HOMEBREW Digest #35 Sun 25 December 1988
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Grogg/Glug/Glog (a.e.mossberg)
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Date: Sun, 25 Dec 88 16:37:54 EST
From: a.e.mossberg <aem at ibiza>
Subject: Grogg/Glug/Glog
The holidays suddenly appeared and I waited til the last minute to make glog
this year. For those of you who don't know, it's a swedish holiday drink.
Here's how I make it:
1 qt. cheap red port
1 qt. cheap vodka
1.5 cup sugar
4 cups water
8 whole cardamon (sp?)
20 cloves
peel from 1 orange
2 broken-up cinnamin sticks (damn my spelling is off today)
1 large handful raisins
4 almonds
Makes about 3 qts.
Dissolve the sugar in the water then add the last 6 ingredients.
Boil for 15 minutes, then add the vodka and port. Bring back
up to a boil, and remove from burner. Best served warm. Cures
the common cold. :-)
a.e.mossberg - aem at mthvax.miami.edu - aem at mthvax.span (3.91)
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