HOMEBREW Digest #120 Wed 05 April 1989

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  mashing mystery (Pete Soper)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 Apr 89 17:35:08 edt From: Pete Soper <soper at maxzilla.encore.com> Subject: mashing mystery Some experts recommend mashing adjunct grains such as crystal malt along with the rest of the grains in a batch. How is it that mash enzymes wouldn't break down some of the dextrins in the crystal malt? In other words, if I just sparge crystal malt I would expect to see it attenuate roughly 20%, leaving the other 80% as mostly unfermentable (and sweet) dextrins. If I add it to my mash it seems like the attenuation would be increased as some of the dextrins were broken to maltose or maltotriose, reducing the residual sweetness I am after. What am I missing here? Actually I'm looking for the rationale for leaving some of the grain out of my little 3 gallon cooler/mash tun :-) Also, virtually everything I've read cautions me about overheating my mash (tannins dissolving, severe haze problems, etc). Yet with a decoction mash a large fraction of the mash is brought to a boil. How can this be? Is it safe to exceed the 170 degree limit for the short time it takes to boil the decoction? --Pete Soper Return to table of contents
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