HOMEBREW Digest #3 Wed 02 November 1988
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Zymurgy subscription info (Jonathan Corbet)
ciders, etc. (mhalley)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Date: 2 Nov 88 00:00:05 MST (Wed)
From: gaia!jon at handies.ucar.edu (Jonathan Corbet)
Subject: Zymurgy subscription info
Subscriptions to Zymurgy are $21/year, from:
P.O. Box 287
Boulder, CO 80306
Jonathan Corbet
{husc6 | rutgers | ames | gatech}!ncar!gaia!jon
{uunet | ucbvax | allegra | cbosgd}!nbires!gaia!jon
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Date: 02 Nov 88 13:01 -0330
From: <mhalley%MUN.BITNET at CORNELLC.ccs.cornell.edu>
Subject: ciders, etc.
Regarding sweet ciders, I have often made dry ciders
and then served them mixed with unfermented cider "to
taste." This does not produce the nice woody aging
of the British ciders, but is pleasant and gives the
drinker the option of controlling the sweetness of the
drink. Another possibility is the "Melomel/Cyser"
recipe which I sent in a while back. Again, it's
dissimilar to the British products (and I AM an addict
of Strongbow), but provides an extremely pleasant
alternative. I have definitely done a lot of "tempering"
of my cider products at various stages by addition of
fresh, unfermented juice, with a multitude of results --
none bad, all different. Try it.
Ye Olde Batte
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