HOMEBREW Digest #224 Thu 10 August 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
newsletter illustrations (Erik Henchal)
Ginger beer (Patrick Garvin)
Finnish Non-Alcohol Brew (Gary Benson)
Date: 9 Aug 89 07:30:00 EST
From: henchal at wrair-emh1.army.mil
Subject: newsletter illustrations
I am a new editor for the BURP NEWS, the monthly newsletter for the
Brewers United for Real Potables (Washington DC Metro area).
I am looking for art work or illustrations related to brewing to
incorporate into the newsletter. If anyone has any computer
generated or scanned pictures can you please contact me. These can
be in just about any format (.MAC, .GIF, .PIK, .SIT, etc).
Erik A. Henchal
Department of Virus Diseases
Walter Reed Army Institute of REsearch
Washington, DC 20307-5100
1-202-576-3012 (day)
1-301-869-0894 (evening)
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Date: Wed, 9 Aug 89 08:19:05 CDT
From: Nancy Ball <nancyb at AUSTIN.LOCKHEED.COM>
For several batches of brew, I have used my large, enamelled canning
pot for sterilizing with sodium metabisulfite. Now that it is
canning time, I find that I cannot get all the residue out of that
pot. Even though it has been scrubbed with great vigor and boiled
with plain water several times, jars that are boiled in this pot
will always have a coating of the sodium metabisulfite. A great
batch of grape butter might be endangered from this.
Any ideas or is this just a lesson?
Thanks -- nancy
nancyb at austin.lockheed.com
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Date: Tue, 8 Aug 89 15:33 CDT
From: "What do you mean, what flavor is it? It's a bloody albatross!"
Subject: Ginger beer
Greetings, home-brewers:
All this talk of ginger and honey in beer has made me curious. I've been
thinking of adding ginger to beer (cf: Papiazan's ginger-beer recipe --
I don't remember what it's called at the moment (I don't have the book with
me)) and am curious whether it matters whether one adds it to dark or light
I have an "Old Ale" kit, a "Scottish Ale" kit (looks rather amber), another
kind of "Ale" kit (four pounds), a can of light, unhopped malt extract, and
a can of dark, unhopped malt extract (both of these last are cans of syrup,
I daresay). In which would the honey and/or ginger be most
- Ted
Patrick T. Garvin
in the Society: Padraig Cosfhota o Ulad / Barony of Namron, Ansteorra
ptgarvin at aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu / ptgarvin at uokmax.UUCP
Disclaimer: This message has no disclaimer.
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Date: Wed, 9 Aug 89 13:29:57 PDT
From: hplabs!rutgers!fluke.com!inc (Gary Benson)
Subject: Finnish Non-Alcohol Brew
Hello... I want to duplicate a drink I learned to enjoy in Finland. It is
called "koikalja" (home beer), a non- (or anyway low-)alcohol beer. (Beer
with alcohol is called "olut" in Finnish, and comes in 4 strengths: I, II,
III, and IV. For all practical purposes, you never see the "I" kind...but
I'm straying from my topic; all that's another story.
Kotikalja, pronounced KO-tea-KAHL-yah, is sold in little kits, 3 kits per
box for about 2 dollars. The kit contains about 1/4 cup of unhopped dark
extract, and a little pack of dry yeast. Each kit makes 3 liters, and the
process is as follows:
Boil water, add extract, stir.
Allow to cool to room temperature.
Sprinkle yeast on top, stir in.
Cover, leave at room temperature for 1 to 2 days, stirring occasionally.
Bottle, age for 2 weeks or longer.
The result is well-carbonated, fresh tasting and very thirst-quenching, but
rather dry with no aftertaste. I'd like to make it here in the U.S. ,
without needing to import the kits. (Postage costs as much as the kits!)
I'm pretty sure about the unhopped extract, but can anyone tell me what kind
of yeast will duplicate the action of this one? Is the fact that it creates
carbonation but no alcohol just an effect of the process or is it a
particular kind of yeast? When it's working, there is something of a bread
smell, so I wonder if it is bread yeast? Although at times, my ale has
smelled like bread, too, using ale yeast. Any thoughts?
GaryBenson inc at tc.fluke.com
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #224, 08/10/89
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