HOMEBREW Digest #233 Mon 21 August 1989

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  Cherry brew outcome ("FEINSTEIN")
  RE: Specific Gravity Different (Brian Capouch)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 20 Aug 89 16:17:00 EDT From: "FEINSTEIN" <crf at pine.circa.ufl.edu> Subject: Cherry brew outcome Hello, all! Well, I've tasted my batch of "Cherries in the Snow," and it's *wonderful*! Everything Papazian says it is! "La white scum" remained, and remains, present. I did indeed run a Gram stain on it, and learned precisely nothing. There are several technical reasons for this. So, I am hoping Dr. Andrews will permit me to consult him (hint, hint :-) ), and in the meantime will continue to lean towards the "wild yeast introduced by the cherries themselves" theory. Contentedly yours, Cher Feinstein INTERNET: CRF at PINE.CIRCA.UFL.EDU BITNET: CRF at UFPINE Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 89 20:38:55 -0500 (CDT) From: Brian Capouch HFTmQ <brianc at zeta.saintjoe.EDU> Subject: RE: Specific Gravity Different There are complex sugars in the wort that can't be utilized by yeast--I don't know, but suspect, that various yeasts are subtly different about converting the different sugars. In any event, in practice almost no beer will ferment out to zero gravity. The ending gravity you get will depend on the type of malt in the wort, as well as (for those who mash) how long you mash and at what temperatures. The temperature correction issue should be approached with extreme caution. At the suggestion of my friendly dealer-guru, I performed an experiment where the same wort was checked with the hydrometer fresh out of the brewpot (~180), and at various temperatures down to the recommended 60. It turned out that the little correction chart badly OVERestimated the gravity at the higher temperatures. My advice would be to check the gravity after the wort has cooled, or, if the purpose of the check is to see if extracts need to be added to a mash wort, to ladle a little hot wort into a canning jar, set it in a bowl of cold water or icewater to cool down, then check the gravity. I have a question of my own for you folks: are most of you using chlorine to sanitize your fermenters/carboys/bottles? I have recently had a couple of batches become infected, even though those same containers are actually being treated a lot more carefully now than they had been earlier in my brewing career. I use a hot water rinse, followed by a dilute bleach-in-water solution. I don't know what I need to correct, but brewing's too much work to waste a whole batch and all those hours. Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #233, 08/21/89
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