HOMEBREW Digest #253 Thu 14 September 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
lagering times and temps (florianb)
August Homebrew Digest Index ("MR. DAVID HABERMAN")
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
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Date: 12 Sep 89 16:16:10 PDT (Tue)
From: florianb at tekred.cna.tek.com
Subject: lagering times and temps
In HB.DIG #251, Brian Capouch asks:
>How long do you experts leave your lagers to ferment? I tourned Anheuser-Busch
>last weekend, and they tell me that Budweiser takes about 20 days from mash to
>departure from the brewery.
>Even once that problem is solved, how long do the big boys of homebrewing lager
>for, and what price is paid for leaving the bottled beer at room temperature.
I'm not an expert, but I CAN type and blabber, for its own value. I recently
asked the same questions in this forum, and received various answers. From
my limited experience, I recommend at least a month in the fermenter at less
than 48 degrees, and lager at reduced temperature (around 32 degrees) for at
least one more month. Two months is better, and up to six months would be
great, according to the good books, but my brews never last that long...
As for temperature increases, that's a really good question...I have avoided
allowing the temperature to go above 32 degrees after lagering, as
recommended by one of my books. However, I don't know if this is necessary.
During the time I lived in Germany, I purchased quite a lot of beer from
the "Getrankmarkts", which are nothing more than back-door stores full of
cases of beer. Some were tucked away in alleys, while others were
nothing more than converted lower levels of dwellings. The temperatures
ranged various, and in some cases were way up there at 70 degrees, I bet.
Indeed, some of the beers still had live yeast ("Hefe Weizen"), so these
should come under the home brew lager catagory. It's anyone's guess
whether the yeasts autolyzed under these conditions, but I always enjoyed
them. If the Germans can do this routinely and produce such good brews, I
suspect that even our unfiltered homebrew will survive it. Other opinions?
[florian bell, somewhere in central oregon]
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Date: 13 Sep 89 12:48:00 PDT
From: "MR. DAVID HABERMAN" <habermand at afal-edwards.af.mil>
Subject: August Homebrew Digest Index
I finally got tired of looking through all the digests to find information
that I know was there somewhere. I wrote a simple program (I am a programmer
after all) to read the header information from the digests and pull out the
contents section. I did not edit the resulting file, so those people that are
too lazy to put subjects or just use REPLY to send submissions have their
subjects missing or just say "RE: Homebrew Digest #nnn". Please put in a
subject field when making a submission to the digest. It will make it easier
for those of us who keep them and actually use them for reference.
Attached to the end of this message is the index for August, 1989. I will be
sending the indices one at a time in order not to make the digests too long.
I have the ones for Nov88, Dec88, Jun89, Jul89, and Aug89. As soon as I get
the others from Miami, I will make indices and send them on. As each month
ends, I will send the index.
HOMEBREW Digest #217 Tue 01 August 1989
Steeping Grains (ROSS)
McMeniman's beer (bryan)
RE: Homebrew Digest #214 (July 29, 1989)
("Watching a year-old for 2 hrs == field heralding for 8.")
Icy Wort! (Martin A. Lodahl)
Miller's Book and Red Star (Dave Sheehy)
HOMEBREW Digest #218 Wed 02 August 1989
Back issues (MARKIEWI)
using ice for a cold break (blumenthal at home with the armadillos)
Pitching Rates ("Allen J. Hainer")
Irish Moss. (James Kolasa)
a little more on Red Star... (florianb)
Roto-Keg, revisited (Martin A. Lodahl)
Mailer problems; results of cherry brew ("FEINSTEIN")
HOMEBREW Digest #219 Thu 03 August 1989
Re: Back Issues (a.e.mossberg)
yeast culturing ("1107-CD&I/VIRUS DISEASES")
re:Pitching Rates (Darryl Richman)
Stout (Marc San Soucie)
HOMEBREW Digest #220 Fri 04 August 1989
re: stout adjuncts (Darryl Richman)
RE: Homebrew Digest #218 (August 02, 1989) (")
Re: temperatures and liquid yeast culturing (florianb)
Stouts and Mugs ("Lance "Bub" Smith")
HOMEBREW Digest #221 Sat 05 August 1989
Sweet stouts ("1107-CD&I/VIRUS DISEASES")
Homebrew digest entry ("ERIC HALLMAN, CLIENT SERVICES X3922")
ginger beer, yeast culturing (BROWN)
Re: cold break (Gordon Hester)
HOMEBREW Digest #222 Tue 08 August 1989
Connecticut Brewers (Joseph Palladino)
Taking homebrew into Canada (Jonathan Corbet)
Honey in beer (dw)
Bottle Question (James Kolasa)
Re: Steam Beer (Michael Eldredge)
source for glycerol, aseptic technique ("1107-CD&I/VIRUS DISEASES")
re: yeast culturing (Darryl Richman)
HOMEBREW Digest #223 Wed 09 August 1989
IBC Root Beer Bottles (Alex M. Stein)
Oktoberfest beer, anyone (Russ Pencin)
IBC bottles ("FEINSTEIN")
Homebrew Digest sign-up (Ken Ellinwood)
HOMEBREW Digest #224 Thu 10 August 1989
newsletter illustrations ("1107-CD&I/VIRUS DISEASES")
Ginger beer (")
Finnish Non-Alcohol Brew (Gary Benson)
HOMEBREW Digest #225 Fri 11 August 1989
Re: Ginger beer (dw)
re: newsletter illustrations (Darryl Richman)
Finnish Brew (Tom Hotchkiss)
Bisulphite in canner (florianb)
Canadian entry (mhalley)
Ginger beer (")
TREACLE - How do I prime with it? (Mike Fertsch)
Ginger Beers ("Lance "Turtle" Smith")
sodium metabisulfite (iwtio!korz)
Brew Book List / comment on Glyserine / Yeast Query (LLUG_JI)
Helpful Hints on Making Beer (Dr. T. Andrews)
HOMEBREW Digest #226 Sat 12 August 1989
Re: TREACLE (a.e.mossberg)
Culturing SN yeast (Robert Virzi)
re: yeast odors (Darryl Richman)
Barley Tea Beer (Erik Asphaug)
Chicago micro's (BROWN)
Boring subject lines (")
Re: Ginger Beer (Dr. T. Andrews)
HOMEBREW Digest #227 Sun 13 August 1989
Re:Culturing SN Yeast ("Allen J. Hainer")
Honey, Molasses, and Ginger (kipps)
HOMEBREW Digest #228 Tue 15 August 1989
More about honey (dw)
Re: Culturing SN Yeast (Pete Soper)
Culturing Residual Yeast (florianb)
re: Culturing SN yeast (Darryl Richman)
re: Chicago's Micros (Darryl Richman)
Brewpubs (Walt Thode)
mailing (scotth)
Seiben's (iwtio!korz)
Harvesting Hops (Crawford.WBST129)
HOMEBREW Digest #229 Wed 16 August 1989
Growing Hops (Terry Noe)
Re: Chicago Brewpubs (beckley)
Beer judge exam, Connecticut (drutx!homer)
Moving to Houston... (Jerry Burch)
Stouts and Mugs (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
HOMEBREW Digest #230 Thu 17 August 1989
homegrown hops - yield, drying (Dick Dunn)
The Gravity of the Situation (Mike Fertsch)
Grain Grinding (Steve Anthony)
Great Fermentations, more info (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
HOMEBREW Digest #231 Fri 18 August 1989
Re: homegrown hops - yield, drying (dw)
signoff (mhalley)
Re: Homebrew Digest #230 (August 17, 1989) (Stanley Dunn)
Great Fermentations, more info (drutx!homer)
Yeast Suppliers ("Allen J. Hainer")
Re: The Gravity of the Situation
(Patrick Stirling (Sun USHQ Consulting Services))
The Gravity of the Situation (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
HOMEBREW Digest #232 Sat 19 August 1989
Re: SG different from recipe (Crawford.WBST129)
Re: Hydrometer calibrations (Roger Rose)
HOMEBREW Digest #233 Mon 21 August 1989
Cherry brew outcome ("FEINSTEIN")
RE: Specific Gravity Different (Brian Capouch HFTmQ)
HOMEBREW Digest #234 Tue 22 August 1989
Chlorine ("Allen J. Hainer")
Specific Gravity Different (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Follow-up on pilsner (florianb)
Brewpub Listings (John DeCarlo <m14051 at mwvm>)
HOMEBREW Digest #235 Wed 23 August 1989
Chicago micro redux (BROWN)
Cherries in the Scum (er..Snow) (kevin w. holroyd)
Anyone familiar with this magazine? (csun!fedeva!bill)
back issues of homebrew digest (System PRIVILEGED Account)
HOMEBREW Digest #236 Thu 24 August 1989
Chlorine and such. (")
Brewing/Brewpub Magazines (Mike Fertsch)
programmable thermostat update (Pete Soper)
Saccharin (Brian Capouch HFTmQ)
root beer question (florianb)
More on specific gravity (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Specific Gravity Different (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Re: Chlorine (Dr. T. Andrews)
HOMEBREW Digest #237 Fri 25 August 1989
supply sources (Joe Kagenski)
Clarification regarding sterilization.....
(Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Cornelius Kegs (man)
Still looking for tapping info (plus a Chicago brewpub comment)
(Edward A Estes +1 312 982 3969)
well water (Doug)
hops and light (cwilson)
Re: Chlorine (dw)
HOMEBREW Digest #238 Sat 26 August 1989
"Hunter Energy Monitor AC" model 42205 thermostat (Crawford.WBST129)
St. Louie Brewies? (Brian Capouch HFTmQ)
root beer question (Arun Welch)
HOMEBREW Digest #239 Sun 27 August 1989
re: hops and light (Darryl Richman)
Cornelius kegs (Darryl Richman)
HOMEBREW Digest #240 Tue 29 August 1989
Hunter Thermostat (take two) (Pete Soper)
Book recommendation wanted (Bruce Buck - Sun ECD Hardware)
Archives (a.e.mossberg)
Re: supply sources (list) (Michael Eldredge)
Doric Yeast (Martin A. Lodahl)
Hot & Cold Breaks (Martin A. Lodahl)
Re: well water (Martin A. Lodahl)
HOMEBREW Digest #241 Wed 30 August 1989
What you need for a kegging system (Steve Conklin)
Who is Elbro Nerkte, anyway? (Steve Anthony)
Books and Yeast (Patrick Stirling [Sun Consulting Services Mtn View])
Re: Book recommendation wanted (Martin A. Lodahl)
Several Things ("Brian CapouchfEHFTmQ:8:8")
CAMRA membership (Pete Soper)
HOMEBREW Digest #242 Thu 31 August 1989
SG vs Temperature Formula (Tom Kuhn)
Attenuative Yeasts (Martin A. Lodahl)
extract efficiency (Pete Soper)
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #253, 09/14/89
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