HOMEBREW Digest #5857 Wed 06 July 2011

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  Re: Poorly fermentable wort (Adam Arndt)
  How to use a HERMS system (Bruce Fabijonas)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 11:24:42 +0000 From: Adam Arndt <adama at microsoft.com> Subject: Re: Poorly fermentable wort Fred, I have to throw my $0.02 behind Joe's wager on a low diastatic power mash and hot spots that make a bad situation worse. Although I find it very difficult to obtain Deg Lintner ratings for Weyerman malts, most source that have access to this information seem to indicate a "typical" Deg Lintner rating of 76 for this malt. (And Weyermann has two distinct Pilsner products which makes this a bit more difficult without knowing which one you were using.) As Joe also pointed out there can be lot-to-lot or year-to-year variations so I think a worst-case of 70 is feasible. In any event both of the unmalted wheats are providing 0 diastatic power to the mash. The WM Pilsner malt accounted for 50% of the total grist so the mash diastatic power was 35.5 assuming a 76 deg Lintner malt and as low as 30 for the entire mash if the pilsner malt had an actual DP of 70 deg Lintner. That's cutting it very close to the 30-35 Deg Lintner minimum for mashing. I would have expected an hour and 50 minutes to still have been enough to complete conversion. (As the results of your starch test seemed to indicate.) I recently brewed a historical porter with a total mash DP of 30.1 and it was still failing the starch test at 90 minutes. If the mash and the resulting beer now truly pass a proper starch test there's not too many options left that it could be so I also have to make my wager on hot spots. Adam ________________________________ About Microsoft Ireland: www.microsoft.com/ireland Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited. A company incorporated and registered in Ireland number 256796. Microsoft Ireland Research. A company incorporated and registered in Ireland number 342235. Registered office 70 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 22:52:48 -0400 From: Bruce Fabijonas <mathbruce at gmail.com> Subject: How to use a HERMS system Not as bio-chem heavy as other questions, but here it goes. Not too long ago, I built myself a HERMS system. The idea was to do step mashes and to zero in on mash temp when I undershoot my target temp. My question is about the set temperature in the hot liquor tank for a given step. Suppose I want to raise the mash from 122F to 151F. Should the hot liquor tank be set at the target temp (151F), or something higher? To date, I have always set my HLT to the target temperature, believing that I don't want to destroy the enzymes in the wort. I have measured the temperature of the wort after going through the HLT and found that the wort has risen to the temperature of the HLT. The problem is that the temperature in the mash tun changes very slowly. Painfully slowly. In fact, I have seen the temperature dip before rising. I assume that the coefficients of heat conductivity for the liquid and the grain are vastly different. One suggestion recently proposed to me was to raise the temperature of the HLT to something much higher, even boiling, so that the mash temperature rises more quickly. But, I argued, think about the enzymes! The response I got was along the lines of relax, don't worry.... What about almost boiling wort hitting my grain bed--can we say tanin extraction? Again, the response was relax... So, what's the consensus? Am I alone in this quest to save the enzymes? Thank you. Bruce Sent from my iPad Return to table of contents
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