HOMEBREW Digest #159 Thu 25 May 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Re: Short Boil OK (Dr. T. Andrews)
lagering (uiucdcs!att!iwtio!korz)
Introduction and a Few Questions (Jim Somerville)
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Date: Tue, 23 May 89 7:25:19 EDT
From: Dr. T. Andrews <tanner at ki4pv>
Subject: Re: Short Boil OK
) This gentleman stated that he felt that single stage was better and
) the goal was to reduce the amount of trub formed. He stated that if
) you limit your boil to 20 minutes their [sic] would not be as much
) chance for the protein to coagulate; thus less trub.
Ahem. I beg to differ on short boil periods, even with extracts.
There are several things being accomplished with the boil. One of
the most important is bringing out the hops; you want to get the oils
as well exposed to the water as you can. A longer boil period allows
you to get a better hops flavour. Adding your own hops of course
makes this argument even stronger.
By boiling the stuff, and racking as in a two-stage ferment, you get
rid of them. When you rack (strongly advised: I always use the two
stage method, and get clear beer this way) you also get rid of a fair
load of dead yeast. I rack again at bottling time, not bottling from
the carboy (with its own accumulation of dead yeast) but from a
bucket sterilized for the purpose.
Dr. T. Andrews, Systems
CompuData, Inc. DeLand
...!bikini.cis.ufl.edu!ki4pv!tanner ...!bpa!cdin-1!cdis-1!ki4pv!tanner
or... {allegra killer gatech!uflorida decvax!ucf-cs}!ki4pv!tanner
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Date: Wed, 24 May 89 11:30:13 CDT
From: hplabs!uiucdcs!att!iwtio!korz
Subject: lagering
>HOMEBREW Digest #158 Wed 24 May 1989
>From: noah at june.cs.washington.edu (Rick Noah Zucker)
>Subject: Lagering (was Re: Sam Adams Doppelbock)
> The word lager means to store in german. The reason this beer
>style is called lager (which applies to all bottom fermented beers) is
>that it was stored (lagered) in caves that were colder than above ground
>temperatures. This allowed bottom fermentation to be used.
Yes and no. Yeasts which can withstand colder temperatures, the first of
which was discovered by Carlsberg (see elsewhere in HD#158), are what make
lagering necessary. These types of yeasts, which are now commonly called
lager yeasts, could ferment at colder temperatures and subsequently produce
less by-products such as esters. This resulted in a beer flavor that we
associate with lager beer. The colder temps required longer brewing
periods and the beer had to be stored (in german, lagered). The only reason
I said no is that you could use lager (bottom fermenting) yeast at higher
(ale) temps and get good tasting beer - but it would not taste like lager.
Anchor Steam beer (San Francisco, CA) is brewed with lager yeast at warmer
(more ale-like) temperatures.
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Date: Wed, 24 May 89 18:10:39 EDT
From: hplabs!rutgers!gpu.utcs.toronto.edu!utai!gpu.utcs.toronto.edu!bnr-vpa!bnr-rsc!jim (Jim Somerville)
Subject: Introduction and a Few Questions
Hi Everyone
My name is Jim Somerville. I have been brewing for about a year
now, my last batch being a dry malt powder and honey brew. The
alcohol content is quite high >7% by my estimates. Is this
normal for having started with 30% honey? I have been drinking
it for a few days now, but the one I had last night had a strange
mouth feel, which can best be described as kind of gelatinously
slimy. Any ideas as to what causes this? I boiled the wort for
an hour as usual, and there was quite a lot of trub at the
bottom of the primary (I use 2 stage fermentation). Could serving
temperature have anything to do with it?
My guess is that it is caused by the dry malt powder. I have
noticed that some recipes call for dextrine malt. Is it the
same stuff as "brewbody"? The dry powder I used was not brewbody.
On the topic of sanitation, is it worth boiling the bottlecaps?
On the topic of yeast, should a person bother to add yeast
nutrient to an all malt batch?
If someone is keeping a canonical list of questions and answers,
please send it to me.
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