HOMEBREW Digest #130 Mon 17 April 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Lecture on "fermentation in the Ancient World" in Boston (Michael Bergman)
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Date: Sun, 16 Apr 89 18:03:28 edt
From: bergman at m2c.org (Michael Bergman)
Subject: Lecture on "fermentation in the Ancient World" in Boston
Saul Katz, an anthropologist from the University of Pennsylvania, will
be speaking on "Fermentation in the Ancient World" at a meeting of the
Culinary Historians of Boston, on April 18th at 7:00 pm. The lecture
is free, a small donation to cover refreshments will be solicited. If
you're interested, contact me, Michael Bergman, at (508) 870-0312
(10-6:30) or send me email. As this is a small group, only the first
three respondents can attend (which is why I'm not posting the
location). Personally, I doubt that that many of you will be
interested, free, and in the neighborhood, but I was asked to make
They'll be having another lecture on the topic, in a larger hall, and
I'll post more details as soon as I get them. I'm not a member of the
group myself, a friend is.
--mike bergman
bergman at m2c.org
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