FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: force cooling of wort ("John Zeller") Mash runoff clarity ("John Zeller") Iodine strength ("spam-zapper") H:W Huh ? ("Stephen Alexander") re:Pressure Fermenting (Jim Adwell) Yeast fermentation temp (Bruce Carpenter) Re: Mash runoff clarity ("Drew Avis") concerning H/W ratio of fermenters (Jim Adwell) re:Mash runoff clarity (Jim Adwell) Iodine (AJ) Siphon helpers (JE)" <steinbrunnerje at> CAP experiment -- Student's t (Frank Tutzauer) Cold Break in the Fermenter ("Dennis Collins") New old brew pot ("Ken Miller.") Grain Storage & Bottle Conditioning ("Hedglin, Nils A") Washington DC/Brew Pubs (Jamy Magro) Australian Beer Glasses (Ernie) Re: Mash runoff clarity (RoyRudy)
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 22:50:52 -0700 From: "John Zeller" <jwz_sd at> Subject: force cooling of wort Tammy wrote: "When I make my soap I force cool my lye solution by using ice instead of water. So, to force cool the wort, add 1/2 weight of ice cubes" There is a substantial risk of bacterial contamination when using ice to cool hot wort. Ice can, and often does, harbor bacteria. I'm sure it works well for making soap, but I think I will keep using my immersion chiller instead. I do use ice with an additional coil to pre-chill the cooling water, but that is as close as I want ice to come to my wort. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 23:13:13 -0700 From: "John Zeller" <jwz_sd at> Subject: Mash runoff clarity Brian wrote: "There are some ugly rumours circulating in another forum that people are getting brilliantly clear runoffs from their mashes. <snip> But I now find myself suffering from "runoff envy" and I would like to know what I'm doing wrong." Brian, I don't think you are doing anything wrong at all and I think the guys are exaggerating somewhat. My wort has never been crystal clear no matter how much I recirculate. Don't let it bother you at all. I only recirculate a few quarts until there are no large particles in the runoff. The clarity of the sparge runoff has little to do with the clarity of the finished beer in my experience. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 01:49:14 -0600 From: "spam-zapper" <spam-zapper at> Subject: Iodine strength on Mon, 28 May 2001 09:49:55 -0400, "Neil K" <neilk27 at> wrote: "...tincture of iodine to use for a starch conversion test (my first all-grain batch!) The drugstore, however, sells two strengths--a 2.5 % and 5% concentration..." Which one should I get Get one of each. Mix them together and you will have a 7.5% solution. Now there are brainiacs on the list that will tell you that you will end up with 3.25%, but don't listen to them. They will most likely have you testing you beer for sugar diabetes too!!! Ask your self this - if you have an apple that weighs 5 ounces and one that weighs 2.5 ounces and put them on the scale at the same time how much will they weigh? 7.5 ounces, of course. Trust me - I am an expert because I say so. Plus with the stronger solution, your starch conversion will happen faster - you might expect shaving .0001 seconds off the test. And with stuff that strong, don't mess around with a small spoonful of mash for test - pull out about a gallon or so. If you use Phil Yates' centrifuge (the same one he used on that bloody [bloody after he got done!!] cat) along with a filter made from the cat fur Phil had to pick off the walls after centrifuging said cat, you will be able to return the mash to the tun (the iodine having been filtered out). Due to the high concentration of iodine, there is one small danger you have to work with. You will need to test the iodine itself for excessive sugar - Cl*n*t*st is highly recommended for this. If you should ever detect sugar above 10ppm, immediately evacuate the area and call the HazMat folks - your iodine, if not handled properly will implode with such force that the earth will be sucked in and inverted into an position upside down relative to what it is now. This will put AU in the northern hemisphere, meaning that the Aussies will be above the Yanks and Brits meaning that we will see nothing but Aussie bum when we look up. ************ OK, nuff funnin'. Why don't you get a bottle of each. Mix an equal portion of each to get three solutions - 2.5, ~3.25, and 5. Use each of them at each test point during your next brew. If, each of the tests, all three concentrations give the same result, then the rest of us will buy the cheapest. However, if you get different results, then we definitely need to have a discussion about why the difference. Reality is that which still exists even after you stop believing in it. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 07:08:21 -0400 From: "Stephen Alexander" <steve-alexander at> Subject: H:W Huh ? Overall I'm very impressed with the quality of posts on the CAP/H:W experiment. There are certainly folks out there who have much to contribute. I would like to respond to some questions/points directed at me. Del Lansing writes ... > there is not a lot left open for misinterpretation; but the H:W ratio >does relate directly to surface area:volume ratio [...] H:W and Surf:Vol are NOT directly related ratios Del. They can be varied INDEPENDENTLY. Take a fixed fermenter shape like a cylinder,. choose any arbitrary H:W ratio and any arbitrary Surf:Vol ratio and you can create a cylinder which has both ratios. The two are unrelated. >>I don't have specifics of DeClerk's experiment but I'll wager that it was >>not designed to eliminate other factors and the conclusion that it is H:W >>ratio isn't the only plausible conclusion from the data. > >I get it, without any facts or "experimental design" comments, or research >of your own, you have concluded DeClerk has to be wrong. Not at all. I strongly suspect DeCleck never wrote this vastly sweeping conclusion that H:W *causes* poor fermentation performance. That isn't the sort of thing one concludes from a limited set of experiments. Most likely he made a statement of correlation over his limited range of experiments. Later his less cautious readers overgeneralized from correlation in a limited domain to causation in the general case. The method and conclusion of the original experimental work would tell us a lot. >I have not seen any data from you to support your position that >fermenter geometry (or H:W ratio) does not matter. Because I never said nor meant this. I said H:W was not *causative* of poor fermentation performance. That is very different from "doesn't matter". It likely correlates in some domains, but I see no reason to think it is causative. This isn't news - this is exactly what I've been saying all along. It's unlikely that DeClerk performed the vast number of controlled experiments needed to eliminate confounding variables and test the general premise over a wide range of H:W and shapes. Anyway I don't need to perform or cite extensive experiments to refute this. I just need to show a counter-example, like a corny or test tube ferment w/o the sort of defects ascribed to high H:W. === Harsh Dave Harsh writes ... >> ...thoughtful and well read... > >Been a while since I've been called that. I must be slipping. ;) My mistake Dave ;^) - -- >> Dave, I agree that circulation can be a function of general geometry, but is >> certainly NOT a function of H:W ratio independent of these other factors. > >Circulation is strong function of the shape of the vessel: [...] >Essentially, a 1 foot cube would produce the same [...] I'm all ears Dave. If you can write the equations that show that circulation induced shear forces are entirely dependent on H:W and not dependent on other factors like volume your argument becomes much more plausible. I doubt this can be done and so far you've just the handwaving argument. Circulation, shear and cross-section in a 2.5:1 H:W test-tube vs cornie are certainly different and also quite likely not higher (circ, shear) than *every* 1:1 vessel. >> Flocculation is a consequence of yeast metabolic processes. > >It is also a physical process as a result of fluid shear and statistics. >It is well accepted that there are biochemical changes on the cellular >surface that enhance flocculation, but shear induces flocculation. (Low) shear flocculation is a real effect, but it only applies to yeast cells which are already flocculent. The shear only floccs cells whose surfaces have changed. >A high aspect >ratio fermenter will have less cross-sectional area for the circulation >induced by fermentation. Sorry - no. Area is not determined by H:W. Does a 3:1 corny have the same cross section as a 3:1 test tube ? >Yeast are just particles in the fluid continuum and behave as such. Hardly. There were numerous papers back in the 1st half of the 20th century trying to model yeast as particulate and they've largely failed. They're not a colloidal suspension, they don't follow stokes law and their sedimentation properties are time variable. If you find a model to match all the evidence it would be quite a breakthrough. >Steve - if you want to convince me: Give a physical explanation of how >the fermenter geometry will produce changes in the fermenting wort and >how those changes will explain the observed effects of aspect ratio. >What is your hypothesis? See - you haven't been reading. My contention is that there is no such effect if you control for other variables. Adding my "guess" to yours would be fruitless. I agree that you have created a proper chain of relations, (H:W -> shear -> early flocculation) which if demonstrated to be causal would explain the effect. I doubt the relations hold, 1/ that H:W implies greater shear regardless of volume and, 2/ that shear alone can flocc growing yeast. This last I am quite sure is in error. There has been a lot of research in the past decade on flocculation. >[...] , but it is interesting that >the best way to floc and remove yeast cells is by cooling, [...] I'm sorry, but do we have some lovely parting gifts .... 'Cold causes flocculation' is an HB momily !! Cold actually PREVENTS flocculation in most yeast. One study which anyone can access is on the ASBC website vol 58(3) pp108-116, by Jin et al., "Effect of Environmental Condition on the Flocculation of S.cerevisiae" for example. Their ale strain ... "showed stronger flocculation at higher temperatures (P<0.001) in the range 5C-25C." I've some JIB papers that show the same. Some yeast show little temp effect, some floc poorly at low or high temps. But as a rule, cold does NOT cause flocculation and often prevents it. -S Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 08:47:39 -0400 From: Jim Adwell <jim at> Subject: re:Pressure Fermenting Keith Menefy writes: I seem to remember reading somewhere that pressure fermenting helped improve lagers. (Can't find where I read it). Just changed my system to be able to do this. I am using a blow off tube into 18 inches of water. Thought that would increase the pressure quite a bit but on looking it up find that it is around half a pound/ Hardly seems worth the trouble. 1. Does anyone know if pressure fermenting really works? 2. What sort of pressure is required? 3. Is there a easier way to get an increase in pressure in the fermentor? Well, there is a US patent, 4068005, which claims: A method of accelerating the fermentation of a lager-type beer comprises conducting the fermentation at an elevated temperature with or without exogenous agitation while maintaining the dissolved carbon dioxide concentration in the fermentation liquor at a level approximating that found in a fermentation liquor during a normal supersaturated lager-type bottom-fermentation. The level of dissolved carbon dioxide is maintained at about 1.5 to about 2.0 cc per cc of beer by use of an overpressure of 2-20 psig of carbon dioxide. The idea being that one can ferment one's beer at a higher temperature for less time, thus saving on refrigerating costs and moving the product out the door faster, which would be important to a mega-brewer like Millers, Of interest to homebrewers, I suppose, is that this method will cut down on fusel oils, esters and other nasty things during the ferment, thus making a cleaner tasting beer. I haven't experimented with pressurized fermentation, and probably won't. If you are going to try it, DO NOT try to pressurize a glass carboy ; use a cornie or other container designed for pressure. The patent goes into more detail about all this. You can find it at: u=/netahtml/srchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1='4068005'.WKU.&OS=PN/4068005&RS=PN/4 068005 or you can search for 4068005 at: Cheers, Jim Jim & Paula Adwell jimala at jimala at Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 07:56:53 -0500 From: Bruce Carpenter <bruce at> Subject: Yeast fermentation temp Greetings, I have a question regarding published fermentation temperatures of various yeasts. Are the recommended ranges referring to ambient temp or wort temp? Also, what are the consequences of higher fermentation temps (75-80 degrees ambient for 65-72 recommended)? Thanks in advance, Bruce - -- Bruce Carpenter Birmingham, AL bcarpenter at Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 13:05:36 From: "Drew Avis" <andrew_avis at> Subject: Re: Mash runoff clarity Brian Lundeen complains of "runoff envy", which might be better described as "haze halitosis" or even "pernicious protein precipitate pouting". Just to increase your angst, Brian, check out a shot of a sparge I did last year: (7th photo down) where you can clearly see the bottom of the pot through an inch of first runnings. To be honest, I only get runnings this clear once every three or four batches, usually there's a bit more haze. If the crush is just right, the conversion temps hit on the button, and the stars in alignment, I get crystal clear runnoff after recirculating maybe 10 litres. Is cloudy runoff a problem? I guess the real question is, are your finished beers as clear as you'd like? I've read many times about the link between clear sweet wort and clear finished beer, but most my beers end up as clear as I'd like, regardless of how cloudy the runnings are. Cheers! Drew Avis, Merrickville Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 09:18:50 -0400 From: Jim Adwell <jim at> Subject: concerning H/W ratio of fermenters >From patent no. 4068005 (issued 1976 - see my previous post in this issue for details on this patent): There is increasing use of large, very deep fermenting tanks in the brewing industry. The volatiles concentration is frequently less in the beer from these tanks than occurs in a conventionally fermented lager beer (7). This is a result of excessive dissolved CO.sub.2 due to the much greater tank depth--often five times as deep as conventional lager fermentors. This increased dissolved CO.sub.2 concentration overrepresses yeast growth and concomitantly volatiles formation. Note that this concerns large industrial scale tanks, not our piddly 5-10 gallon homebrew fermenters. On this large scale, fermenter geometry does indeed matter. On the homebrew scale, high dissolved CO2 levels due to fermenter geometry do not exist (unless one is fermenting 5 gallons in a very tall, small diameter pipe). One could, however, ferment under CO2 pressure in a cornie keg, and presumably have over-repressed yeast growth. >From Stephen Alexander's recent post: Mr.Fix sited a number of fermentation performance problems with high H:W cornie keg fermenters. Very high diacetyl levels (350ppb), extremely long fermentation time (twice as a long as a control 22-24 days), and high FG (2P above a control). With 'over-repressed yeast growth' one would expect to have long fermentation times, a higher than normal final gravity, and poor diacetyl reduction. Perhaps Mr. Fix has confused industrial tanks with homebrew fermenters. Just a thought. Cheers, Jim Jim & Paula Adwell jimala at jimala at Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 09:54:50 -0400 From: Jim Adwell <jim at> Subject: re:Mash runoff clarity Brian Lundeen writes: There are some ugly rumours circulating in another forum that people are getting brilliantly clear runoffs from their mashes. Phrases like "crystal clear" and "clear as finished wine" are being bandied about with reckless abandon. Needless to say, this is extremely distressing. The best I can seem to accomplish is a slight haze in my Pyrex Recirculator, or measuring cup as they are often labelled in housewares. Of course, this is only really noticeable in those few very light beers that I have made from DWC Pils malt. Most of my beers are on the dark side so its hard to judge the clarity in those. But I now find myself suffering from "runoff envy" and I would like to know what I'm doing wrong. I've found that if you squint real hard while lautering, the run-off looks pretty clear, even if it has big chunks in it. Using an opaque run-off tube will help with your frame of mind, too. Seriously, this might or might not be helpful to you, but I also have been getting remarkably clear run-offs lately. Here's what I have been doing: 1 - been crushing malt and grain more coarsely than I used to. I get a bit less efficiency, but a faster run-off. Perhaps this helps with clarity, also. Note: I use a Corona mill. 2 - been adding oat hulls to my mash, because I have been using a large % of my home-malted rye. I don't actually need the oat hulls, but the run-off is faster with them (~ 1/2 lb per 5 gallon mash). 3 - been mashing-out at ~170F. A bit high for the purists, but it works just fine with no astringency detectable. Again, a faster run-off, for sure. I let the mash settle for ~5 minutes with the mash-stirrer off before starting the run-off. 4 - been adding ~10% buckwheat to my mash; perhaps the hulls help. Perhaps one or more of these is affecting the clarity of the run-off. Or maybe it's the phase of the moon, who knows? :) Cheers, Jim Jim & Paula Adwell jimala at jimala at Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 09:57:42 -0400 From: AJ <ajdel at> Subject: Iodine For testing the presence of starch it doesn't matter what the strength of the iodine solution is. If you are using it to estimate SO2 levels in your beer then that's a different matter. A.J. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 10:03:02 -0400 From: "Steinbrunner, Jim (JE)" <steinbrunnerje at> Subject: Siphon helpers Steven Parfit wrote: >My unsanitary habit of "mouth starting" the siphon is the suspected culprit... picked up a "MightyVac" type pump... a tad on the expensive side ($36).< I use the Fermtech (NAYY) Auto-Siphon to transfer from pot to fermenter, and also to collect hydrometer samples. I've used it with a bottling cane and PrimeTabs (again, NAYY) for bottling directly from the secondary. I picked mine up at a local homebrew shop for less than US$10, although I don't remember the exact cost. An easy pump to start the siphon, and if I lose siphon in mid-transfer due to fermenter-bottom gunk, etc., one stroke gets it moving again without stirring up the bottom or risking contamination. It's made my brewing a lot easier. I haven't used it nor do I know the price, but the Carboytap (once more, NAYY) looks similar. Jim Steinbrunner Midland, MI Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 12:08:01 -0400 (EDT) From: Frank Tutzauer <comfrank at> Subject: CAP experiment -- Student's t Just a couple of minor comments/clarifications on AJ's very thoughtful post from yesterday's digest: From: AJ <ajdel at> >Steve...suggests a test which I think we could do: several brewers >prepare a wort and split it between Corny's - one filled to a high H:W >ratio and the other to a lower and allow fermentation to complete. >...and look for a significant difference in the scores (using, of course, >Student's t test which was designed for exactly this purpose - comparing >beers). First, recognize with this design that wort volume is perfectly confounded with aspect ratio. Second, make sure you use the correct t-test. "Student's t" is the name of the distribtution, not the test, and there are a variety of "t-tests" using this distribution. With this design you want a matched-pairs t-test, sometimes called a paired t-test or a correlated t-test. It is essentially a one-sample t-test on the differences between the fermenters. You do *not* want to use an independent-samples t-test. This would be the appropriate statistic if we used one group of brewers with one aspect ratio, and a separate (independent) group of brewers with the second aspect ratio. But here, as we have *one* group of brewers, each doing two (i.e. paired) measurements, then the paired t-test is appropriate. If, dear reader, you are not into statistical theory, don't sweat it. These are trivial tests to conduct. Oh, and AJ is right in that Student's t was originally designed for comparing *beers*!!! If I recall correctly, the distribution was derived by a fellow at Guinness, but because he couldn't publish under his own name he used instead the name "Student." --frank Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 13:55:22 -0400 From: "Dennis Collins" <dcollins at> Subject: Cold Break in the Fermenter Hello all, This question is for those of you who use counter flow chillers. Lately there has been much discussion on keeping out the hot break and hop pellets from the boil pot via whole hops, the bazooka screen, whirlpooling, etc. Well what about the cold break? If you use a counter flow chiller, 100% of the cold break goes into the fermenter. What is the impact of the cold break on primary fermentation? For that matter, what is the impact of the hot break and hop pellet residue on primary fermentation? If you rack within 4 or 5 days, does any of it matter? I ask this question because I am seriously thinking of using a counter flow chiller for speed, but was curious about the resulting cold break in the fermenter. Dennis Collins Knoxville, TN Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 15:14:59 -0400 From: "Ken Miller." <kgmiller2 at> Subject: New old brew pot Yard sale season is upon us and my wife arrived home with a 24 quart pot to add to the brewery. For just $12!!!! Anyway, the pot looks to be Stainless Steel. I can find no information stamped on it. Any way to verify if it is SS of aluminum? It feels heavy enough to be SS. Also, its definately been well used. No dents and the handles are solid. However, it is kind of a dull grey, and has some stains on the outside. The inside has a burn mark in the bottom. Any advice on how to clean it up and maybe get it looking a little better. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 11:51:35 -0700 From: "Hedglin, Nils A" <nils.a.hedglin at> Subject: Grain Storage & Bottle Conditioning Hi there, I just made a stout batch yesterday & have some extra grains & hops left over I need to store. Luckily, my wife is a kitchen gadget collector, so we have one of those vacuum sealers for food. I sealed up them up, but I was wondering if the grains should be refrigerated? I have the hops vacuumed sealed & am storing them in of the the drawers in our frig. One of the pretty consistant problems I've had with my batches is a lack of carbonation in the bottle. In my 1st batch, I put the almost boiling water with the cane sugar directly into the wort, so I could have killed off some yeast. Also, I stored the bottles in my basement which was in the mid-60s degrees. But the strange thing is that I tried 2 bottles of this batch this weekend & one was relatively flat & one was pretty carbonated. I surprised to see both with different carbonation levels. In my 2nd batch, I made sure to allow the sugar to cool 1st. I stored the bottles down in the basement for 1 day, but then moved them upstairs into the house (once I learned that the bottles should be stored at room temperature for about a week to get the fermentation going). But this batch still seems under-carbonated. I'm using the recommended amount of cane sugar (1 cup, 3/4 cup, I don't remember just now). I was wondering if it could be a problem with my capping. I have an old stand capper that I've always assumed was pretty good. Any ideas or suggestions? Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 10:49:47 -0400 From: Jamy Magro <jamymagro at> Subject: Washington DC/Brew Pubs Brewing Collective: Just wanted to pass along two datapoints for those that might be interested as well as future searchers of the archives. I just spent the Memorial Day weekend in Washington, D.C. helping a friend move. Since I was in our nation's capitol, I decided to see what brewpubs were available. Due to time restrictions because of the move, I was only able to check out two pubs. The first was J. Paul's, which is located in the Georgetown area of DC, (3218 M Street). They had quite a few beers on draft but it only looked like they had two of their own beers on tap. The J. Paul's Amber was a typical red/amber beer with a nice rounded taste. The J. Paul's Wheat was more of an American wheat beer with a crisp taste and I did not notice any esters or banana flavors. J. Paul's has a good selection of food from steaks to Maryland Crab cakes. The second was John Harvard's Brew House, located in downtown DC near the IRS building, (1299 Pennsylvania Avenue). This restaurant boasts 5 to 6 brews on tap as well as a cask conditioned ale on pump. I started off with the beer sampler in order to make up my mind. They had an American Light Ale (Budmilleroors-clone), Pale Ale (not very hoppy but light and refreshing), DC Steam Beer (a thick head and good flavor), Pennsylvania Avenue Porter (strong, dark, and toasty flavored), Maibock (sweet tasting with an alcohol finish). The cask conditioned ale was served slightly cool from the pump and was very clean tasting with a low carbonation level. The food was great (from Pesto Salmon to Meatloaf) and the service better than what you expect. Obviously, I have no affiliation (yada yada) but I wanted to share these two great places to have a meal and a good beer while in our nation's capitol. Enjoy. Brew hard, Mr. Jamy Magro Attorney/Homebrewer Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 20:04:53 -0700 (PDT) From: erniebaker at (Ernie) Subject: Australian Beer Glasses Hi folks, am about to brew some Australian beer and could think of nothing better than to drink them out of Australian beer glasses. I have tried all over and came up with nothing. I know you no longer use pint glasses in your pubs but was thinking that some homebrew supply shops would have some for sale..... Interested in "Carlton", "Castlemain's 4X" or whatever. Would be a great help if you knew of a shop that had them in Melbourne. Thats for your help, I also collect pints and do not have any from Australia. You can post here or direct..... Ernie Baker USMC retired 29 Palms, CA erniebaker at Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 21:54:23 -0700 From: RoyRudy <royrudy at> Subject: Re: Mash runoff clarity "There are some ugly rumours circulating in another forum that people are getting brilliantly clear runoffs from their mashes. Phrases like "crystal clear" and "clear as finished wine" are being bandied about with reckless abandon....." If your runoff gets noticably clearer afer you've collected for a while, then you probably should recirc some more. A 90 min mash going through various temps will produce a more clear wort than a single temp infusion. Cheers! Roy Rudebusch Return to table of contents
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