HOMEBREW Digest #113 Wed 29 March 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Re: KEG & CORKSCREW (Dr. T. Andrews)
liquid yeast (Jay Hersh)
help need on messy brew (Jim Conroy)
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Date: Mon, 27 Mar 89 6:35:11 EST
From: Dr. T. Andrews <tanner at ki4pv>
Subject: Re: KEG & CORKSCREW
I've seen the occasional advert for home-brew kits in the backs of
magazines. I don't recall seeing one for so much money, though.
Perhaps it's more than corks getting screwed...
Dr. T. Andrews, Systems
CompuData, Inc. DeLand
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Date: Tue, 28 Mar 89 11:55:54 est
From: jhersh at rdrc.rpi.edu (Jay Hersh)
Subject: liquid yeast
Yes I'm still here for at least the next 4 weeks I guess. In response to
the query regarding MeV yeast. I have used both MeV yeast and Wyeast
liquid cultures. I did not have fantastic results with the MeV yeast.
A bunch of our club members got some through an introductory offer.
Others in the club had better results but recently our local supplier
Hennessy Homebrew has started carrying Wyeast cultures. The concensus
is that these work well and are much easier to use. Only one or two
problems have been reported regarding these cultures from the more than
6 people who I know have used them. I had god results myself but found the
yeast to be slow starting when pitched directly from the package and
the ale yeast I used (generic ale) while attenuating rather well took its
time ( 3 weeks) to do so. The flavors produced by it were excellent though.
Good luck
- jay h
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Date: Tue, 28 Mar 89 16:09:21 ECT
From: Jim Conroy <AS2JXC%BINGVMA.BITNET at CORNELLC.ccs.cornell.edu>
Subject: help need on messy brew
Well I might have a problem.
I started a brew this past Fri. In the past I have been using only canned
extracts. I took a step up to using dried extract, crystal malt and hop
pellets. I guess I wasn't quite ready for all this and I started late and
so on ... excuses, excuses ...
I heated 1# crystal malt in 3 gals water till boiling removed all
malt by straining and added 6# dried amber extract.
(big mess 1) like they say if you don't watch the pot it's going to
boil ALL OVER.
I then boiled for 45 min
added 1oz Bullion hop pellets for 10 min
added 1oz Fuggles for 3-5 min.
At this point with no real way to strain I tried to transfer HOT
wort to the carboy using a strainer (mess 2). The HOT wort glubbed out of
the CARBOY and funnel so very tired I transferd slowly with out straining
until I got to the bottom, which I strained with a kitchen strainer.
I cooled the wort added EDME yeast and applied a Blowtube. It's been very
active with quite a messy blowtube, and it is very cloudy (I wonder why ha ha)
I've decided to say F ..er stop worrying and procede. My plan is to rack
into a borrowed carboy and finish fermeting.
Questions 1) Should I filter when racking? is so how without splashing and
introducing air?
2) How bad is this going to be?? any guesses? time will tell.
3) What should I do to prevent this??
Use real hops easier to remove.
Go with a Sparging system.
The reason I tried to do this beforing cooling is that I did not what to
leave the Hops in the Wort too long ( I guess that backfired).
At least I still a few from the last batch to console myself with.
ANY and ALL suggestions will be greatly appreaciated.
Jim C AS2JXC at BINGVMA.BITNET SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY
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