HOMEBREW Digest #5814 Thu 24 March 2011

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  RE:  RE: Reusing yeast ("David Houseman")
  RE: Reusing yeast (Gabe Toth) (David Huber)
  RE: Re-using yeast (jrdunne)
  Hop Bags (jrdunne)
  Keg or glass for Berliner (Mike Eyre)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 07:34:43 -0400 From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at verizon.net> Subject: RE: RE: Reusing yeast Gabe, As I said, one could write a book on yeast...in fact I think I have a couple of them. So some refinements to my post. First, when I reuse yeast as I describe I plan it so that I'm moving from a less hoppy to more hoppy beer, lighter color to darker color, lower gravity to higher gravity, etc., so that the residual affects of the trub are minimized on the subsequent beer. I wouldn't for example use the yeast from an American IPA to make an English Bitter. The second refinement is yeast washing. This is described in a number of places but the short of it is that one can wash the yeast to cast off trub, dead yeast cells, etc. so that you can have viable yeast but with a fresh start. Wash yeast from one batch and store under distilled water in the fridge for a couple weeks or more, then use as a starter for the next batch. Of course sanitation is needed in all yeast handling. Like most things in brewing things are pretty forgiving so don't be too worried about details. Dave Houseman Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 07:40:53 -0400 From: David Huber <n3uks.dave at gmail.com> Subject: RE: Reusing yeast (Gabe Toth) On several forums I see people talk about pitching on top of yeast cakes multiple times and I've been curious how that works. Do people generally pour fresh wort on top of the whole cake without rinsing and selecting only the active yeast? If so, how do you do this more than several times without ending up with 6-plus inches of yeast and trub at the bottom of the carboy? I'm also curious what the carboy looks like after doing this a few times without cleaning; for me, just after one batch, after the krausen falls the sides of my carboy are coated with yeast. Dave Huber Jessup, Md Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 11:34:51 -0400 (EDT) From: <jrdunne at rcn.com> Subject: RE: Re-using yeast Gabe asks about concerns over the build-up of trub when re-pitching yeast directly on the yeast cake. I've never been particularly concerned about this but I try to follow what Calvin laid out - start with a lighter "cleaner" beer and move up to the darker stronger beers that may have more hops and trub. If the yeast cake looks particularly "dirty" I will siphon out some of the yeast and build a starter. One concern I've heard on other sites, which I've discounted but will mention, is that by repitching on the yeast cake you are theoretically "over pitching" and not hitting the optimal cell count. I've not been concerned about this in the past and see no reason to change my process. I've been quite happy with the results. Others here may have much more detail to shed on over pitching, but I try to go by what works for me and does not create any unnecessary work or worry. As to your concerns on posting, I too have had great difficulties in posting. At this point I cannot send from my outlook account at home although I can post from the same account using "web mail." Posts from my outlook account simply disappear. No "automagical" response at all. Like they were never sent. Despite the difficulties, I think the HBD has some of the most thoughtful responses you will get. Perhaps because of the difficulty in posting. All the best, Joe Dunne Chicago - North Side Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 11:39:46 -0400 (EDT) From: <jrdunne at rcn.com> Subject: Hop Bags I brewed a batch a while ago and used a nylon for the hop bag for the initial hops. I used these once or twice before I wasn't real keen on the way they floated in the kettle. But, there they were when I was cleaning the brew room so I used them. For the later additions, I used the same ol' draw-string nylon bags I usually use. Same hops (Hallertau and Tettnang) in the same ratio (1:1) in each of the bags. When I dumped out the spent hops, though, the difference in appearance was striking. All hops were pellet hops. The hops from the nylon were bright green and crumbly. The hops from the usual bag were brownish and sort of mud-like. The bright green hops were in the kettle for 60 minutes, the other for 30 and 15 (I made additions to the same bag). What's the deal? Are nylons just a bad thing to use? The way it floats it seems to me like it's not allowing the wort to pass through enough. But some people like them... So, basically I'm just looking for an opinion from the informed people on the digest. Ditch the remaining nylons and never use them again? Or are they, in fact, very effective? Cheers, Joe Dunne Chicago - North Side PS - this is the posting I have attempted several times to send from Outlook and it just disappears... Who knows? Gabe's post got me back off my hind end to re-post, though. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 12:56:37 -0400 From: Mike Eyre <mikeeyre74 at gmail.com> Subject: Keg or glass for Berliner I'm wondering if I can age my berliner weisse in a keg instead of a glass carboy, which would allow me to taste it along the way to determine at what sourness level I like. Will Lactic bacteria get irritated at a closed system like a keg, or will it keep working? Would it be better to keep the pressure out, if I kegged it, by using a party tap with the guts removed and setup like a blowoff tube? I have lots of carboys, but I'd just as soon rack the beer one less time if I have the option.. Return to table of contents
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