HOMEBREW Digest #5166 Wed 28 March 2007

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  hops bittering equations ("peter ensminger")
  Re: Carboy on magnetic stirrer ("Doug Moyer")
   ("Doug Moyer")
  long-term conditioning temperature/sulfur in lagers (Aaron Martin Linder)
  Jalapeno zinger ("Brian Dougan")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 01:26:13 -0400 From: "peter ensminger" <ensmingr at gmail.com> Subject: hops bittering equations FWIW, I agree with -S's FWIW in http://www.hbd.org/hbd/archive/5164.html#5164-2 . Hop aging is one of many unaccounted-for variables in calculating hops bittering/utilization. There is also lots of variation in brew kettles, boil methods, cooling methods, etc of homebrewers. When I brew, I consider utilization as a kind of "saturation" equation (such as Weber-Fechner: R=k*log (S/S0); Stevens: R=k*(S-S0)^alpha; etc). I also consider previous history with MY system. So ... look at the equations, but also use your experience with YOUR system. Cheers! Peter A. Ensminger Syracuse, NY - ---------- ... FWIW - I am not a fan of any of the hops bittering equations (some clearly do not model any physical process) especially since hops change so radically with age and their extraction is so variable. Anyone who gets within 10% of a desired IBU level in beer, even with recently measured hops AA% values is lucky. +-25% is probably more typical. You can use homegrown hops w/o a quantitative analysis and still get good results, but you will need some experience gauging the IBUs by taste. - ---------- Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:09:54 -0400 From: "Doug Moyer" <shyzaboy at yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Carboy on magnetic stirrer Craig sez: - ---------------------------------------------- You should see an eddy in the center of the liquid, like the kind you see when water is going down a drain. How deep/pronounced it is is a function of (among other things) how fast the stir bar is spinning (faster == deeper). Of course, if the beer is light enough and clear enough, you should just be able to see it. :-) - --------------------------------------------- You'd see a whirlpool even with a full five gallon carboy? It must not be working, then. Sigh. (FYI, I have a stir bar like this one: http://www.cynmar.com/item_detail.aspx?ItemCode=15023293) I have a BIG beer in the secondary. When I transferred it to the secondary, it was only down to 1.035 or so. I added a pint of blackstrap molasses, dry champagne yeast, and yeast "energizer" during the transfer. I set the stirrer up because it seemed that my beer was supersaturated with CO2 and I was concerned that the CO2 was inhibiting further fermentation. I've seen the stirbar hang up in the outside annular indentation and just wiggle. It's a bitch to get it centered again and the only way I can tell if it is centered is if I don't see it around the edge... The beer, while not a stout, isn't terrible light in color and it is still cloudy as hell... I may transfer it again to a six gallon carboy if the bottom of that size is flatter (the five is raised slightly in the middle). Here's the story of the brewing of this beer: http://shyzaboy.blogsome.com/2007/02/27/extreme-brewing-with-joe/ Brew on! Doug Moyer Troutville, VA Star City Brewers Guild: http://www.starcitybrewers.org Beer, brewing, travel & kids: http://shyzaboy.blogsome.com Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:13:51 -0400 From: "Doug Moyer" <shyzaboy at yahoo.com> Subject: Pete sez: - ------------------------------------------------- I originally asked about the difference between "roasty" and "toasty" (see: http://www.hbd.org/hbd/archive/5158.html#5158-1 ) for guidance in developing a doppelbock recipe. Weyermann (which makes great malts IMO) suggests 1-5% of Carafa-I, -II, or -III for doppelbocks and several other styles. Thus, I used ~1% Carafa-II in a recent doppelbock (see: http://www.hbd.org/hbd/archive/5161.html#5161-1 ). But, when I gnaw on a few grains of Carafa-II, it seems "roasty", not "toasty" to me. So ... Are the Weyermann Carafa malts "roasty" or "toasty"? Is there a disconnect between BJCP guidelines (doppelbock: toasty=good, roasty=bad) and Weyermann? - ------------------------------------------------- At 1%, the Carafa will only contribute color, no roastiness. 5% though? I think that would be out of style. You should be getting your toastiness from the base malt... Carafa is certainly roasty to me. Brew on! Doug Moyer Troutville, VA Star City Brewers Guild: http://www.starcitybrewers.org Beer, brewing, travel & kids: http://shyzaboy.blogsome.com Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:54:50 -0400 (EDT) From: Aaron Martin Linder <lindera at umich.edu> Subject: long-term conditioning temperature/sulfur in lagers I recently brewed a russian imperial stout. I plan to bottle condition it and then place it into long-term storage(0.5-2+ yrs.) to get the best flavor out of such a beastly beer. Is there anyone who has experience with aging beers at various temperatures? Can you advise as to the best conditioning temperature for such a beer? My goal is the best flavor. I don't care about time. My plan was to use 40 degrees F and just try it occasionally. I thought about using my basement, but it gets up to 70F in the summer, and that can't be good for a beer, right? On a somewhat related note, I'm curious as the sulfur aromas of lagers. I recently did a German Pilsner using German Lager Yeast from White Labs. It's been two months since brew day and about one month since I started lagering/conditioning at 40F. The sulfur has dropped off dramatically, but it is still a background flavor, not that unpleasant but present. I assume it will dissipate even more as I let the beer just sit. What are the primary compounds responsible for "normal" sulfur character in pilsners and what is the mechanism by which they are conditioned out of a beer, chemical reaction or degassing or both? I don't think I have much DMS in my beer, as I did a 90 minute boil and chilled to below 140F in less than 5 minutes, more like 3 minutes. Also, is DMS less likely when using ale yeasts at temperatures around 66-72F (using the same Weyermann Pilsner malt, such as in a Blonde Ale)? Aaron A^2,MI Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 15:20:10 -0400 From: "Brian Dougan" <dougan.brian at gmail.com> Subject: Jalapeno zinger Thanks Brian in Winnipeg, I do love a good zinger in the morning. Slainte, Brian Return to table of contents
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