some of it), can anyone give me step by step procedures for reusing yeast that comes out of the primary or secondary? What are the problems that may occur? How many times can you repitch the same yeast culture? How can you store the yeast and for how long. I have just recently started using liquid yeasts and if possible would like to get a little more millage out of them. Thanks in advance. Dlug Doug SodBuster Suds Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 9:02:55 EST From: Jim Grady <grady at hpangrt.an.hp.com> Subject: Ipswich Ale This is probably only of interest to those in Boston's North Shore area but I don't know how extensive their distribution really is: I just bought some Ipswich Ale yesterday (it comes in a 1/2 gal. 'growler') and there is a significant yeast sediment on the bottom, ~ 1/16 of an inch. Has anybody brewed with it? It certainly is a lot more yeast than I get in a Wyeast packet. If you return the bottle, is only $1 more AND you get a 1/2 gal of pretty tasty ale too! I'll probably try it in a Porter this weekend but was wondering if anyone out there had any more info on it. - -- Jim Grady |"Immediately after Orville Wright's historic 12 second grady at hp-mpg.an.hp.com | flight, his luggage could not be located." | S. Harris Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 08:34:48 -0600 (CST) From: cush at msc.edu Subject: In Defense of Sherlock's Mark Fryling comments: >First, thanks to all those who sent info on places for good brew in the twin >cities to me last month. I made it to Sherlock's Home for dinner and a pint >and managed to stop by Surdyks on my way to the airport. Sherlock's is a nice >brewpub with good food though I found their beer lacking a certain oomph. Though my reply is a little out of place in this forum, I feel obliged to defend my home turf :-) Sherlock's is a British-style brewpub. As such, their ales are cask- conditioned, not highly carbonated, and hand pulled with a beer engine. Also, all of their ales are relatively low OG (i.e. 1.040-1.046) - which is also in the British style, as has been noted by several recent postings to this forum (most notably by Bob Jones). If the beers lack a certain oomph, it is because the style lacks a certain oomph, at lease by high-alcohol American Ale standards. (though how Sherlock's bitter, with at 40 IBU's, lacks 'oomph', I do not know.... :-) ) - -- > Cushing Hamlen | cush at msc.edu > Minnesota Supercomputer Center, Inc. | 612/337-3505 Return to table of contents
Date: 10 Jan 94 14:22:18 GMT From: cssc!cong at scuzzy.attmail.com (brew ) Full-Name: brew Subject: PET Beer transport? Has anyone ever taken homebrew on an airliner? I am planning a ski trip to Colorado this February and plan to bring some homebrew. I was considering using PET bottles for the simplicity and saftey. Will they stand up to the pressure changes at 37,000 feet in a presurized cabin? Has anyone taken them in the unpressurized baggage compartment? Will they freeze? Should I allow for expansion in filling? I counterpressure bottle off of keg's so I have filling options. cong Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 09:00:59 -0600 From: trl at photos.wustl.edu (Tom Leith MIR/ERL 362-6965) Subject: St. Louis Competition Results Here are the results. This has already been posted to r.c.brewing. t The St. Louis Brews 1993 Happy Holidays Homebrew Competition Report by Matt Crowley On December 18th, 1993, the St. Louis Brews held its annual Happy Holidays Homebrew Competition in St. Louis, Missouri. The competition is officially sanctioned by the AHA (American Homebrewers Association). Total number of entries: 139 St. Louis Brews members' entries: 71, others': 68 Awards given: 55 (includes Best of Show) (31 all-grain, 14 grain & extract, 7 extract) Entries by category; number of entries is posted at the right of the styles (some combined): - ------ Barleywine ---------------------------- 3 - ------ English and Scottish Strong Ales ------ 3 Score range: 14 - 41 3rd Greg Leas -- English Old Ale (St. Charles, MO) 2nd Greg Leas -- Barleywine (St. Charles, MO) 1st David & Melinda Brockington -- Barleywine (Seattle, WA) - ------ Belgian-Style Specialties ------------- 12 Score range: 18-44 3rd Richard Soennichsen -- Strong Ale (San Francisco, CA) 2nd Tom Rogers -- Trippel (Crestwood, MO) 1st Roy Paris -- Lambic (Chesterfield, MO) - ------ Brown Ales ---------------------------- 6 Score range: 20.5 - 37 3rd Jack Baty -- American Brown Ale (St. Louis, MO) 2nd Matt Crowley -- American Brown Ale (St. Louis, MO) 1st Matt Henry -- American Brown Ale (Overland, MO) - ------ English Pale Ales --------------------- 8 - ------ California Common Beer ---------------- 2 Score Range: 26 - 42 3rd Andrew T. Fineberg -- India Pale Ale (Seattle, WA) 2nd Patrick Delozier -- India Pale Ale (Kansas City, MO) 1st Dennis Davison -- Classic English Pale (Greenfield, WI) - ------ American Pale Ales -------------------- 7 Score range: 7 - 45 ** no 2nd or 3rd place award given ** 1st Andrew T. Fineberg -- American Pale (Seattle, WA) - ------ English Bitters & Scottish Ales ------- 5 Score range: 14 - 36.5 3rd David & Melinda Brockington -- English Extra Special (Seattle, WA) 2nd Marvin Crippen -- Eng. Extra Special (Seattle, WA) 1st George Fix -- English Extra Special (Arlington, TX) - ------- Porter ------------------------ 13 Score range: 20 - 40 3rd Bill Batzer -- Robust Porter (O'Fallon, MO) 2nd Bruce Barratt -- Robust Porter (Florissant, MO) 1st Tom Barkman -- Brown Porter (Manchester, MO) - ------ Stout ------------------------- 13 Score range: 23 - 43 3rd Joshua Dowling -- Imperial Stout (St. Louis, MO) 2nd George Fix -- Classic Dry Stout (Arlington, TX) 1st Patric Delozier -- Foreign Style Stout (Kansas City, MO) - ------ Bock -------------------------- 6 Score range: 13 - 48 3rd Greg Leas -- Helles (Light) Bock (St. Charles, MO) 2nd Jerry Mitchell -- Helles (Light) Bock (Seattle, WA) 1st Dennis Davison -- Eisbock (Greenfield, WI) - ------ Bavarian Dark ----------------- 1 - ------ Dortmund/Export --------------- 1 - ------ Munich Helles ----------------- 1 - ------ German-Style Ale -------------- 1 Score range: 29 - 43 3rd John Sterling & Phil Davis -- Munich Helles (St. Louis, MO) 2nd Tim Fahrner & Mike Biondo -- Dortmund/Export (St. Louis, MO) 1st John Sterling & Phil Davis -- Bavarian Dark (Munich Dunkel) (St. Louis, MO) - ------ American Dark ----------------- 1 - ------ American Light Lager ---------- 4 Score range: 29 - 44 3rd George Fix -- American Premium (Arlington, TX) 2nd Greg Jevyak -- American Wheat (Florissant, MO) 1st Richard Rone -- American Standard (St. Louis, MO) - ------ Classic Pilsener -------------- 6 Score range: 19 - 36 3rd Greg Jevyak -- Bohemian Pilsener (Florissant, MO) 2nd Tom Clifton -- German Pilsener (Kirkwood, MO) 1st Richard Johnson -- German Pilsener (Frontenac, KS) - ------ Vienna/Oktoberfest/Marzen ----- 4 Score range: 22 - 34 3rd Roll Heyerly -- Marzen/Oktoberfest (Ossian, IN) 2nd Bill Batzer -- Marzen/Oktoberfest (O'Fallon, MO) 1st Ginger Wotring & Gary Heinlein -- Vienna (St. Louis, MO) - ------ Fruit Beer -------------------- 8 Score range: 24 - 42 3rd John Isenhour -- Cherry Imperial Stout (Aurora, IL) 2nd Ginger Wotring -- Mulberry Ale (St. Louis, MO) 1st John Sterling -- Cherry Fruit Beer (St. Louis, MO) - ------ Herb Beer --------------------- 3 Score range: 20 - 31 ** no 3rd place award given ** 2nd Dave Himrich -- Nutmeg/Cinnamon /Ginger/Cloves Ale (St. Charles, MO) 1st John Isenhour -- Tea/Uzuza/Coriander /Orange Peel Belgian White (Aurora, IL) - ------ Specialty Beer ---------------- 4 Score range: 25 - 40 3rd Tim Bell -- Honey/Orange Peels /Cinnamon/Ginger Ale (Hensley, AR) 2nd Dennis Davison -- Clover Honey Barley Wine (Greenfield, WI) 1st Jerry Mitchell -- Cocoa Porter (St. Peters, MO) - ------ Wheat Beer (Ale) ------------- 13 Score range: 18 - 40 3rd Roy Paris -- German Weizen (Chesterfield, MO) 2nd Greg Leas -- Dunkelweizen (St. Charles, MO) 1st Bill Batzer -- German Weizen (O'Fallon, MO) - ------ Traditional Mead -------------- 3 - ------ Melomel/Pyment/Cyser/Metheglin- 4 Score range: 21 - 41 3rd Celeste Henry -- Still Flavored Mead (Zinfandel Concentrate) (Overland, MO) 2nd Matt Henry -- Still Flavored Mead (Bing Cherries) (Overland, MO) 1st Jerry Dahl & Tom Finan -- Still Flavored Mead (Blackberries) (Kirkwood, MO) - ------ Christmas Brau ---------------- 7 Score range: 19 - 39 3rd Paul Wenz -- Holiday Beer (St. Louis, MO) 2nd Ginger Wotring -- Holiday Beer (St. Louis, MO) 1st Tom Leith -- Holiday Beer (St. Louis, MO) +----------------------------------------------+ |Best of Show Award: Dennis Davison | | Greenfield, WI | | "Ice is Nice" Eisbock | +----------------------------------------------+ Members from the following homebrew clubs supported our competition with entries: Arkansas Home Wine and Beer Makers Assocation Beer Barons of Milwaukee Bloatarian Brewing League Cedar Rapids Area Zymurgy Yeastology ("CRAZY") Chicago Beer Society Kansas City Biermeisters Michiana Omnifarious Nomadic Kraueseners & Spargers ("MONKS") Monterey Beer Nuts North Texas Homebrewers St. Louis Brews Seattle Secret Skinny Brewers Wells County Homebrew Club Return to table of contents
Date: 10 Jan 94 09:33:08-0500 From: ROBERT.URWILER at sprint.sprint.com Subject: Brew Pubs in Ft Lauderdale I will soon be in Ft Lauderdale for a week and wonder if anyone out there has experienced any decent brew pubs in the area (?) Any advice would be most appreciated! Thanks, Bob Urwiler ROBERT.URWILER at sprint.sprint.com Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 10:28:33 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Busch <busch at daacdev1.stx.com> Subject: Re: Filtering > From: "Taylor Standlee" <standlee at humanitas.ucsb.edu> > Subject: Filtration (w. diatomaceous earth) & Mashing FAQ > > > 1) > Recently I visited a brewpub in San Luis Obispo (Calif.) where they filter > their ales through diatomaceous earth. I asked the kid behind the bar > about this and got the "ya would'n understand, its technical" typical of > people busy behind counters, which then changed to "Actaully, > I don't really understand it I'll have to ask the brewmeister" > after I convinced him I would indeed "undertand". Unfortunatly, the > brewmeister was not in and I had to get back on the road, so I still don't > understand it. Does anyone have any information on this type of filter > system; or any other that they use and are satisfied with. We really want > to start filtering our beers for keging without loosing character. I have had great success using a 5 micron polypro cartridge filter. I just filtered 3 corn. kegs of Mt. Hood strong ale, and the filtered beer was quickly judged vastly superior to the unfiltered, by my biased panel of homebrew quaffers. DE filters make a lot of sense for big brewers, but I feel it is out of place for 99+% of the homebrewing folks. The DE is not very user friendly, it should be handled with respirator masks, and requires a fairly complex filtering setup. DE must be "precoated" on the filtering plate, so some means of recircing the turbid beer is required. I can assure you that losing character is not an issue with a coarse 5 micron filter, but it can be a issue when micro-filtering. I have found a bulk supplier of FDA 5 micron polypro filters. The cost is about 1/3 of retail. Problem: minimum order is 30! Anyone in netland want to get in on a co-op purchase? Jim Busch "DE HOPPEDUIVEL DRINKT MET ZWIER 'T GEZONDE BLOND HOPPEBIER!" Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 10:38:47 EST From: "when the cold winds blow, it'll ease your mind 10-Jan-1994 1035 -0500" <ferguson at zendia.enet.dec.com> Subject: DORIC Yeast anyone? Anyone use DORIC yeast? I reckon this is the name. I just picked some up from my local shop. It is dry yeast in 5 gm packets. I bought 3 of them and rehydrated. Got a pretty fast start. I'm interested in seeing how well it attenuates w.r.t. EDME and whitbred dry. Anyone else use this stuff? Results? JC Ferguson Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 10:50:35 EST From: Steve Scampini <scampini at hp-and.an.hp.com> Subject: no subject (file transmission) To Worry, wait or to take action: This is my first homebrew batch ever. It has been in the bottles for six (6) days. The first two bottles I opened have very little carbonation. The facts are: * Extract kit, "American Steam Beer". * One week in primary, three weeks in secondary. * Fermented at about 52 degrees F. * When bottled, very little in any bubbles from the airlock. * Beer tastes good (if not pretty darn good) but is flat and a little on the sweet side (unfermented sugars, including primer?). * Bottles filled to 1/2 inch of top and sitting at about 52 degrees F. * Primed with 3/4 cup corn sugar in boiled (cooled) water. * Kit says it produces 5 gallons but I got about 4 gallons (I was not to careful about adding water after the boil). * Did not take hydrometer readings (I know I should and will keep better notes next time...I promise). There is alchohol in there based on my internal hydrometer. If I were given to worrying, I might think: * Little or no yeast in bottles (yeast settled out very well in secondary). * I killed the critters (but how?). * I've introduced a CO2 sucking infection which eats bubbles and flattens beer (I bet pond scum would do the trick, though there is very little of this in my kitchen since the fire). * I am impatient and should wait one full month (Miller in his book says that the CO2 forms very quickly but takes time to dissolve in beer. It is hard to believe the little psssst sound when I open the bottles in all the CO2 that is needed waiting around to dissolve. How long does it take for the priming sugar to ferment? Should I: * Wait and not worry and have a store-bought (this is my first batch). * Store the bottles at a warmer temp, say 65 F.(what, if any, dangers). * Buy more yeast, make a starter, pry caps off and eye-dropper in some yeast and recap (court of last resort). * Scrub down the walls of my kitchen and wash the curtains in bleach? Just a little "relax, it will be alright" from my learned, more experienced digesters may be all I need (this is in fact what my learned colleague and fellow worker, Jim Grady has offered). Steve Scampini Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 08:22:00 PST From: "McCaw, Mike" <mccaw at wdni.com> Subject: computer controlled rims Hi all This is my first post, and I'm not completely sure our gateway is fully functional, so here's hoping! Reading the Rims Summary in Docs on Sierra, one post in the thread really intrigued me. I have build the standard Morris Rims unit, and the temperature control (esp calibration of same) is the big problem. On 1/24/92, a Dave Pike posted an alternative approach using a Motorola 68hc11. The details were too sketchy for me (a non-EE) to figure out. I sent E mail to his address, but no joy. Maybe he's no longer there, maybe our gateway is ####### again. Has anyone built his device? Does anyone have at least a conceptual diagram with pin numbers? I'd love to build it and report on it, if only I could get some guidance. Thanks in advance, Mike McCaw Return to table of contents
Date: 10 Jan 1994 17:40:11 GMT From: George_Leonard at brown.edu (George H. Leonard) Subject: Re: Sending Homebrew In regards to sending homebrew through the mail....I don't know either but would assume it is a no-no. Along those lines,does anyone know if its legal to bring homebrew on a commercial airline flight? I want to bring some of my latest batch to my father-in-law but don't want the security guys to confiscate it while going through the metal detector (thinking the unlabelled bottles are filled with gasoline or such). It would be a shame to waste that much effort! Anyone know? Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 11:31:00 -0700 From: DAMON_NOEL/HP0800_01 at mailhub.cs.itc.hp.com Subject: sanitation While trying not to worry, sanitizing my counterflow chiller is still a concern. I have been running sanitizer through it prior to each batch with no rinse, but over time imagine a material build up in it not removed by a simple rinse afterwards. I have been daunted by the propect of adequate rinse following use of hydroxide flush, so have not tried that. But the thought occurred to me, why not just run the boiling wort through for a bit before turning on the cold water flow? The immediate question is how to avoid HSA? If the wort were collected with minimum splash and then put back to reheat prior to final cooling would that be too much oxygen? George how much is too much? Has anyone else tried this? Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 11:07:28 -0600 From: Dale L. Orth <orth at fozzie.chem.wisc.edu> Subject: Does HSA flavor go away with time ? I recently brewed a batch of Papazian's Monkey's Paw Brown Ale. It has an off flavor which I am not sure of, so I am asking for help. This is only my 5th batch, but it is the first one I am having real trouble drinking. The flavor started as sort of a metallic flavor, and now I _might_ describe it as the infamous wet cardboard flavor, except I've never tasted wet cardboard. The fermentation seemed to go normally and I did a secondary rack for about 2 weeks before bottling. I don't think it is an infection. I used Edme yeast. I didn't do anything to treat the water. NOW I have a water report telling me (in short) pH 7.56 Calcium 82 ppm Magnesium 48 ppm Alkalinity 291 ppm Sulfate 59 ppm While this wasn't the most grains I had mashed before, it was my first actual all-grain batch,so I suspect water may be playing a more important role. The flavor _is_ mellowing a bit, but slowly. Any guesses to what caused this? Basically do you think it was the water (any suggestions on how people would treat this water are greatly appreciated), or do you think it was oxidation? Further, if it were oxidation (or HSA) would that go away with time, as this seems to be doing? Thanks alot for any advice or comments. Dale L. Orth orth at chem.wisc.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 10:50:38 -0600 From: ccamley at mmm.com (Chris Amley - 3M Telecommunications) Subject: Kitchenaid grain mill My wife and I have decided to replace our 1950's vintage Mixmaster with something that runs on electricity. We noticed the Kitchenaid line has a grain mill attachment, but there were no details available at the store. Does anyone know whether this is suitable for use in mashing? Thanks, Chris Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 10:56 -0600 (MDT) From: Marc Hugentobler <MARHUG at TELECOM.USU.EDU> Subject: Poor Extraction Hey compadres, Got a little problem with my extraction at sparge. I usually do either single or step-infusion mash and always iodine test for conversion. I have full conversion as far as I can tell but my OG is around 1.030 instead of 1.040 etc. It is routinely down by about that factor. Am I fudging something critical at sparge or mash? Any Ideas? The beer is great it just isn't as full bodied as it should be. Thanks in advance. Marc Return to table of contents
Date: 10 Jan 1994 11:50:44 -0500 From: "Stephen Schember" <stephen_schember at terc.edu> Subject: Bulk Grains Cheap? Subject: Time: 11:28 AM OFFICE MEMO Bulk Grains Cheap? Date: 1/10/94 I got a Corona mill for Christmas and am looking for a good (read cheap) source of grain. I'm mainly interested in Brit Pale Ale in 20 ->55 pound bags. I'd prefer someplace in Eastern Mass. but if anyone knows of a place that that sends it cheap let me know. The prices I've seen are about $62 /55lbs. I would especially like to know about Otis Maris (?) Brit Pale malt, I know this is the stuff they use to make Thomas Hardy(yum). Either send resposes to me, stephen_schember at terc.edu, or post em. Hey how 'bout a grain faq (brand specific like that great yeast one) ? -thanks in advance Steve Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 11:12:25 EST From: tmr at fjtld.att.com Subject: BURP CASTLE - NYC On a recent trip to New York City over the holidays, I was pleasantly surprised to find an interesting bar called "Burp Castle". A sign on the window proclaims it to be the "Temple of Beer Worship". It is operated by the "Brewist Monks". These guys, who are the bartender and waiters, walk around in brown, floor-length monk's robes with ropes tied around the waist. All they serve is draft beer at a rather steep price of about $5.00 for a 16 oz. glass which isn't too bad for NYC. Some of the brews on-tap are Old Foghorn, Paulaner Hefe-weiss, Pete's Wicked Ale, Pilsner Urquel and Sierra Nevada Christmas Ale. Some very tasty brews. The walls are all covered with hand painted scenes of the Middle Ages and there are signs up everywhere proclaiming "No Loud Talking - Whispering Only". Of course, loud talking and boisterous beer drinking prevailed. If you are in NYC, I would recommend stopping in here for a cold one. Their address is 41 East 7th Street and phone is (212) 982-4576. Another neat place is right next door called "Brewski's". I didn't stop in, but it looked like a beer drinkers paradise of unique and exotic bottled and canned beers. DISCLAIMER: I have nothing to do with either of these establishments. Tom Romalewski Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 09:34:45 -0800 (PST) From: waltman at netcom.com (Fred Waltman) Subject: Shipping Homebrew In HBD #1320 someone asks about mailing homebrew: It is my understanding that you cannot MAIL homebrew. I have had no problems, however, using UPS to SHIP homebrew. I regularly send a 12 bottle box to by dad and various other relatives. I am on a regular UPS route and therefor don't have to tell them the contents of my box. If you drop your shipment off at a UPS office or use a third party shipper (ie. Mail Box Etc., Mail Box Plus, and the like) they may ask you the contents. I have heard of people who have had their beer refused by the clerks. They told me that they list the contents as "yeast cultures" or "brewing supplies" I also place each bottle in 1 gal ziplock bag as insurance, but I have not had any leaks in 10+ shipments. - -- Fred Waltman Marina del Rey, CA waltman at netcom.com Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 15:39:18 EST From: mbunster at hibbs.vcu.edu (Mark Bunster) Subject: mmm--tasty! * First let me thank everyone who helped me with suppliers and various other * things so I could get my first brew of the ground. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It must have some beautiful earth tones--let us know what the Lovibond color turns out to be! Good old dirt beer.... anyway, I have an actual question (new) and an old question (unanswered): What can be said of an "Ur-Maerzen"? (My Deutsch tells me "very Maerzen", but that doesn't help much.) Spaten claims this on their Oktoberfest. And what's the proper lagering temp for bottled lagers (eg a nice tasty bock that is still quite flat but has a wondermous chocolate flavor)? Thanking you - -- Mark Bunster |Exchange conversation if you dare-- Survey Research Lab--VCU |Share an empty thought or a laugh. Richmond, VA 23220 | mbunster at hibbs.vcu.edu | (804) 367-8813/353-1731 | -edFROM Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 12:47:36 -0500 (EST) From: COCKERHAM_SANDRA_L at Lilly.com Subject: raspberry recipes wanted I have a brewfriend who wants to brew a raspberry beer. I will forward all recipes on to him. Does anyone have a favorite to share with me? Please send them to COCKERHAM at LILLY.COM I recently kegged my first all grain batch. It wasn't that hard!! I made a strong ale (O.G. 1.077). It turned out nicely. I used the 5 gal Igloo cooler approach with a colander trimmed to fit inside for a false bottom. I plan to brew a pale ale this week. Thanks for all the great ideas and "fun to read arguments" in the HBD! Sandy C. From: COCKERHAM SANDRA L (MCVAX0::RX31852) To: VMS MAIL ADDRESSEE (IN::"homebrew at hpfcmi.fc.hp.com") Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 17:41:56 -0500 (EST) From: "THE FOURWHEELIN' 'TALIAN WANNABE JOKEMEISTER." <AD75173%LTUVAX.bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: Heeeeeeelp! I have another problem (I think) with my latest beer. I thought I had a yeast infection in my last beer (Righteous Real Ale from Papazian's book), but I have the same thing going on with my latest, and have been very sanitary. I used Papazian's Doctor Bock (P. 203 TNCJoH) and added 1/2 lb of chocolate malt for a darker color. I used 1.5oz and .5oz of Tettang. hops. My first two beers turned out great, but the last two have acted the same. The difference? In the last two I used grains for coloring. Here's what I did: I put the choc. malt in a malt bag, and worked like a tea bag until the water started to boil. I put the malt syrup into the pot, and boiled 45 min. I set it outside (20F) OH! Could that be my problem with yeast infection? The lid was only open a little. After it cooled,I mixed the wort with water to make 5gal. I let it ferment, half in one 5gal bucket, and 5gal in another. Yeast was pitched. Here's what happened: 3 Jan 94 1.063 at 65F (pitched yeast) 15 hours Bubbles begin 48 hours Bubbles stop, rack to carboy. 1.028 3 days 1 bubble/minute 5 days 1 bubble/36 sec 6 days 1 bubble/22 sec 7 days 1 bubble/18 sec When the beer was first in the carboy, it seemed almost clear burnt amber, but now its more cloudy with the more active fermentation. Question: Yeast infection? Thanks much... Aaron Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 15:24:06 +0800 From: bjones at novax.llnl.gov (Bob Jones) Subject: Why do you enter out of state competitions? Why do brewers enter out of state competitions, I'm speaking of non-national competitions? I'm sincerly interested, the Bay Area Brewoff always gets entries from far far away. Reasons that occur to me are... * No local competitions (hard to believe). * Poor quality judges at local competitions (also hard to believe). * Curious about how other states judges feel about your beer? * Ego, need more ribbons. * More money than brains. * Fill in the blank. Bob Jones bjones at novax.llnl.gov Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 17:56:38 -0500 (EST) From: "Christopher V. Sack" <cvsack at mailbox.syr.edu> Subject: Re: Wort Chiller in ice bucket On Monday, Jan 10,1994, Bob Eddy wrote: > I have been considering various approaches to wort chilling and have come > up with an idea I haven't yet seen discussed on the net. My idea is to > construct an immersion chiller in reverse. The conventional immersion > chiller, of course, runs chilled water through a copper coil which has been > immersed in the hot wort until the desired temperature is reached. My idea > is to reverse the process by immersing the copper coil in an ice bath and > running the hot wort through the coil. I feel this would yield excellent > heat transfer. > > Construction would consist of a bucket (or other container) with entry and > exit ports at the top and bottom of the bucket. The copper coil would be > placed inside the bucket and connected to the entry/exit ports. (See > diagram below - a little imagination will help here!) > > I I > I- - - - - - - - - -I > I ice bath I<---bucket > Hot wort I I > from boiler -->I>----------------\ I > I /---------------/ I > I \----copper-----\ I > I /-----coil------/ I X Cold wort to > I \---------------->I>---I----> primary fermenter > I I valve > I___________________I > > To use the device, the bucket is filled with a mixture of ice and water > (mostly ice). The output from the boiler is connected to the upper (entry) > port. Gravity pulls the wort through the coil and out the lower (exit) > port and off to the primary fermenter. The flow rate through the coil is > controlled by adjusting the valve on the exit port. This, in turn, > controls the exit temperature of the wort. Additional ice is added to the > bucket as required. > > ... Some text deleted ... My boss and I (both of us are chemists) talked about this very type of cooler. Our reasons were the same as Bob's. Easy, good heat transfer etc We then did some quick, "back of the envelope" type calculations and discovered that one would need at least 80# of ice to cool a 5 gal. batch from boiling to 15 deg.C (60 deg.F). We did not take into account that the wort contained a high concentration of sugar. This would increase the density of the liquid and also increase its heat capacity, ie. one would need even more than 80# of ice. I ended up building an inexpensive (less that $15) counter current cooler. Chris +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ___ ___ Christopher V. Sack | | / ) | / / ) | Graduate Student | | / | / (___ __ __ | Dept. of Chemistry | | / | / ) __ ) / )| / State Univ. of N.Y. | | / | / / / / / | / Syracuse, NY 13210 | | (____/* |/* (____/ (__\ (__/ |/ \ <cvsack at lor.syr.edu> | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 18:06:30 EST From: Scott Odell <MAH0C01 at SIVM.SI.EDU> Subject: Potato Beer? In the Dec-Jan issue of Ale Street News there is a note that Denver's Wyncoop Brewing Co. "using 180 pounds of Colorado potatoes ... has brewed 500 gallons of ... a crisp, clean lager style ale, similar to a pilsner." Comments anyone? Is there a reasonably accessible published source of info on potato beers? A brewing friend of mine without INTERNET access had, by coincidence, asked me recently about potato beer and how the potato starch was converted to sugar. I was at a loss to advise him on the proper malting of potatoes! Or, is some other source of an appropriate enzyme used? Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 16:10:04 PST From: Bob W Surratt <Bob_W_Surratt at ccm.hf.intel.com> Subject: First Time Dry Hoping Text item: Text_1 I have a question concerning dry hopping. After fermenting for 7 days, my ale was down to a bubble every 2.5 minutes. I racked to the secondary and added come whole leaf hops. The ale almost immediately started out gassing. It's now been in the secondary for 8 days and I'm still getting a bubble every 30 seconds. My question is, do I wait until the bubbling slows down with the hops and ale together, or should I rack the ale off of the hops into my bottling carboy and wait. I just don't want to bottle to early and create any bottle bombs. Thanks in advance, Bob Surratt Orangevale, CA Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 19:08:51 EST From: sean v. taylor <sean at chemres.tn.cornell.edu> Subject: three questions Greetings all, I had a chance to talk to one of my old friends (and a homebrewer) over the holidays and we were talking about dry hopping. He mentioned that it might be interesting to try bottle hopping--that is, adding hops (one or two leaves, perhaps) directly to the bottle. Has anybody heard of or tried this before? Outside of possible contamination from the hops, would it add some negative aspect to the beer that we aren't considering? On another note, I was wondering about culturable/non-culturable commercial brews. That is, has somebody compiled a list of commercial brews which one can get the yeast out of? I mean, I know of some, and trial and error could work, but is there a definitive list floating around out there? Finally, I live in balmy Ithaca, NY, where its been getting down below zero at night. My housemate left a six of Saranac Black and Tan on the back porch, and of course it froze. This got me to wondering: What does freezing beer like this do to it? None of the bottles exploded, so I'll probably try and drink them to see for myself, but I was wondering if there was some study or discussion of this previously which I missed. Just Wondering... Sean Taylor Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 17:38:00 -0700 From: WHEATON_JOHN/HPBOI1_03 at hpdmd48.boi.hp.com Subject: Chocolate Porter Ferment Lag I just brewed up a batch of choc. porter for the 2nd time and I have experienced very late starting fermentations. I pitch a healthy starter that is no differe nt from what I usually pitch. In fact, this one was a 2nd pitch from a currently fermenting batch of golden ale (ie. very healthy and active). I thought my 1st chocololate porter was a fluke but now I am concerned about the chocolate impact on fermentation. In a 5 gallon batch I used 8 oz of Hershey's cocoa and 8 oz. of unsweetened baker's chocolate. This was added in the last 30 min. of the boil. It is also an all-grain. Any of the same experiences from you people?! I actually started worrying there after 24 hrs with no activity. It is now merrily fermenting actively at 36 hrs and smells fine and normal. Any clues here? Is there something in the chocolate? jw Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #1321, 01/11/94