HOMEBREW Digest #111 Mon 27 March 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
liquid yeast sources, more on mead (BROWN)
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Date: Fri, 24 Mar 89 15:57 EST
Subject: liquid yeast sources, more on mead
Having taken the leap to all-grain brewing (for the most part) and
appreciated the improvement, I'm now ready to switch over to liquid yeast
cultures. I ordered 3 different yeasts from a Canadian lab (the nearest to
me) over 4 weeks ago and have yet to receive anything! I believe the company
is called 'MeC', or something similar (I'm at work). Has anyone out there
dealt with this company?
I notice that several regular contributors use liquid yeasts. What are your
experiences with what appears to be a growing number of liquid yeast
suppliers? What strains are you most satisfied with (I realize this is
largely a matter of taste, but I'll ask anyway)?
Thanks to everyone who responded to my questions about mead and pH. If there
are any mead-makers in the lower Michigan, Chicago-Indiana area, I'd be
interested in swapping tastes to get an idea of whether my initial attempts
are in the direction, etc. Who's out there?
Jackie Brown (via bitnet: BROWN at MSUKBS)
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