HOMEBREW Digest #140 Sun 30 April 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Re: dividing hops (Dr. T. Andrews)
Re: "fading" taste (Dr. T. Andrews)
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Date: Fri, 28 Apr 89 7:21:35 EDT
From: Dr. T. Andrews <tanner at ki4pv>
Subject: Re: dividing hops
I recently got a book on raising hops (bought when I bought some hops
roots). It mentions several ways of propagating the species. The
easiest is by sticking some of the excess shoots into the ground and
keeping them moist. This is said to sometimes work; you should know
in a week or so if it took. In fact, I should know in a week or so,
because I am now trying this!
The most reliable method is to cut a piece of the root. Make sure
that you get a "knob"; I think that is where the vines will start.
Another technique is to bury a piece of the vine in the fall. Do
this while it is still live, but after the harvest. The thick lower
portion of the vine is advised. The book says to bury two pieces to
improve your odds.
(Finally: if you have any good varieties, send ME a piece of root!-)
Dr. T. Andrews, Systems
CompuData, Inc. DeLand
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Date: Fri, 28 Apr 89 20:47:16 EDT
From: Dr. T. Andrews <tanner at ki4pv>
Subject: Re: "fading" taste
Add two or three pounds of crystal malt to the beer. That should
take care of the fading problem, and in general make for a better
flavour. Crystal adds body.
Dr. T. Andrews, Systems
CompuData, Inc. DeLand
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