HOMEBREW Digest #3443 Mon 02 October 2000
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Zymurgy Magazine ("Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard")
RE: Alaskan Brewing Company recipes ("Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard")
The Great Australian Drought ("Phil & Jill Yates")
Session beer, my wheat flour heffe, rud words ("Graham Sanders")
Re: re sanitation ("Stephen Alexander")
Pumpkin beer ("Kevin Kutskill")
frozen kegs (fridgeguy)
Open Fermentation ("David Houseman")
re: censorship (Carmen & Denise Salvatore)
Hey Fridge guy ("Scott")
Decoction woes ("Scott")
Interested in a wort chiller? ("Steven Sims")
Yeast culturing questions answered -- Thanks. ("dr smith")
Homebrew Publicity Campaign ("Don Van Valkenburg")
AHA Membership ("Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard")
Re: Frozen keg woes and fridge problems ("patrick finerty jr.")
Infected yeast (Ralph Link)
Brewing Stands (Tom Byrnes)
Re: Mash Hopping or Just Hoping (Matthew Comstock)
Session Beers, Archives, Thanks etc. ("Warren White")
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy!
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Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 18:43:49 -0400
From: "Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard" <taliesin2 at earthlink.net>
Subject: Zymurgy Magazine
Aside from joining the AHA, how can I subscribe to zymurgy magazine?
- --
Everything on this earth has a purpose, and every disease an herb to
cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of
existence. --Mourning Dove, 1888-1936
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Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 19:00:47 -0400
From: "Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard" <taliesin2 at earthlink.net>
Subject: RE: Alaskan Brewing Company recipes
> In HBD #3440, Scott Snyder asks for recipes for Alaskan Brewing
> Company beers. The book "North American Clone Brews" (Scott R.
> Russell, Storey Books, ISBN 1-58017-246-6) has recipes for
> both Alaskan Amber and Alaskan Smoked Porter.
Just a side note, but Brew Your Own magazine has published the actual
Alaskan Amber recipe. I copied it into my Journal that I'm copying recipes
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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 17:09:27 +1000
From: "Phil & Jill Yates" <yates at acenet.com.au>
Subject: The Great Australian Drought
Graham Sanders has been doing such a great job waving the Ozzie flag in HBD,
we thought we'd leave him to it for a time.
After all, the rest of Australia has been busy watching the TV and yelling
"Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie, Oi Oi Oi"!!
Sounds to me like something you'd yell at the farm hand if you caught him
doing something untoward behind the backyard dunny!
But for my part, I have been consuming rice lager. After my initial scathing
description, I have to say I am amazed. This is the lightest coloured beer I
have ever made. Also the most delicate in flavour. Lined up against a
Budweiser, it blew the poor old Bud fair off it's stand.
But before any of you poo poo Bud, try making something similar yourself. It
takes a good deal of care dealing with such a delicately flavoured beer.
I am told, as a homebrewer, I am merely going through a phase, and that I
will recover.
Having conquered rice lagers, and proclaimed myself as self appointed king
of such, I am indeed moving on.
On the drawing board is a new style known as "Pheasant Plucker's Fine Ale".
As to be expected, there is quite a story behind this. But better told at
another time and hopefully when the Corporate Content Filters are having a
Sorry, can't help myself, so here we go.
"I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's son.
And I'm only plucking pheasants till the present pheasant plucker comes!!"
Run that through your Corporate Content Filter at high speed and see what it
makes of it!
As for the ale which goes with the ditty?
Well that story really is yet to come.
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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 18:49:53 +1000
From: "Graham Sanders" <craftbrewer at cisnet.COM.AU>
Subject: Session beer, my wheat flour heffe, rud words
G,day all
well I'm stoked
Brew room going along swimmingly, and mistress tempation got the better of
me. Had to try my Heffe (you know people, the one made with raw wheat
flour). Pour staright out of the lagering tank. My its still pale. palest
beer I have made. I think it would give most belgian Wits a run for their
money in colour (and cloudiness anyway. But one wiff, and noooooo mistake.
One bloody good Hefe. Troubble is its flat at the moment, but yes a good
session beer this one. Might even be willing to send one to steve and scott
if they are good boys.
And speaking of session beers
>>>>>Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 08:55:03 -0500
From: Doug Hurst <DougH at theshowdept.com>
Subject: Session Beer
I have a completely unrelated questions to throw out to the collective.
Could someone please enlighten me as to the meaning of "Session" as in the
phrase "... makes a good session beer"?<<<
I can only give you an idea of North Queensland culture here, but session is
a very common term. Its the norm for someone to say "coming down the pub
for a session". Where not hung up about escaping SWMBO at any opportunity
and racing to the pub. And if we are there, well you dont have one, you
have a few, quite a few (after all we have to return to the roller pin
wielding SWMBO somethime). A session will normally cover a few hours
serious drinking. Makes that certain someone more attractive, so everyones
Oh I never thought the American culture could be all invading. but
>>>Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 12:00:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: The Home Brew Digest <hbd at brew.oeonline.com>
Subject: Corporate Content Filters And The HBD
Certain words for
excrement, biological functions and body parts are triggering these
filters when found in scanning the HBD. <<<<<
Even on the HBD the do gooders are everywhere. Never mind what other
cultures see as normal, no we must comply to the american norm. I give you
a nice example. If I said "my six year old daughter was taught at school
today to use rubbers properly".
Well, Aussie would say "good on ya!." Americans would be in disgust. You
see in Aus, rubbers are those things to rub out mistakes, but Americans use
the term for condoms. So how do we counter this, well thats easy, we addopt
the moral fibre of America. Sorry I'll stick to my lingo, least I can say
pork and not be struck off for rudness.
And I'm a bit pissed as i write this (now the moralists will have to work
that one out themselves)
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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 06:03:41 -0400
From: "Stephen Alexander" <steve-alexander at worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re: re sanitation
Jay Pfaffman writes ...
>I live in Nashville & have also made been in Bristol, Vermont and
>Hoboken, NJ. I'm not sure if I've just been really lucky, or don't
>have enough sensitivity to recognize the off flavors you're talking
Entirely possible. My infection tests samples were showing signs
after 2 days and I didn't taste any clear signs of infection- probably
because my dominant 'house' infection is a wild yeast that produces
a little pentane-dion (honey sweet) taste and not much else. At low
levels it's invisible. Also the white bottle neck ring fungi often shows
little or no flavor impact - loss of body and visual impact.
> Perhaps I should up my paranoia a bit, but I've never seen your
> extreme measures (e.g baking bottles at 475) described in any books.
You're confusing me w/ someone else. I didn't recommend baking bottles
but I do understand the reasons.
I find sanitizers like iodophor to be sufficient to handle brewing level
sanitation (sufficient to hit day 3 on unpitched wort tests) of *CLEAN*
surfaces when used properly. I think that most brewing infection stems
from either unclean surfaces or improper sanitizer use. The biggest error
is "sanitizes on contact" - not true for iodophor or dilute bleach. See the
archives for time&pH recommendations.
One difficult to control factor is airborne spores. It's difficult to keep
unfiltered air out of your containers and I don't recommend even trying.
If you work in a clean dry place with no air currents and you take care
to not permit the openings to be uncovered you shouldn't have
problems. Most airborne particles are thought to drop in (vertical
drop). Still nothing is 100% and this is just the sort of thing that can
bottle neck ring fungi. If you live in the woods or brew & bottle in a damp
basement you should expect this problem.
I've seen friends in Arizona handle cooled wort open outdoors. If I tried
this in my Ohio backyard in Spring or Fall I'd certainly get something
quite 'Belgian'. Fungi won't grow when RH is under 15% and air currents
are needed to carry spores - so find/make a dry draft-free place for the
sanitary phases of brewing if this is a problem for you.
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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 07:56:00 -0400
From: "Kevin Kutskill" <beer-geek at home.com>
Subject: Pumpkin beer
Here's what I do and why.
I found that getting a real pumpkin and baking it, etc. was a big pain.
I've used canned, 100 percent pumpkin meat from the store for 3 batches with
very good results. The canned pumpkin is available year round, too--an
added bonus.
I use a spice extract to control the amount of spice in the finished beer.
I've tried other options--dry spicing, adding in boil/steep, and never got
consistent results, probably due to variable spice freshness and strength
from batch to batch. Adding the spice extract after fermentation adds a lot
more control to the final product.
Definitely use rice hulls. Stuck sparges are NOT fun.
Batch size: 10.0 gallons
Style: Fruit Beer
Date Gravity
Brewing: 05/23/00 1.053
Racking: 05/28/00 1.013
Bottling: 06/03/00 1.011
6 Row 14.0 pounds
Pumpkin Mash 9.0 pounds
Wheat 6.0 pounds
Saaz 2.0 ounces
Tettnanger 1.0 ounces
Rice Hulls 1.0 pound
Cinnamon 6.0 sticks
Allspice 1.0 tsp.
Nutmeg 2.0 tsp.
Clove 1.0 tsp.
Vanilla Bean 2.0 beans
Ginger 1.0 tsp
Mash water amount: 34.0
Strike temperature: 164 degrees Fahrenheit
Sparge water amount: 40.0 quarts
Sparge water temperature: 170 degrees Fahrenheit
Extraction efficiency: 64 percent
Sparge liquor collected: 11.0 gallons
Topping water amount: 0.0 quarts
Boil size: 11.0 Gallons
Mashing schedule
minutes degrees Fahrenheit
5 146
60 142
80 170
140 165
Mashing comments
Used canned 100 percent pumpkin meat (5 large cans).
Added spices to 1 liter of vodka, let steep for 3 weeks, and added 75 ml to
each 5 gallon keg.
Wyeast #1272 American Ale Yeast II
Primary fermentation: 6-1/2 Gallon Carbouy
Secondary Fermentation: 5 Gallon Carboy
Primed with: 12 PSI CO2
When the beer was fermented, I slowly added the spice extract to a 12 ounce
sample of the beer, until it tasted like I wanted (about 1.5 ml. Then I
multiplied that by 50 get the result of 75 ml. to add to the five gallons of
finished beer.
beer-geek at home.com
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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 07:47:40 -0400
From: fridgeguy at voyager.net
Subject: frozen kegs
Greetings folks,
In HBD #3442, Carm Salvatore described his lovely Hefe-Weizen and
asked for help in diagnosing his fridge that unexpecedly dropped
below freezing.
Domestic fridges often use very cheaply constructed temperature
controllers that end up being a common repair item. If the fridge in
question is using its original controller, I'd recommend replacing it
with an insdustrial temperature controller such as a Johnson A19 or
Ranco ETC 111000. These controllers are more heavily built and will
last much longer.
To help ensure against controller problems, many commercial and
industrial refrigeration systems use redundant controllers. The main
controller is set for the desired operating temperature and a second
controller is used as a low limit failsafe, usually set at the lowest
safe temperature. The controllers are wired in series so the
compressor is stopped if either controller opens the circuit.
A simple solution for a homebrewer who uses a fridge with its
original controller might be to use an external controller set as a
low limit failsafe and use the fridge's internal controller as primary
control. If/when the internal controller fails, it can either be replaced
or removed entirely.
Hope this helps!
- ----------------------------------------------
Forrest Duddles - FridgeGuy in Kalamazoo
fridgeguy at voyager.net
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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 08:41:08 -0400
From: "David Houseman" <housemanfam at earthlink.net>
Subject: Open Fermentation
Jim Busch's comment about lagers benefiting from open fermentation lead met
to ask why? What process is going on with open fermentation that is
different (better) than closed fermentation? Is it the pressure
differential? Even our closed fermenters have air locks, but perhaps that
still creates enough back pressure to affect the yeast? How "open" does
open need to be? For example can an open fermenter be loosely covered with
a lid or plastic wrap to keep the cat out? I have occasionally fermented
Bitter in a bucket as an open fermentation, but had the top loosely sitting
on the top just to keep stuff from falling in (kids, cats,,,,). I can't
say that I found the results better, but then I didn't do a side by side
comparison. Has anyone here done that?
David Houseman
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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 09:38:54 -0400
From: Carmen & Denise Salvatore <salvator at dreamscape.com>
Subject: re: censorship
Not at all trying to speak for Pat here but -
In digest #3442 Jim Liddil writes:
OK so now the HBD is going to come under the same censorship that theFCC
rams donw our throats. We are going to let a bunch of corporate bean
counters dictate the content?
I didn't take Pat's post as a request to 'dictate content' but rather
simply a request to deliver the content in a non offensive manner.
As a matter of fact he wrote:
"Please contain your exuberance in your writings. Certain words for
excrement, biological functions and body parts are triggering these
filters when found in scanning the HBD. There's really no need at all to
contain these terms in your writings."
No big deal really, IMO. Believe me I am no fan of corporate bean
counters, nor am I in favor of people telling me how to act, or trying
to tell me what I should be offended at. But I'm seeing this more as a
common courtesy to fellow HBD readers. The content doesn't have to
change, just reword it.
For one thing if you are reading the hbd you
should be 21 years old since to drink legally in the US this is the
I know in the rest of the world it is different. At that age one should
be able to make decisions as to what is or is not appropriate.
Yep you would think so and I agree. But, as I work at a large
corporation that feels a need to protect us from the big, bad internet
and control what we see on the web I can understand the dilemma. I had
to personally go the the company's local ethics office and request that
they check out The Brewery & BT web sites. They had them blocked so we
were unable to reach them - why?? Drug content! I eventually did end up
get them to let 'em through the firewall, but jeeze!!
If people
wan the hbd have it delivered to an alternative account. I don't use my
company e-mail account for none work related stuff.
Well good for you. But I know that there are many people here that enjoy
their first cup-o-joe with HBD at work. I know I do - every morning. And
there are many company's that have e-mail access but do not allow access
to the web, making reading the archives impossible.
If want to use words
like penis, computer network attack, crack, cracking, cryptography,
DII, electronic warfare, mockingbird, phreaking, tiger team, howard
dilbert etc. then I
am going to and I guess none of my posts will ever appear here again if
this policy is put in place. Take freedom away and you won't get it
And those words would add to the discussion how??? Come on Jim, I think
you're reading way to much into Pat's request.
BTW, I am not one of the individuals who has had his HBD placed in the
bit bucket as I don't get it mailed to me at work - I read the web
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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 12:22:34 -0700
From: "Scott" <Windsurf at bossig.com>
Subject: Hey Fridge guy
The old fridge conked out, so procurred another. It's a side by side, and I
love it. The wife gets the freezer space, except for my hops. I get the
fridge side, which is great for my corny's, with a two taps in the works.
The problem is it leaks puddles of water, only occasionally. It's not
really a problem, being on a concrete floor in the garage. Is it something
to worry about? We keep the freezer at 20 deg. F., the fridge 48-50 F. No
condensation inside at all.
Richland, Wa.
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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 13:00:49 -0700
From: "Scott" <Windsurf at bossig.com>
Subject: Decoction woes
My quest for the Pilsner Urquel utopia and another long, long day. With my
2-tier HERM's, and mash mannifold, I find that stuck mashes are not really a
problem. Can even mash wheat, without rice hulls, provided I don't mess
with the bottom of the mash, during mash and sparge. However, tried the
"Bohemian Rhapsody" PU recipe and had nothing but problems, all involving
decoction. True, I could step mash, and I probably will next time, to see
for myself whether decoction is all it's cracked up to be. However, you
have to learn somehow, right?
Is there a proper way to get the decoction back into the mash? It seems
that even gently placing it back in upset the grain bed somewhat, or
compacted it, I guess. Checking my mannifold, I found lots of small white
grainy material. My guess is that the decoction process it self degraded
the barley in such a way that it fell thru into the mannifold and stuck.
I was able to finish the project, and it initially tastes fine, predicted
extraction, as well. Any comments regarding proper decoction removal, and
replacing it back into the mash?
Richland, Wa.
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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 17:25:01 CDT
From: "Steven Sims" <kiwimonkey87 at hotmail.com>
Subject: Interested in a wort chiller?
I am Steven Sims, home brewer. I am a University of Missouri student
obtaining my masters degree in Engineering Management. For one of my
classes in project design, I have decided to design a wort chiller. To aid
in optimizing my design, I need some information from people that either
use wort chillers or might be interested in purchasing one someday. If you
are interested in taking a brief survey on th subject, please email me and
I'll send it to you. I would really appreciate your help on this. Thanks in
advance for taking the time to help me out!
Steven Sims
sims at umr.edu
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Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 23:37:34 GMT
From: "dr smith" <drsmithhm at hotmail.com>
Subject: Yeast culturing questions answered -- Thanks.
I would like to extend thanks to all of you who have replied to my
previous questions. In summary,
1) I will be using 160 proof Devils Springs Vodka to clean my
work area(it turns out that EverClear isn't available
in NY, but I can get this particular spirit, and it's
pretty cheap). A minor dilution will give me 70%.
2) Plates will be cultured upside-down, but right after the
plate comes out of the pressure cooker, it will
go right into a ziplock bag. I forgot who said it - was
one of the lab types on this list - that these bags are
sterile right out of the box and it occurs to me these
are easier to deal with than tape or parafilm.
I did get one suggestion to use pre-sterilized petri
dishes, but after what I went through to get autoclavable
dishes and culture tubes, I'm not switching.
3) I'll use a mini-torch that runs on butane for flaming the
inoculation loop and a stove burner to give a nice wide
updraft in my work area. It'll be tricky to arrange
this safely, but I think it can be done with some
planning. Fortunately, the house I just moved into
has a NG stove instead of electric which should work
pretty good for this purpose. If I'm not comfortable
with that, I'll get a propane torch or a butane/propane
adjustable burner for this purpose. Fortunately the
house I just moved into has a NG stove instead of
electric and should work pretty good for this purpose.
4) Break material is nothing to worry about.
On the AHA in support of the HBD: I'd be wary of any agreements
made. All too often, ongoing support turns into ownership and
then it won't be long until we see the bean counters asking
the readership to pay for the privilege. It's just a worst
case scenario, but when I think of all the good internet sites
that started out with no banner ads and where they are now,
the possibility seems all too real. Just my opinion.
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Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 11:38:20 -0700
From: "Don Van Valkenburg" <don at steinfillers.com>
Subject: Homebrew Publicity Campaign
Dan Listermann is correct in his assessment of the HPC (homebrew publicity
campaign) video. But I personally think the word bitter is only part of the
As Paul Harvey says: "here is the rest of the story"
First of all, before I give my take on the video, I want to say that Stephen
Mallery (BT editor) made a noble effort in producing the commercial. No one
else was stepping up to the plate to promote the hobby at that point. I had
originally conceived of the idea and pursued AHA to fund and produce this
spot but was silently ignored by Karen Barella and others at AHA over the
course of a few years. Then one day when I was talking to Stephen Mallery
and shared this idea with him. Stephen jumped at the chance to do something
to promote the hobby and took up the charge and raised the money from
various wholesalers.
Let me give them credit at this point - they deserve it. They were:
Crosby & Baker
California Concentrates (Alexanders)
HWBTA (Home Wine Beer Trade Ass.)
L.D. Carlson
Wine Art
Advanced Brewing Technology
Five Star
I don't know how much exactly was raised, but I heard figures of over
Note: AHA is not on the list above. They were asked, but declined.
Now my take on the results.
In all fairness to Stephen, I must say this is 20/20 hindsight. First of
all, before producing the spot, Stephen went to the HWBTA conference in
Sacramento two years ago and pitched this and tried to get support from
others who were at the. Here is where I think the spot started getting
"designed by committee". There is a significant part of HWBTA that wanted
home winemaking to be included in the spot. Then it became a commercial
for promoting homebrewing and home winemaking. I am not a marketing person,
but I think one needs to keep focused and not try to include too much in one
message. This spot had two focal points. I think it would have been better
to do two separate commercials, but it only takes $$$$$$$$$$$$.....
In addition to the word bitter on the beer label, I don't think the whole
image with the woman's voice is one that would grab your "typical
homebrewer", whatever that is. I did try the commercial on my local cable
and got limited results. I did get a few customers that were interested in
However, I can't say I got anyone interested in homebrewing.
Again, my comments are with the 20/20 hindsight those producing didn't have.
It was a positive step and a valuable learning experience for the industry.
I do hope there are others to follow. Perhaps this learning experience
will help the next producer to make a better piece to attract new
homebrewers to this wonderful hobby.
Don Van Valkenburg
Stein Fillers Homebrewing Supply
Long Beach, Calif.
brew at steinfillers.com
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Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 15:32:55 -0400
From: "Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard" <taliesin2 at earthlink.net>
Subject: AHA Membership
I went to the subscription page to look it over. I noticed they have two
options for US Membership. They are:
Option # 1
AHA Membership (U.S.)
with FREE copy of 101 Ideas for Homebrew Fun - Item # AHA1
Option # 2
AHA Membership (U.S.)
with FREE copy of Tips and Gadgets - Item # AHA2
Why not just offer one membership option with both free gifts at a
slightly higher price? Also, if I choose one, can I buy the other later?
I find this confusing. This and why the price of membership is all
included with your paid subscription to zymurgy magazine. If they
separated the two, they could be making more income and fund more
competitions or better fund existing ones. :-)
- --
Everything on this earth has a purpose, and every disease an herb to
cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of
existence. --Mourning Dove, 1888-1936
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Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 17:08:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: "patrick finerty jr." <zinc at finerty.net>
Subject: Re: Frozen keg woes and fridge problems
Carm complains about his now thinly flavored Hefe following freezing
of the once tasty brew. i suspect your problem is that the freezing
caused protein precipitation or precip of other compounds that provide
mouthfeel and also some flavor. short of adding gelatin or guar gum i
don't think you can recover the thickness you had.
-patrick in Toronto
- --
"There is only one aim in life and that is to live it."
Karl Shapiro,(1959) from an essay on Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer
finger pfinerty at nyx10.nyx.net for PGP key
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Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000 21:11:57 -0500
From: Ralph Link <rlink at escape.ca>
Subject: Infected yeast
Can any one tell me if there are any visual characteristics of a yeast that
has been infected. Private e-mails are welcome.
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Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 22:25:09 -0400
From: Tom Byrnes <kmstfb2 at exis.net>
Subject: Brewing Stands
I am looking for a brewing stand or tree for my gott cooler mashing system.
The commercially available ones are too expensive. Anybody know of any sites
for plans for a homemade one. Happy Brewing Tom
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Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 19:36:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matthew Comstock <mccomstock at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Mash Hopping or Just Hoping
We've read about mash hopping quite a bit, some
say it works some say it doesn't. C'mon, someone
out there has a gas chromatograph/mass
spectrometer (GC-MS)?!
I remember reading an article, probably linked to
from the hbd, from a professional journal (maybe
the Journal of the American Brewers Society?)
about the identification of various hop oils in
beer using GC/MS. Anyone know what I'm talking
about? I lost the article, but the concept would
work to test mash-hopping.
Matt in Cincinnati
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Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 13:50:57 EST
From: "Warren White" <warrenlw63 at hotmail.com>
Subject: Session Beers, Archives, Thanks etc.
A session beer generally speaking is a moderate alcohol beverage that can be
enjoyed for its flavour and good qualities rather than its alcohol content.
This was typified by the Welsh, The Northern and Midland English Coal Miners
who could down quite a "few" after a hard days work in the mines (and who
could blame them?). Or by people who like a "few" during a working day on
their lunch break.
Or a session beer is one of those beers you have with your mates and this
1 Pint you talk about the weather
2 Pints you talk about the football
3 Pints you talk about that 5 pound fish you caught
4 Pints you talk about that 50 pound fish you caught
5 Pints that 50 pound fish becomes a White Pointer Shark
6 Pints and the size of the fish starts to change to the size of your "Old
Fellah" and what you can do with it.
7 Pints and the rough equivalent of about 15 pints comes out of your "Old
Fellah" and that's about all you can do with it
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Search, Search, Search
I see we're back on the old Promash chestnut again, the best way to get info
on Promash is to go to www.hbd.org and search for it in the archives, I've
no doubts that there are gazillions of postings, I think someone only asked
about Promash 3-4 weeks ago, (I use and like Promash). It always amazes me
how quickly particular subjects seem to rear their heads again and again, I
think we see more repeats than "Get Smart" (sorry chief). Does anyone not
know that you can search the HBD archives, IMHO it makes a great reference
tool. Certainly saves a post as well. Why dare I say it you may even find
1-1,000,000 articles on HSA!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Brad McMahon wrote:
Yep, I concede on that point. I had actually forgotten that Boddingtons does
come in cask form. I had seen it in a pub when I was in the UK a couple of
months back, but I didn't actually try it as there were far more interesting
cask beers which demanded my attention. Greg was most probably referring to
the keggiflade version by his description though - which as you read in
yesterdays HBD, he is adjusting the bitterness back down to a closer
approximation of what his wife prefers.
Sorry Brad, I didn't mean to try and bring you unstuck or anything, I just
remember having a couple of Cask-Conditioned Boddingtons a while back and
*yes* you're right there are generally more interesting cask ales available
you're right about the Adnams Bitter, it's an amazing little drop for such a
low alcohol beer. Young's does some pretty similar things too.
Thank you Jim DiPalma for the name of the Pub which I requested "The Ten
Bells" on the corner of Commercial and Fournier Steets, Spitalfields. I can
go back to "not thinking" again (it hurts).
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
On the subject of Mash Hopping I tried it a couple of weeks back and one
thing that I noticed pretty much straight of the bat was that the runoff was
clearer a lot quicker than it normally was, it only took about 1 litre as
opposed to the usual 3 litres of recirculation to get a good runoff. Anyone
else encounter this? Icould always search the archives huh? No doubt I'll
find something on it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Oh and on a lighter note the wind is swirling up down here in Melbourne,
it's blowing very heavily from the south, uh oh, I'm about to chime in -
bbbbbbrrrrrrrrrttttttt! Duck for cover It's an ASCII fart chock full of
banana esters and its heading far north for "God's Own Country". I may need
to see a "Fremantle Doctor/Proctologist" It's travelling at about 50-60
knots and it should be at its peak at about 200 knots by the time it arrives
up your way Graham, don't send me one back I detest the taste of the "Big
Prawn" and the warm mangoes that you blokes chomp on up there!
Also thanks for your Home Roasting Article, it was top notch and worth the
wait, (seriously). I know I held you up on the odd occasion begging for the
guiding hand to lead me down the Yellow Brick Road of Belgian salvation.
Now back to your Cane Toad Smoking and Cyclone-Proof Shed Building article
young man! Cause Melbourne ASCII farts can rip of roofs and bring down power
Warren L. White, Melbourne, Australia
Goin back to me telly now the Olympics
have departed our shores!
Air Traffic Controllers permitting.
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