HOMEBREW Digest #1870 Mon 30 October 1995

Digest #1869 Digest #1871

		Rob Gardner, Digest Janitor

  Wheat Beer Yeast Question (dludwig)
  Heavy CO2 in fershly bottled (Todd W. Roat)
  RE: Washed yeast, Bleach, Ring-around-the-collar (MClarke950)
  Webless Flea Market Solved! ("Pat Babcock")
  Re:   Finnish homebrewers (Tim Fields)
  slant inoculation / filtering ("Keith Royster")
  Thanks (uszvnr96)
  re: Using a Blowoff hose...good idea? (Eric W. Miller)
  Craft Brewing Beast (CHARLIE SCANDRETT)
  Brewpubs/Brewers in Montreal 11-13 1995 (Robert Schultz)
  Free Sankey tap claimed (Rich Hampo)
  Re: How to use spent grains... (Jay Welther)
  RE:Belgian Pale malt (Jim Busch)
  Racking (Jim Busch)
  Large Caps ("Goodale, Daniel CPT 2AD DISCOM")
  Breiss extract supplier (tim_lawson)
  complex sugars, ("Tracy Aquilla")
  Wyeast 1056 Follow-up and Mash Temp Thread ("MSG Richard Smith")
  Brew on Premises (MAURAPAT)
  American Lager ("William D. Knudson")
  Grain Toasting/Roasting/kilning, temperature (Steve Alexander)
  RE Iodophor rinsing (Tim Fields)
  Re: Fischer d'Alsace and french (M. Blind)
  RE: rings (uswlsrap)
  Figuring pressure/temperature to carbonate kegs? (J Dudley Leaphart)
  American Brewers Guild HB courses (Brian J Walter (Brewing Chemist))
  Re: Wyeast 1056 (C.D. Pritchard)
  Chlorine Bleach (WALZENBREW)
  Mushroom Corks (WALZENBREW)
  Labels and Bulging Cans (WALZENBREW)
  Sparge Water Heater; N.A. Beer (KennyEddy)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! October 3 thru October 13: The digest !!! will be unmanned! Please be patient if !!! you make any requests during this time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****************************************************************** * POLICY NOTE: Due to the incredible volume of bouncing mail, * I am going to have to start removing addresses from the list * that cause ongoing problems. In particular, if your mailbox * is full or your account over quota, and this results in bounced * mail, your address will be removed from the list after a few days. * * If you use a 'vacation' program, please be sure that it only * sends a automated reply to homebrew-request *once*. If I get * more than one, then I'll delete your address from the list. ****************************************************************** ################################################################# # # YET ANOTHER NEW FEDERAL REGULATION: if you are UNSUBSCRIBING from the # digest, please make sure you send your request to the same service # provider that you sent your subscription request!!! I am now receiving # many unsubscribe requests that do not match any address on my mailing # list, and effective immediately I will be silently deleting such # requests. # ################################################################# NOTE NEW HOMEBREW ADDRESS hpfcmgw! Send articles for __publication_only__ to homebrew at hpfcmgw.fc.hp.com (Articles are published in the order they are received.) Send UNSUBSCRIBE and all other requests, ie, address change, etc., to homebrew-request@ hpfcmgw.fc.hp.com, BUT PLEASE NOTE that if you subscribed via the BITNET listserver (BEER-L at UA1VM.UA.EDU), then you MUST unsubscribe the same way! If your account is being deleted, please be courteous and unsubscribe first. Please don't send me requests for back issues - you will be silently ignored. For "Cat's Meow" information, send mail to lutzen at alpha.rollanet.org ARCHIVES: An archive of previous issues of this digest, as well as other beer related information can be accessed via anonymous ftp at ftp.stanford.edu. Use ftp to log in as anonymous and give your full e-mail address as the password, look under the directory /pub/clubs/homebrew/beer directory. AFS users can find it under /afs/ir.stanford.edu/ftp/pub/clubs/homebrew/beer. If you do not have ftp capability you may access the files via e-mail using the ftpmail service at gatekeeper.dec.com. For information about this service, send an e-mail message to ftpmail at gatekeeper.dec.com with the word "help" (without the quotes) in the body of the message.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 21:17:03 -0400 From: dludwig at ameritel.net Subject: Wheat Beer Yeast Question Well its my first attempt at an all grain wheat beer this weekend! My wife and I just spent 1.5 weeks in southern germany and I have become quite a weisenbier fanatic. Problem is I purchased my ingredients before doing proper research into the yeast and bought wyeast 3056. The yeast faq seems to favor wyeast 3068 over 3056. Is my beer ruined? I would appreciate any advice from those with 3056 experience. TIA >From The Land of Pleasant Living, Southern MD Dave Ludwig _______________________________________________ Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 21:11:44 -0400 From: troat at one.net (Todd W. Roat) Subject: Heavy CO2 in fershly bottled First time I have ever experineced this and wondering what to expect if anything: Transfered from secondary to bottling bucket to bottle. While bottling, each bottle evidenced a GREAT deal of CO2 bubbles and subsequent foam during bottling. Fairly certain I maintained the usual "quiet" tranfer ensuring little aeration/agitation. Each bottle had a head like it was already well carbonated...looked ready to drink right then and there by golly; so glad I restrained (forceably) myself. Just curious. Todd in Cincinnati (As always: "Too much of everything is just enough!") Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 21:44:41 -0400 From: MClarke950 at aol.com Subject: RE: Washed yeast, Bleach, Ring-around-the-collar Hi all, Tim Fields and Richard Scotty were reporting about using washed yeast: I was wondering how long you kept the yeast. The reason I ask is that I have washed some yeast about a month ago and I haven't had time to use it. I have heard estimates of 1 week - 1 month for refridgerated, washed yeast slurry. I have a couple of questions: 1) Whats the longest slurry can be kept and reused, without adverse effects? 2) What happens to the yeast, that causes it to change? It should be dormant at this point right? and its under sterile water, so there's no beer for bacteria to work on, right? Tim>>Resulting fermentation had a short lag time and is VERY Tim>>active, in fact the most active 1056 ferment I've had. Tim>>I do have one question/observation: this was an all-grain Tim>>batch (my first). Compared to extract or partial mash (and asside Tim>>from the effects of pitching more yeast), could this higher Tim>>fermentation activity be in prt the result of higher FAN levels? Tim>>If so, this is IMHO a very good argument for using yeast nutrient Tim>>(which I never used). My guess would be that the higher pitching rate produced the greater kraeusen. A lower FAN level would play more of an influence in producing a higher final gravity. This is just a guess though. RE: BLEACH Gene>>The man at this store mentioned that you should never use Gene>> bleach as a cleanser at all becasue it adheres too much to Gene>>glass and plastic. I use a diluted solution, like it says in the Gene>>Complete Homebrew Guide Gene>>Any comments for this young brewmeister? Unscented Bleach is fine. Its probably the most widely sanitizer in homebrewing today for 3 reasons: 1) It works 2) It's readily available 3) It's cheap. RE: Bottle neck rings? >epeters at rtp.semi.harris.com (Eric Peters 919- 405-3675) Writes: >>Don't be frightened by white spots or bottle neck rings. My brother >>and I saw these on about half of the bottles from our first ~100 >>gallons (all were all-grain using Wyeast). None of the bottles were >> bad. >I find this statement to be highly suspect. Every time I've tasted beer >from a bottle that had a ring around the neck, it was infected. Review >your bottle sanitation procedures. I've ruined my share of batches >by not getting the bottles clean enough. >Cheers, Don I believe Don might be right because of the white spots, but bottle neck rings sometimes occur when priming with DME instead of corn sugar. YMMV. Cheers, =Mike Clarke in Seattle, WA. USA (MClarke950 at aol.com) Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 22:36:11 +0500 From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at oeonline.com> Subject: Webless Flea Market Solved! Me again. Thanks to Keith Royster and Dave Draper (Do we Pegasus users need to develop a secret handshake?!?) I discovered that a funnel shaped icon was not the electronic equivalent of a beer bong, but actually served some useful purpose! Votes notwithstanding (Ayes still have it), the Flea Market echo is hereby and officially terminated! Instead, send a note to pbabcock at oeonline.com whose subject line is "send list" in lower case, without the quotes, and next time I check my mail, you'll automagically receive the listing of the current HomeBrew Flea Market content! There, now Chuck? Happy? :-) Dave? Keith? THANKS! See ya! Pat Babcock | "Beer is my obsession, and I'm late for President, Brew-Master | therapy..." -PGB and Chief Taste-Tester | "Let a good beer be the exclamation point Drinkur Purdee pico Brewery | at the end of your day as every sentence pbabcock at oeonline.com | requires proper punctuation." -PGB SYSOP on The HomeBrew University - Motor City Campus BBS (313)397-9758 Visit the Homebrew Flea Market via http://oeonline.com/~pbabcock Return to table of contents
Date: 27 Oct 95 06:44:56 EDT From: Tim Fields <74247.551 at compuserve.com> Subject: Re: Finnish homebrewers In #1867, Andy Kligerman (HOMEBRE973 at aol.com) writes about Finnish homebrewers: >I have a friend who is a novice brewer and is spending a year in Helsinki. >His name is Michael McMillian, and he is having problems getting relatively >low cost brewing supplies. Can any of the Finnish area homebrewers help him. > His e-mail address is: mcmillia at penger.helsinki.fi In case he is not already aware of it, there is a WWW beer page that he might find some info on: http://karikukko.pc.helsinki.fi/beerinfo.html "Reeb!" Tim Fields ... Fairfax, VA timf at relay.com (non-brewing time) timfields at aol.com (weekends) 74247.551 at compuserve.com (weekends) Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 08:47:16 +0500 ET From: "Keith Royster" <N1EA471 at mro.ehnr.state.nc.us> Subject: slant inoculation / filtering In #1866 Dion asks about the advantages/disadvantages of smearing VS embedding the loop into the agar when inoculating a plate with yeast. Then, in #1868 Tracy responds: > These are actually two different methods, one is a slant, the other is > a stab. Stabs tend to remain viable longer but it's easier to get more > inoculum from a slant. I think slants are more appropriate for yeast > cultures. Disclaimer: I have never cultured my own yeast and I was previously unaware of the stab method. However, based on my limited experience in a college laboratory class and also on explanations from other brewers, here is what I understand to be the reasoning behind the slant method. When you first inoculate the loop, there are a large number of yeast cells on the end of the loop. The loop is then drawn back and forth on the surface of the agar plate starting at the outer edge and moving toward the center, as if you are shading in a piece of a pie. As you do this the largest number of yeasts will be deposited at the outer edge and less will be deposited toward the center. The loop is then scraped across this "shaded area" near the center of the plate so as to pickup some more yeast cells on the loop, but less than was picked up the first time. The agar plate is then rotated and another pie wedge area is shaded in. This process is done 3 or 4 times until the whole plate has been inoculated. The theory behind the method, as I understand it, is that the last few strokes will have so few yeast cells on the loop, that individual cells will be deposited, separated from other cells. These individual cells will then grow pure colonies. The brewer can then look at his plate after the colonies have developed and pick out the perfectly circular colonies knowing that they came from individual cells. This helps to eliminate the posibility of growing a contaminated yeast colony. Supposedly colonies of "bad" organism would be easy to discern based on appearance and can therefore be avoided. ##################################################################### And now for my question: Has anyone ever built a simple/inexpensive beer filter and would they be willing to share the design? I currently have a keg of beer that I want to put in bottles with a CP filler, but there is a considerable amount of sediment from polyclar and gelatin (I forgot to use IM in the boil and had quite a bit of haze I was trying to settle out). Everytime I draw a pot, I can see these clearish particles floating in the glass. Not good! as I was hoping to bottle this beer and give as holiday gifts. My idea is to force the beer from one keg to another with a filter mechanism in line. Any ideas? Oh ya, this beer is already carbonated. Would this cause a problem during the filtered transfer? Keith Royster - KRoyster at mro.ehnr.state.nc.us NC-DEHNR - Div. of Environmental Mgmt. Mooresville, NC, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 09:07:00 EDT From: uszvnr96 at ibmmail.com Subject: Thanks Just wanted to write and thank everyone for their responses to my post regarding a holiday beer. By the way, the ghost writer at this address is: Bill Bigge "We decided to let Bernie go as North Canton Highlands Nanobrewery a result of his diminished skills North Canton, OH on the field"-inexact quote of uszvnr96 at ibmmail.com Bill Belichek when the Browns released Kosar Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 09:24:22 -0400 From: ac051 at osfn.rhilinet.gov (Eric W. Miller) Subject: re: Using a Blowoff hose...good idea? Gene Rafter <grafter at creighton.edu> asks about >the blowoff method described in The Complete Homebrew Guide found any benefit from this besides reducing the risk of contamination? I can't think of any way blowoff would *reduce* the risk of contamination. If anything, contamination risk will *increase* because reused blowoff hoses are hard to clean and can harbor bacteria. >when I transfered to a secondary carboy I noticed how much I lost. Another reason I prefer non-blowoff. Really, it's a matter of personal preference. I've read that some of the harshly bitter hop components oxidize into brown gunk in the kraeusen and that it should be skimmed, but I haven't found any correlation between amount of brown gunk and harshness in my homebrew. Here's what I usually do: I brew six gallon batches split between two five gallon carboys for primary fermentation. I aerate with a venturi "crimped tube with holes" aeration wand followed by shaking. I get DO levels of 8-12 ppm (just kidding, never measured, don't know how). I siphon from the two fives into either a six or two threes depending on whether I'm trying a "split batch" experiment. The biggest problems I see with my method are that it requires an extra carboy (not a problem for me, I have 2 5's, 2 6's, and 2 3's) and that it requires a bit more work (sanitizing carboy number two on brew day and cleaning it on racking day). Eric Miller Newport, RI Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 95 23:30:48 +1000 From: CHARLIE SCANDRETT <merino at ozemail.com.au> Subject: Craft Brewing Beast I entered the style thread because, in an effort to learn more about excellent beers, I was reading hundreds of reviews. I felt these placed too much emphasis on conformity. Since then I have received a private post >Re: styles, I've never read anything from you other than complaints about >the way things are now, and that without having even participated in the >process as a competitor or a judge. If I missed your exposition of how >things should be changed to make competitions better, I apologize. I just >get tired of people complaining without making contributions. I had hoped people saw something positive and constructive in what I said. I am an outsider to organized homebrew, very interested in microbrewing. I will answer as an outsider. Commercial and hobby craft brewing seem different limbs of a strange animal indeed. It's a beast really, and the heart of the beast bleeds daily on the HBD! The hobbyist has no imperatives except enjoyment and goals set by competitions. What happens at competitions of homebrewers shouldn't matter much to the health of the Craft Brewing Beast. However as Ken Schroeder points out, homebrewing has enormous influence over the commercial side of the CBB. > Most pro brewers in this area (SF Bay Area) that I know (and that is quite a few) >all started in homebrewing. When working on a new beer, they go back to their >roots and brew in home systems. When these pilot batches are perfected, they >are brough into the brewery in tweaked to accomodate the larger brewing >volumes and equipment differences. So, new beers, therefore new styles, are >truely created in the homebrew environmment In no other industry I know does the amatuer side so influence the professional. Well defined styles are essential for homebrew competitions and very useful to micros as references for marketing, and educating their market to better appreciate their product. The degree of emphasis is another thing. The hobbyist tends toward narrow styles and classic styles as that gives an air of objectivity and precision to proceedings. The commercial craft brewer has many judges who award points through product loyalty, they vote with their glasses. His/her ultimate gold medal is a collective subjective judgement. That "can't keep my lips of the glass" feeling becomes the only style that matters. ( I have just read that Ken calls this "character"or "making a statement", Al calls it "wonderfulness". Hey, we're getting a consensus on technical terms here!) The health and future of the commercial part of the beast was my main concern. I am going to put my money where my mouth is and become a micro soon. If, influenced by the homebrew arm, micro brewers and reviewers continually put conformance to style on a pedastel, I beleive this will hinder the maturing of the industry that looks to homebrewing as its roots. Homebrewing already has the evaluation tools and judges, it is a question of emphasis. E.G. 1/ The Aussie wine industry now makes a better chardonnay than the French ever did. Why? Not because our French winemakers are more talented than theirs. It is partly because when their representatives came to Australia and said "you can't make champagne, moselle, bordeaux, burgundy, they are *our* classic regional styles", we stopped copying the classics. We stopped using second grade crush for chardonnays (the best French grape becomes champagne), we changed the growing and fermenting techniques in ways that would be scoffed at in Reims. However the result was excellent and the French public are buying it faster than we can ferment it. Now Australian winemakers are working in France under contract, redefining the style and technique. The classic styles were the dead hand of history on progress. Winemaking all over the world has discovered new standards and has quite rightly forgotten some styles.(Imagine American craft brewers teaching the Germans, Belgians or English new techniques!) 2/ I can drink 2 litres of a very good beer and enjoy myself. Another occasion, 1 bottle of a different very good beer will make me violently ill the next day. I would love to scientifically define the hidden quality that my body is a litmus test for? Quality has other dimensions we now ignore. 3/ The Australian Ad Agencies organization loved to promote their annual awards for what they thought were great advertisments. Much fanfare and glory. One heretic, John Singleton, pointed out that in the last 3 years, of the 21 *top* TV and print ads, 16 agencies had lost that client! (way over normal agency rotation) The ads were not working in the real world! The awards were a false standard of excellence for the real world of selling things. I would love to see the craft brewing industry challenge wine in the fine drinking market. To do that requires an emphasis on Quality Assurance, development and marketing. All craft breweries are quite rightly flogging the personality aspect of their business to the max, it is one of their sustainable competitive advantages in marketing against industrial beer. Their QA techniques seem to be getting better, forced on them by an unstable process. But if we emphasis copying styles and give them great prominence in evaluating micros, then I beleive the CBB will not evolve as rapidly as it should. It will be in danger of becoming a sort of stuffed animal in a beer museum. The industry is on a high in the USA at present, it has barely started here. When the competition hots up, the CBB will experience a little brewing Darwinism. What styles will emerge? Charlie (Brisbane, Australia) PS I have been heartened by this thread, it appears the AHA attitude is not universal, some people have given this subject serious thought. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 07:39:39 -0600 (CST) From: Robert Schultz <Robert.Schultz at usask.ca> Subject: Brewpubs/Brewers in Montreal 11-13 1995 There will be a Canadian Institutional Researchers and Planners Association confernece held in Montreal 11-13 November 1995. I was wondering if there are any brewers on this list that would want to get together or could recommend some brewpubs..... The Conference will be held at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Quebec. Rob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ URL: http://www.wbm.ca/wilderness email: wilderness at eagle.wbm.ca ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 10:22:29 -0400 From: rhampo at ford.com (Rich Hampo) Subject: Free Sankey tap claimed Howdy All, The Sankey tap has been claimed. Congrats to Tom Sieja, another FORD (Fraternal Order of Renaissance Draughtsman) brewer. I hope to sample his beer next week. Best Regards, Richard Hampo H&H Brewing Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 09:29:30 -0500 From: Jay Welther <helpsw at intersurf.com> Subject: Re: How to use spent grains... > I was wondering if any of you use your spent grains after you brew for > anything. Maybe I am just conservative but there must be something I > can do with these grains after mashing. Any ideas? I tried making cereal once. I spread enough of the grains out on a cookie sheet to thinly cover the bottom. I sprinkled brown sugar over the top and baked in the oven until dry, stirring occasionally. I sampled a pinch or two that evening and decided that it was good enough to save for our family breakfast next morning. The family didn't agree. No one even wanted to try it and I determined that the beers I drank while brewing must have affected my judgement the night before. Not one to waste anything, I pressed on. After pouring in the milk and taking a big spoonful into my mouth, I realized that those people who make the health food cereal must use more than husks and hulls. Although the cereal was tasty (like brown sugar mostly), it took quite a while to get what was in my mouth to a consistency where I felt comfortable swallowing. My next spoonful was somewhat smaller and the following spoonful was my last. I haven't given up on the cereal idea and am planning to try again soon, although a little differently. One positive aspect of this cereal is that you won't need to brush you teeth in the morning after eating this. You will, however, spent the next half hour flossing. Better stock up on toothpicks. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Jay Welther - HELP Software Systems - helpsw at intersurf.com Can someone please tell me who's in charge of passing out the signature files? - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 11:07:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Jim Busch <busch at eosdev2.gsfc.nasa.gov> Subject: RE:Belgian Pale malt Jim asks: <My questions is, "What do the Belgians use pale malt for?" For wonderful versions of English pale ales. Belgian brewers make some of the best Scotch ales, Christmas ales and other UK styles. Jim Busch Colesville, Md busch at mews.gsfc.nasa.gov "DE HOPPEDUIVEL DRINKT MET ZWIER 'T GEZONDE BLONDE HOPPEBIER!" Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 11:09:20 -0400 (EDT) From: Jim Busch <busch at eosdev2.gsfc.nasa.gov> Subject: Racking Scott asks: <Sluggish fermentation due to 158 deg mash or premature racking? The problem is that you racked and left behind in the first vessal the bulk of the pitched yeast. This is one of the main reasons I never suggest to brewers that they rack off the cold trub. Jim Busch busch at mews.gsfc.nasa.gov Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 95 09:41:00 PDT From: "Goodale, Daniel CPT 2AD DISCOM" <GoodaleD at hood-03.army.mil> Subject: Large Caps .................and I promise not to use large caps............. Speaking of large caps, I like to bottle in champagne bottles. With a snazy label, it makes a great gift (with Christmas right around the corner). Consiquently I buy inexpensive champagne for the bottle. I'm always sure to check if it has the characteristic lip that indicated a bottle that can be sealed with a crown cap. I came across a sale on a champagne that came in a heavy green bottle that looked built to hold 100psi. When I came around to bottling, the caps i used were too small for the bottle (so much for industry standards). The question for the collective is; do crown caps come in larger sizes and if so where do i get some??? E-mail is fine. Tanks. Daniel W. Goodale goodaled at hood-03.army.mil Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 95 10:55:33 EST From: tim_lawson at mail.msj.edu Subject: Breiss extract supplier I'm looking for a good supplier of Briess/NW extracts. I've been using the Brewplace but have not received good service. I'm aware that James Page also distributes Briess products, but they are more expensive than the Brewplace. Can anyone recommend a supplier that sells Briess at really good prices (the Brewplace sold 6# bags of extract for about $10)? Please reply privately. Thanks! Tim Lawson Cincinnati, Ohio tim_lawson at mail.msj.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 95 11:28:47 EDT From: "Tracy Aquilla" <aquilla at salus.med.uvm.edu> Subject: complex sugars, In digest #1868: From: Jim Busch <busch at eosdev2.gsfc.nasa.gov> Subject: Wort O2/sugars Jim says: >The unfermentable complex sugars are: pentoses; xylose, arabinose and >ribose...trisaccharides panose and isopanose (up to 40% can be fermented by >some yeasts). The disaccharide melibose is only fermented by lager yeasts. Are these really "complex" sugars? I believe all the sugars listed above are actually simple unfermentable sugars. Perhaps the trisaccharides can be considered complex, although that would be pushing the definition a bit, but mono and disaccharides are certainly not complex sugars; complex implies that they're polymers (or at least oligomers). Part of the problem may be the fact that the term sugar is often used rather loosely to describe any and all carbohydrates, including starches. Tracy in Vermont aquilla at salus.med.uvm.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 95 11:46:34 EST From: "MSG Richard Smith" <QR1661 at trotter.USMA.EDU> Subject: Wyeast 1056 Follow-up and Mash Temp Thread This is a follow-up to my original posting in HB1859 re a problem with Wyeast 1056. I received the following private responses with results as follows: 2 stated no problems with 1056 although one noted a an odd looking yeast cake after racking off the primary and sub- sequent problems with repitching. 1 stated that the starter smelled funny, but pitched anyway. 8 stated problems with either the starter or the batch and discarded same. In addition I have noted several public responses on the HBD since with varying but more-negative-than-not results. I have been away, and so have yet to contact Wyeast for any information. Take these results for what they are worth. For me, I won't use 1056 for awhile. Thanks to all who have responded. ##### On another note, I have been trying to follow the 40/60/70 mash temp thread, but confess to being a bit lost. Why 40C (104F)? In my Papazian/Miller library I find the recommended temperature for the protein rest 122-135 or somewhere in between. Personnally, I have been using a rest at 131 F to increas head retention and cut down on chill haze. What's the benefit of 104F? Also, what about the 60C (140F) rest? That's supposed to be the high end of the protein rest and the optimal temp for beta-amylase activity. Are these the two aims of this rest? Also, since there are many types of malt available, I would like to see discussions of mash temps include a blurb about what types of malt a particular mash-schedule is suited for. Just a few thoughts. -Jack in West Point >>>>> Richard J. Smith qr1661 at trotter.usma.edu 72154.516 at compuserve.com ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 11:58:31 -0400 From: MAURAPAT at aol.com Subject: Brew on Premises A group of us who are opening a new homebrew supply shop have decided to expand to include a brew on premises facility as well. We've gotten information from all of the usual suspects like Custom Brew and The Brew Store who put these systems together. Unfortunately, they are pretty expensive. We spoke to the guys at The Modern Brewer in Boston who told us that they had bought their system used from a place in Ontario that had gone out of business. Which brings me to the point of my posting. Does anyone know of a facility going out of business? Or if not, could everyone keep their ear to the ground for anyplace that may be going out of business? I know this sounds like a bit of ambulance chasing but money is tight. I know there are quite a few going under in Ontario due to a new tax that has been imposed. TIA Beer is our bond Patrick Higgins and Maura Kilgore Return to table of contents
Date: 27 Oct 95 12:00:27 EDT From: "William D. Knudson" <71764.203 at compuserve.com> Subject: American Lager In HBD 1864 Ken Schroeder responds to Rich Scotty about AOB, AB, Miller, Budswilloors, $$$ etc. I'm sorry but I take exception to this kind of big three bashing. The big three still provide more beer to more people than 'Craft brewers'. So how can AOB ignore their niche? I ask the collective: how many of you submitted American Lager to the competition only to have it mysteriously disappear? You want cynicism? I live in Boulder Colorado and although I haven't been to all the GABF's, I gone to most of them. Back in the 80's we remember when Sam Adams had the ladies in black danskins handing out hats, pins and shirts within the confines of the GABF. The theme: vote for Sam Adams! The next year a friend of mine got free tickets to GABF. I asked where he got the tickets: "I dunno, alls I know is that my friend who scored them said we had to vote for Sam Adams." That year the GABF banned the distribution of 'premiums' (those freebies). It didn't matter, the shrewdness of Jim Koch had the distribution points moved to the parking lot and they hit people as they went into the hall. SA won again. Good beer, but come on. Ken says "...Give'm medals to adorn corporate headquarters", different tactic - same result, no? I get the feeling sometimes that we beersnobs (I admit it) think that the world would be a better place if the big three disappeared today, or that we'd sooner be dead than drink that swill. What do you do when you're in BF Egypt and all that they sell is that stuff? And its all relative, I remember 15 years ago I was on a train in California. I met a couple of British guys in the bar car. They were drinking Budweiser (not much choice). I asked them what they thought of American beer. "Its like water" "Yeah", I said, "in some circles it's universally disliked, imports preferred. What beer is widely disliked in Britain?" "Watneys", they replied, "It's plastic beer, nothing but chemicals, total rubbish!" Look at what's happening in Germany. Hell, there's only one operating brewery left in Kulmbach they've all been bought out by the German biggies. What's this world coming to? The big three have a hard time satisfying everybody all the time. That's OK, if they did, many of us might not spent as many late nights removing trub, wort chilling, worrying etc. Who of us wouldn't give our left gonad to have the quality and consitency of the biggies? They're here to stay, and I don't understand why their presence irritates so many. Tschuss! Bill Ich kann besser Deutsch, wenn ich etwas Bier getrunken habe! Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 12:17:42 -0400 From: Steve Alexander <stevea at clv.mcd.mot.com> Subject: Grain Toasting/Roasting/kilning, temperature Rich Scotty writes: >Eric Miller speaks about his experiences with grain toasting and the >bitterness that it imparted to his beer. In preparation for brewing a nut >brown ale last weekend, I tried toasting 1 pound of Hugh Baird 2 row pale in >a 375 degree oven for 40 minutes. The first result of this experiment was a >rather unpleasant aroma that caused significant friction with the spousal >unit. She walked around making faces and commenting on the noxious smell - >she was right too. [...] >separating the husks and tasting the grist to see if the nasty bitterness has >anything to do with tannins in the husks. My question for the digest: Is >there a specific type of malt that does well in the toasting process? I >really liked the nutty character of this experiment, but need to lose this >powerful bitterness. ... I think the attempt to roast or kiln malts at any temperature approaching 375F is misguided. 'Malting and Brewing Science' by Briggs et al., is a bit vague about some aspects of the process, but does state that after drying the grain ... "In 'traditional' malting the temperatures attained in curing will be about 80-105C(176-221F) for pale malts or 95-105C(176-221F) for dark malts." [vol I, pp 176]. Times aren't stated but from the detailed description of old style kiln units I would expect it to take many hours. In Dave Miller's 'CHoHB' chapter 30, he creates Vienna and Munich style malts by kilning pale grain in an oven at 212F - 225F (100-107C) for three hours. Obviously if you want something around 100L it will take longer. I tried Miller's method years ago w/o any off odors. I suspect Rich is correct about the husk being a major source of the problem. It's probably not from the starches based on experience baking bread (mostly wheat starch) at similar temperatures and time. The bread crust reaches oven temperature and certainly doesn't exhibit any foul odors. Stevea Return to table of contents
Date: 27 Oct 95 13:02:31 EDT From: Tim Fields <74247.551 at compuserve.com> Subject: RE Iodophor rinsing Hello All, We've had several iodophor-related postings of late, some of which talk about rinsing vs not rinsing. Some say rinse, some say they don't. Seems to me that the bottle I have indicates that you can *drip dry* (or words to that effect) without rinsing. Big difference between using a WET non-rinsed item and a DRY non-rinsed item. I always rinse because I never have the time to let it dry and I'm concerned about 1) iodophor flavored beer, and 2) sanitizing (aka killing) my yeast with any wet iodophor residue. I could save a good bit of bottle sanitizing time if I eliminated the rinse step and just took them directly from the iodophor soak to the dishwasher (for heat cycle to dry them). Would doing this risk iodophor-flavored beer or sanitized yeast-in-the-bottle? "Reeb!" Tim Fields ... Fairfax, VA timf at relay.com (non-brewing time) timfields at aol.com (weekends) 74247.551 at compuserve.com (weekends) Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 15:05:53 -0400 (EDT) From: gtd862a at prism.gatech.edu (M. Blind) Subject: Re: Fischer d'Alsace and french In regards to recipe formulation for a Fischer clone, well, I hope this information will get you off on the right foot. Alsace-Lorraine borders on the southern portion of Germany, and in many ways the style of beer brewed there is similar to a German Alt. The main difference I can find is that Fischer seems to be somewhat higher in alcohol content, and is hopped at a lower rate. I tried brewing a clone of this myself for about six months or so; I personally found it very difficult to get the hop flavor of the original, and my beer had a lower attenuation and more malty character due to the yeast (or methods) that I used. I eventually came up with a very nice mild brown, which tasted nothing like the Fischer, but which suited my personal pallette so well that I kept on brewing it. YMMV, of course, so don't assume the style is hard to duplicate. The beers of this region have a lot to recommend them, so I wish you every luck in your endeavor to duplicate them. Matthew Blind Dorm-brewer, purveyor of "Hide-it-from-the-Freshmen" Ale Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia - -- M. Blind | "What's going on, Mr. Peterson?" gtd862a at prism.gatech.edu | "A flashing sign in my gut that says, http://acmex.gatech.edu:8001/~gtd862a | * Insert beer here * " Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 15:42:25 EDT From: uswlsrap at ibmmail.com Subject: RE: rings >epeters at rtp.semi.harris.com (Eric Peters 919- 405-3675) writes: >>Don't be frightened by white spots or bottle neck rings. My brother >>and >>I saw these on about half of the bottles from our first ~100 gallons >>(all >>were all-grain using Wyeast). None of the bottles were bad. and DHatlestad at aol.com responds: >I find this statement to be highly suspect. Every time I've tasted beer >from a bottle that had a ring around the neck, it was infected. Review >your bottle sanitation procedures. I've ruined my share of batches >by not getting the bottles clean enough. A ring around the neck _often_ signals an infection, but you (and beer judges) should not make an automatic assumption about such things. Priming with DME is said to cause a ring, stray hop particles in a dry hopped beer can float to the top of the liquid and cause a ring, fruit or spiced beers may also have bits of things that can float and adhere to the neck, et cetera. Not aesthetically pleasing, perhaps, but not a guaranteed infection either. If you found that none of the bottles was bad, then you ought to know.... There's no reason to find it suspect; lots of things can make rings. (It is, of course, always good to make sure you're being sanitary anyway) Now go have a beer, Bob Paolino uswlsrap at ibmmail.com Madison Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 13:55:54 -1000 From: jdud at mcn.net (J Dudley Leaphart) Subject: Figuring pressure/temperature to carbonate kegs? I have been using Byron Burch's chart for figuring what pressure & temperature to use to carbonate kegs to a desired level. What I would like to know; is there is a formula to use to figure out levels that aren't on the chart? Say I want to carbonate a weizen in the high 3's and my chart only goes to 3.02, how can I figure it? Thanks J Dudley Leaphart oOo Billings, MT oOo dud at mcn.net Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 13:38:46 -0600 (MDT) From: walter at lamar.ColoState.EDU (Brian J Walter (Brewing Chemist)) Subject: American Brewers Guild HB courses Howdy, Has anyone attended the American Brewers Guild "Advanced Homebrewers Weekend Series" course? It is a two day course. I am looking for some opinions of this course and of the Am Brewers Guild. Thanks, - --bjw Brian J Walter Chemistry Graduate Student walter at lamar.colostate.edu RUSH Rocks Best Homebrewer & BJCP Certified Beer Judge Go Pack! Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 95 16:35 EDT From: cdp at chattanooga.net (C.D. Pritchard) Subject: Re: Wyeast 1056 >I recently had a batch go bad during primary fermentation. I was using Wyeast >1056, no starter, just pitched the swollen pack into the cooled wort. >Fermentation caught on after 24 hours and went for a week. After fermentation >ended I racked to the secondary; I was confounded by the nasty, green apple >smell during the racking... >Has anyone else had this problem with the September crop of Wyeast 1056? I've a batch made with 1056 with a 9-27-95 date in the secondary now. No problems at all. I always taste and smell the starter and hydrometer samples and they were all fine. The package was about to bust in <24 hours! Was started in 8 oz. of 1.030 wort and stepped up to 2 qts. The starter was 3 or 4 days past high krausen when pitched. Starter and primary ferment was done at 70-75 degF. C.D. Pritchard cdp at chattanooga.net Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 16:11:59 -0400 From: WALZENBREW at aol.com Subject: Chlorine Bleach On the subject of bleach: It's still the BEST and MOST ECONOMICAL sanitizer for general purpose use in the home brewery. The advantages of bleach over the other sanitizers out there for sanitizing non-metallic items pretty much outweigh the disadvantages. Bleach is cheap, available anywhere, and does the job extremely well. Bleach also rinses off most equipment with warm water; this only becomes a disadvantage if the bacteriological content of your water is suspect (with Iodaphors you can air-dry without rinsing, but Iodaphor is about six times as expensive as bleach). Bleach is also an excellent cleaner and dissolves organic matter, which most other sanitizers don't do. Disadvantages of bleach are mostly related to it's corrosive tendencies, especially with respect to chrome-plated metal (like on pin-lock hose disconnects) and copper (NEVER use bleach to sanitize copper items). It also can discolor hoses (makes them milky colored) if left in contact for long periods. I use bleach throughout my brewery, and only use Iodaphor for sanitizing my copper wort chiller. Even when cleaning/sanitizing my stainless kegs, I use bleach (hot water + bleach+ TSP for cleaning; 3/4 cup bleach in 5 gallons warm water for sanitizing) because I don't leave it in contact for more than an hour. In other words, for sanitizing carboys, hoses, bottles, and other non-metallic items, bleach is hard to beat. I've found the 3/4 cup of bleach (5.25% hypochlorite strength) to five gallons works best, even though this is overkill - with this concentration you can let the bucket of solution sit all day without worrying about it losing strength. If you use too much bleach it won't work as well - "too much" is when it feels slippery between your fingers - you need to add more water. Cheers, Greg Walz WALZENBREW at aol.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 16:12:06 -0400 From: WALZENBREW at aol.com Subject: Mushroom Corks Is there anything on the market that enables you to insert corks 1/2 way into champagne or used lambic bottles? Tried doing this by hand with corks soaked in boiling water and about 1/2 of them ripped apart in the process - a royal pain. Want to put up a Flanders Brown in wine/Belgian bottles with corks, but it's proving to be a lot of trouble - and I hate the thought of using those plastic mushroom corks! Thanks, Greg Walz WALZENBREW at aol.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 16:12:11 -0400 From: WALZENBREW at aol.com Subject: Labels and Bulging Cans B-Brite sanitizer is by far the best method of getting rid of ALL labels, including the metallic ones. It dissolves the metal in the label, thereby allowing the glue to be dissolved. Of course, it destroys the label in the process, so don't use it on any you want to save. It's important if you use B-Brite on metal labels to NEVER allow the B-brite and metal-particle solution get INSIDE the bottle - otherwise the metal particles will coat the inside of the bottle, rendering it useless. My process is to fill a 5-gallon bucket 1/3 full with hot water, add about three heaping tablespoons of B-Brite, and dissolve. I'll fill the clean bottles with hot water and stand them up in the bucket, which raises the level. When all are added I'll top up the bucket water until it's just above the neck label, but well below the top of the bottle. The labels will start to come off in about 10-15 minutes. Use a dishwashing sponge (abrasive side) when rinsing the bottle to remove the last of the crud. And don't throw the used solution down the drain (unless you want to keep your plumber busy)! On bulging extract cans: I've had this happen occasionally and it's not Botulism. It means the extract is getting old and some delayed reactions are taking place in the can. You can still brew with it, but you'll get that classic "extract" twang in the flavor, the taste that judges invariably mark down (way down) as a flaw. So if you don't mind that awful "extract" taste, it'll still make drinkable beer. Just make sure the can hasn't been punctured; don't use a dented can that bulges. Best advice is to throw it away and brew with fresh ingredients - or use it to make yeast starters. Prosit! Greg Walz WALZENBREW at aol.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 16:14:22 -0400 From: KennyEddy at aol.com Subject: Sparge Water Heater; N.A. Beer ****In-Line Sparge Water Heating: The suggestion of using a hetart to heat sparge water in-line is intriguing. I might suggest something along the lines of a water-heater immersion element in a copper pipe or a hot-water-compatible plastic pipe (ensuring the element doesn't touch the sides!). Some sort of temeprature control would be necessary; a thermostat or simple manual operation. Size the pipe to get the temperature rise and volume desired. A truly in-line or "real-time" system would probably require a small-diameter pipe to heat the cool inlet water quickly. Again, temperature control seems tricky, especially since the element will have significant thermal mass compared with the (small amount of) water. ****Non-Alcoholic Beer: I read an interesting apporach concerning Non-Alcoholic beer production, I believe off a link from The Brewery's (http://alpha.rollanet.org) technical article category. It suggests heating the beer to only about 100F, and using a vacuum pump to extract the alcohol, since its vapor pressure is so much lower than water's. What about hop volatiles? The article suggests some reduction in hop character but not total, meaning (I assume) that one could simply increase the "hop bill" at brew-time to compensate. The advantage of this apprach is the elimination of the "cooked taste" associated with heat de-alcoholization (is that really a word?). Thought it was a good idea. Ken Schwartz KennyEddy at aol.com Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #1870, 10/30/95