HOMEBREW Digest #2648 Fri 27 February 1998
Digest Janitor: janitor@hbd.org
Many thanks to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers of
Livonia, Michigan for sponsoring the Homebrew Digest.
URL: http://www.oeonline.com
Predicting Mash pH (AJ)
proper sanitation ("John Herman")
Predicting Attenuation (re: the Druey Equation) and the Modificat ("Riedel, Dave")
Sages of Siebel Speak / Part 1 ("Rob Moline")
Siebel Sages Speak / Part 2 ("Rob Moline")
homebrew cooking - dessert pears (smurman)
Infusion mashing (Jason Henning)
5l kegs/cornykegs/carbonation ("Gregg Soh")
Why buy continental lager malts ? ("Steve Alexander")
carbon yeast killers ("Ray Estrella")
Injuneers and spherical horses,water chemistry, ("David R. Burley")
Re:Chem E's, MEs and EE (Glyn Crossno)
Hemp Cream Ale (Eugene Sonn)
weight scales/Mixmasher (Mike Spinelli)
1/2 barrel mash screens (David Kerr)
Re: Converting to RIMS (Dion Hollenbeck)
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JANITORS on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (janitor@hbd.org)
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:00:21 -0400
From: ajdel at mindspring.com (AJ)
Subject: Predicting Mash pH
I've recently had private communication concerning Kohlbach's formula for
predicting mash pH. In particular my correspondant was having trouble with
the concept as presented in George and Laurie Fix's "An Analysis of Brewing
Science" and Ray Daniels "Designing Great Beers". In the former case,
typographical errors (as evidenced by the fact that the formula is given
two different ways in two different places - the authors are aware of this)
obscure the meaning and in the latter the formula is also printed
differently in two places neither of which is correct as increased calcium
and magnesium concentrations would increase the pH and the converse is the
case. As this formula can be quite useful for prediciting mash pH
_approximately_ I thought it might be of interest to have the record set
Kohlbach's observation was that water with 10 degrees of "residual
alkalinity" (and we'll get to what that means in a minute) caused the pH of
a pale malt mash (12 P) to be 0.3 pH units above the pH realized if
distilled water was used. This observation quantifies the relationship
between bicarbonate ion in the water (the source of alkalinity) and the
hydrogen ion released by the reaction of calcium and magnesium in the water
with phytin in the malt. Phytin must be hydrolyzed to phytic acid for this
to take place and that hydrolysis requires the enzyme phytase which is
largely inactivated in high kilned malts so this calculation is only useful
for low kilned malts which, of course, make up the majority of the grist in
many beers.
Kohlbach determined that 3.5 equivalents (Eq) of calcium reacts with malt
phytin to release 1 equivalent of hydrogen ions which can "neutralize" 1
equivalent of water alkalinity. Similarly 7 equivalents of magnesium react
to neutralize 1 equivalent of alkalinity. Alkalinity which is not
neutralized is termed "residual alkalinity" (abbreviated RA). We are
interested not in the total amount of alkalinity neutralized but in the
amount per unit volume thus we write:
Eq/L RA = Eq/L Alkalinity - [ (Eq/L Ca)/3.5 + (Eq/L Mg)/7 ]
Written this way the residual alkalinity is in units of equivalents per
liter (Eq/L) as are the alkalinity, the calcium concentration and the
magnesium concentration. If all terms in the formula are scaled by the same
factor the formula still holds so that, for example, if we multiply both
sides by 1000, the units for all quantities would be milliequivalents per
liter (mEq/L), sometimes called millivals (mV/L)
mEq/L RA
= mEq/L Alkalinity - [ (mEq/L Ca)/3.5 + (mEq/L Mg)/7 ]
Life would be much simpler if people stuck to milliequivalents but
tradition demands otherwise. For example, Kohlbach worked in German degrees
of hardness. A German degree is 0.3574 mEq/L. Thus if we scale both sides
of the equation by this factor we would get:
dH RA = dH Alkalinity - [ (dH Ca)/3.5 + (dH Mg)/7 ]
i.e. everything is expressed in "dH" units - German degrees of hardness.
In the US we use "ppm as CaCO3" and each ppm as CaCO3 is equal to 0.02 mEq/L:
ppm as CaCO3 RA =
ppm as CaCO3 Alkalinity - [ (ppm as CaCO3 Ca)/3.5 + (ppm as CaCO3 Mg)/7 ]
Thus as long as the metal ion concentrations are expressed as "hardnesses"
and in the same units as the alkalinity we can calculate the RA in the same
units as the alkalinity.
While calcium and magnesium concentrations in a water sample are sometimes
expressed as "calcium hardness" and "magnesium hardness", (in ppm as CaCO3
or German degrees or French degrees or English degrees) they are sometimes
expressed directly as the concentration of the ion ("as calcium" or "as
magnesium" in mg/L (or sometimes ppm which is effectively the same). It is
in this latter case that confusion arises because alkalinity is nearly
always given in hardness units (ppm as CaCO3 or one of the "degree" units.)
In these cases it is, I think, simplest to bring everything into mEq/L. Use
the following conversions:
To Convert to mEq/L
Hardness*(ppm as CaCO3) Divide by 50
Hardness (German Deg.) Multiply by 0.357
Hardness (French Deg.) Divide by 5
Hardness (English Deg.) Multiply by 0.285
Calcium (mg/L) Divide by 20
Magnesium (mg/L) Divide by 12.15
* Calcium and magnesium hardness. Use these same factors for alkalinity
when it is expressed in hardness units.
The fact that 10 German degrees (3.574 mEq/L) causes a pH change of 0.3 pH
means that 1 mEq/L causes a pH change of 0.3/3.574 = 0.084 pH.
Example: A water sample shows alkalinity of 80 ppm as CaCO3, calcium
hardness of 60 ppm as CaCO3 and magnesium hardness of 30 ppm as CaCO3. What
is the residual alkalinity and pH shift?
Solution: RA = 80/50 - (60/50/3.5 + 30/50/7) = +1.17 mEq/L
RA = 80 -(60/3.5 + 30/7) = +58.6ppm as CaCO3 -> 58.6/50 = +1.17 mEq/L
pH shift = (+1.17)(0.084) = +0.10
Example: The same sample might be reported as having alkalinity of 80 ppm
as CaCO3 with a calcium concentration of 24 mg/L and a magnesium
concentration of 7.3 mg/L.
Solution: RA = 80/50 - (24/20/3.5 + 7.3/12.15/7) = +1.17
Note that RA can be negative in which case the pH will be lower than the
distilled water pH and, of course, this is what you would like to see.
To estimate mash pH all you now need is the value for the pH for a
distilled water mash. It is best that you measure this yourself by mixing
deionized water and and a small amount of ground malt at about the same
ratio that you will use in the mash tun (this is not critical). Let this
stand for about 5 minutes and measure the pH. My personal experience is
that most of the pale malts will come to a pH close to or a little less
than 5.7 but some authors say 5.8. In the example above I would estimate
the mash pH to be 5.7 + 0.10 = 5.8. If I wanted to lower this to 5.6 I
would need to decrease the RA by 0.2/0.084 = 2.38 mEq/L and this would
require an increase in the calcium level by (2.38)(3.5) = 8.33 mEq/L. Since
each mEq/L of calcium corresponds to 20 mg/L of the ion this is 166.7 mg/L
additional calcium which would bring the total to 166.7 + 24 = 190.7. Some
places (Vienna) have water that hard but it's rare not to mention the fact
that 8.3 mEq of anion would also be added with the calcium in the salt or
salts used to augment the calcium (294 mg/L chloride if all calcium
chloride or 400 mg/L sulfate if all gypsum). Thus we would probably look to
acid from higher kilned malt to do part of the job if we wished to lower
the pH this far.
The Fixs calculate RA separately as we have done above here. Daniels puts
everything into one formula. This should read
pH = 5.8 + 0.084[0.02 Alk(ppm as CaCO3) - 0.0143 Ca(mg/L) - 0.0117 Mg(mg/L)]
pH = 5.8 + [0.00168 Alk(ppm as CaCO3) - 0.0012 Ca(mg/L) - 0.000982 Mg(mg/L)]
Putting in 80 for the alkalinity, 24 for the calcium and 7.3 for the
magnesium we get pH = 5.8 + 0.1 which represents a rise of 0.1 pH as we
obtained above. Daniels assumes pH 5.8 for a distilled water mash.
Numquam in dubio, saepe in errore.
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Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:31:30 +0000
From: "John Herman" <interport.net at interport.net>
Subject: proper sanitation
every book has a different answer on this, how much bleach do I use
per gallon of water? Is TSP better?
/* John Victor Herman *\
/* johnvic at interport.net *\
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Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 12:42:00 -0500
From: "Riedel, Dave" <RiedelD at dfo-mpo.gc.ca>
Subject: Predicting Attenuation (re: the Druey Equation) and the Modificat
You may recall that I tried using Kyle Druey's attenuation prediction
equation for a pair of lagers. The results were almost perfect for the
first batch (Dunkel) and then quite poor for the second (Vienna):
> >For the Dunkel, I wanted to go from 1.053 to 1.014-15; Kyle's linear
> >model said: 26-28 min at 60C/140F and 62-64 min at 70C/158F.
> >SG 1.053
> >OG 1.014 (2 wks later) - now lagering at ~2C/34F
> >For the Vienna, I wanted 1.050 to 1.010; Druey's new and improved
> >exponential said use 60 min at 60C/140F and 30 min at 70C/158F.
> >SG 1.051
> >FG 1.015 (ferment only lasted about 1 week; racked
> after
Well, I'm planning on doing a Czech Pils in a couple of weeks, so I'd
like to
try and nail down the reason for the above discrepancy. So what changed
between the batches?
1. Base malt- Dunkel: 1.5kg Canada Malting 2-row, 3.5kg Baird Munich
Vienna: 3.7kg DWC Pils, 0.75kg Ireks Vienna
2. Malt crush- Dunkel was crushed with a Valley Mill on the 3rd
setting; Vienna was crushed on the second coarsest
3. Protein rest- I used a protein rest of 10min at 50C (122F) for the
and 15min at 50C for the Vienna.
It's a safe bet to assume that the 2-row and the Munich are well
modified. I
gave the Dunkel a brief rest at 122F 'just to be safe'. The Vienna,
is predominantly DWC pils which, it has been argued, may be the only
available malt requiring a 50C(122F) rest.
What I'm speculating is this: could the coarser crush and the short
rest at 50C
have resulted in a mash situation where the enzymes active in the first
step at
60C(140F), primarily beta amylase, were unable to aggressively begin
acting on
the malt right away? That is, was the action of the beta amylase at
140F slowed
by the malt/mash structure that resulted from a coarse crush and a
insufficient protein rest? It seems to me that a fine crush and well
modified malt
would make the enzymes' jobs easier - fast, thorough access to *all* the
malt and
hence quicker conversion. If my speculation is plausible, the Vienna
mash would
effectively have 'seen' a shorter rest period at 50C(140F) and hence
have been
less fermentable.
Any thoughts on this?
Dave Riedel
Victoria, BC, Canada
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Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:04:18 -0600
From: "Rob Moline" <brewer at ames.net>
Subject: Sages of Siebel Speak / Part 1
Siebel Sages Speak....
When George and I were at Siebel, I asked for questions to pose to the
instructors. Most, if not all of those questions have already been answered
by my self or George, (mostly George, 'cos he is far brighter than I in this
regard, but mostly 'cos he is a much faster typist......er,
uh...keyboarder!), to the individuals concerned.
But, the point was to get actual response from the Siebel staff to your
individual questions, and to that end, I left a small stack of printed
questions for them. These have now been returned to me, and I have tried to
faithfully reproduce them.
Sorry, they are not all signed, so I am not sure of the instructor
responding in all questions.
> From: Peter M Garofalo
> To: Rob
> Subject: A Question for the Seibel Sages
> Is modern-day malt sufficiently modified as to not require a protein
> rest? Is ther esuch a thing in today's world as under, modified malt? If
> so, what harm does a protein rest do, besides a too-long too-cool one
> potentially ruining head retention? Need I go on...?
Most modern malt is well modified. Good modification implies that a
relatively large percentage of protein from grain ends up in wort. Low
protein malts or specialty malts may still contribute low levels of nitrogen
to wort. Modification doesn't tell the whole story, so there is no universal
answer. Most North American pale malt will give plenty of nitrogen to wort,
so a protein rest is not required when protein is the only consideration.
Beta-glucans, phenolics, and extract yield are other factors to be
> From: Tim Martin
> Subject: undermodified vs. modified malt question
> What malts are considered fully modified and which ones are under
> modified?
> Can we successfully single infuse the fully modified malts and not get
> chill haze or starch haze?
> Is step infusion necessary (helpful or damaging) to modified malts?
> Are all malts today modern Fully modified and can we do a single infusion
> with them.
> What is the best way to mash Klages/Harrington malts? Are these a
> lager, pale, pale ale malt?
> What is optimum single infuse temperature.
Malts which release their extract easily are well modified. Malt
analysis parameters such as low fine-coarse extract difference, high
friability, high S/T protein, low viscosity, low beta-glucans are all
indicators of high modification. No malt is fully modified because of the
way that germination proceeds.
For 'some' (underlined) purposes, most modern malts can be mashed using
a single infusion.
Most North American malts are lager malts.
There is no such thing as a simple "optimum temperature" - it can only
be defined on a case by case basis.
> From: Tom Herlache
> Subject: Question
> OK Rob, I'll take you up on your offer. My question is a bit complex, so
I hope it makes sense. Here goes:
> First a supposition:
> Chill haze is caused by (poly)phenols in beer forming hydrogen bonded
> complexes with beer proteins, and the major protein involved in this
> interaction are the proline-rich hordeins.
> If this is the case, then why are proteinase rests thought to help
> chilling stability? It seems that increased chilling stability via
> proteinase rests would have nothing to do with the reduction of high
> molecular-weight proteins to smaller size by proteolysis (that is, on a
> general effect on the protein pool), as is so often stated in the HBD,
> because a specific protein is involved in the interaction. I've talked
> with Karl Siebert, who is a faculty member at our Experiment Station, and
> he feels that protein rests are of little value in chill stabilizing beer.
> Karl also thinks that even smallish fragments of hordein are haze-active,
> thereby ruling out degradation of hordein as the mechansim. I believe
> that's because relatively short polyproline peptides are haze active but
> I'm not sure what his evidence for this is.
> What sayeth the High Sages? Are proteinase rests effective in chill
> proofing, and if so, why? How does this relate to hordein?
A protein rest is of little value in affecting chill haze....(chill
haze) is, as you say, the product of a very specific protein type.
One attempt to characterize haze protein involved examination of
proteins removed from silica gel which had been put in beer to remove haze
precursors. Proteins recovered were as small as 12,000 molecular weight.
Joe Power
> From: Jeffrey M. Kenton
> Subject: Three questions
> 1. What is the proper way to dry hop?
> 2. Is there any advantage to wet milling over dry milling?
> 3. When boiling, can a person assume a linear increase in SG due to a
> measurable loss of water? (i.e. After boiling 10 gals of 1040 wort to
> gallons, is the resulting SG 1057? ((10 x 40)/7)
1. Dry hopping- Put whole hops or pellets into the storage or finishing
tank before putting the beer in. Sometimes the dry hopping is done in the
fermenter. To help with separation later the hops can be put in a mesh bag,
panty hose work well. Tie or hold it down somehow so it doesn't just float
on the top. Infecting the beer with microorganisms from the hops has not
been a problem, especially at temperatures near 0 degrees Centigrade and
storage times under two weeks. Dry hopping does not work well with low or
zero alcohol beers.
Dave Radzanowski
2. What is the advantage of wet milling? Advantages of wet milling are
a fully elastic husk essentially preserved intact and good surface area
contact for the endosperm. Somre believe they get an additional 1%
efficiency as a result and the lauter tun footprint can be smaller due to
false bottom loading capability up to 350 kg/m2. Typical dry milling maximum
is 190 kg/m2. There are some disadavantages also so both conditioned dry
milling and steep conditioning milling technology has been developed as
immediate alternatives.
Paul Smith (?)
3. Specific gravity change from boiling- If you know the wort volume
before and after boiling, you can accurately estimate the new SG as a linear
function of the volumes. For example, 10 hl at 1040 (1.040 = 10 P = 10.39 kg
extract/hl) boiled down to 8 hl. The new extract content is 10.39 x 10/8 =
12.99 kg/hl. Using SG, 40 x 10/8 = 50 or 1050 which is equivalent to 13.0 kg
extract/hl. The Plato calculation is slightly less accurate, ie 10 P x 10/8
= 12.5 P, which is the same as 13.11 kg extract/hl.
Jim Larson
End...Part 1
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Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:06:27 -0600
From: "Rob Moline" <brewer at ames.net>
Subject: Siebel Sages Speak / Part 2
Siebel Sages Speak...Part 2
> From: kathy
>Subject: 3 Questions
> In a private email to an HBD'er I opined the ideal grind for efficiency
> would be to have a whole husk and a finely ground "inside". The whole
> husk and bran is to keep tiny pieces of of bran and husk out of the wort
> and the fine starch is to promote conversion from access to enzymes.
> I've always assumed that the "ideal" 6-roller grind was a compromise
> between efficiency and lautering performance.
> Anyway, my candidate for "3 Questions that need asking" would be
> something like "what makes the ideal brewing grind and how critical/what
> consequences are deviations coarse and fine.
What makes the ideal milling assortment? Any textbook milling assortment
is a good starting point in setting mill roller gap. Then lauter tun
characteristics and other equipment factors come into play. Usually
additional adjustment will optimize extract production with a reasonably
short runoff.
I favor starting with mill roll settings of 0.06 " on the pre-crushing
rolls, 0.035" on the husk rolls, and 0.014" on the finish rolls.
I favor a starting assortment of 14% on sieve 10, 20% on sieve 14. 29%
on sieve 18, 18% on sieve 30, 9% on sieve 60, 4% on sieve 100, and 6%
maximum on the bottom. Once that is achieved, the first brew can be
evaluated and further adjustments made based on performance, until the ideal
assortment for that system is identified.
Avoid increasing the percentage of flour on the bottom of the sieve.
This usually indicates pre-damaged malt or too tight settings and will
inhibit runoff.
Paul Smith (?)
> From: Randy Lee
> Subject: Qs
> Maybe it's already queued, but houw about the answer to my question on
> saturday concerning the indicators of malt that tell you that it can be
> single step mashed vs must be multi-step mashed? That's one that I'd
> like to know.
The single most commonly used indicator on a malt analysis is the
fine-coarse difference. Below 2% indicates good modification, and a single
step mash can probably be used. No single measure is a perfect indicator,
though. If figures are available, look for high soluble to total protein
ratio- min 38 - 40%, low wort viscosity - not over 1.5, high friability and
low beta-glucan, low percentage of under-germinated grains - max 2 % in 0 -
1/4 range.
> From: Jon Bovard
> Subject: 3 questions
> There is a topic that myself, Charlie Scandrett, a professional brewing
> friend, and indeed a bavarian brewmaster have discussed regarding
> proteolisys and fully modified malt.
> I have a sample of fully modified commercial malt with a kolbach index of
> 52.2 and a nitrogen level of 1.2%. clearly this is more modified than
> English malt.
> My anecdotal experience stipulates that a protein rest of 30 min at
> will degrade head retention and lessen body to some extent.
> However I know of a brewer who uses fully modified malt similar to this
> insists upon protein rests.
> What evidence if any exists to bolster the opinion that even highly
> englsih style malt will benefit from a protein rest.
(Rob.......2 responses here........one from George de Piro.)
1. The malt seems well modified but low in nitrogen. The benefit of a
modification, or protein rest might be to make more nitrogen available as
yeast nutrient. This could lead to lower diacetyl in the beer if the level
is low, which low nitrogen suggests. Maybe you like diacetyl, maybe you
2. Some older brewers are very set in their ways and refuse to modernize.
Protein degradation is very important, but if the maltster has done it for
you, you don't have to!
A class mate from BC, Canada, was in this exact situation. An older
Bavarian brewmaster insisted on doing protien rests, and produced headless
beer. When he left, they skipped protein rests and made beer with acceptable
foam stability.................George dePiro
> From: Kyle Druey
> Subject: question
> Jethro, 3 questions regarding protein rests:
> 1) When is a rest at 122 F appropriate?
> 2) When is a rest at 135 F appropriate?
> 3) When is no protein rest needed at all?
1. When you want to increase modification reactions.
2. A rest at 135 F is not appropriate fro much of anything. Too high
for protease and glucanase - too low for starch digestion.
3. When you don't care about higher beta-glucan levels and highest
levels of extract recovery and when sufficient protein and protein related
nyeast nutrients are already at sufficient levels.
Rob Again........ I hope I have given an accurate recount of the
responses...again, not all of the respondents are identified to
me....indeed, one of the staff was incredulous that I would ask that these
questions be answered by them, as he felt that I knew the answers already,
as a result of my instruction there.
I felt that this was not the point, that the benefit in this exercise
was a response from the staff, not a student, and am thankful that the rest
of the staff I approached in this matter didn't feel imposed upon. And I
wish to express a thank you to Jim Larson of Siebel for organizing, (or
being stuck with, and handling it nonetheless!), and returning the answers
to me to forward to the Digest.
But, I will offer no excuse for my intent, only thanks to the staff of
Siebel , in it's entirety, for the overwhelming willingness to answer any
question, no matter how stupid I was in posing it. These folks are the best
in the biz, and as if anyone needs any reminders, the staff of Siebel more
than likely instructed the brewer of your fathers (certainly), and
grandfathers, if not great grandfathers beer, if you live on the North
American continent.
I would ask that those of you who have had your questions directly
answered here, and any of you on the hbd who feel you might have learned
anything from them, or from anything that george and I reported during our
stay at school, send an e-mail of thanks to the staff of the Siebel Institute
for their aid. The e-mail address is <siebelinstitute at worldnet.att.net>
And here is a final shameless plug....Deadline for the next Scholarship
for a Short Course is March 31, 1998. Get your app in soon, folks! Info is
available from the same address.....The Scholarship covers about 2400 US$
course cost and adds an extra 1000 US$ for travel and accomodation costs.
Having been a scholarship recipient myself, I not only highly recommend the
school itself, but apart from the time involved in writing your scholarship
application, the costs of postage are negligible.
If a burk like me can win one, imagine what you could achieve!
Jethro Gump
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Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 21:51:23 -0800
From: smurman at best.com
Subject: homebrew cooking - dessert pears
This is a dessert recipe that uses mead instead of homebrew. Those of
you who would still like to play along at home, but aren't (yet)
meadmakers, can substitute a sweet dessert wine for the mead.
If you're like me, you bottle up your mead and set it in a safe place,
promising not to touch it for X amount of months. At about X-3 months,
you give in to temptation and open a bottle to sample the progress.
Usually at this time you renew your vow to age it for another X
months, and quickly look for someplace to pawn the rest of the
bottle. I came up with this recipe as a way to save those young
bottles of mead that were sacrificed to my impatience.
Basically, we're going to steep some fruit in the mead, along with any
spices and whatnot. This allows both the fruit to absorb the flavor
of the mead and spices, but also the mead absorbs some of the flavor
of the fruit and whatnot, transforming a bottle of rocket fuel into
something more palatable, if you care to drink it afterwards.
I use pears or peaches for this recipe, and usually just buy them
canned. If you have them fresh then peel them, de-seed, and cut in
halves. Uncovered on the stovetop, simmer the fruit along with the
mead, and any spices you feel would add to the flavor. Cinnamon,
cloves, licorice, whatever. To be honest, I usually just use the mead
without adding anything extra.
Let this simmer uncovered for a half hour or so. After this I cover
it, and then let it sit in the fridge until I'm ready for dessert in a
couple of hours, the next night, next week, whatever. You can keep
the whole shebang in tupperware probably for months.
When you're ready for dessert, butterfly the pears by cutting them in
strips 3/4 the length of the fruit, and spreading the strips flat.
Sprinkle brown sugar over the top of the pears, place them on some
aluminum foil or a baking plate, and then place them under the broiler
in the oven. Remember to turn the broiler on at some point. Let them
sit under the broiler for a couple of minutes until the brown sugar
carmelizes. Don't let them go too long, or the sugar will burn (and
send foul smoke from the kitchen that will not impress your date).
Remove from the oven and cool, but serve them while they're still
warm, within a couple of minutes. Serve with a dollup of whipped
cream, creme fraiche, vanilla ice cream, or the like. Basically, use
something that is cool to contrast the warmth of the fruit and
alcohol. (Hint: melted ice cream adds to the mead juice sitting on
the bottom of the plate, which can then be more easily spooned up).
This one is simple to make, and VERY tasty. It can also double as an
apertif, as the fruit absorbs quite a bit of alcohol. I encourage all
of you to give it a try.
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Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 07:19:31 GMT
From: huskers at olywa.net (Jason Henning)
Subject: Infusion mashing
All the multiple infusion mash formulas I seen seem to be forward
programmed. That is, first figure the strike water temperature then
figure how much boiling water to hit the next rest and then the next.
For instance, Jim Palmer has an example (in BT Sept '97, p 24) where he
does a 104-140-158F mash example. He first figures the strike water
temperature for 104 rest. Then figures how much boiling water is needed
raise the mash to 140F and then 158F. It's an extreme example but makes
the point. He started with 1 qt/lb and finishes with 2.2 qt/lb.
I plan in reverse. I'm more concerned about the mash thickness at
saccharification. I shoot for 1.3 qt/lb but I realized that with a
104-140-158F schedule the last rest is go to be thin. I'd like to keep
more in line with the 1.8 qt/lb and see what happens.
With this mash, I figure out how much hot water needs to subtracted to
hit the previous rest. To drop from 158F to 140F, I need to remove .5
qt/lb at 210F. That means my 140F rest thickness is 1.3 qt/lb. Restated,
my 1.3 qt/lb 140F mash will raise to 158F with 5 quarts of 210F water
Then I'd do it again, calculate the infusion volume to be removed hit
104F, figure the mash thickness. It turns out to be another 5 quarts and
the original thickness is .8 qt/lb. That's pretty thick but manageable,
a thicker mash is almost impossible to stir.
I guess the difference is I start with a given final thickness and
determine mash-in thickness and Jim figures final thickness with a given
mash-in thickness.
It's two simple formulas. If anyone one is interested, drop me an
Jason Henning <huskers olywa net>
Big Red Alchemy and Brewing
Lacey, Washington
All other nations are drinking Ray Charles beer and we are drinking
Barry Manilow. - Dave Barry
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Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:51:48 PST
From: "Gregg Soh" <greggos at hotmail.com>
Subject: 5l kegs/cornykegs/carbonation
I just contacted my local Cornelius rep and talked about starting to keg
beer using them soda canisters. Next thing I know, is that I've gone a
brand new 15lb CO2 tank and a brand new Corny with lines and Oeticker
clamps, plus triple guage dual regulators(I can dispense two, yippee)
for FREE. Cool huh? (They were samples, but they work, who cares?)
Anyway, looks like I won't need to look the way of the mini-keg too
soon. The only thing I'd miss out on is portability. Which brings me to
my question, since I can know force carbonate in the keg OR in a pet
bottle, is there a way to counter-pressure fill a 5l minikeg so that I
can tap my brew away from home and avoid priming? How much pressure can
the minikegs take, so i'll know what pressure to use if I come up with
some sort of home-made filler?
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 04:13:06 -0500
From: "Steve Alexander" <steve-alexander at worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Why buy continental lager malts ?
Tony Zara asks a Malt flavor question
> I would like to have the wisdom of the collective describe
>for me the flavor differences between Pilsner malt (German and/or
>Belgian) and regular U.S. 2-row. I understand that the continental Pils
>malts may be less modified (suggesting the need for a protein rest), but
The flavor differences are minor, and you can make a perfectly good lager
from US 2-row malt. The biggest difference is that US malts are higher in
nitrogen (protein) level than any other. The flavor differences that do
are probably varietal (depends on the barley species). There are several
dozen so called 'maritime' barley species, used/developed primarily for ales
in the UK, and there are a number of continental varieties. I believe the
common continental varieties are mostly 'Triumph' variety crosses with
wild barley (Hordeum Vulgarus). In the US (and Canada) I *think* that
the common varieties grown, like Harrington, were developed from
UK maritime varieties. Anyone know for sure ?
My highly subjective opinion is that continental malt (I prefer Durst, but
haven't tried Weyermann and can't get Ireks anymore) do have a bit
more flavor. That is the resulting beer has a notch more malt flavor
and complexity. The kernels are consistantly bigger and plumper
than the US 2-rows malts also.
My feeling is that US maltsters, aside from the mega's have relatively
control over the quality of their barley sources and so take what is
In the UK I think that the maltster actually drive the barley growers by
selecting only highest quality grain. Gemany/Belgium falls somewhere in
between. North American maltsters also seem to kiln their 2-row malt at a
higher temp than the German/Belgians generally speaking, which has an
impact on the flavor, as well as the amount of beta-amylase available.
Steve Alexander
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Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 04:48:57 -0600
From: "Ray Estrella" <ray-estrella at email.msn.com>
Subject: carbon yeast killers
Hello to all,
Andrew Quinzani advises,
>Do not use carbon filters, While it may filter out undesired taste it
>harbors some things that will kill the yeast. I talked to a water filter
>company several months ago as I work in a bakery and asked about carbon
>filters. I forgot exactly what it was that was in the carbon but I was
>told that it would effectively kill any yeast.
Maybe he was talking about running the yeast through the filter. I have made
63 batches of beer with carbon filtered water, and have never had a yeast
related problem. It would be interesting if Adrew could find out what the
service guy was referring to. Possibly call the company.....
Ray Estrella Cottage Grove MN
ray-estrella at msn.com
****** Never Relax, Constantly Worry....have a better Homebrew ******
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Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 08:29:04 -0500
From: "David R. Burley" <Dave_Burley at compuserve.com>
Subject: Injuneers and spherical horses,water chemistry,
David Harsh says:
>Dave Burley took the opportunity to trash Chemical Engineers
>and their abilities with respect to chemists. The truth of his
>opinion is no doubt supported by the myriad of job opportunities
>for chemists and the lack of same for chemical engineers. ;)"
You forgot to say "kind-heartedly or kiddingly" so that other
non-chemist/non-engineers understand that this is how we have fun.
But a one or two-percent unemployment rate for chemists isn't bad.
- ------------------------------------------------------
Dave Harsh continues:
>Of course, I'm still wondering what the goal of all this is - particle
>is a big variable (or capillary length if you look at it that way);
>will be a distribution of sizes/lengths that would have to be accounted
>or assumed to be uniform.
Well we know that particle size in combination with sparge
rate is critical to efficiency. If you sparge at the same rate
and have larger particles the efficiency is less. If you sparge
very quickly for a given particle size, the efficiency is less.
I conclude, as it is practiced in brewing, it is an rate process
rather than an equilibrium process.
>Seems like what we really have here is an elution chromatography process
>(i.e. see Helfferich's Multicomponent Chromatography), but I'll admit
>I haven't really thought that through. Any takers?
Looks like we basically agree, since your description seems
to fit mine and yes this is a column elution process. Plug flow
is a characteristic of such a model.
> ?) When we're done, we'll have a complicated model with
>parameters that are unmeasurable.
Not really, the purpose of such a model would be to point
out the major parameters in sparging so we could understand
the relative importance of temperature, viscosity, specific gravity,
mill size, etc. etc. As you point out it may be a simple extension
of an existing model.
>(Remember the engineer joke, "well assuming a
>spherical horse.."
No, but I do remember the one
" Six wekes ugo I cudn't evn spel injuneer...." {8^)
- -------------------------------------------------------
Anthony Quinzani tells Louis Gordon
>Do not use carbon filters, While it may filter out undesired taste it
>harbors some things that will kill the yeast. I talked to a water filter
>company.... I forgot exactly what it was that was in the carbon but I
>told that it would effectively kill any yeast.
Many, many brewers and home brewers use carbon filtered
water without any problem. Domestic carbon filters have ppm
silver ions adsorbed on them to prevent bacteria from fermenting
the organics trapped by the filter inside the filter. Nothing is
leached from the filter which would kill organisms outside the filter.
- -------------------------------------------------------
Steven Van der Hoven says:
>I suspect that the term "ppm" is being substituted for "mg/kg"
>(milligrams per kilogram) in the texts that you are looking at. The two
>terms are often interchanged, but shouldn't be.
and then says:
> As Gregg pointed out, ppm
>is a measure of the number of molecules while mg/kg is a measure of
>By the way, chemistists always use mg/kg or another measure of mass to
>avoid the confusion that ppm seems to be causing
Well, Steven and Gregg, I think both ppm and mg/kg are both pretty clear
concepts based on simple weight ratios and are just what they
say they are. Both are valid uses.
When chemists talk about molecular concentration they use words
like molarity and molality.
What is sometimes confusing is the reporting of Ca
as ppm CaCO3 in which all the calcium in the water is
represented as CaCO3 or some other compound when
in fact it is not associated with any ion in the water. Not to worry.
Just determine the fraction of the weight of calcium in the
CaCO3 using your knowledge of atomic weights and multiply
it times the ppm CaCO3 and you can get ppm calcium.
- --------------------------------------------------
Keep on brewin'
Dave Burley
Kinnelon, NJ 07405
103164.3202 at compuserve.com
Dave_Burley at compuserve.com
Voice e-mail OK
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Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 08:20:49 -0600
From: Glyn Crossno <Glyn.Crossno at cubic.com>
Subject: Re:Chem E's, MEs and EE
James Tomlinson (ME) wrote:
> How is it that so many Electrical Engineers end up brewing ?
We're smarter.
Glyn Crossno
Estill Springs, TN
- --
I love the smell of hops in the morning,
a) they smell like victory. ( Three Floyds Brewing)
or b) of course they smell pretty darn good any time.
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Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 09:31:23 -0500 (EST)
From: Eugene Sonn <eugene at dreamscape.com>
Subject: Hemp Cream Ale
For those who have brought up the idea of putting a certain illegal
substance in their beer, you may be interested in a beer from a Vancouver
brewery. Boan Island Brewing is making a Hemp Cream Ale. They use
non-viable hemp seeds, so the beer has tiny traces of THC. There's no
detectable effect from the seed other than flavor.
I heard about this last night (2/24) on the Canadian Broadcasting
Company's program "As It Happens." The interview was with a marketing and
sales guy from the brewery. He said the hemp seeds impart a nutty flavor
to the beer. He admitted this was just a marketing ploy. He wants people
to try the beer because of the name and keep drinking it because of the
I have no affiliation with the brewery and haven't tasted the beer
yet. I just thought this would be an amusing story for beer and brewing
Eugene Sonn
eugene at nova.dreamscape.com
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Date: Wed, 25 Feb 98 10:07:48 est
From: paa3983 at dscp.dla.mil (Mike Spinelli)
Subject: weight scales/Mixmasher
The soon-to-be ex-wife has taken her baking scale which
I used for weighing grain. I'm now in the market for a new one.
I'd like one that goes up to around 10 lbs. Should I go with
electronic digital or the conventional type? Particular brands
better than others?
- -----------------------------------------------------
Is anyone using the Mixmasher design? I've now got a 30 gallon
mash tun and could use all the help I can get at dough-in time.
Mike Spinelli
Mikey's Monster Brew
Cherry Hill NJ
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Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 10:20:44 -0500
From: David Kerr <dkerr at semc.org>
Subject: 1/2 barrel mash screens
Phil Wilcox asked about false bottoms for his converted keg-
How about the EasyMasher2? It works as advertised for me - for ~$30.00
plus the price of a 3/8" drill bit you get a nice, easy, no-weld unit
that yielded me a respectable 28 pts/lb/gal. I use it as a boil kettle
also (with whole flower hops). Only drawbacks are scorching under the
unit while stepping up mash temps with direct heat (I'll diffuse the
propane jet somehow) and the relatively slow draining of the
boiled/cooled wort into my fermenter - took about 45 minutes with 6 oz
hops in a 6 gallon batch (Yeah, it's an 90 IBU IPA - still beats
siphoning with a scrubbie). Good stuff cheap.
Dave Kerr - Needham, MA "Be good and you will be lonely" - Mark Twain
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Date: 25 Feb 1998 08:50:29 -0800
From: Dion Hollenbeck <hollen at vigra.com>
Subject: Re: Converting to RIMS
>> Lcllamas writes:
L> I have been all grain brewing for 12 years and utilizing a 3 tier
L> 15 gal. Capacity gravity feed system for the last 7. I am ready
L> for something a little easier now especially when considering grain
L> bills of 30 lbs. plus with the associated liquid. I became
L> re-enthused on the RIMS method after reading the articles in the
L> Jan./Feb. 98 issue of Brewing Techniques. With my current 2
L> stainless steel 17.5 gal. pots and 1 stainless steel 22.5
L> gal. boiler with 3 large capacity gas fired heaters, I have a
L> fairly large amount of money tied up and therefore would like to
L> utilize this with a RIMS set up. I would like to hear any
L> suggestions or trials others have had in using gas fired heating
L> with RIMS or a combination of the seemingly standard electric heat
L> chamber along with gas.
I have corresponded with at least four people who use gas fired RIMS
setups but are manually controlled. The BrewMagic commercial system
uses computer control of the solenoid gas valves for the main boost.
Some of the gas fired systems also use an electric heater to maintain
heat during the rests.
Bottom line, nothing you have needs to be replaced. All you need to
do is to add a few things. First step would be to just add a pump and
return manifold and recirculate during your rests and boosts. Later
on if you desire, you can add a temperature controller and electric
heater to maintain temps during the rests.
I have not had direct experience with gas fired mashing, but in RIMS
adventures, have discussed it numerous times with people who do.
- --
Dion Hollenbeck (619)597-7080x164 Email: hollen at vigra.com
Sr. Software Engineer - Vigra Div. of Visicom Labs San Diego, California
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