HOMEBREW Digest #118 Mon 03 April 1989

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  Re: Re: liquid yeast (Dr. T. Andrews)
  Re: hop pellets and lauter tun/hop backs (Dr. T. Andrews)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 2 Apr 89 9:04:40 EDT From: Dr. T. Andrews <tanner at ki4pv> Subject: Re: Re: liquid yeast ) [ on the problems of pitching directly into wort v. darkening ) effects of canned sterile wort used to start yeast ] I don't think that I would attempt to pitch liquid yeast directly into the 5 gallons; there is simply too much beer for too little yeast. The lag time would be too long (well, I prefer a lag time of about 2 minutes before I can smell the CO\s-2\d2\u\s+2 and other pleasant odours of fermentation). I don't keep sterile wort on hand, either. When I plan to make beer, I sterilize a half-gallon glass vessel (the usual bleach-water) and produce some boiled wort on the spot. Use light-coloured DME, boil it for a few minutes, cool it, and pour into the glass vessel. Add yeast to this. Cover with clean saucer, or use sterilized plug & bubbler. I pitch the yeast, with wort, into the beer. If I were really worried about keeping the colour light, and needed canned wort, I might make a batch of sterile wort by mashing a couple of pounds of pale lager malt, boiling the resultant barley-water, and canning. The DME wort is generally darker than from pale grain. Dr. T. Andrews, Systems CompuData, Inc. DeLand Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 89 9:11:31 EDT From: Dr. T. Andrews <tanner at ki4pv> Subject: Re: hop pellets and lauter tun/hop backs On lauter-tuns: I have one of those lautering bags, and it would indeed be very handy \(em if I had a bucket with a spigot on the side, so that I didn't have to remove the grain to pour off the barley-water. This is No Fun. Until I get another large bucket into which I can put a spigot, however, I am stuck with removing the grain to pour off the barley-water. For this reason, this past week I drilled about 300 holes in the bottom of a smaller bucket which fits neatly into the large bucket. It was far less painful to lift the grain to pour off the barley-water. On hops: I always use one of those hops bags for pellets. If I am using more than one type of pellets, or inserting the same variety at two points in the boil, I use more bags. They're (a) dirt cheap (b) easily cleaned after use with pellets. Keep 4 in your beer-making drawer. That way you have a spare. Dr. T. Andrews, Systems CompuData, Inc. DeLand Return to table of contents
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