HOMEBREW Digest #1354 Mon 21 February 1994

Digest #1353 Digest #1355

		Rob Gardner, Digest Janitor

  Re: Rhinocerous Stout (Dion Hollenbeck)
  HBD Code of Conduct (Lee=A.=Menegoni)
  Calcium maximum? (Jeremy Ballard Bergsman)
  New England Brewpubs (dong298599)
  backpack brew (Bart Thielges)
  extract tang/maple ferment (Rich Larsen)
  Hoplets/OxygenAbsorbingCaps/SyrupVsDry (korz)
  Metals/ Glasses/ Hops/ Deaf Black Women Brewers (COYOTE)
  Queen of Controversies (Kevin Pratt)
  kolsch (Montgomery_John)
  Rebottling (Neil Perrelli)
  Recipe Request (Loretta)
  Wyeast 2308 odors (btalk)
  lodging in Portland (Charles"Skip" Virgilio)
  Inferior Hop Plugs (Steve Daniel)
  Re: Flame on Stupid Stuff (Cathy Cullen (N3311))
  Recipe for Old Detroit ("Ball, Timothy B")
  Bohemian Pilsner (GNT_TOX_)
  New Superior Products Catalog (Jim Grady)
  Brewpub Requests (John DeCarlo              x7116          )
  Hydrometers, etc..... (Derek Montgomery)
  bitter brew (RONALD DWELLE)
  HSA question ("Andy Schultz - DP  at 290-1490")
  Re: targeting OG and FG (TODD CARLSON)
  Homebrew Competition (erickson)
  AHA guidelines (Jeff Frane)
  Sweetening Mead (Cisco)
  Re: denatured alcohol (Brian J Walter (Brewing Chemist))
  Pride Of Newark brewery (Domenick Venezia)
  those uppity wimmin brewers (Jonathan G Knight)
  1968 Yeast Profile (Jeff Frane)

Send articles for __publication_only__ to homebrew at hpfcmi.fc.hp.com (Articles are published in the order they are received.) Send UNSUBSCRIBE and all other requests, ie, address change, etc., to homebrew-request@ hpfcmi.fc.hp.com, BUT PLEASE NOTE that if you subscribed via the BITNET listserver (BEER-L at UA1VM.UA.EDU), then you MUST unsubscribe the same way! If your account is being deleted, please be courteous and unsubscribe first. FAQs, archives and other files are available via anonymous ftp from sierra.stanford.edu. (Those without ftp access may retrieve files via mail from listserv at sierra.stanford.edu. Send HELP as the body of a message to that address to receive listserver instructions.) Please don't send me requests for back issues - you will be silently ignored. For "Cat's Meow" information, send mail to lutzen at novell.physics.umr.edu
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 08:05:13 PST From: hollen at megatek.com (Dion Hollenbeck) Subject: Re: Rhinocerous Stout >>>>> "Jack" == Jack St Clair <Jack_St_Clair at ccm.hf.intel.com> writes: Jack> The problem is that the recipe is for a 220 gallon batch. Jack> 1. How do I extrapolate this for a five gallon batch? Multiply by 5/220. Taste it and find what ingredients did not make the extrapolation due to your brewing equipment geometry. Adjust quantities and brew it again, and again, and again. I was able to duplicate a 300 gal. recipe scaled down to 5 gal. on the first try. You must also be aware of the OG, not just the ingredients. I knew that the OG on that beer was 1050 to 1055 and then I could assess how well the mathematical extrapolation worked by knowing how much grain it takes *my* mash tun to produce that OG. It happened to just be right on. Jack> 4. What is meant by Cent.? Centennial hops. Jack> Jack St.Clair Jack> Portland, Oregon Jack> Jack_st_clair at ccm.hf.intel.com dion Dion Hollenbeck (619)455-5590x2814 Email: hollen at megatek.com Staff Software Engineer megatek!hollen at uunet.uu.net Megatek Corporation, San Diego, California ucsd!megatek!hollen Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 10:06:48 EST From: Lee=A.=Menegoni at nectech.com Subject: HBD Code of Conduct Flame Guns Off please: We have been wasting a lot of bandwidth citing a nebulous set of rules for cyber space. Why don't we compose a set of guidelines that subscribers should adhere to when posting and send it out to new subscribers in the confirmation message. For existing subscribers we could send each subscriber a copy or if we were willing to put up with the overhead we could append it it to the header. I suspect that a flame fest will ensue over who has the right to make such policy and we will get into people citing first amendment rights to say what ever thay want however they want. The intent isn't censorship which I abhor. This may seem an insult to many but the digest has seemed to lost its focus on beer and brewing. I could better tolerate extensive quoting and long signatures if the content got back to beer and brewing instead of bickering and nit-picking. Flame Guns on: RE: Wheat beer Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 10:45:36 -0800 (PST) From: Jeremy Ballard Bergsman <jeremybb at leland.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Calcium maximum? In several recent posts people have expressed concern over bringing their calcium levels too high. Is this really a concern? Obviously there is some level that is too high, but would this ever really be reached? It would seem that by adding CaCO3 or CaSO4 the anion would always be of the most concern in terms of having too much. Is 200 ppm of Ca too much? Why? It would seem that with the CO3, PO4, and the organic malt components such as phytate, excess Ca would just precipitate. Is there a danger of depleting the wort of the nutrient PO4? Lots of questions, who has some answers? Jeremy Bergsman jeremybb at leland.stanford.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 10:49:33 EST From: dong298599 at aol.com Subject: New England Brewpubs I am planning a trip to the New England states and would like to know of any good brewpubs in the area. We will be stopping the first night at Sturbridge, Mass.. The remainder of the week our headquarters will be near Lake Winnepesaukee in New Hampshire. We will most likely be taking day trips into Maine and Vermont. Here's the catch: a three-year-old, and a six-month-old. I have never been to a brewpub, but all this talk about them makes me want to experience a few. If brewpubs are "no place to take a family", would they at least have carryout of micro brands and imports? Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 10:30:20 PST From: relay.hp.com!daver!nexgen!bart (Bart Thielges) Subject: backpack brew Bob 'The Backpacking Tech Weenie' Talkiewicz's post got me thinking again about the idea of brewing in the wilderness. I'm trying to come up with a practical rig that isn't too heavy. So far, its : 1) regular backpack stove and cookset (SS) 2) 2 liter plastic soda bottles for fermentation / bottling 3) assorted other misc small light stuff : airlocks, hop bags, etc. The batch size would be about 2 liters. (Hmmmm... if my local multi barrel batch commercial establishment is a "microbrewery", then my setup at home must be a picobrewery. Is this backpack rig a "femptobrewery" ?) Depending on where you go, cooling may or may not be a problem. This method probably isn't practical unless you have a cold stream, snowpack or glacier nearby. I think that the biggest problem with the backpack brew is that it takes 2 weeks minimum to mature. Not a problem if you have that much time and plan to stay at or near one place the whole time, but a big problem if you're on the move alot. It might be workable for two trips to the same place : beginning of first trip for brewing. End of trip for racking to bottles. Retrieval and enjoyment on 2nd trip ! You just have to hope that the bears don't like Pale Ale. The small batch size is a minor hassle. It shouldn't take much more than an hour and a half from start to pitch. Any thoughts on this slightly deranged idea ? Or should I just forget it and lug cans of Weinhards down the trail ? Bart bart at nexgen.com Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 14:15:20 -0600 (CST) From: Rich Larsen <richl at access1.speedway.net> Subject: extract tang/maple ferment Well I finally found a Cyberspace Suit, so I thought I'd post a couple of questions. Has there ever been an analysis of the "Extract Tang" flavor? I.E. What exactly is it, what causes it to be stonger in some extracts than others, what causes it in the first place and what procedures minimizes it appearance? I brew all grain, and have eliminated it from my brews that way. Is there a name for fermented Maple Syrup and water. I made a test batch, with dry lager yeast, at lager temperatures. Talk about an interesting complex flavor! The stuff hasn't cleared yet but it has been lagering at 34F for 3 weeks. The recipe is simple, 1 qt syrup to 3 qts water. Pasturize covered, at 170F for 30 minutes. SG 1.095 Haven't taken a gravity reading since, as I don't want to waste the experiment. I call it "Maple What?" TIA! Rich Larsen "Brewmaster" of the Blind Dog Brewery HomeBrewPub, Midlothian, IL Rich Larsen on Speedway Free Access -- (10288)-1-503-520-2222 richl at speedway.net Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 15:13 CST From: korz at iepubj.att.com Subject: Hoplets/OxygenAbsorbingCaps/SyrupVsDry jw writes: >I have been using the Hoplet plugs for the last several batches and have found >them to be quite good. However, I have recently had bad experience >with Styrian and Kent Goldings and Fuggles. When I opened the package >they smelled very cheesy and were yellow. I decided not to use them in >my dry hop and will be bringing them back to my supplier. I've been using an awful lot of these plugs (made by Morris Hanbury) and have only run across one case where the hops in a package were in bad shape. You were correct in returing the hops to the supplier and no doubt your supplier got a refund as well. I just wanted to mention that my luck with these hops has been very good and that the occurance of a bad package (in my experience) has been quite rare. ********** Mike writes: >OXYGEN ABSORBING BEER CAPS >Since live yeast is so good at absorbing oxygen (In fact, a lot of >these caps contain yeast as their active ingredient!), I can't see why >anyone would need these expensive bottle caps. A test done by George Fix and his associates a number of years ago showed that not all the O2 in the headspace was used up by the yeast. The tests showed that after a few weeks, 30% of the air remained in the headspace and that the O2 fraction in 40% of the air reacted with beer constituents. They concluded that the yeast consumed the remaining 30%. This was dextrose-primed, bottle conditioned beer and Dr. Fix mentioned that he did not know if tests such as this had been repeated using wort primes. Why is the priming important? Because with sufficiently high concentrations of glucose (dextrose) and fructose, yeast will forgo respiratory growth and just perform anaerobic fermentation (this is known as the Crabtree effect). It is also notable that with sufficient levels of O2 in solution, the opposite effect can occur (the Pasteur effect) in which the yeast are forced out of anaerobic fermentation and back into respiratory growth. Also, there was a side-by-side test done a while ago by The Chicago Beer Society in which a batch was split between "Smartcaps" (aka "PureSeal") and regular caps. The "Smartcap" beers had a better hop aroma. A number of micros have adopted the use of PureSeal caps and I'm sure they did not do so without good reason. I use PureSeal caps exclusively. One last point: PureSeal caps are activated by moisture. When I get mine (by the case) I immediately put them in HDPE buckets with gasketted lids and insert a dessicant. When I package them, I use 6-mil, HDPE (vapor- barrier) packages and heat seal them, vacuuming out a reasonable amount of air (too much vacuum and the caps poke through the bag). If your supplier is selling them in paper hags or storing the full cases "in the back somewhere" they could be shot by the time you buy them. Also if you use boiling water to sanitize them, don't waste your money. I've spoken with the lead engineer for these PureSeal caps and he said that boiling makes the caps useless for absorbing O2. He said to use 200ppm bleach for sanitizing them. ****** Mike asks for a conversion from dry extract to syrup. The syrup is roughly 20% water (i.e. 80% extract), so use 25% more syrup in place of the same amount of dry extract by weight. ***** Steve writes: >I am surprised that otherwise fanatical brewers would "adulterate" >their beer in the final step with corn sugar - or do the benefits >outweigh the problems. That's exactly why I went back to dextrose, but don't worry about the effects of 3/4 or 1/2 cup dextrose in a beer that had 5 to 12 pounds of other fermentables in it. It's such a small percentage of the fermentables, that it's effects are untasteable, in my experience. Al. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 13:27:35 -0600 (MDT) From: COYOTE <SLK6P at cc.usu.edu> Subject: Metals/ Glasses/ Hops/ Deaf Black Women Brewers COPPER: SO...noone else out there has had any problems with copper oxides? Or has any knowledge of them? No metallurgists/chemist amongst us? I had complained (whaah) about the sparger portion of my copper manifold darkening, and oxidizing, while copper under the mash remains shiny. NOBODY offered any similar incidence, or advice. Hmmmm. Am I truly the only one who's ever had such a problem? I feel so scpecial. (lisp) I haven't yet tried the vinegar rinse prior to use, but maybe soon. My next plan is to construct a metal racking cane from copper to pull my hot sparge water right out of the pot on the stove next to my cooler/tun. Hopefully this unit will not also suffer the oxidation situation! My plastic racking cane just wasn't up for the task! floppeeeeee. Question: Anyone have a good method for bending tubing w/o buying a proper bending "tool". I believe anything that works and is right on hand (or really cheap) is the right tool for any job! * another thought about metal: I have a LARGE cast aluminum boiling pot. It works well, and was a GREAT bargain. I make a point of NOT scrubbing the oxides, and carmelized schtuff from the sides. Just chunks. If you've ever used steel wool on Aluminum you know that it removes a layer (silver brown haze runs off in the water). I know stainless is preferred. Easier to clean, not as good at heat transfer, MORE expensive. My Theory: Leave a layer of protective oxidized aluminum on the surface of the pot. Aluminum is quite reactive, and oxidizes quickly, but once oxidized it is rather unreactive. Therefore safer (even tho the Alzheimer's connection didn't pan out) for brewing use. And I don't mind having a brown layer left on the surface. Any thoughts, theories, ...facts?.... *** >George W. Gilchrist Dept. of Zoology, UW >Internet: gilchgw at zoology.washington.edu >Most pubs in the UK use glasses that are marked at the pint level (19.6 oz) with a line about a half inch or so below the rim. It's a great solution and I've been wondering if there is a source for such glasses in the US. If anyone knows of such, please post or email me the address. Cheers. * Ah yes, there is. And my valentines order just arrived yesterday! It's nice to have a mate who supports my drinking/ uh, er...brewing interest! Vanberg and Dewulf 52 Pioneer St., Cooperstown, NY.13326, 800-656-1212 They carry a nice set of authentic European glasses from fine breweries. Also some M.Jackson books. They were very helpful. I received one error in my order, and they offered to correct it, with no exchange, or extra expense on my part. Very nice. No connection...blah,blah..Just smiling with my Thistle! Oh, and a number of them have marks as to where the beer should fill to, and the head fills the rest. Each style of beer has it's own styled glass :) Glasses worthy of beer served from oak casks!!! :^/ *** A commercial Question: I ordered some hops and stuff from Alpha Hops in washington. I was very pleased with the prices and happy with the quality of the goods. I ordered a number of pounds of hops and shared the wealth with friends. One guy sed he didn't care for the hops, that they were too dry and wouldn't want to get anymore. Personally: I thought the hops were in very good condition. Green, intact cones (not FLAKES), almost no crystal sediment at the bottom of bags (a sign to ME of mishandling- roughness), had some vine stems- but that don't bother me. My understanding is that hops are SUPPOSED to be dry for proper storage. The only wet hops I've ever seen were picked from my own vines! More importantly - the crystals are yellow, not orange, and smell nice and spicey, not rancid/sour. I get a thrill everytime I fondle them! I also received nice data sheets on each variety, alpha,beta, oils...BUT it didn't say what year the harvest was. I assume 92-93. I should call. SO...the question... has anyone else had experience with AlphaHops' hops? What are your impressions? Do you know when harvest was? E-mail is good. *** RE: Deaf/Women ONLY contests. Hey is this Grateful Deaf some kind of slam on deadheads!? Maybe we should have a DeadHead only phsycho brew contest! :) Nice Report on Grateful Deaf brewing contest. Glad it went well. Does being deaf make it harder to brew? I guess you can't hear a boilover, or the gently blubbing of an airlock. :( I'm sick of hearing complaints about the Women only. Kill the discussion! Go organize your own contest is you don't like it! I like the idea...but Steve Daniel sed: "what are we to do about the other groups (e.g. blacks) who are even less represented in our ranks than this one?" Ok. I'll bite. How can you tell how many people are what color on the net? *** Andrew Pastuszak sed some stuff about bandwidth waste... * Yeah What the Hell were Beavis and Butthead doing on here! Meager! * Also asked about mashing info. Yes there is a zymurgy special issue on "Grain Brewing Issue" 1985. Vol 8, No. 4. Noonans Lager talks on decoction. I would've emailed that, and given you more mashing info (decotions+) but you didn't do what you asked us to do, save the cutesies and put our addresses in our sig.s so please people PUT YOUR E-MAIL/INTERNET ADDRESSES AT THE END OF POSTS!!!! grunt. And what Spencer sed about "Subject: re: cancel" messages to the right address (REQUEST!) Yeah....I agree! nnnnnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn So THERE! Anyway...enough banter. Let's get to brewing! -/-\- John (The Coyote) Wyllie SLK6P at cc.usu.edu -\-/- Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 14:06:30 -0800 (PST) From: krpratt at netcom.com (Kevin Pratt) Subject: Queen of Controversies I am the Secretary to Gold Country Brewers Association, co-sponsor of the Queen of Beer Competition. Though controversial, the competition has been getting more publicity than was expected, and we are grateful for that. But before this competition becomes legendary before it has begun, I'd like to try to answer some of the questions. If you are turned off by the "women only" aspect, then do not participate in the contest. Simply, without entries, there cannot be a contest, and you need not read further. The simple fact that the contest has been flamed, gives hope that there will be few "ghost brewing" sessions by men to try to usurp entry. The contest is a reality, and will be held April, 16th, 1994. Entry info and addresses have been published before. The actual planners and originators of this contest are women. Beth Sangeri of H.A.Z.E. in Placerville, CA and Donna Bettencourt, President of Gold Country Brewers, are the principals. The idea is prompted from the fact that when Beth tried to ask some questions about brewing to a group of male brewers, the advice she was given started "What your Husband should do..." She is an experienced brewer with some awards. Donna recently won a ribbon in Porter for the AHA club only competition. The two have noted a general lack of other women in brewing. Both admitted to being inspired to improve their brewing by Nancy Vinyard's Homebrewer of the year award. Both feel that that there should be simpler ways for other women to be inspired to brew than winning top national honors. As for exclusivity, this is not an AHA sanctioned event, so there are no club or personal points at stake. The Grateful Deaf have organized a very successful competition and gala for a number of years, with the spotlight on deaf/hearing impared homebrewers. AHA club only competitions are restricted to a much smaller percentage of homebrewers than a women only competition. Likewise, most AHA competitions are restricted to those who only use a particular bottle size, completely ignoring those who use large or innovative bottle styles, or keg. Point is, exclusivity is nothing new to homebrewing. IF this competition is succesful, it will spotlight diversity in homebrewing, not polarization. At any rate, this competition will happen. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 16:26:00 CST From: Montgomery_John at lanmail.ncsc.navy.mil Subject: kolsch I have brewed a couple batches of Kolsch here in the past and enjoy it so much that I make it a regular in my brewing sessions. But as yet I have never come across a commercially produced example of one. Does anyone know if such a product exists? It would be nice to have a frame of reference for my handcrafted beers...Thanks. jbm montgomery_john at lanmail.ncsc.navy.mil Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 14:32:08 PST From: perrelli at pyramid.com (Neil Perrelli) Subject: Rebottling I use 22 oz bottles, but I need to transfer some into 12 oz bottles. Has anyone ever done this? and, if you have, what were the results? Private responses are fine. Thank you in advance. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 17:46:14 -0700 (MST) From: MARK CASTLEMAN <mwcastle at ouray.Denver.Colorado.EDU> Subject: Re: Ginger In HBD #1350 Bryan asked about adding ginger. I used 2oz of freshly grated Chinese ginger in my 1993 Christmas Ale. I thought it came out nice but my SO (also a brewer) said that it overpowered everything else after about 1 month of conditioning. As a caveat; she does not like ginger overmuch. I would see no problem with adding more ginger, but only if you like ginger (a lot). Also, parmesan cheese graters work really well for ginger, slivering it but not turning it to mush. Mark W Castleman Big Dog Brewing Cooperative - West Wouldn't it be terrible if I quoted some reliable statistics which prove that more people are driven insane through religious hysteria than by drinking. --W.C. Fields Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 20:04:18 -0500 (EST) From: Loretta <KOENNICKEL at ECSUC.CTSTATEU.EDU> Subject: Recipe Request Does anyone out there know of an extract recipe for either Newcastle Brown Ale or Dos Equis? If so I'd love to here from you. Thanks in Advance. ******************************************************************************* * Loretta G. Koennicke %%%%% * * %%%%%%%%%% * * Koennickel at ecsuc.ctstateu.edu %%|````0`|-- * * %| o | | * * "Of all of men's miseries the bitterest is this, | o |-- * * to know so much and have control over nothing." |______| * * --Herodotus (484-432 B.C.) |______| * ******************************************************************************* Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 20:43:13 EST From: btalk at aol.com Subject: Wyeast 2308 odors My recent starter for this yeast (Munich lager) produced a faint sulfury smell, SO2 like. I just racked my Pale Bock into secondary after an active 10 day primary ferment at 47 F. I've noticed that faint odor again. Now it is diacetyl rest time and I wonder if this sulfury aroma will be blown out . I've used this yeast twice before with good results. Plus I've never had contamination problems(famous last words maybe?) HOw about some feedback... Regards, Bob Talkiewicz, Binghamton, NY Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 21:10:27 PST From: cvirgilio at electriciti.com (Charles"Skip" Virgilio) Subject: lodging in Portland My name is Skip Virgilio, I'm the brewer at a San Diego brew pub and I will be attending the micro/pub brewers conference in Portland in April. I am hoping to lodge with a Portland local or share a room with a few folks at the convention to keep the cost down. Let me know if you can spare some floor for a few days or you are interested in splitting a room. Cheers, Skip cvirgilio at elecriciti.com Return to table of contents
Date: 17 Feb 94 23:16:24 EST From: Steve Daniel <71161.2610 at CompuServe.COM> Subject: Inferior Hop Plugs JW in Boise writes: I have been using the Hoplet plugs for the last several batches and have found them to be quite good. However, I have recently had bad experience with Styrian and Kent Goldings and Fuggles. When I opened the package they smelled very cheesy and were yellow. I decided not to use them in my dry hop and will be bringing them back to my supplier. Anyone else have this experience? - ------------------------------------------------------------------- JW, I too have used the Morris Hanbury hop plugs, and have been GREATLY impressed overall. However, I was at a local shop today and happened to see one of the workers re-packaging 5 oz. packs of plugs into 2 oz. packs when I immediately noticed that something was very wrong. The hops were yellow-orange and had expanded slightly. The hops, English Fuggles, were obviously very old, oxidized, and unsuitable for making anything but cheesy-tasting swill. These hops were also "dealer fresh" - they hadn't been laying around. Obviously someone across the ocean is trying to unload a bunch of old stock on us ignorant yankees. I strongly urge anybody buying these hops to demand a look under the hood before purchasing. I would also encourage home-brew shops to send them back to Crosby & Baker and tell them to look into the problem. I have purchased Fuggle and Golding plugs which were outstanding, so I know this is something which can be prevented, and should not be tolerated. Steve Daniel Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 16:06:17 CST From: cullen at zeus1.issc.com (Cathy Cullen (N3311)) Subject: Re: Flame on Stupid Stuff > The recent thread on "special hops" was ridiculous and naive. THE STUFF > IS ILLEGAL! And, obviously, IT MAKES YOU STUPID!! You think this is bad, have you ever seen what alcohol does to some people? I've never seen anyone smoke a joint then go get into a fist fight. < Big brother IS out there, so keep your mouths shut in public and please < take your discussion into the private arena. Cannabis is of the same family as hops and deserves to be discussed freely, as does any subject related to beer, and yes this is an ingredient that people are adding to their beer, else there wouldn't be as much discussion as there has been on the subject. If you don't approve, YOU can always take it to alt.ultraconservative. C.C. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 13:43:00 est From: "Ball, Timothy B" <ballti at uh2372p03.daytonoh.NCR.COM> Subject: Recipe for Old Detroit Does any one have a recipe preferably extract/specialty grain for Old Detroit? Nothing in the Cats Meow. Just for the record, I thought the Bevus and Butt Head pictures were the best noise I've seen on the digest. > 4. What is meant by Cent.? I assume it is Centennial. 9-11.5% AA Spicy, floral aroma, clean bittering hop, also used for aroma, dry hopping, similar to cascade but higher AA. (from hop FAQ) Tim Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 07:56 EST From: <GNT_TOX_%ALLOY.BITNET at PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU> Subject: Bohemian Pilsner Hi All! I have a question about a Bohemian Pilsner I'm brewing. Here's the recipe: 3.3 lbs. Northwestern Gold ME 4.0 lbs. Alexander's Pale ME 2.0 oz. Saaz plugs (60 minutes-bittering) 1.0 oz. Saaz plugs (30 minutes-flavor) 1.0 oz. Saaz plugs (2 minutes-aroma) 1/2 oz Saaz plugs (dry hop) Wyeast Bohemian Yeast directly from the pack(no starter) I boiled the extract, 1 1/2 gallons water and hops as indicated in the recipe for one hour. Added everything by siphoning into a plastic water jug with 3 gallons cold water. Topped off with cold water. Waited for everything to drop to 65 and pitched the yeast. I let the stuff sit at around 65 for 1 day and then placed it in the back room of my basement where it sits at a nice 45 all day and night. I racked to a secondary after 12 days (glass carboy) and dry hopped. It's been in the secondary for two days now and I took a SG reading and got 1.013. I had completely forgotten to take an OG reading, but looking at other Pilsner recipies, it seems 1.021 is a common final gravity. Well, I tasted the stuff in the carboy. It's REALLY SWEET, as compared to most brews I've had, and color is a dark gold. Should my beer be this sweet? Is everything ok? E-Mail replies please, no need to waste bandwith. Andy Pastuszak Philadelphia, PA INTERNET: GNT_TOX_%ALLOY.BITNET at PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU BITNET: GNT_TOX_ at ALLOY.BITNET Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 8:03:23 EST From: Jim Grady <grady at hpangrt.an.hp.com> Subject: New Superior Products Catalog I just got the 1994 catalog from Superior Products and there are a couple of items in there that I thought might be of interest: pg 30: 10 gal Coleman water coolers 1-C-310 Red $33.50 1-C-312 Blue $33.50 I assume that the geometry & materials are like the 10 gal. draft boxes they show under the same heading. If this is the case, they are plastic, upright coolers. pg 43: James Page Brewing Kits: "Specially formulated for taste, quality and ease of brewing by the award winning James Page microbrewery in St. Paul, MN" (Frankly, I've never heard of them.) The kits contain 6# of hopped malt extract, aroma hops and yeast. The exception is the American Lager which has 4.5# malt and 1.5# corn syrup. They have Burton Pale Ale, Midlands Brown Ale, Bavarian Dark, Amber Maerzen, American Lager, Continental Pilsner & Wheat (65% wheat malt, 35% barley malt). 3-J-241 $16.95 I have not ordered or seen either of these products, I am just a satisfied customer and I thought others might like to check it out. Their catalog is free, they take MC & Visa, no minimum order. Their phone numbers are: Product Info & Ordering: 1.800.328.9800 Customer Service: 1.800.328.9400 BTW, although this post may make it appear otherwise, they are "National Wholesale Distributors of Bar & Restaurant Equipment & Supplies" - -- Jim Grady grady at hp-mpg.an.hp.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 08:32:00 EST From: John DeCarlo x7116 <jdecarlo at homebrew.mitre.org> Subject: Brewpub Requests 1) There is a very nice brewpub list available on sierra.stanford.edu, called "publist". If I am not mistaken, John Mellby maintains this list and periodically sends in the update. It is a very good resource. 2) There is also a need for reviews from local people. I often find myself needing help for a) what is near to where I will be staying and b) what kind of places the brewpubs are. For instance, I am geographically ignorant and did not know that LaJolla was near SanDiego, CA, and would have missed many brewpubs near that area without help from locals. Also, some brewpubs I brought my kids to and others I went to myself based upon recommendations by locals again. So, I personally think that posting a "I read the 'publist' and would like additional information on brewpubs in XXXXX, please respond by e-mail" is appropriate to the HBD. Replies are probably *not* appropriate in the HBD. John DeCarlo, MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA--My views are my own Fidonet: 1:109/131 Internet: jdecarlo at mitre.org Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 09:04:34 EST From: Derek Montgomery <DM1461A at american.edu> Subject: Hydrometers, etc..... This post might be more appropriate for HomeBrewing 101 if there weree such a thing, but I just finished the first 50 pages of Papazian's TCNJOHB and have a couple of questions before I head out to the homebrew shop to pick up the equipment to start my first batch. Could someone please elaborate on the importance of/or need to use a hydrometer? Papazian wasn't too clear on this and I seem to recall recent postings to HBD saying that this really wasn't necessary... Also, even though I suppose I should just be grateful if my first batch turns out to be edible, could anyone suggest a particular malt extract to use for my maiden batch? My favorite brews are amber lagers and while my first batch will be an ale, I would like to do something along the lines of an amber. Thanks for sharing your advice and bandwith with a newcomer. Personal e-mail would be fine. Thanks. Cheers, Derek. (dm1461a at american.edu) P.S. Should I expect any problems using District of Columbia tap water or should I use bottled? Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 09:39:11 EST From: dweller at GVSU.EDU (RONALD DWELLE) Subject: bitter brew Trouble in River City Okay, my last ale came out horribly bitter. I mean, I can hardly drink it (well--okay--I have to drink it fast). Four variables in this batch: 1) I used a plastic carboy for the first time; 2) I tried a different mash, mentioned in HBD for American 2-row, a low temp (135?) and then a high time (160?) (sorry, don't have my receipe book at work). This was supposed to produce better extraction (and I think it did). 3) I used Tettnanger hops for the first time ever, both boil and finish. 4)cold winter made me brew it cool ~58-62, with Canadian Ale yeast (Yeast Lab liquid, forgot the #) and I had a long, long ferment. Question: Which of the four is the most likely culprit? A combo of all? Maybe an airborne bug, instead? I am particularly concerned about the mash technique. The HBD thread (sorry, can't remember the author's name) said the conventional temps were all wrong for American 2-row (I used pale Klages), and these new temps were right. If this is producing the excessive bitterness, however, I'll never do it again! Ideas? Ron Dwelle (dweller at gvsu.edu) (A little scholarship: some of you guys should read Gervase Markham (English author, ca. 1500 AD). In describing the proper housewife's role, he not only details the procedure but also explains why women are superior to men at brewing. Makes you realize how much catching up we have to do.) Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 8:45:07 -0600 (CST) From: "Andy Schultz - DP at 290-1490" <ASCHULTZ at MADMAX.MPR.ORG> Subject: HSA question I'm an extract/specialty grain brewer using Charlie's method of pouring hot wort thru the strainer into a carboy of cold water. I haven't _noticied_ any HSA problems as described here, but want to see if taking extra care improves the beer - I'm concerned that cooling in an ice bath or some such might cool the concentrated wort too much, so that when mixed with (very cold Minnesota tap) water, it'll be too cold for pitching. Straining the hot wort into the carboy makes instant perfect pitching temp! My questions are: would siphoning the hot wort into the carboy (with a copper scrubby on the end to catch hops/grains) still cause HSA? For my setup, is it straining the hot wort (thus exposing it to oxygen) that causes HSA, having hot wort contact cold (and oxygen laden) water, or a combination of both? If siphoning will not eliminate the problem, will it produce a noticiable difference? I know this is on the FAQ edge, but I haven't seen this addressd directly. Private email is fine if not of general interest - I'll summarize posts TIA! - Andy ASCHULTZ at MPR.ORG Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 10:05:58 EST From: carlsont at GVSU.EDU (TODD CARLSON) Subject: Re: targeting OG and FG I sent this message to Chris directly but it bounced so I am forwading it to the HBD Chris I read with interest your posting this morning on the HBD. I am curious. You have given the equations for generating the same OG and FG with different formulations. But you don't mean to say that these are all going tast the same, do you? Could you comment on the relative taste of different recipes with the same OG and FG. I have always found my homebrew to be a bit "thin". Should I use more Laaglander and sugar? This seems to be a bit counterintuitive. Maybe I should finally break down and but a hydrometer. Yes, you can make beer with out a hydrometer. I've done it for years. Being a chemist helps, but there comes a time .... Thanks in advance todd carlsont at gvsu.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 10:12:41 EST From: erickson at alcoa.com Subject: Homebrew Competition T.R.A.S.H. IV IS COMING SOON! The Three Rivers Alliance of Serious Homebrewers' Forth Annual A.H.A. sanctioned homebrew competition will be held on May 14th 1994. The entry deadline is April 29th. Ribbons and useful prizes will be awarded to the winners. Prize donations in previous years have been 50 lb. sacks of malt, pounds of hops, extracts and speaciality grains. For information contact: Ralph Colaizzi 300 Stevens Dr. Apt #306 Pittsburgh, PA 15237 (412) 931-9099 or e-mail erickson at al.alcoa.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 07:24:58 -0800 (PST) From: gummitch at teleport.com (Jeff Frane) Subject: AHA guidelines Martin Wilde asked about the BJCP test and AHA guidelines. Read further, Martin! The gravity b.u. listings are a couple of pages later. Also alcohol content & color. But no, you should know *in general* which beers are more alcoholic than others, and specific numbers for styles which are determined by those numbers (e.g. bock and doppelbock). Those numbers aren't always *right*, anyway. As Phil Seitz has pointed out, the numbers for Belgian beers define ranges that are actually illegal in Belgium. - --Jeff Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 08:33:26 -0700 (MST) From: Cisco <FRANCISCO at osmo.CCIT.Arizona.EDU> Subject: Sweetening Mead I have an easy solution that works extremely well for creating a sweet mead. Use sherry yeast. I have a six year old prickly pear fruit(15lbs) & mesquite honey(20lbs) 5 gallon mead that is still wonderfully sweet, aromatic and very alcoholic. To put it bluntly, it IS the nectar of the gods! I will be entering this in the AHA nationals this year so watch out! Whenever I serve it - which is very rarely(that's how you make 5 gallons last six years so far and I still have half of it left) I get rave reviews. I'm going to hate having to sacrifice possibly 3 bottles for the competition. I can't emphasize enough, that the type of yeast that you use for fermenting any beverage will have one of THE greatest effects on the final overall character. Get into liquid yeasts and culturing, you'll never regret it! John Francisco Francisco at lan.ccit.arizona.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 08:52:41 -0700 (MST) From: walter at lamar.ColoState.EDU (Brian J Walter (Brewing Chemist)) Subject: Re: denatured alcohol > > From: Eric A. Johnson > > surfaces clean. If you know a lab nerd, ask 'em to get you some denatured > > absolute ethanol-it is real cheap. > > Denatured alcohol is cheap because it contains some additive, such as > benzene, which makes it unfit for human consumption. This also exempts > it from taxation. It's not a good idea to clean your equipment or your > hands with this stuff.... > I think the original poster meant, (or should have meant) non-denatured ethanol. It is pure ethanol (at least before exposing it to moisture), and does not contain anything poisonous. It too is cheap ( < 3.00 per pint) and is not taxed if for research purposes. Instead of tax there is just a bunch of paperwork to fill out. Unfortunately it may be hard to get ahold of for 'personal' use. Good day, Brian Brian J Walter |Science, like nature, must also be tamed| Relax, Chemistry Graduate Student|with a view towards its preservation. |Don't Worry Colorado State University |Given the same state of integrity, it | Have A walter at lamar.colostate.edu|will surely serve us well. -N. Peart | Homebrew! Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 08:16:23 -0800 (PST) From: Domenick Venezia <venezia at ZGI.COM> Subject: Pride Of Newark brewery Does anyone know whatever happened to the PON or P.O.N. (Pride of Newark, NJ) brewery? Domenick Venezia ZymoGenetics, Inc. Seattle, WA venezia at zgi.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 10:41:23 -0500 (cdt) From: Jonathan G Knight <KNIGHTJ at AC.GRIN.EDU> Subject: those uppity wimmin brewers Sigh. I had promised myself to stay out of this one for the sake of preserving the sacred bandwidth. Alas, I cannot. First of all, I would ask anyone who still thinks a women-only brewing competition is a bad thing to read Cathy Cullen's post in HBD1352, or if you did already, read it again. Then skip down to "jerryb" 's post about humor, something which we really do need a little more of around here. Is brewing largely a "guy thing" as Cathy suggests? Very probably. We would like to think that the homebrewing community is more enlightened than the rest of the world, but let's not get too prideful here. In the same HBD there was that incredibly tacky, unnecessary signature with, what was it? - "If I have to die, let me die between your breasts," or something like that. As I recall, it was attached to a mis-directed (in more ways than one) request to unsubscribe. Good. At any rate, let me advance the notion that the homebrewing world is not as totally disconnected from the beer world as we would like to pretend. How many beer commercials have managed to desensitize us to the objectification of women for the purpose of selling a product? You know, the bimbos-in- bikinis numbers with the guys ogling admiringly while apparently swilling some Budmillob. Beer a guy thing? Homebrewers may say no, but Madison Avenue has a different idea and they have a lot more influence over what folks think than anybody on the HBD. But the issue really is competitions, I suppose and whether all should be open. I don't do competitions myself, but I have noticed that there really is no shortage of them. For me at least, there is no sacred principle that is being violated by one all-women competition - whose purpose is, as Cathy points out, not to exclude men but to ENCOURAGE women in a field in which they are under-represented - when there are two or three zillion other competitions in which I could enter my beer. Is it the start of an unwholesome, un-American, neo-fascist trend? Will we all be drinking Amazon Bud by the year 2000? Come on, y'all - lighten up. Jonathan Knight Grinnell, Iowa flames to misogyny at arian.nation.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 09:00:43 -0800 (PST) From: gummitch at teleport.com (Jeff Frane) Subject: 1968 Yeast Profile Martin Wilde also asked about Special London Ale yeast (now London ESB). The yeast is highly flocculant; apparent attenuation is 67-71% (according to WYeast). I love it, but then I've said that before. - --Jeff Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #1354, 02/21/94