HOMEBREW Digest #5063 Wed 20 September 2006

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  A bit more on yeast and lagering ("Ken Anderson")
  ABV from honey ("Eric Wescott")
  re: beers for women (Rick Magnan)
  beer:women (Joe Katchever)
  NRE in brewing (Calvin Perilloux)
  re: beers for women (Glyn)
  Correction:  Valhalla Mead Only Competition ("David Houseman")
  ASBC Tristim ("A.J deLange")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 05:36:36 -0400 From: "Ken Anderson" <kapna at adelphia.net> Subject: A bit more on yeast and lagering I was hoping someone would reply to my post below. It got nil response, either because it's too wacky (who, me?) or else the answer's not out there. What motivated the question is the advice I hear given to newbies about how to start the lagering process, ie, lower the temperature 2 degrees per day until you've reached lagering temperature, the reasoning being that you don't want to "shock" your yeast with too quick of a temperature change. Guys freak out enough when it comes to jumping into lagers, and if this is one bit of unnecessary advice, let's debunk it, as there are many who crash chill with no ill effects. I wonder if the reason some brewers claim improved results with slow chilling is because the yeast simply are continuing to do their work during that period, thus finishing the beer. If so, perhaps if you let your fermentation run to completion at lager fermenting temperatures (I mean to the end!), then crash-cool, you can get the same good result. So now I drag this dog back up: Are we really sure yeast actually have anything to do with the aging of beer? Is there any proof? If the yeasts' resources are completely exhausted, how can they be active during the lagering phase? Steve? Ken Anderson - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------- Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 13:35:19 -0400 From: "Ken Anderson" <kapna at adelphia.net> Subject: Yeast role or non-role in lagering I have a suspicion that one of the myths associated with home brewing is that the reason a lager's flavor and aroma change over time is due to the small amount of yeast present. Now I'm no expert, but I'm wondering if lagering actually has nothing to do with yeast physiology. Liquids can change over time, that change having zero to do with biology. Wine, I believe is an example, because it changes with aging, and I don't believe yeast are regarded as being responsible for that. The change in coffee over a period of hours would be another example. The thing is, how could this be proven or disproven? Any process used to remove or disable the yeast could be said to affect the flavor/aroma. For example, if you split a batch, filtered one, then lagered, the filtering most likely will have affected the final flavor. Chemically disable the yeast (sorbate?) and you have affected the final flavor. Irradiate, and possibly the same result. So how do we really know that yeast are responsible for the results of the process we call lagering? Ken Anderson Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 08:03:42 -0400 From: "Eric Wescott" <eric.wescott at gmail.com> Subject: ABV from honey Re: "Michael Kolaghassi" ...> And what would the > approximate ABV be? I used about 3.5lbs of honey.. My experience with honey is that "good" quality honey is 35 ppg, fairly reliably (+/- 2ppg). If your beekeeper is cutting the honey with water to get more volume for sale, then you could get lower, but this number has worked well for me in the past and I take it as a constant. Based on this, I'd say you have OG = 1.122 (35ppg*3.5#/1.0G). This gives the potential for 16.5% ABV (122/7.4). Honey is also almost 100% fermentable (I'd guess 1% non-fermentable, but this is related to the type of honey). This is unlike the sugar profile provided from malted grain. Because of this, the concept of apparent attenuation does not really apply. Instead, mead attenuates when you (1) run out of sugar or (2) reach the ABV limit of the yeast. "Normal" yeast cuts out at 12%, give or take 1%. Many wine yeasts will go to 14%. Champagne yeast 16-18%. If your bread yeast is like normal brewers yeast, I'd expect 12% ABV and a FG of 1.033. This should end up as a nice, sweet mead, in the "dessert" realm for sweetness. Happy meading! - --EW Stratford, CT Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 08:32:32 -0400 From: Rick Magnan <magnan at jimmy.harvard.edu> Subject: re: beers for women Linda, I enjoyed your post. I liked that you called us out for being preachy (I can be at times), and for generalizing about women's taste. And I liked that your examples of beers you favor were beers I've never even heard of much less know where they are from. As to why craft brewers feel they must educated other drinkers? Easy, we got religion and saw the light and now we're evangelical about it. Sure, it can be annoying at times but we're only trying to help! Or I should say they - it's been long enough ago for me that I'm just bitter and cynical - let em all go to swill I say, who cares? In that light, I think people trying to share what they enjoy might not be so bad - no? With respect to generalizing half the population, what if we extended it to the entire population? Perhaps some brewer from somewheres else in the world asked us here "why do all you Americans like those watery, tasteless, fizzy beers so much?". Pretty easy to imagine the response but on the other hand, a lot of people do like, um, "the coldest" beer. Fortunately for me, I've no such concerns about being able to share as these other gents, my wife is a fan of stouts, porters, IPAs, etc. You make a good point though, we should be willing to share but not forcing it upon others.. Rick Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 09:17:02 -0500 From: Joe Katchever <joe at pearlstreetbrewery.com> Subject: beer:women Alexandre- "Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world!" - -- Joe Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 07:45:26 -0700 (PDT) From: Calvin Perilloux <calvinperilloux at yahoo.com> Subject: NRE in brewing In the latest HBD, Dylan Tack comments on AJ DeLange's system and economics of beer production: "I had to look up NRE - non-recurring expenses? Please tell me that's a typo! Or is your brew kettle made of platinum? ;) " Ah, Dylan, you obviously know not of AJ's little brew station (aka research laboratory! Hey AJ, can you post a link again to show us all what you've got there? Calvin Perilloux Middletown, Maryland, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:37:13 -0700 (PDT) From: Glyn <graininfuser at yahoo.com> Subject: re: beers for women Linda makes several good points, I was not sure how to respond earlier. I tried and tried to brew a beer a non-beer person would like, never happened. My girl likes porters, wits and even an IPA when paired with the correct food! Show her as many styles as you can. If she doesn't like any she is just not a beer person, move on! Chad has a good idea also. Glyn in So. Middle TN Brewgrass Asheville NC this weekend! http://www.brewgrassfestival.com/brewers/ Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 18:22:43 -0400 From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at verizon.net> Subject: Correction: Valhalla Mead Only Competition Unfortunately I picked up an old file from the original posting when I posted the most recent notice of the Valhalla Mead Only Competition. Since then the organizers have clarified that only one 12oz bottle, two 6oz bottles or one 750ml bottle are required for this competition; so long as there is at least 12oz of mead to judge. David Houseman Judge Coordinator Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 02:21:58 +0000 From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at cox.net> Subject: ASBC Tristim I just got a look at the ASBC Tristimulus method official procedure and got one surprise. The 5 nm increment color matching functions are for the Supplemental 10 degree observer of 1964. Almost everyone else uses the 2 degree observer of 1931. ASBC is clearly following ASTM E308 here (which includes 10 and 2 degree functions) and while the MOA says that color calculations should be reported using Illuminant C the analyst must do the weighting (using distribution of C data tabulated in the procedure) and thus it is clear that other illuminants could be used should the analyst want to know the color under other light sources. Also, of course, given that one has measured the spectrum, one can scale the measurements to any desired thickness should he wish to know what a thicker column of beer looks like though reporting under this method is to be done for 1 cm (I'm trying to picture a beer stein that is 1 cm thick and wide enough to subtend 10 degrees at the distance provided by an appropriately bent elbow). Reporting is done in L*a*b* space in which color differences are more uniformly represented than in Yxy. My take on this is that if you have the spectrum the Tristimulus method is great for determining a realistic color value for any path or illuminant or field (2degree or 10 degree) but that if all you get is L, a and b for 1 cm that's doesn't convey much information about the beer's appearance though it may be good for process control and comparison in much the same way as the SRM number (with which L correlates strongly). The thing that really describes the beer is the spectrum. A.J. Return to table of contents
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