HOMEBREW Digest #5695 Wed 09 June 2010

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  Brix/Plato/SG ("A. J. deLange")
  Brix ("A.J deLange")
  berliner weisse (rgriller)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 10:33:00 -0400 From: "A. J. deLange" <ajdel at cox.net> Subject: Brix/Plato/SG Jim tried to post this without success: Thanks (as always) A.J. for the detailed explanation. Trying to find an answer when I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for can be a challenge, but when someone addresses a specific question with a specific answer and a detailed "here's why" it makes it much easier to comprehend. Fortunately, it doesn't look like I've broken my well-worn copy of ProMash. What I was reporting were the raw wort readings in Brix and the corresponding SG values. But, in ProMash a Brix of 6.0 doesn't necessarily equal 6.0 Plato, which is why I wasn't showing SG = 1.02369. However, when I enter a Brix value of 6.24 (to "correspond" to 6.0 Plato), it displays SG=1.02370 (close enough!). It appears as if the relationship 1.04*Plato = Brix is a constant since 9P = 9.36B and 12P = 12.48B produce the desired SGs, but this is just the default ProMash Brix correction factor, which in practice would depend on the actual instruments being used, right? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The conversion factor between Plato and Brix is 1.00000. Balling, Brix and Plato all strove to do the same thing: find the desnity of a sucrose solution of given concentratiion. 10 Balling, 10 Brix and 10 Plato all mean the same thing: a sucrose solution 100 grams of which contains 10 grams of sucrose. The differences are in the densities they measured for those solutions. The Kaiser launched the Normal-Eichungskommission in order to correct errors in the Brix/Balling tables in the 5th and 6th decimal places. We'll take comments on the Teutonic love of precision as read. I just found a table of Brix vs. relative density at http://www.davidberryman.co.uk/technical/density/. On another page on their site they make it clear that "relative density" means 20C/20C and so, for a given relative density, a Brix value from that table is directly comparable to a Plato value taken from the ASBC table or polynomial. If I do that and compute the difference between Plato and Brix the differences for individual points the rms difference corresponda to about 0.000027 units of specific gravity, i.e. in the fifth decimal place. But it is clear from looking at a plot of the differences that the errors are mostly due to quantization and this is to be expected as the Berryman table is only given to 4 decimal places. The mean error is 0.00077 Plato which corresponds to 0.000003 SG units i.e. the mean error is in the 6th decimal place. I conclude, therefore, that at some time in the past the fruit juice industry adopted the Plato tables and that the 2 scales are the same. I'll note that I did find 2 errors in the table (over the range of the ASBC table which is as far as I went). In one case 2 values separated by 0.1 Brix (the increment in which the table is give) had exactly the same relative density value assigned. In the other case a density was given as being lower than the density of the entry preceding it which is clearly an error. I "fixed" both those errors before doing the comparison (by linear interpolation). I'm sure they are data entry errors and not parts of the official Brix table (if there is such a thing and there probably is). Thus, there is still something fishy with ProMash. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 12:00:47 -0400 From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at cox.net> Subject: Brix Ah, I finally get it. This is a factor to be used with a refractometer. That makes sense. So I feel a little foolish because looking at the way the instructions are written I can smell A.J. in there. Can't say I remember it though. Cheers, A.J. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 13:22:06 -0400 (EDT) From: rgriller at chass.utoronto.ca Subject: berliner weisse please do post the complete recipe, Thomas. I've been to Berlin a number of times and myself often drink it ohne Schuss -- I like the sourness. How sour does yours turn out? I've done the lactofermentation before and never gotten the level of sourness I wanted (probably need to leave the lactic-bacteria fermenting longer before introducing the yeast), so perhaps a sour mash would be the way to go if it gets a good intense sourness! Robin Return to table of contents
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