HOMEBREW Digest #33 Thu 22 December 1988
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Many Thanks!! ("Anthony M. Giannone")
Happy Hops (I mean HOLS)! (mhalley)
liquid yeast (Jay Hersh)
Hard cider (CRF)
Mulled wine and cider (CRF)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 88 08:33:40 EST
From: "Anthony M. Giannone" <giannone at ccm.bbn.com>
Subject: Many Thanks!!
Thanks to all who replied to my query on carbonation. I'll try
some of your hints on my next batch.
Happy Holidays,
tony g <giannone at bbccm.bbn.com>
Boston, Ma.
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Date: 22 Dec 88 16:03 -0330
From: <mhalley%MUN.BITNET at CORNELLC.ccs.cornell.edu>
Subject: Happy Hops (I mean HOLS)!
Re: Wild yeast ciders
When I was in Maine, I had my own apple tree, and
used to borrow a friend's cider press yearly and
make some of "the GOOD stuff." I mentioned that
experience when I first started corresponding with
this network, and got a few sticky responses, so I
dropped the subject. However, I simply chopped and
pressed 2-5 feedbags (the kind that come with 100
lbs of farm animal feed in them) of apples and let
the product sit (covered, but not completely air-
tight) in my big plastic buckets until it had
dropped a sufficient amount of precipitate (LOTS,
about 3-4 inches!). Sometimes I drew off and used
the fizzy stuff while it was still "going." When
the primary stage had apparently approached comple-
tion, I drew the result off and bottled it in used
Strongbow bottles. Then I poured the detritis into
ONE 5-gallon bucket, and put it in the barn to
freeze into Applejack. Out of five years of product,
only one was vinegary. That one was NOT securely
covered at the outset. The resultant cider was
usually cloudy, but had a very nice flavour and kick.
The Applejack compared well with Calvados -- you
either like it or you don't. I didn't, but had
friends who did, so I gifted them annually.
I also made perry (pear cider) in a similar fashion,
but added apples to the pears before pressing, as
the pear pommace is too squishy, and you get pulp
out of the press instead of juice, if you don't put
in something crisper to hold the thing together.
Once the wild yeast fermentation failed on the
perry, and I added a champagne yeast and got a
delightful pear wine -- sort of Chablis-ish, but
with a very pear-like nose and aftertaste.
I commend our new member, the mead-maker, on coming
to this group before her first batch of beer. Mine
is almost gone, and it was GREAT -- much thanks to
the rest of you. By the way, a visiting prof from
England, who brews at home, said, "It tastes like
BEER, and I've had quite a few that didn't." The
Folklore Archivist got some at the Department party
and drank it for the rest of the evening -- he's
also a brewer. My "significant other" can't keep
his hands off it (I'm beginning to get jealous).
I'm about to start another batch over the hols. I
don't know if it's available in the States, but the
stuff I used was "Geordie Scotch Export." WAZOO!
It may interest the group to know that I recently
took a chance and used an immature (not completely
fermented) melomel -- about a liter's-worth -- as
the sweetening additive in a batch of mulled wine
for a party. It was a SMASH HIT! Much more satis-
factory than plain sugar or honey, as it was
already fairly high in alcohol and already contained
Have a good time! Be wise with driving! See you all
next year!
Warmth and cheer,
Ye Olde Batte
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Date: Thu, 22 Dec 88 14:45:49 est
From: jhersh at yy.cicg.rpi.edu (Jay Hersh)
Subject: liquid yeast
someone posted a short time ago that hennessey homebrew had 2 varieties of
liquid yeast. He has recently expanded this. The varieties currently
in stock are
German Ale
Irish Ale
American Ale
Pilsener Lager
Bavarian Lager
They are priced at $4.25 each and there is a $1.50 Shipping charge for an
order. Credit cards are OK. Phone orders go to 518-283-7094
Just so we're all square on this I do work for Dan 4 hrs/wk (neither of us
is getting rich on this). So if you call Wednesday nights I'll be answering
the phone. We try to answer questions and help with problems where we know
the answers.
If there are any products you'd be interested in buying or are having a hard
time finding Dan is usually receptive to expanding his product line.
One question a customer had last night which I couldn't answer.
Has anyone ever seen yeast settle out on the sides, yes sides, of a bottle.
This guy used corona bottles and said the yeast was clinging to the sides
as well as the bottom. I have never seen this before, but i don't use
clear bottles so if it had happened i wouldn't have known.
happy holidays to all out there!
- jay h
p.s. does anyone have jim homer's e-mail address. does he still monitor this
digest. If so I would appreciate being put in touch with him. Thanks.
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Date: Thu, 22 Dec 88 17:41 EDT
Subject: Hard cider
Hello, there!
Saw Arthur Evans' posting, _re:_ cider. I have brewed up one cider kit, which
called for the standard 1 kg of corn sugar. The apple juice was very
On the other hand, when I went to SUNY College of Forestry, at Syracuse Univ.,
I was living in the middle of apple country. We used to get cider straight
off the farms, and towards the end of autumn it always had a snap, since it
was starting to ferment.
So, I have concluded a couple of things. First, if you _really_ want to brew
hard cider from scratch, you need the kind of raw cider that comes straight
out of the press. This sort of thing can be found in health food stores. You
should be able to ferment this, and I would suggest using a wine yeast such as
Montrechat (sp?). Ale yeast would probably produce too much carbonation (as I
found to my dismay when making mead!). As hard cider is _supposed_ to be dry,
I would suggest adding corn sugar only if: a) it proves necessary, and b) to
boost alcohol levels, if desired. Another idea, if problems with the juice
arise, is to add concentrated frozen apple juice. I am fully cognizant of the
objections which might be made to that idea, but I have been unable to think
of anything else. Wine-type juice concentrates wouldn't work.
Have a happy!
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Date: Thu, 22 Dec 88 19:04 EDT
Subject: Mulled wine and cider
Hello again!
While I am aware that Rob prefers that the topics under discussion remain
related to brewing _per se_, it is the season, so I thought some words on
mulled cider and wine would not be inappropriate.
MULLED WINE: Historically comes in 2 varieties-- Hypocras (sweet) and clary
(unsweet). It must be remembered that dry wines are a relatively late
development, so clary should be at least partially sweetened. Most people are
going to prefer hypocras. Generic directions: simmer some **CHEAP** red wine
with the lightly crushed spices of your choice (common spices used are
cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, whole allspiced, fresh or candied sliced
ginger, nutmeg and/or mace, and cardamon seeds*) and some citrus peel. Add
the rest of the wine, and bring up to a gentle simmer. Stir in honey
(stirring constantly) to taste. Simmer a while, and serve.
(*Cardamon comes in pods of many seeds, or decorticated. It's also great with
cinnamon when placed in the grounds of brewing coffee...)
MULLED CIDER: I know a lot less about mulling cider, but when mulling the
hard cider I brewed I just added the usual spices, using less. I saw no need
for sweetening, and it worked out just fine. So, I decided sweetening was
For those who want a specific recipe, Donna Hrynkiw of Vancouver gave me
permission to print hers:
Pour in a large pot equal parts of the cheapest red wine you can find and
cranberry juice (or cocktail). Add: one cinnamon stick; 10 whole cloves; 15
cardamon seeds; one large orange, sliced; sugar to taste.
Heat slowly, savouring the smell and sampling often!
Happy holidays to one and all!
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