HOMEBREW Digest #291 Mon 30 October 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Twice-active yeast (Tony Burgess)
American beers (Lynn Gold)
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Date: 29 Oct 89 00:27 -0800
From: tom_kuhn%01 at hp4700
Please note that I have a new HPDesk address as of October 27, 1989.
Please send any desk messages to my new address which is HPD300/04 and
modify any distribution list you may have me on and delete HP4700/01.
Tom Kuhn
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Date: Sun, 29 Oct 89 12:29:35 EST
From: Tony Burgess <BURGESS at vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Twice-active yeast
My most recent batch of beer has been doing some interesting things, and I wond
er if anyone can tell me what to expect from it.
The brew is made only from extract, horrible hops laden with orange dust, and a
liquid culture yeast called "high-temperature lager yeast", which claims to yi
eld best results when fermented between 10 and 16 degrees C. I use a two-stage
closed fermentation system, and in the first stage it performed admirably, tha
nks to our being able to maintain it at a fairly constant temperature of about
45 deg. F. After about a week, the kreusen was down, and we decided to rack --
and at about the same time the weather betrayed us and began fluctuating by as
much as thirty degrees daily. After racking, there was no sign of yeast activ
ity at all, and sg remained constant at 12 (having started somewhere in the low
fifties). This went on for about a week, after which the yeast came back to l
ife -- for the last five days or so there has been constant slow activity, thou
gh there seems to be no evidence of pressure in the vapor lock.
Noonan indicates that when yeast suffers temperature shock, a lot of it dies, a
nd the survivors mutate into new kinds of yeast which are by no means guarantee
d not to impart bad flavours to the beer; he also says that the autolyzed yeast
that results from such a wholesale slaughter will give the beer an indescribab
ly awful taste. In my experience, however, Noonan has a habit of over-emphasizi
ng how bad certain off-flavors can be, and so I'd like to know if anyone has ha
d this happen to their beer, and if so, whether the beer was a complete loss or
merely somewhat less wonderful than they had hoped.
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Date: Sun, 29 Oct 89 10:19:08 PST
From: metaphor!bambam!lgold at apple.com (Lynn Gold)
Subject: American beers
>From: bbuck at East.Sun.COM (Bruce Buck - Sun ECD Hardware)
>Subject: Re: Results of GABF
>Further, the fact that Bud, Miller, Coors, et. al. won medals in the American
>pilsener categories should remind people that these beers are not the junk
>everyone says they are. They are good examples of the style. It's just that
>that's the only style available from the big brewers. Hence the rise of
>micro- and homebrewing.
I disagree with the synopsis of them being "good beers." If you have to
choose between dog urine, goat urine, and rat urine and goat urine wins a
prize, does that mean goat urine is good to drink?
Seriously, I don't know why, but I can't drink Bud, Miller, Stroh's or Coors.
I've thrown up every time I've tried to drink Bud in the last 3 or so years
(no, I wasn't drunk either!) except for those times I gagged before I could
get it down. Miller and Stroh's set my gag reflexes going; Coors sometimes
does, too.
I wouldn't care about this (I don't choose to drink these beers), but I'm
sometimes thrown into awkward social situations where I'm expected to drink
them. Could somebody who knows what these beers have in common that makes
me ill when I drink them? I don't have this problem with Michelob, Henry's,
or any of the "premium" beers.
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #291, 10/30/89
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