HOMEBREW Digest #182 Wed 21 June 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Re: High Temperature Fermentation (JOHN L. ISENHOUR)
contact (Kurt Baudendistel)
specific gravity problems, over-carbonation ("1107-CD&I/VIRUS DISEASES")
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 89 11:32 EDT
Subject: Re: High Temperature Fermentation
I have had fairly good luck with high temperature fermentation. I have not run
into increased temperature causing incomplete fermentation, it just seems to
react much faster. The problem with incomplete fermentation may be that the
yeast metabolism causes the temperature of the wort to increase about 6 or 7
degrees F, this can shock the yeast, so it is most important to control the
temperature during the initial ferment when the total metabolic rate is
highest. I have made some good ale at 75 degrees F., but have had it 'flash
ferment' where the entire ferment lasted less than 48 hours and was fully
primed after 3 days! I believe what causes most problems is the 'window' of
contamination, where the yeast has not gotten a good start and the media is
subject to infection from other agents. Once the yeast has a good hold on the
wort, it tends to repel invaders by changing the PH of wort so that anaerobic
ferments dont like it, and creating an anaerobic environment so aerobes dont
want it either. In the summertime I am especially careful to get a large
quantity of yeast going, I usually use about 5 packs of edme per 15 gallons
wort. It is best to start it in fairly hot (95-100 d.F) water, not wort, as
yeast likes initial hydration to be with just water, then added a thick wort to
that, I generally start mine in a very large yeast culturing flask (I think its
about 3 liters) several hours before pitching, its usually going like mad. I
pitch when the wort is around 95 degrees, I usually get a good head on the
primary within about 6-8 hours. When I use lab culture yeast, I also get it
started, I dont feel that Wyeast packs contain enough yeast for a really secure
start, I allways transfer it into a mason jar full of sterilized wort with a
lock rigged on and let it really get going. Check for the upcoming special
issue in Zymurgy on yeast, I have an article on sterile transfer and
propagation in it. Over the years, when the temperature is high, I have been
going to refrigerator fermentation, just to take the edge off the ales. I
found I have to have a large stockpile to do lagering properly, or I get
impatient. I have used my spare bathtub as temperature control, If you use
ice or water bath remember that it is probably better to have a constant but
warmer temperature than to have the brew changing temperature radically up and
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 89 12:57:51 EDT
From: hplabs!gatech!baud (Kurt Baudendistel)
Subject: contact
mr. homebrew,
i've not had any contact with the homebrew organization in a long time.
wasn't there a mailing list or something?
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Date: 20 Jun 89 13:40:00 EST
From: "1107-CD&I/VIRUS DISEASES" <henchal at wrair-emh1.army.mil>
Subject: specific gravity problems, over-carbonation
John Mellby writes
"I am having {problems} with my ale. In the last leveral
batches I have a high terminal gravity between 1015 and 1020."
You don't mention what your starting gravity was, but you can
expect the attenuation of your ale (the differnece between the
starting gravity and the final gravity) to be between 65-80%.
The factors which affect the final specific gravity are as
1. The strain of yeast. Wyeast and other suppliers are now
providing the attenuation characteristics of their yeasts. This
data is helpful for when you craft beer. You can select yeasts
to be light (with high attenuation) or strong (with low
attenuation) body depending upon your desires.
2. The extract. The way that the grain was mashed
significantly affects the final gravity. Some extracts are made
at higher mash temperatures which result in a greater proportions
of limit dextrins in the malt extract. If you are a grain
mash/brewer this is one of the characteristics you can control.
The length of time you mash the grain at the saccharifying
temperature also controls the amount of dextrins in the extract.
Wworts with a higher percentage of dextrins have lower
attenuation and high final gravities.
3. Contamination. Contamination of the primary
fermentation can result in a "stuck" fermentation. In this case,
yeast and contaminating microorganisms compete for essential
nutrients. The fermentation cycle is interrupted by the
decreasing efficiency of the yeast to perform the intended job.
John also writes,
"...and despite using as little as 1/2 c of sugar for priming 5
gallons, the bottles are over-carbonated."
The most common cause of over carbonation, if the correct amount
of priming sugar is being used, is bacterial contamination. For
a detailed discussion see the Troubleshooting Issue of Zymurgy.
I hope that this is helpful.
<Henchal at WRAIR.ARPA>
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