HOMEBREW Digest #11 Thu 17 November 1988
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Recipes, I want recipes! (Mike Meyer)
Wyeast Liquid Yeast (Mike Fertsch)
Distribution list (m20502)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 88 10:35:36 PST
From: meyer at tcville.hac.com (Mike Meyer)
Subject: Recipes, I want recipes!
The subject line sort of says it all. How about a mailing-list-wide
collection of favorite recipes, categorized by beer style and degree of
difficulty (all-extract/some grain/all-grain)? We could just have
contributors submit them to the digest, unless someone wants to compile
them into a collection (I'll volunteer, if people think this is a good idea).
While I don't expect it would be easy to come up with a standard format for
beer and ale recipes exchanged in this group, there are some things we should
probably keep in mind:
I think that the format of recipes used in, say, Zymurgy, leaves a bit to
be desired. Simply listing the ingredients is usually not enough, especially
when the recipe involves an ingredient or technique a less experienced brewer
is unfamiliar with, such as using Crystal Malt, etc. I'd like to see recipes
that answer the question 'How do YOU do that?' , especially when dealing with
fresh fruit, honey, hops, and grains. Everyone evolves their own techniques,
and we can all learn something at times.
In addition, a lot
of these recipes are specific about the brands of ingredients, without noting
that the particular brand is or isn't crucial. Sometimes, a product is so
distinctive that substitution shouldn't be done, for example, Munton and Fison
Old Ale Kit, or Telford's Nut Brown Ale extract, but in other cases, any ol'
Amber Hopped extract will do.
I wouldn't mind just seeing people's comments on the widely published recipes
they've used, for that matter. I'm making Toad Spit Stout right now, has any
one else had good luck with it? Any little extras or substitutions that made
a difference? This is really what people want to know when they see a recipe:
is it as good as it sounds, and how can I put my own twist on it? What
would you do diffrently next time?
There are some specific types of recipes I'm anxious to try right now:
Imperial Stout
Pale Ale
Blackberry Mead (my roommate wants to try a 1-gallon batch,
any pointers, Batte?)
I guess that's enough for now. I'll try to post a recipe or two soon.
Mike Meyer meyer at tcville.HAC.COM
(P.S.: Has anyone else noticed the increase in homebrewing question traffic
in rec.food.drink? Maybe we should submit a regular "Frequently Asked
Questions about Homebrewing" posting to the group. I'm seeing a lot of
overlap there with this list.)
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Date: Thu, 17 Nov 88 14:44 EST
From: Mike Fertsch <hplabs!uiucdcs!meccad.RAY.COM!FERTSCH>
Subject: Wyeast Liquid Yeast
gotham!ursa!baby!djh at Sun.COM (David Hyder) asks:
> Have any of you tried Wyeast liquid yeasts? How much of an
> improvement have you noticed (if any)? Does the fact that the yeast
> may take 1-7 days to be ready for pitching cramp your style?
My limited experience (three batches) with Wyeast has been good. The yeast
ferments well, and results in a very clean tasting beer. After finishing
its business, it sediments well, giving a clear beer. Contrary to the
directions on the package, I feel that Wyeast DOES need a to be stepped up
before pitching. The quantity of yeast in the package is not enough to get
good fermentation going fast. What I do is pop the package by breaking the
inner seal, and wait for the package to bloat. I then open the gold
package and add it to about a pint-and-a-half of sterile wort. I wait a
day or two and add it to my 5 gallons of wort.
I found that the Wyeast usually starts and bloats out much faster than the
package predicts. The package states a 'start time' of one day per month
after the processing date on the package. I have had three month old
packages ready to rupture one day after breaking the seal. Perhaps I just
have a good supplier.
I brew on a spur-of-the-moment basis. I find it difficult to have yeasts
ready at the same time I brew. I often have yeasts ready and no time to
brew, or time to brew and no yeast ready. I need to plan my time better,
quit my job, or stick to dry yeasts.
Mike Fertsch
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Date: Thu, 17 Nov 88 17:45:06 est
From: m20502%d82vms at mitre-bedford.ARPA
Subject: Distribution list
Please add me to the homebrew distribution list. I used to be
at Raytheon, now I am at MITRE. My address is:
"m20502%d82vms at mitre-bedford.arpa"
Matt Harris
MITRE Corporation
Bedford, Mass.
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