HOMEBREW Digest #210 Tue 25 July 1989

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  Re: Aging in wood (Jerry Burch)
  cider (long) (florianb)
  Plastic Seltzer Bottles ("MR. DAVID HABERMAN")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 24 Jul 89 10:06:16 19 From: ibmsupt!ibmpa!jburch at uunet.UU.NET (Jerry Burch) Subject: Re: Aging in wood >From: bbuck at East.Sun.COM (Bruce Buck) >Subject: Aging in wood >Is it possible to use wooden kegs, such as oak, to age the beer after secondary >fermentation is complete? ... >If so, where can one get, say, 5 gallon oak casks that are suitable? I don't know anything about it but you might be able to get casks from: Beer Makers of America 1040 North 4th St. San Jose, Ca 1-800-874-8200 I noticed in their catalog (free including the phone call) that they had oak casks, although I seem to remember that they were 55 gallon ones. They do also sell wine makeing supplies so maybe they stock them for that use. Jerry Return to table of contents
Date: 24 Jul 89 16:19:08 PDT (Mon) From: florianb at tekred.cna.tek.com Subject: cider (long) IN HB DIG #207, /Don asks: >as if it was beer" isn't quite clear to me, however. If two stage >fermentation is used, how clear will the resulting beverage be? My >experience with wine and cyser is that you need to rack several times >before you'll get a nice, clear beverage. I'd also like some more info >about when to bottle the result (when fermentation is finished? or when the >cider is clear?) and how much priming sugar to use (3/4 C per five >gallons?). Perhaps I can help. I make cider about every 2-3 months using a technique similar to the one mentioned. I use one gallon of pure apple juice from the grocery store, saving the gallon jug as the secondary fermenter. I boil for 10 minutes, add 1 tsp citric acid, and, when cool, 1/4 tsp ascorbic acid. I usually add 1 lb or so corn sugar to get the sg up to about 1.080. I pitch with champagne yeast and ferment at room temp in the primary fermenter. After about three days, I transfer to the secondary, and there it stays until the sg drops to 0.995. I then prime with 1/2 tsp corn sugar per Grolsch bottle. The secondary fermentation requires about a month, and the bottle aging about 2-3 months. The result is "somewhat less than clear." It is very dry. I have also used a technique where I added about 2 lbs corn sugar to obtain an og of 110 or so. This does not ferment to completion as the yeast cannot tolerate such high alcoholic content. In this method, I had to catch the cider when I figured the yeast had about enough life to give sparkle without breaking the bottles (DANGEROUS!). The sg at bottling in those cases was about 1.000, and there was visible activity at bottling. This produced the finest cider, but I cannot recommend this procedure, and I have stopped using it, due to the innacuracy of the method. I do not believe in the necessity of clarity in cider. The German "most" (spelling?) is not a clear beverage, and is a beautiful example of traditional cidering. Therefore, I do not practice several racking stages in the cider process. I have done this in the past, however, and 3 rackings will improve the clarity to an almost imperceptible level. [Florian Bell, Boonesborough, Oregon] Return to table of contents
Date: 24 Jul 89 15:53:00 PDT From: "MR. DAVID HABERMAN" <habermand at afal-edwards.af.mil> Subject: Plastic Seltzer Bottles Since the use of plastic 2 liter bottles has come up, has anyone tried using those new Sparklett's Seltzer bottles for beer yet? It looks like a good idea since it has its own dispensing system. The difficult part is figuring out how to remove the valve at the top so that it can be used again. Beer has less pressure than seltzer, so I'm not relly sure it's a good idea. As more beer is dispensed, the pressure in the bottle decreases due to the increased volume of the air. The last bit would be hard to get out. In Digest #201, Paul Close writes: >from carmelization, since it is a light extract). The problem is, apart from a >"raw" taste I assume is due to (lack of) age, the beer tastes like wine! My >wife commented that it smelled like a good, hearty red wine! :-( (My sense of According to the ZYMURGY trouble shooters guide, a sherry like winey smell and taste can come from oxidation of the beer. I'm not sure at what stage it would come from, but most likely it would be during siphoning during racking or bottling David Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #210, 07/25/89
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