HOMEBREW Digest #156 Sun 21 May 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
re: Sam Adams (Darryl Richman)
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Date: Sat, 20 May 89 17:47:46 PDT
From: Darryl Richman <darryl at ism780c.isc.com>
Subject: re: Sam Adams
I just thought you might like to hear a capper to the recent discussion
of Sam Adams as a beer and a marketing concept. I just got the May/June
issue of the California Celebrator, a newspaper format rag concentrating
on the micro-brew-pub phenomenon here in the Golden State. On page 17
there is a quarter page ad from Young's. The bold print says "Sam Adams
Was An Ale Drinker!" Of course, lager beer was unknown before the 1840's--
it's a creation of mechanized refrigeration. Below the title is a
reproduction of the SA bottle with a caption "Modern American Lager" and
one of Young's Special London Ale, "Authentic English Ale". The text below
In 1776, in America and England, be you a Redcoat or Patriot, the
beer brewed was Ale, strong and hoppy. If you want a great lager
then look for Samuel Adams'. But if you want an ale like Sam drank,
then look for Young's Special London Ale.
I hear that the Boston market is tightening and that SA is getting hurt
because the opposition is claiming "the only beer brewed in Boston."
Perhaps the truth will win over ad hype. We can hope...
--Darryl Richman
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