HOMEBREW Digest #123 Sat 08 April 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
BrewCo Boiler ("1107-CD&I/VIRUS DISEASES")
Re: yeast, hops, coolers (Pete Soper)
new books (Pete Soper)
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Date: 7 Apr 89 10:51:00 EST
From: "1107-CD&I/VIRUS DISEASES" <henchal at wrair.ARPA>
Subject: BrewCo Boiler
I recently bought a BrewCo Boiler. This is a mash-tun/boiler
whcih consists of a 7.5 gal plastic pail with a thermostat-
controlled heating element in the bottom. I bought it so that I
could make hassel-free all-grain beer. I assumed that the device
would come with complete instructions, but I felt there were gaps
in the information I was provided. If someone has some
experience with these boilers (or similar appliances, would they
send me some successful guidelines for its use? Specifically:
1. The manufacturers indicate that grain:water ratios as much as
4 lbs grain: 1 gal water are NOT recommended with the BrewCo
Boiler. I usually use 1 lb grain to 1 quart water. What are
good alternative grain to water ratios? 1 lb grain to 1.5
quarts? 1 lb grain to 2 quarts?
2. The manufacture also warns about scorching the grain at high
grain to water combinations, and recommend the use of a grain
bag. Is this commonly done? Does the bag/grain sit on the
element? Do I have to fit in a false bottom? Can scorching be
avoided merely by frequent stirring?
3. I notice that the boiler has a "drum tap" on the side. If I
use a grain bag and false bottom, is it possible to sparge the
grain in the mash-tun?
Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
Erik A. Henchal
<Henchal at WRAIR.ARPA>
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Date: Fri, 7 Apr 89 15:34:41 edt
From: Pete Soper <soper at maxzilla.encore.com>
Subject: Re: yeast, hops, coolers
lbr at gatech.edu (Len Reed) writes:
>Where are you getting this number? Noonan and Miller say commercial
Where did I get that number? From wheel of fortune?
I did cross krausen beer pitching rates with yeast pitching rates. Sorry.
My point was simply that of all the things to be concerned with, over-
pitching should be at the bottom of the list. I should have pictured the
yeast cake size in the bottom of a fermenter before conjuring up that
stupid one quart figure.
>Me too. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. And what about temperature?
I keep my starters in the same spot where I do my fermentations so the
temps are very close.
-Pete Soper
arpa: soper at encore.com (
uucp: {talcott,linus,bu-cs,bellcore,decvax,necntc}!encore!soper
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Date: Fri, 7 Apr 89 15:41:57 edt
From: Pete Soper <soper at maxzilla.encore.com>
Subject: new books
Anybody know the status of a new book by Randy Mosher's called
"The Brewer's Workbook"? How about Dr. George Fix's "An Introduction
to Brewing Science"?
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Date: 4 Apr 89 20:23:00 EDT
From: "FEINSTEIN, CHERYL" <crf at gnv.ifas.ufl.edu>
Hi there!
My VAX just got connected to INTERNET, as well as BITNET. So I now have an
alternative e-mail address: "CRF at GNV.IFAS.UFL.EDU". If it would prove more
convenient to use this address to send me the 'Brew Digest, do. Also, please
do me a favor and acknowledge receipt of this message; I'm trying to figure
out which addresses will work _via_ this upgrade.
Very truly yours,
Cher Feinstein
Univ. of Fla.
Gainesville, FL
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