HOMEBREW Digest #259 Wed 20 September 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Digest Indices ("MR. DAVID HABERMAN")
Holiday Beer Recipes Wanted (Alex M. Stein)
missing issues (John S. Link)
Hunter monitor vs Honeywell thermostat (Pete Soper)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 89 04:56:58 EDT
From: hpda!uunet!f327.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Tim.Weil (Tim Weil)
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Date: 17 Sep 89 19:30:00 EST (SUN)
From: Tim Weil
NOTE: as a non-USENET BBS BREWNET serves the brewing community of
the DC/VA/MD metro area with links across the country.
Here is a partial list of our active files & we are definitely
looking to expand. By the by, HB Digest is a great service
and we store archives of the message base via the USENET/FIDO
The HomeBrewer's BBS
(301 891-SUDS)
(FIDO 1:/109/419)
Master File List by Area
Updated: Thu Sep 14 19:06:51 1989
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Download Area #1 - What's Brewing
Return to table of contents
ABINDEX2.NDX 83328 03-25-89 Revised Alphabetical Index All About Beer Mag
BESTBEER.TXT 5376 04-03-89 M. Jackson's Best Beer 4 & 3/4 Star Beer by Sty
BREWNET.LST 6469 08-24-89 A list of files on BREWNET
CALORIES.TXT 1918 08-18-89 Calories & %Alchohol of major commercial beers
MENU.TXT 10240 03-20-89 List of beers served at Brickskellar
WINNERS.AHA 8913 07-11-89 Winners List from AHA Ntl. Confab.
***** 8 total files in area 1
***** 133,140 total bytes in area 1
Download Area #3 - HomeBrew Education
Return to table of contents
--- FILES: HomeBrew Education ---
AABINDEX.ARC 18048 12-28-88 Index of "All About Beer" Magazine--ARC'd
BREWLAW.TXT 5226 01-27-89 U.S. Homebrew Law - The Cranston Bill
BREWPUB.ZIP 6220 09-15-89 National List of Microbreweries (needing edit)
EGYPT.TXT 5093 05-21-89 HomeBrew on the Nile - circa 3400 B.C.
FLAVOR.TXT 19329 01-04-89 Flavors of Beer - GREAT for Judges & Connoisseu
NEWS13.ARC 27065 02-03-89 3rd Wave Client Newsletter
PORTERS.TXT 3072 03-09-89 Survey of Porter - Commercial Brands described
READING.TXT 17792 01-04-89 Review of Books & Periodicals on Beer & Brewing
BREWBOOK.TXT 9323 09-12-89 Books in Print listing of Brewing literature
TASTEINF.TXT 8704 11-23-88 How to Taste Beer
TCJOHB.NDX 23040 10-27-88 Index for The Complete Joy of Home Brewing
***** 10 total files in area 3
***** 136,692 total bytes in area 3
Download Area #4 - Making HomeBrew - Materials & Technique
Return to table of contents
--- FILES: Making Homebrew - Materials & Technique ---
AMERCLAS.TXT 2560 03-29-89 Why You Should Choose Only American Classic Mal
BREWLOG1.TXT 2048 09-26-88 Brewlog - Front Page, Recipe/Observations
BREWLOG2.TXT 3072 09-26-88 Brewlog - Back page, Taste testing, ABA scale
HOPCHART.TXT 2116 01-04-89 Hop characteristics and description
NEWBREW.TXT 3968 11-25-88 Instructions for 1st time HomeBrewer
PROCDURE.TXT 18816 02-14-89 Procedures for Brewing Good Beer
SHPSELCT.TXT 4096 03-29-89 Selecting A Shop once leaving DC - Guidlines
YEAST.TXT 9216 11-25-88 The importance of yeast in brewing
***** 8 total files in area 4
***** 45,892 total bytes in area 4
Download Area #5 - Recipes
Return to table of contents
--- FILES: Recipes ---
AMCLASSC.TXT 21888 02-08-89 Recipes Using American Classic Malt Extracts
AUSSY.TXT 2910 02-09-89 Australian Lager - a la Foster's
FULLER1.WBR 1054 12-27-88 Fuller London Pride - All Grain
FULLER2.WBR 949 12-27-88 Fuller London Pride - Extact
FULLESB.TXT 1071 10-05-88 Fuller Extra Strong Bitters
IPA.TXT 1739 05-07-89 India Pale Ale
LIKEUBUY.PAK 11007 03-19-89 Quality Commercial Beer Recipes
MACKESON.TXT 2937 03-19-89 Whitebreads 'Milk Stout' a la Dave Line/TWT
OLDPECUL.TXT 2296 10-18-88 Old Peculiar
README.TXT 3359 10-18-88 Procedure for Recipes & What's Here
SAMSMPAL.TXT 2386 10-18-88 Samuel Smith's Pale Ale
SMYTHWCK.TXT 1074 10-18-88 Smythwck's Irish Ale
VICTORIA.TXT 2831 10-18-88 Old Victoria - Bitter
***** 13 total files in area 5
***** 55,501 total bytes in area 5
Download Area #7 - BREWBEER File Area
Return to table of contents
--- FILES: BREWNET Matrix Area ---
HBNET185.ZIP 10624 07-07-89 Internet Homebrew Digest 180-185
HBNET190.ZIP 30720 07-07-89 Internet Homebrew Digest 186-190
HBNET195.ZIP 18432 07-07-89 Internet Homebrew Digest 191-195
HBNET200.ZIP 23552 07-13-89 Internet Homebrew Digest #197-200
HBNET205.ZIP 24576 07-25-89 Internet Homebrew Digests #201-205
HBNET210.ZIP 19456 07-25-89 Internet Homebrew Digests #206-210
HBNET215.ZIP 23552 07-31-89 Internet Homebrew Digests #211-215
HBNET220.ZIP 21248 08-08-89 Internet Homebrew Digests #216-220
HBNET225.ZIP 24320 08-16-89 Internet Homebrew Digests #221-225
HBNET230.ZIP 20608 08-17-89 Internet Homebrew Digests #126-130
HBNET235.ZIP 15360 08-30-89 Internet Homebrew Digests #231 - 235
HBNET240.ZIP 22528 08-30-89 Internet Homebrew Digests #236-240
HBNET245.ZIP 22528 09-14-89 Internet Homebrew Digests #241-245
HBNET250.ZIP 24576 09-14-89 Internet Homebrew Digests #246-250
***** 14 total files in area 7
***** 302,080 total bytes in area 7
***** 78 total files in all areas
***** 1,864,655 total bytes in all areas
Tim Weil - FidoNet 1:109/401 - The Black Cat's Shack
Internet: Tim.Weil at f327.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG UUCP: ...!uunet!hadron!blkcat!327!Tim.Weil
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Date: 19 Sep 89 09:48:00 PDT
From: "MR. DAVID HABERMAN" <habermand at afal-edwards.af.mil>
Subject: Digest Indices
Sorry about cluttering up the digests with the indices (OK, table of contents
summaries) but I thought that they were useful. The concensus that I get from
the digest messages and personal ones, is that most people would like them
sent as separate messages. I am underprivleged and not on a UNIX system, so I
can't do some of the fancy search utilities. I also store my digests in
compressed archive format and have to uncompress them if I want to look at
one. If I have an idea which one to get, it takes less time. As far as the
subjects go, I mentioned in my initial posting that I have not done any
editing of the subject lines. The ones for September have been edited, but
the other 10 months would take too long to go through. I am editing them as I
reeive them so it iis easier now.
I have sent all the indices that I have so far, to the homebrew archives at
mthvax.cs.miami.edu for those that want to get them. I can also arrange with
Rob to have them sent out in a mass mailing if that would be ok with everyone
else. There are 6 more left (Nov88-May89 except Feb89) to send.
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Date: Tue, 19 Sep 89 10:07:54 PDT
From: alexs at retix.retix.com (Alex M. Stein)
Subject: Holiday Beer Recipes Wanted
This weekend, I saw my first Christmas display of the season in
a local store. I took this as a sign that it was not too
early to think about end-of-year/holiday brews. So:
Anyone have a tasty holiday recipe to share?
Alex Stein
"In the shops are shiny things
I can see them glittering
Wish that I could buy them all
Wish I lived in a shopping mall.
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Date: Tue, 19 Sep 89 14:47:57 edt
From: John S. Link <prcrs!link at uunet.UU.NET>
Subject: missing issues
I have just started to receive the Homebrew Digest again. Our uunet
connection was down. During this time, I missed #'s 230 - 254.
Could someone send me copies if they have these? (For that matter,
the first Digest I received was # 101. Does anyone have copies of #
1 - 100?)
Thanks for your help. As a novice brewer, the information obtained
on this mailing list is priceless.
John Link
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Date: Tue, 19 Sep 89 17:30:47 EDT
From: Pete Soper <soper at maxzilla.encore.com>
Subject: Hunter monitor vs Honeywell thermostat
From: Crawford.WBST129 at Xerox.COM (Greg Crawford)
>Thanks to ERIK A. HENCHAL for recommending the Hunter Energy Monitor. I
>bought mine this weekend and it is exactly what I need. I just got my Fall
>issue of Zymurgy and they include an article on how to install a thermostat
>in a fridge. The only problem is that their method uses a $45 honeywell
>unit (my Hunter cost $39.95) and it is more work to install.
For those that haven't seen the "Zymurgy" article, it should be pointed
out that the Honeywell is just a thermostat. It doesn't have a built in
remote thermometer with LCD readout, battery protected clock, etc.
The only thing the Honeywell unit has that I wish the Hunter had is an
adjustable "span". I know I've probably used the wrong term. What I mean
is a way of saying "turn on X degrees above and turn off Y degrees below
the set point".
Also, "more work to install" is an understatement. I'd count in at least
a few hassle equivalent dollars to the real cost of the Honeywell unit for
a more fair comparison.
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #259, 09/20/89
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