HOMEBREW Digest #1853 Tue 10 October 1995

Digest #1852 Digest #1854

		Rob Gardner, Digest Janitor

  Why does beer "promote long life"? (Ken Willing)
  Novice (Slimey Simey!!!)
  Pumpkin Recipes (Patrick Seymour)
  Kids, brewing, and the gestapo (Brian Pickerill)
  GABF Trip Report (John Adams)
  GABF Tasting Notes (John Adams)
  Iodophor containing lanolin (Mark C. Bellefeuille)
  Repitching yeast (IHomeBrew)
  decoction mashing/60C rests (Steve Alexander)
  Kinney Baughman Takes GABF Medal (Norman C. Pyle)
  Suggestions on mail order (Gary_Freitag-G11172)
  TX State Fair Winners (McKee Smith)
  Composting Grains. (Jim Cave)
  Great Bottling Experience ("Herb B. Tuten")
  N2O carbonation ("Colgan, Brian P.")
  Hops/Pale Recipe (Tim Laatsch)
  Molasses etc (KennyEddy)
  Precision Brewing Systems ("Todd A. Darroch")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 20:23:56 +1000 (EST) From: Ken Willing <kwilling at laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au> Subject: Why does beer "promote long life"? Pierre Jelenc writes: > Ken Willing <kwilling at laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au> announces: >>If you had "up to 2" standard drinks a day ("one standard drink" = approx. >>10 ounces of beer, or the alcohol equivalent in wine or spirits), you were >>10% more likely to be alive at the end of the period than if you had none. >> >>If you had "2 to 3" standard drinks a day, you were 30% more likely to be >>alive at the end of the period than if you had none. >> >>If you had "3 or more" standard drinks a day, you were 60% more likely to >>be alive at the end of the period than if you had none. > As such this information says nothing about the effect of alcohol on > mortality. A correlation is merely that, not a demonstration of cause and > effect. These results are very likely saying that happy, well adjusted > people are more likely to drink and to live longer than morose <sacred > book of choice>-thumping curmudgeons. Not an earth-shattering revelation. There are undoubtedly several valid critiques of what the stats are saying, but it's unlikely that this is one of them, except perhaps in a subsidiary, contributing way. In order for this explanation to account for the correlation, the population of people over 60 who survived through the five year period of the study who were drinkers of "3 or more standard drinks a day" would have to be postulated as being significantly *happier*, *better* adjusted people than the five-year survivors who only drank "up to 2 standard drinks a day". I have never encountered a <sacred book>-thumping teetotaler who would think that drinking 3 is more wicked than drinking 2. Once you have demonstrated your free-and-easy, life-loving qualities by drinking "up to 2 standard drinks a day", I doubt very much that you demonstrate those qualities MORE by having "3 or more". And yet the stats show much better survival numbers for the relatively heavier, as contrasted with the somewhat more moderate drinkers. OK, why then? Try this: Say there's an iron-constitutioned segment of the older population, whom virtually NO amount of alcohol would kill. Say that being a heavy drinker increases your likelihood of being knocked out of the total population *before* the age of 60. The more you drink, above a certain moderate level, the more likely it is that you will fall victim to one of the ills that are known to be alcohol related. Thus, the more you drink, the less likely it is that you will pass the age-60 boundary, and thus, past 60, the more statistically likely it is that you and your surviving age-mates at your consumption level are members of the iron-constitutioned elite. OK, so we have a study -- (BTW a well funded university study employing stats bods whose full-time occupation it is to think about what correlations mean and don't mean...). The study recruits only persons who are over 60. Among these, if my hypothesized scenario is right, the members of the habitual "3 drinks and over" sub-group have been to some extent naturally pre-selected for alcohol "immunity", while the habitual "up to 2 drinks" population (undoubtedly more numerous) has only been *partially* pre-selected for alcohol "immunity". If such a picture is correct, then you would predict that the habitual heavier drinking sub-group in this population would, on average, survive longer than the moderate-drinking group; with the "2 to 3 drinks" group in the middle. And this is just what the correlations do show. OK, so that's one conceivable, if perhaps somewhat far-fetched, explanation. Another hypothesis is of course simply that alcohol or something else in beer confers a survival advantage, so that the more you have (within reason) the better. This I doubt, but obviously it's the port of first resort. The [what is sometimes referred to as the] Zorba-the-Greek hypothesis (i.e. that it's all a matter of being laid-back, non-dogmatic, fun-loving folk who are not uptight about drinking) doesn't explain why drinking quite a bit shows up here as *so* much "better" for survival than drinking what is, after all, still a pretty fun amount. (Unless we're talking about *my* homebrew, in which case you'd have to be out of your mind to stop at two... ;-) Ken Willing <kwilling at laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au> National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research Macquarie University Sydney, Australia Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 14:25:45 GMT From: Slimey Simey!!! <S.Ough at plymouth.ac.uk> Subject: Novice I'm a university student in England, and I am thinking of starting home-brewing. Is there any tips anyone can give me, as I am a complete novice? Simon Ough 9, St Andrew's Street St.Ives Cnwll TR26 1AH Tel: 0385 936198 e-mail: sough at plym.ac.uk Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 07:33:38 -0700 From: Seymour at medio.net (Patrick Seymour) Subject: Pumpkin Recipes I'll share two successful pumpkin recipes: Pumpkin Ale: (for 12.5 gallons) 6.0 litres Ale Malt Grains: 330g Carastan 200g Wheat 500g Oat groats 1 soccer-ball sized pumpkin (cleaned, cut in 1-2" cubes w/o skin, & mashed with the grains) 500g turbinado sugar Hops: boil: 130g Hallertauer mid: 50g Fuggles (optional) finish: Bramlings Irish moss Nottingham (dry) Ale yeast Notes: A modified nut brown ale recipe. Pumpkin colored, I could definately taste the pumpkin, a not-too-sweet ale. I force carbonated & noticed this was very drinkable within 2 weeks. "A do again" ________________ Holiday Harvest Ale: (for 12.5 gallons) 3.0 litres Ale Malt 3.0 litres Dark Malt Grains: 330g Carastan 200g Roasted barley 200g Wheat 500g Oat groats 650g Rye 1 soccer-ball sized pumpkin (cleaned, cut in 1-2" cubes w/o skin, & mashed with the grains) 500g turbinado sugar Hops: boil: 130g Hallertauer mid: 50g Fuggles finish: Bramlings Thumb of Ginger (peeled, sliced, & tossed in at mid boil) 28g Nutmeg (tossed in at finish boil) 28g Cinnamon (tossed in at finish boil) Irish moss Nottingham (dry) Ale yeast Notes: Lots of stuff in this recipe. stew brew? Initially I thought I ruined this batch, since the cinnamon was the dominant smell during fermentation (and bottling). Also force carbonated, then bottled. Best after 2 months, and got better with age. Fairly bitter, but well balanced, I could taste everything. "A definate do again" Cheerio, - PS Return to table of contents
Date-Warning: Date header was inserted by BSUVC.bsu.edu From: 00bkpickeril at bsuvc.bsu.edu (Brian Pickerill) Subject: Kids, brewing, and the gestapo >From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at oeonline.com> >Subject: Juveniles, beer, and the gestapo... > >Just a data point: > >I remember a case a while back in Michigan (last year?) where a >father was brought up on charges of child abuse when a neighbor >witnessed him giving sips of beer to his young child and reported >him to the the department of social services. As I recall, the charge >'stuck', and the child was removed from the household. I don't know >any other extenuating circumstances (if any existed), but this was >enough for me to realize that anything, no matter how innocent you >may think it may be, can be used against you in a court of law. > >Based on this, I recommend keeping your child's beer sipping history >a 'dark little secret' or, perhaps, the gestapo might knock on YOUR >door... Something similar happened to me, except I still have my kids! Someone _anonomously_ reported me for child abuse because they saw me let my 4 year old have a sip of beer in my own back yard. (There is an alley in back where, in early spring, you can see through the trees into my back yard.) Child protection services came to my house and interrogated me while I was home on my lunch hour. (I came home to check on a ferment!) They were extremely rude about it and told me not to allow anyone to see this again. (They didn't say not to do it! As if it was legal, but that they didn't want to be bothered again.) I was shocked at first, and was very compliant with them, but I'll probably never get over the feeling of harrassment and injustice. They insisted that I give them our pediatrician's name, and my son's day care, etc... and for months whenever I went there all I could think about was what they had been told or asked about. I probably should have told child protection to leave and called my lawyer, but out of fear, or ignorance, I didn't. If I had been as rude to them as they were to me, who knows? My son never actually drank _any_ beer--just tasted sips of it. At first, I thought that it would be a good idea to let him try it thinking that he woudn't like it. (That probably works for Budweiser, but not for homebrew!) I certainly was not trying to promote it, but thinking that (as Spencer said in #1851) that my son would probably be better adjusted to it if it weren't "verboten." He did start asking for it, and I think at the time that we were probably "observed" he said that he "likes beer" or something to that effect which might have been overheard. Now, I just tell him that it's a "grown up drink" and that he can have some when he grows up, and he has completely stopped asking for it. Besides what has already happened, I'm concerned that he might tell someone (teachers, for example) something like, "My Daddy lets me drink beer," and that is just too likely to get blown WAY out of proportion. I've never had him help me brew, because I always brew after the kids are in bed. He likes to watch the airlock bubble though--Don't we all? I have no idea what the Indiana law is, or who the child protection people really are (agents of the court, I suppose). Sorry this is so depressing, especially at a time when it seems we have lost all sense of justice in America. I intend to find out before my son is actually old enough to enjoy some of my brews. - --Brian Pickerill <00bkpickeril at bsuvc.bsu.edu> Muncie, IN Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 08:59:43 -0600 From: John Adams <j_adams at hpfcjca.sde.hp.com> Subject: GABF Trip Report Great American Beer Festival 1995 -- Trip Report What a week of beer! Living in Colorado has many rewards, excellant homebrew clubs, first rate microbreweries and brewpub, and the GABF! Between the GABF and the homebrew clubs this was one big week. Tuesday night it's off to Boulder's Hop Barley and the Ale'rs. This year Geoff Larson from Alaskan Brewing Co. brought 2 cases of his 1993 and 2 cases of his 1994 Alaskan Smoked Porter. He gave a great presentation on smoked beers and how to make them. He described how many different woods (including thistle and catus!) could be used but certain hard woods are the best. Geoff uses alder to brew his porter every December. This is one fine beer and it (again) took the gold medal. Wednesday night I was one of a few non-professionals invited to the GABF's Brewers and Judges Gathering at the Westin Hotel in downtown Denver. This is the opening evening festivities for the GABF. I and 11 others Professional Panel Blind Tasting (PPBT) table captains are invited each year. This is a great opportunity to start hob nobbing with the brewers and other beer nobility. Everybody in the craft brewing professional was there. Michael Jackson, Charlie Papazian, Carol Stoudt, Bruce Joseph, Fred Eckhardt and the like. All day Thursday and Friday I was a table captain at the PPBT at the Executive Tower Inn. This is the GABF judging session and this year we had 1265 different beers divided amongst 78 judges. As a PPBT volunteer we have the responsibility to serve the judges the various styles. This has many rewards including the opportunity to taste the beers before the public sessions and get first hand knowledge of the new and best beers . This year I had the honor to work with Fred Eckhardt, George Fix, Charlie Papazian, and Eric Warner to name a few. Thursday night was the BIG night for my other homebrew club, the Keg Ran Out Club. This club is less than one year old but we are going strong. Myself and 2 others organized our First Annual KROC World Brewers Forum conviently located at the Executive Towers Inn. We were extremely fortunate to have Pierre Celis and Greg Noonan be our guest speakers. Pierre, for those who don't know, still lives in Belgium 10 months out of the year. His daughter Cristina and son-in-law Peter Camps run the brewery in Austin. Pierre is one of the most warm and cordial 70 year old gentlemen I have ever met. He talked for 45 minutes on his background in brewing (his first experience was at the age of 7), his partnership with Miller, and a real tear-jerking of a WWII story. Pierre was so found of the Americans that were stationed in Belguim during the war that he felt he must give something back to the US. His beers are 100% American from everything from the malt, hops, to the labels. His White and Grand Cru are truly wonderful gifts! Greg Noonan, whom is more like a homebrewer than the professional he is, talked passionately about his feelings toward the big boys (mainly Anheuser-Busch) and their attempts to disspell the craft brewing trade. He did commend Miller and their hands-off approach with Celis and stated this type of partnership is what the craft brewers really want. Greg also went into detail about various malts, their suppliers, and how to weed out the good ones from the bad. He encouraged the homebrewers to get their homebrew shops to provide data sheets for the malts they purchase. My homebrew supplier, John Irwin from The Homebrew Hut (a sponser of the World Brewers Forum), was on hand so I can expect this type of information in the future. Our meeting had over 90 attendendees from all of the country and we are already looked forward to the second forum and a special event this spring to coinincide with the World Beer Cup to be held in Denver. This was a great deal of work we are not able to do this alone. The Homebrew Hut in Broomfield Colorado, The American Homebrewers Association, and The Celis Brewery of Austin Texas were all sponsers. Many homebrew shops and microbreweries in the Denver/Boulder area helped us as well by donating hats, t-shirts, gift certificates, books, memberships, and beer. The clib name Keg Ran Out Club is really an inside joke--we have only run out of beer once and that was as we concluded our 4th meeting are were walking out the door! Friday morning I finished my PPBT duties and headed over to the GABF. Each year gets better as I become acquanted with more and more homebrewers and professionals. The GABF is beginning to feel more and more like a big party with your old drinking buddies. Hey wait a minute...that's what it is all about! I spent more time talking with old friends than serious drinking but overall I had more fun than any of the years prior. Peter Camps poured me a Celis "Cruberry" (pronouced with the proper Flemish accent). This is two parts Grand Cru to one part Celis Raspberry. Needless to say after getting to know Pierre and Peter from Thursday I felt very comfortable amongst the Celis elite and enjoying their brews (repeatedly). Saturday afternoon I attended both the AHA members only tasting and the evening session. Instead of sampling the beers I listened to the awards ceremony. Celis took home 2 medals, a gold for their White and a silver for their Grand Cru. The Colorado Rockies Coor's Field has a one of a kind brewpub in the stadium, the Sandlot. This guys are doing something right because they took 2 awards, a bronze of their Rightfield Red Ale and a silver for their Wild Pitch Hefeweizen. This is by far the best GABF I've attended. The KROC presentation, the Brewers Gathering, PPBT judging, and the public sessions were fantastic. I am already planning for next years week of beer! John Adams Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 09:00:32 -0600 From: John Adams <j_adams at hpfcjca.sde.hp.com> Subject: GABF Tasting Notes Great American Beer Festival 1995 -- Tasting Notes Anchor Brewing Co. Old Foghorn Barleywine While only taking the bronze, this years batch was exceptional. Smooth and malty sweet and very mellow. I had the opportunity to sample it (repeatedly) during the judging session and visited Anchor's booth religiously. BBQ Iguana Bubba's Sour Mash Ale Latic sour! This beer seems to be more like an infected beer that's beeing passed of as a traditional lambic. Yucc! Big Sky Brewing Co. Moose Drool Almost an American Brown in it's bitterness. Malty and slightly sweet. Finishes dry. Bitter End Bistro and Brewery Sledgehammer Stout Bitter up front, malty and full bodied. Finishes dry and malty. Blue Moon Brewing Co. White Ale Very similar to WIT's Belgian-style white beer. A good white but no one touches Celis! Broadway Brewing Road Dog Malty sweet and finishes clean and malty sweet. The label on this beer is very soon to become a collectors item (the liquor board is not happy). It seems that Broadway Brewing contracted with Hunter Thompson to do the label so you can only imagine, A no shit beer that will get you ripped to the tits. Celis Brewery Celis White The Belgian white to which ALL others are compared. A gold medal winner 3 times (including this year). Perfection, need I say more. Celis Grand Cru This beer is also fantasitic. Tradiionally brewed for only special occasions it has many of the characteristics of the White only stronger. This years took the silver in the Belgian-style catagory. Celis Raspberry A very nice raspberry fruit beer. Clean and crisp without the usual raspberry tartness. Chophouse Brewery Chophouse Mild Bitter in the beggining, has a malt character but seems to be a bit lactic. Chophouse Red Lager clean taste but malty. Finishes a litle dry but clean. Crooked River Brewing Co. Irish Red Clean and crisp. Nice toasted malt flavor. Eddie McStiff's Blueberry Stout Not much blueberry in this one but overall a fairly good stout. Lime Ale Has a noticable lime aroma but not much in the flavor. Clean with no bitterness. Great Basin Brewing Co. Ichthyosaur Pale Ale "Gimme an Icky" is this ones trademark. A little hoppy and bitter, really nothing special. Great Lakes Brewing Co. Holy Moses Grand Cru Spicy nose but this really has too much corriander. Clean and malty. Pacific Coast Brewing Co. Belgian Tripel Nice Belgian-spicy aroma and flavor. This beer has the Belgian, clovey nose . A VERY nice beer that took the gold in the Belgian-style Ales. Park Slope Brewing Co. Belgian Style Wit Not spiced enough for the style but more like a "lite" Belgian white. Too much corriander. Overall I have to say that Celis was my favorite (I think I visited their booth at least 8 times). A very close second goes to Anchor's old Forghorn (probably 6 times). John Adams Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 08:14:05 -0700 (MST) From: mcb at abrams.abrams.com (Mark C. Bellefeuille) Subject: Iodophor containing lanolin In HBD 1851 both Jeff Renner and Pierre Jelenc mention not using "Udder Wash" becaue it contains lanolin. I'd like to suggest that *everyone* should read the label on the Iodophor they purchase. I have a gal of something called IodophorII (or is it UdderwashII?) . The directions suggest using it as an udderwash. It contains *no* lanolin (would that be a *sheepish* ale, or 'ewe ale'?). I don't have the container in front of my right now; however, from memory it contains: Iodine, Phosphoric acid, and lots of inert ingredients (probably to keep the correct concentrations of the Iodine titratable). I've been using it at 15ppm with a 5min contact time (Thanks Pierre, I believe it was in one of your posts in which I 1st read of that 5mins was the required contact duration for sanitation.) for over a year without problems. (Unless you feel that a faint yellow/brown tinge to vinyl hoses is a problem. :-) I don't have a problem with the recommendation not to add lanolin to our sanitaion routines. I just think that we all should take responsibility for our own procedures. Mark mcb at abrams.com Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 11:18:32 -0400 From: IHomeBrew at aol.com Subject: Repitching yeast Hi, I want to learn how to repitch my yeast from batch to batch. I don't know much about this subject. How do I correctly collect, preserve and repitch the yeast? Do I take it from the primary? How long can I keep yeast alive inbetween brews? Should I maintain it as one would maintain a starter culture (i.e. in an Erlenmeyer flask with an airlock)? What about feeding the yeast? And at what temperatures? Basically, I don't know much about repitching and want to give it a try. Thanks for the advice. Prost! Clark D. Ritchie Tacoma, WA Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 11:42:58 -0400 From: Steve Alexander <stevea at clv.mcd.mot.com> Subject: decoction mashing/60C rests In HBD #1850 Algis Korzonis writes: >From: korz at pubs.ih.att.com (Algis R Korzonas) >Subject: decoction mashing/60C rests ... >Regan writes: >>My understanding is, to make a >>highly fermentable beer, a rest at 60 degrees should be part of the >>mash schedule. However, my understanding is that the starch in grain >>does not gelatinize until 65 deg, which suggests that the enzymes can't >>get at the goods. > >No. The rest at 60C (140F) is at the very low end of the active range >of beta amylase and is at the high end of protease range. Since the >rate of enzymatic action is temperature-dependent, the rest at 60C >does very little saccharification (unless we are talking hours) and thus >is primarily for the action of protease. Protease breaks big proteins >into medium-sized proteins. So the 60C rest is a protein rest and >is not really much of a factor in the fermentability of the beer. > >Al. > >Al Korzonas, Palos Hills, IL >korz at pubs.att.com In 'Malting and Brewing Science' Volume 1 by Briggs, Hough, Stevens & Young pp 281, table 9.7 states that the MAXIMAL activity range of beta-amylase is 60-65C (140-149F). The same table shows the highest yield of permanently soluable nitrogen (a proxy for proteins & amino acids in solution) to be 50-55C (122-131F), tho another table entry shows the non-amino acid nitrogen to peak yield at 55-60C. They also note on pp 291 that "Beta-Amylase is destroyed in mashes in 40-60 minutes at 65C(149F)". Table 9.11 in same shows a constant temperature mash of 60C at a mash thickness of 39% (approx 41 ounces of water per pound) or 29%(55oz/lb) demonstrates slightly higher extraction efficiency and substantially higher fermentability than constant temperature mashes at 65.6C or 68.3C and the same thickness. For very thick mashes of 67%(24 oz/lb) the 60C mash produced poor extraction efficiency. Mash times are not given. Regarding starch gelatinization, "Malting and Brewing Science", pp 292-293 states, "In mashing it is the liquefying action of alpha-amylase that is chiefly responsible for the dissolution of the starch granules, which only begin to gelatinize at about 65C(149F), but which slowly swell at lower temperatures [55-60C,(130-140F)] and become progressively more susceptible to enzyme degradation". A further explanation indicates that stach in starch/protein complexes are more susceptible to saccharification if the proteases are allowed to break down the proteins first. Dave Miller in "HBofHB" chapter in mashing states the optimal beta-amylase temp as 140F(60C), but notes that a gelatinization temp of 149F(65C) prevents complete conversion at this temperature. George Fix in 'Principles of Brewing Science', pp 95 states, "One rest is typically in the range of 55 to 60C, which is optimal for amylase activity. During this rest, 70 to 80% of the starch is converted. A second rest in the range of 65 to 70C is use to finish off the starch conversion at a faster rate". My personal experiences with 60C rests agree with George Fix's quote above. Even after 15 minutes at 60C there is a very substantial saccharification evident. I guess I don't see any agreement that 60C is at the low end of the active range for Beta-amylase, it appears to be in the maximal activity range according to several reputable sources. Steve Alexander Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 95 9:33:18 MDT From: Norman C. Pyle <npyle at hp7013.ecae.StorTek.COM> Subject: Kinney Baughman Takes GABF Medal Let me be the first to announce that HBD's own Kinney Baughman won a Bronze Medal on Saturday at the Great American Beer Festival. Congratulations Kinney! The award was for his Belgian Amber Framboise, hmm, but I can't remember the category - maybe Belgian Specialty Ales. It was a shock to him because his Belgian Black Framboise was the one he considered a better beer. I tasted both and I agreed with him, but they were both very interesting beers, and very well made - wow! I don't know if this is a first or not. I know many HBDers take home awards for homebrewed beers, but this is the first I've seen in the commercial ranks, at least on this scale. Are there any other commercial-prize-winning brewers among us? Cheers, Norm Return to table of contents
Date: 9 Oct 95 13:02:00 -0500 From: Gary_Freitag-G11172 at email.mot.com Subject: Suggestions on mail order It has been about 2 years since my last batch ( a sad fact). Last weekend I ressurected the equipment, but need to again establish some good mail order supplies. I would greatly appreciate suggestions on the best buys available. Thanks. Gary Freitag East Aurora, NY g11172 at email.mot.com Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 12:20:26 -0500 (CDT) From: mcksmith at iadfw.net (McKee Smith) Subject: TX State Fair Winners 1995 State Fair of Texas Home Brewing Competition Results "Texas Best Homebrewer" (Best of Show) Mark Beggesen, English Ordinary Bitter - "Bobbie's Bitter" Best All-Grain Beer Bob Haupert & Ernie Stephens, NTHBA, Doppelbock - "Diesel Starter" Best Extract Beer Mark Beggesen, English Ordinary Bitter - "Bobbie's Bitter" 01. Barley Wine 1 a. Barley Wine John Kessel KBB "No Whin Barley Wine" 2 a. Barley Wine Stephen Murphrey DFBS "Steve's Bareywine" 02. Belgian & French Ale 1 e. Belgian Strong Ale Carlos Kelly CC "She May" 2 f. Wit (White) Darrell Simon NTHBA "Wit" 3 b. Dubbel Bob Haupert & Ernie Stephens NTHBA "Lil Brown Monk" 03. Belgian Style Lambic 1 c. Fruit Charlie Gottenkieny NTHBA "Framboise Belgique" 2 c. Fruit Charlie Gottenkieny NTHBA "Krippel Kriek" 3 c. Fruit Carlos Kelly CC "Frambwah" 04. Brown Ale 1 a. English Brown Roger Jones DFBS "Nuts To You" 2 c. American Brown Michael Engels CC "Engels Brown" 3 c. American Brown Bill Burks KBB Black Leaf Ale 05. English Style Pale Ale 1 a. Classic English Pale Ale C. P. Dinnwiddie 'Gerald's Big Toe IPA" 2 b. India Pale Ale Martin Purselley CC "English Style Pale Ale" 3 a. Classic English Pale Ale Douglas Wittrup "3 Men and A Beer" 06. American Style Pale Ale 1 b. American Wheat Michael T. Boyle "American Style Wheat Ale" 2 a. American Pale Ale Charlie Fedder NTHBA "American Pale Ale" 3 a. American Pale Ale George Fix KBB 07. English Bitter 1 a. English Ordinary Mark Baggesen "Bobbie's Bitter" 2 b. English Special Jeffrey S. Richey NTHBA "Santa Rita Sweet Crude" 3 b. English Special Patrick Kruger NTHBA "English Bitter" 08. Scottish Ale 1 c. Scottish Export Russ Bee NTHBA "A Peek Under the Kilt" 2 b. Scottish Heavy Jay Terrell NTHBA 3 b. Scottish Heavy Robert & Dena Pope CC "Swinging Scotch" 09. Porter 1 b. Brown Porter Stephen Murphrey DFBS "Steve's Porter" 2 a. Robust Porter Tony Prado CC "Pit Puppy Porter" 3 a. Robust Porter Hugh Lomas Bay Area Mashtronauts "Black Moon Rising" 10. English & Scottish Strong Ale 1 b. Strong "Scotch" Ale Marcus Johnson "Scottish Ale" 2 a. English Old Ale / Strong Ale Richard Dobson Red River Brewers Union 3 b. Strong "Scotch" Ale Jay Terrell NTHBA 11. Stout 1 d. Imperial Stout Jeff Raymond & David Yglesias CC "Virtual Stout" 2 a. Classic Dry Stout Phil Perdan CC "OP" 3 c.Sweet Stout / Cream Stout Rob Stenson CC "Carlyle" 12. Bock 1 c. Doppelbock Bob Haupert & Ernie Stephens NTHBA "Diesel Starter" 2 c. Doppelbock Mitchel Whitington "Dopplebock" 3 c. Doppelbock Gary Sullens NTHBA "Germinator" 13. Bavarian Dark 1 b. Schwarzbier Tom Henderson NTHBA "Dark Shadow" 2 a. Munich Dunkel Tom Henderson NTHBA "Coll Runnings" 3 b. Schwarzbier Bob Haupert & Ernie Stephens NTHBA "Dark House Dunkle" 14. German Light Lager 1 a. Dortmund/Export George Fix KBB "High Test" 2 b. Munich Helles Todd Kellenbenz Foam Rangers "Heavenly Helles" 3 b. Munich Helles Tom Henderson NTHBA "Fire Starter Base" 15. Classic Pilsner 1 a. German Eric Maki NTHBA "Classic Pilsner #2" 2 a. German John Kessel KBB "Red River Pilsner" 3 b. Russ Oertel "Ace Pilsner" 16. American Lager 1 e. Cream Ale/Lager Tom Henderson NTHBA "Easy Rider" 2 b. American Standard Larry Wilson NTHBA 3 c. American Premium Michael Porter KBB "American Lager" 17. Vienna/Oktoberfest/M=E4rzen 1 b. Oktoberfest/M=E4rzen Bob Haupert & Ernie Stephens NTHBA "Cowboy Marzen III" 2 a. Vienna Russ Bee NTHBA "Vienna Waits for You" 3 a. Vienna Eric Maki NTHBA "Vienna #2" 18. German Style Ale 1 b. K=F6lsch Paul Doxey NTHBA "Garland K=F6lsch" 2 a. Dusseldor-style Altbier Robert & Dena Pope CC "Bloody Nose Alt" 3 a. Dusseldor-style Altbier Darrell Simon NTHBA "Altbier" 19. Fruit Beer 1 a. Fruit Beer Wayne Colbenson "Apple Cider Beer" 2 b. Classic-style Fruit Beer Tom Henderson NTHBA "Pretty as a peach" 3 a. Fruit Beer Russ Bee NTHBA "Susie's Peachbier" 20. Herb Beer 1 a. Herb Beer Todd Kellenbenz Foam Rangers "Chile Wheat" 2 a. Herb Beer Jeff Raymond & David Yglesias CC "Pikant Bier" 3 a. Herb Beer Robert & Dena Pope CC "Christmas Ale" 21. Specialty Beer 1 a. Specialty Beer Gary F. Everett "Crystal Honey Lager" 2 a. Specialty Beer Jay Terrell NTHBA "Chili Ale" 3 a. Specialty Beer Doug Nett NTHBA "Jalepe=F1o Heaven" 22. Smoked Beer 1 c. Other Smoked Beer Bob Haupert & Ernie Stephens NTHBA "Smokey Goat" 2 a. Bamberg-style Rauchbier Carlos Kelly CC "Smoke This!" 23. California Common Beer 1 a. California Common Beer Carlos Kelly CC "Fritz's Favorite" 2 a. California Common Beer Charlie Gottenkieny NTHBA "Stanley Steamer" 3 a. California Common Beer Charlie Fedder NTHBA "The Temples of Syrinx Steam" 24. Wheat Beer 1 d. German-style Weizenbock Jay A. Johnsrud DFBS "Summer is here weizenbock" 2 b. German-style Weizen/Wei=DFbier Eric Maki NTHBA "German Wheat #7" 3 a. Berliner Weisse Peter Graves CC "Strange Trip" 25. Traditional Mead 1 a. Sparkling Traditional Mead Tyler Weaver NTHBA "Mesquite Mead" 2 a. Sparkling Traditional Mead Al Schneider NTHBA "Chief Mountain Magic (Gold)" 3 a. Sparkling Traditional Mead Al Schneider NTHBA "Chief Mountain Magic (Blue)" 26. Fruit Mead 1 b. Still Melomel David Hill NTHBA "Fat Cat Raspberry Melomel" 2 a. Sparkling Melomel Jim Woll NTHBA 3 a. Sparkling Melomel Robert Fulford "Honey Moon Mead" 27. Herb Mead 1 a. Sparkling Metheglin Michael T. Boyle "Metheglin-Sparkling" 2 a. Sparkling Metheglin Jim Woll NTHBA 3 b. Still Metheglin Larry Scharff Bay Area Mashtronauts "Southern Grace" 28. Cider 1 d. Specialty Cider Al Schneider NTHBA "Cider" 2 b. Sparkling Michael Wiley Bay Area Mashtronauts "Granny's Squeezin's" Abbreviations and other notes: Bay Area Mashtronauts - Houston CC - Cowtown Cappers, Fort Worth DFBS - Denton Fermented Brewers Society, Denton, TX Foam Rangers - Houston KBB- The Knights of the Brown Bottle, Arlington, TX NTHBA - North Texas Home Brewers Association, Dallas Red River Brewers Union - Gainsville, TX McKee Smith Email: Mcksmith at iadfw.net "If all the worlds a stage, then who's got my residual checks?" Homepage: http://www.airmail.net/~mcksmith/ Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 10:34:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Jim Cave <CAVE at PSC.ORG> Subject: Composting Grains. Do it all the time. Just put it into your regular compost box. I already had one of these. I just throw the grains into the box, even when there hot. If you have a small box, you may want to let the stuff cool a bit. Makes wonderful compost. If you don't have a box, and are starting from scratch, you may want to read up on composting. Jim Cave Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 13:47:09 EDT From: "Herb B. Tuten" <HERB at zeus.co.forsyth.nc.us> Subject: Great Bottling Experience Thanks to everyone who has ever written anything in HBD. By searching back issues and following certain threads, I found some great techniques that I'd like to share briefly. My previous bottling evenings were more laborious and messy- I rinsed bleach water from bottles one by one, inverted in paper towel lined case to drain, and filled with a siphon. Two days ago I bottled easily and in much less time. After soaking bottles in bleach water, I loaded them in my dishwasher with no soap (about 56 bottles). This ran through a cycle, ending with heated drying. After preparing/adding priming sugar to bucket, I opened the now-cool dishwasher and set my newly-made priming bucket full of beer on the counter above the dishwasher. To the spigot I attached tubing and a bottle filler (wand type). Then it was an easy task to reach in, retrieve a bottle, set it right side up on horizontal dishwasher door, fill, place bottle on counter, where another person capped it. After a few I realized I could even pull the rack out slightly and use the now-empty silverware holder to hold the upright bottle - one-handed filling! I even got ahead of the capper and was asked to slow down. And what about clean-up? Just close the dishwasher door and all drips stay inside, to be washed away when the next load of dirty dishes is run. No mess on the floor whatsoever! Thanks to everyone who answered my post about vanilla flavoring in beer, I should be trying something inventive next wekend. Herb Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 95 13:51:01 EST From: "Colgan, Brian P." <bcolgan at sungard.com> Subject: N2O carbonation >Date: Fri, 06 Oct 95 10:34:41 -0500 >From: kit.anderson at acornbbs.com >Subject: N2o >As a dentist, I have access to nitrous oxide. And being a brewer with >an experimental bent, I would like to try force carbonating with >laughing gas. Is this possible? Would decreased solubility require >higher pressure? Would the beer lose its carbonation quickly? >I figure it would be a hit if there are any more Grateful Dead shows. >Kit Anderson >Bath, Maine ><kit.anderson at acornbbs.com> * bpc 09oct: Kit- I am forever grateful to George Hummel of Philly's Home Sweet Homebrew for turning me on to using 'whippets' for carbonating 5L kegs of stout. They are unbelievably creamy and way better than bottle conditioned. Head retention is NOT a problem. go for it Kit! Brian Colgan "Every one has to believe in something." bcolgan at sungard.com "I believe I'll have another homebrew." h:(610) 527-8896 / w: (215) 627-3800 Radnor, PA. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 1995 14:03:02 -0400 (EDT) From: Tim Laatsch <LAATSCH at kbs.msu.edu> Subject: Hops/Pale Recipe Hey All, I've been trying to develop some house recipes. Wyeast 1056 has been my yeast of choice for this task, because of its clean nature. In an attempt to isolate the malt portion of the recipes, I've been sticking with strictly East Kent Goldings hops for bittering and Cascade or Goldings for aroma/flavor. Now that I feel like I'm getting a handle on the grain, I'm interested in exploring different hops to add a more distinctive personal touch to my recipes. I've been considering moving to high alpha bittering hops and was curious to hear about other brewers' experience with Eroica, Chinook, Cluster, and Centennial. I've also been wanting to inject some liveliness and spicey character in my flavor/aroma hops and was wondering about using Saaz, Centennial, Styrian Goldings, or Willamette for finishing English and American style ales. Any experiences or recomendations would be greatly appreciated. - ------------------------------------------------------------ In return for any kind info, here's my latest effort at American Pale Ale, which also happens to be as close as I've come to cloning Bell's Pale Ale. However, I make no claims as the authenticity of the recipe against Bell's. Lucky 8 Pale Ale Grain: 8.0 lbs DWC Belgian pale malt 1.0 lbs Hugh Baird 50 L crystal malt 0.5 lbs Briess 10L Munich malt 0.5 lbs Briess wheat malt Mash: 1.2 qts/lb (pre-boiled to remove carbonate, 1 tsp gypsum) 90 min at 68 C 10 min at 76 C Lauter: Recirculate until clear 5.0 gallon sparge (pre-boiled, 1 tbsp gypsum) Boil: 90 min total Hops: 2.00 oz. East Kent Goldings pellets, 80 min 1.00 oz. East Kent Goldings pellets, 10 min 1.00 oz. Cascade pellets, steep during chill (28.9 IBU by SUDS) 1 tsp rehydrated IM, 15 min Chill to 17 C Aerate with aquarium pump system Pitch 1056 yeastcake from secondary of previous batch (about 300 mls slurry) 10 day primary ferment Keg: rack to keg (in the English tradition) fine w/ 1/2 packet sanitized gelatin finings dry-hop w/ 1.00 oz. Cascade pellets in nylon force carbonate (NOT in the English tradition) A full pound of British crystal malt adds a distinct malty sweetness. The Munich malt seems to contribute a rich, creamy malt texture. Traditional English Goldings offer a smooth bitterness and Cascades contribute that classic American floral/citrusy aroma. Drink and Enjoy! Tim *=============================================================================* | Timothy P. Laatsch | email: laatsch at kbs.msu.edu | Aspiring | | Graduate Student-Microbiology | biz phone: 616-671-2329 | All-Grain | | Michigan State University/KBS | fax: 616-671-2104 | Homebrewer | | Kalamazoo, MI | obsession: Pale Ale | & Scientist| *=============================================================================* Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 14:04:48 -0400 From: KennyEddy at aol.com Subject: Molasses etc Mark (mtruhe at ucdavis.edu) asked about molasses in beer. I thought I'd pass my thoughts on to all of you. I just kegged a homebrew copy of Old Peculier, in which I used black treacle and demorara sugar. If these sugars are foreign to you, treacle is basically a "high-grade" molasses while demorara sugar is a minimally-refined granular sugar, not quite like brown sugar, but more like "sugar-in-the-raw" (turbinado). I used a pound of demorara and about 4-5 ounces (about 1/4 to 1/3 of a 1-lb can) of treacle. I must pat myself on the back. It tastes pretty authentic!! The point not being to stroke my own ego (OK maybe a little) but to illustrate the effect that this level of such sugars has on the beer. If you are not familiar with Old Peculier, try to get some and have a taste. That molasses-like or brown-sugar-like taste in the background is quite close to the resulting flavor in my version. If it's to your liking, go with the numbers I used. If you substitute regular brown sugar for the demorara, cut back a bit on the treacle -- the molasses in the brown sugar will "overlap" probably too much. The difference between molasses and treacle is probably slight although I understand molasses might be a bit "harsher". I haven't had a chance yet to do a true A/B comparison with the Real Thing, so some recipe tweaking may be necessary, but here's what I used for my brew: Pale Ale malt 1/2 lb roasted barley 1/2 lb black malt Note about malts: If mashing use adequate pale malt for a 1.032 gravity. If using extract use about 4 lb pale extract and steep the grains until water is 170F. 4-5 oz treacle (add late in boil to preserve aroma) 1 lb demorara sugar 2 oz lactose (adds residual sweetness) 1.5 oz Fuggles, 45 minutes No finishing hops Wyeast British liquid Ken Schwartz BurpenFahrten Brewery El Paso, TX Return to table of contents
Date: 09 Oct 95 14:08:22 EDT From: "Todd A. Darroch" <75602.1137 at compuserve.com> Subject: Precision Brewing Systems I have been looking for a company that manufactures an all-grain homebrew gravity feed system. I don't have all the time or effort required to build a system from scratch. Does anyone out there have any experience with the systems manufactured by: Precision Brewing Systems ( wholesale division of East Coast Brewing Supply) of Staten Island, New York. It appears from there catalog that they use quality parts and they have a very high opinion of the company's craftsmanship. However, I would like the opinions of real-life homebrewers and not there marketing department. TIA - private e-mail OK Todd Darroch Birmingham, Alabama Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #1853, 10/10/95