HOMEBREW Digest #271 Wed 04 October 1989

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  Has anyone brewed their own "hop oil"? (Rick Kimball)
  Sanitation and Yest Rehydration (Patrick Stirling [Sun Consulting Services Mtn View])
  beer vanity plate? (Ihor W. Slabicky)
  Mashing (man)
  Request addition of name to list (Gary Heston (sci34hub!gary or gary at S1000H))

Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 3 Oct 89 7:31:06 EDT From: Rick Kimball <hplabs!ames!harvard!kimbal!rick> Subject: Has anyone brewed their own "hop oil"? I was talking to a friend the other day about boiling hops to create a home version of hop oil? Has anyone tried this? How long should the hops be boiled? What is the best way to store the resulting oil? Rick Kimball Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 89 08:56:10 PDT From: pms at Sun.COM (Patrick Stirling [Sun Consulting Services Mtn View]) Subject: Sanitation and Yest Rehydration I brewed up a new batch last weekend and tried the rehydration method suggested on this BBS recently. While the water was heating I half filled a measuring jar with warm water, added the yeast and covered the jar with plastic wrap. The yeast acted as if I'd added it to wort except (of course!) there was no foaming. Then after I'd boiled and cooled the wort I pitched it. It took much longer than usual to start - I pitched in the evening and the next moring there were no signs of activity. I thought it might be a bad batch - visions of pouring 5gal of wort down the toilet sprang to mind! But I gritted my teeth and waited, and around lunch time there was a good hed of foam - phew! Fingers crossed it wasn't some other bug that found its way into the fermenter. I guess I'll find out in a few weeks. On sanitation, the last 3 or 4 batches I've brewed have all become very fizzy in the bottle. They were fine for 2-3 months but now after opening... it's a gusher! Slight off flavour in some bottles too - the dreaded infection I think. As I was brewing and reflecting my fate over the weekend I realized that the earliest gushing batch coincided with my purchase of a 'squoosher' type bottle cleaner. It's a plastic bowl with a pump in the center, arranged so that putting a bottle upside down over the neck of the pump and pressing it down causes a jet of solution to squirt into the bottle. I've been using this instead of soaking the entire bottle in solution. It would seem that it's not enough to squoosh and drain, soaking is needed. so it's off to buy a tub to soak in (the bottles, not me!). Has anyone tried brewing a smoked beer? I tried a bottle recently and really liked it. I'd be interested in how you smoked - the 'real' way or (dare I say it) by adding liquid smoke. patrick Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 89 09:16:03 EDT From: iws at rayssdb.ray.com (Ihor W. Slabicky) Subject: beer vanity plate? Not to change the subject, but... Spotted yesterday, Sunday, October 1, 1989, at approximately 1730, traveling east on the Mass Pike at a high rate of speed, a New York State license plate ZYMURGY (on a red and white Buick?). Anyone ever see this one or know who it is? Any other interesting beer vanity plates out there? Ihor Internet: iws at rayssdb.ray.com Usenet: {gatech, uiucdcs, decuac, sun, ukma, necntc, spdcc}!rayssd!rayssdb!iws Return to table of contents
Date: 3 Oct 89 15:52:35 EDT (Tue) From: man at granjon.att.com Subject: Mashing I am going to make my first batch of all-grain beer soon. I have been slowly collecting the equipment needed. My plan was to use a single- stage infusion mash like the one described in the summer issue of Zymurgy. I just went back and re-read Papazian's book to see what he had said and I got a bit confused. From the Zymurgy article and personal correspondence, I have been led to believe that the single- stage was sufficient for beginners. Fine. I was ready to try my hand at mashing, so I looked for a recipe in Papazian's book. Some said to use the single-stage, and some said to use the temperature controlled method. This is when I began to re-read his sections on advanced brewing. It explained that the single stage mash was good for grains that are highly modified and the temperature controlled mash is good for undermodified malts. So, if I decide to use the single-stage exclusively, do I have to be concerned with purchasing ONLY highly modified malts ? If I do, then how can I tell how modified the malt is ? I purchased 10# of English 2 row. From his book, my guess is that this is highly modified. Mark Nevar (201)580-4414 (arpa|att)!kato!man Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 89 13:29:13 CDT From: gary at sci34hub.sci.com (Gary Heston (sci34hub!gary or gary at S1000H)) Subject: Request addition of name to list Please add my name to your homebrew mailing list. I'm a winemaker instead of a brewer, but I understand both subjects are covered. Thanks! Gary Heston uunet!sci34hub!gary Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #271, 10/04/89 ************************************* -------
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