FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Sparge-ware (GordonRick) Sparge Water Distributors ("D. Schultz") Foaming Keg Blues (Mike Lemons) re: Keg Back Pressure (John Schnupp) Re: Sparge water distributors (Len Safhay) RE: Software (Piracy) (David Lamotte) Re: Sparge Water Distributors (Jeff Renner) Re: Sour mash beer ("RJ") Sparge Water Distributors ("Houseman, David L") Beer and Sweat 2001 ("Eric Tepe") Re: Sour mash beer (Joel Plutchak) Re:Sparge Water Distributors ("Pete Calinski") Re: CO2 and Germany (Rob Dewhirst) Re: Dry Hopping with pellets ("Pete Calinski") Re: removing flux from copper (Rob Dewhirst) Sour mash beer ("Houseman, David L") Re: Software Project (was: Software Piracy) ("Bruce Francis") Brussels (LJ Vitt) Belgium trip (LJ Vitt) Safe Sanitizer (Mike Lemons) Brew Pubs in the Carolinas (cearll) Re: Software piracy (Christopher Farley) RE: Sparge Water Distributors ("Laborde, Ronald") HPLC analysis (Warren Place) RE: Dry Hopping with pellets ("Lou King ") marbles in the keg ("Stephen Fiete") Diacetyl II ("Gene")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 00:38:38 EDT From: GordonRick at Subject: Sparge-ware For my system, an old 30L Bitburger Keg with a 12" hole in the top, I have found that the top from one of my 5 gal "pickle buckets" with a zillion holes drilled through it works just great as a sparge water distributor. After a short vorlauf, I simply run a plastic tube with a valve (or even a squeeze clamp) from my HLT (5 gal water cooler) onto the lid which just covers the hole in the top of my mash tun. I can calibrate the flow of sparge water to the outflow of wort and take a break to relax, not worry, etc. The sparge water trickles through the holes onto the inch or so of standing liquid above the mash without fear of tunneling. (credit goes to Brew-man Carl Godman) The price is right and the technology is about as simple as you can get. Rick Hopfen und Malz, Gott Erhalt's Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 23:36:08 -0700 From: "D. Schultz" <d2schultz at> Subject: Sparge Water Distributors I'm with Troy. No distributor here. I just keep an inch of water on top of the grain bed. Burp, -Dan Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 00:39:52 -0700 From: Mike Lemons <ndcent at> Subject: Foaming Keg Blues Is there an upper limit to the volume of CO2 in a keg that you can serve without foaming and losing that carbonation? I'm trying to serve a wheat beer with an appropriate amount of carbonation for the style, say 3.5 to 4 volumes. The keg is at 36 degrees F. I've got 22 PSI on it. I've got 14 feet of brand new 3/16 inch vinyl tubing and a picnic tap. The line is all refriderated. All I get is foam with a little flat beer. The only thing that is weird about my setup is the inline brass adapters to convert from 3/16 to 1/4 line at both ends. I could lose those and just jam the line on there like everyone else. I have the connectors because I was experimenting with 1/8 inch line in order to get a greater pressure drop. There seems to be too much friction in 1/8 inch line such that the beer would foam in the line before it ever got to the tap. What happens when you have too much beer line? Wait don't tell me. The beer foams right? Is there a way to tell the difference between too- short beer foam and too-long beer foam? Someone mentioned foaming and fobbing. Is "fob" a real word? Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 02:57:44 -0700 (PDT) From: John Schnupp <johnschnupp at> Subject: re: Keg Back Pressure From: "Stephen Alexander" >The smaller tubing and uniform pressure drop really do >reduce foaming - tho' they certainly don't eliminate it. >It's also a PITA getting the smaller hose over the larger >barb. I'm behind on my digest reading but here goes. Here are some tips for completing the aforementioned. They are pretty much in the order of my success. 1. Soften the tubing by heating. Use your choice. I've used hot water, boiling water and a lighter. All work well, with the obvious cautions about melting the tubing when using a flame. 2. Use a needle nosed pliers and insert it into the tubing and "pre-stretch" the tubing before attempting to put it on the barb. 3. Use a slight amount of lube. I use lube a product called Keg Lube. 4. Last resort, file (or grind) down the barbs on the connector. If you do this, you *must* use a hose clamp. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 07:17:04 -0400 From: Len Safhay <cloozoe at> Subject: Re: Sparge water distributors Troy Hager wrote: Here is a question to the collective... How many of you use some kind of sprinkling/manifold system to distribute the sparge/recirculation water on top of the grain bed? And, how many of you, like myself use nothing but the tube from the HLT or pump? As a committed batch sparger, I do neither. Sparging the way the big boys do it has nothing to do with quality and everything to do with efficiency. Even at the micro brew level a few points difference can add up in terms of malt costs. But a quick calculation indicates that a 5% difference in efficiency on a 5 gallon batch with an OG of 1.046 would require using an additional .7 lbs of malt. I buy in bulk and with shipping pay about $.70/lb., so for me the theoretical additional expense comes to about 50 cents for the batch. Small price to pay for better beer and a much shorter and less aggravating sparge session. For those who are interested in pursuing this further, Ken Schwartz has done some wonderful work on the subject. Here's the link. No Sparge and Batch Sparge Info Len Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 21:36:01 +1000 From: David Lamotte <lamotted at> Subject: RE: Software (Piracy) Joel Plutchak wrote: >> Yes! A couple years back a group brewing software effort started, and I tried to get them to use emerging standards like XML. They'd have no part of it-- too complex, they said. Use platform-independent, sensible stuff like XML and Java and I'll contribute. I agree with you Joe - XML is (and was back then as well) the way to go. >> Incidentally, I haven't heard from the aforementioned group of software writers, so I assume that effort died in the fermenter. >> It was more like the boiler - one massive boilover and then the flame went out ! Count me in on any discussions. David Lamotte Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 08:48:55 -0400 From: Jeff Renner <JeffRenner at> Subject: Re: Sparge Water Distributors Troy Hager <thager at> asked "a question to the collective": >... How many of you use some kind of >sprinkling/manifold system to distribute the sparge/recirculation water on >top of the grain bed? And, how many of you, like myself use nothing but the >tube from the HLT or pump? I do exactly as you do, Troy, and always have - with no problems. I agree that it's unnecessary to use a sprinkler, even though that's the origin of the word "sparge" (from O.E.D.: "app. ad. OFr. espargier or L. spargere to sprinkle"). >Martin also comments, "I've seen several sprinkling systems on the market or >created by homebrewers. I agree with the premise that we need to gently >distribute sparge water across the grainbed without disturbance." > >Why? I repeatedly disturb the top inch or two of the grain bed with no ill >effects... Ditto here. I find that it is useful to occasionally break up the teig - that doughy layer of fine particles that settles on top of the grain bed and seems to impede the free flow of sparge water. K.I.S.S. is a useful rule of thumb that applies here, I think. Jeff - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 09:16:43 -0400 From: "RJ" <wortsup at> Subject: Re: Sour mash beer "Scott Basil" <sbasil at> wrote: "I have been brewing for several years, and have experimented with a lot of different styles. But, being from Kentucky, I've always been curious about sour mash beer. It doesn't seem like very many people have tried it, and the only recipe I have ever seen was in Charlie P's book. Has anybody out there tasted or brewed a sour mash recipe? Is it worth the time and effort?" I've used the sour mash method described in the JHB in trying to make Lambic-style beers... Personally, I prefer the use of alternate cultures, ie, Pediococcus damnosus, which is the primary acid (sour) producer in Lambic-style beers. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 09:21:20 -0400 From: "Houseman, David L" <David.Houseman at> Subject: Sparge Water Distributors For a spage water distributor in my 10 gallon Gott mash/lauter tun, I place a small, round (about 12" or so) aluminum pizza pan with evenly distributed holes on the top of the bed after mashing and during the recirculation and sparge. I got this at K-mart for a couple bucks or so. It turns out that the inside of my Gott has slightly deformed with the heat over the years so it became easy to put this pan in on top of the mash and it gets jammed into place without actually sitting on the grain itself. A small hole in the lid of the Gott allows me to run my recirculation RIMS hose into tun with the lid in place retaining the heat. I then gravity feed my HLT into the tun through this same hole in the lid. When not using the hole, a solid stopper keeps the heat in. This pan provides for very even distribution of recirculated wort and sparge water while avoiding splashing and retaining the heat. And, NO, no problems with aluminum! David Houseman Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 09:28:04 -0400 From: "Eric Tepe" <erictepe at> Subject: Beer and Sweat 2001 Collective, Well the dog days of summer are here and it is a perfect time for Beer and Sweat 2001! This keg only (corney kegs, mini kegs, party pigs) competition will be held at the Ramada Inn in Florence KY on August 18th from 10:00am until ?. Check in is at 10:00am to 12:00pm and Judging starts at 2:00pm. Entries are only $5 for the first entry and $3 for each additional. Entries must be to me by Thursday, August 16th at midnight, although you pay at the comptition site. You can enter online at\bloat or contact me at erictepe at All styles will be judged and this competition is registered with the AHA and BJCP. If you would like to come and sample the fine brews, entry is only $5. You can find directions and a map at\bloat. This competition really is a great time and includes a local professional comptition (King of the Queen City), a raffle with some really great prizes, entertainment, and a core audience of brewers and beer lovers. You can book a room at the Ramada for only $65 by calling 859-371-4700 and ask for the Beer and Sweat rooms. Thanks for the time and we hope to see you there! Eric Tepe Bloatarian Brewing League Beer and Sweat 2001 Organizer Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 08:35:27 -0500 (CDT) From: Joel Plutchak <plutchak at> Subject: Re: Sour mash beer In HBD #3704 Scott Basil wrote: >It doesn't seem like very many people have tried it, and the >only recipe I have ever seen was in Charlie P's book. Has anybody out >there tasted or brewed a sour mash recipe? Is it worth the time and >effort? I made a sour mash pseudo Berliner Weiss based on an article in _Zymurgy_ several years ago, I think written by Dennis Davison. It came out quite nicely, and taught me a thing or two about lactic bacteria infections. ;-) I tried to search the AHA's web site for a more definitive issue number, but was unable to find the info. Wasn't a decent list of back issues there at one time? I think it was a December issue, from 4-5 years back. Joel Plutchak <plutchak at> Bitter and occasionally sour in East-Central Illinois Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 09:43:30 -0400 From: "Pete Calinski" <pjcalinski at> Subject: Re:Sparge Water Distributors Troy, I just use a tube from the HLT. I try to keep 1" of water over the grain bed. As I collect each gallon, I cut an "X" in the grain bed. Pete Calinski East Amherst NY Near Buffalo NY ******************************************************************** *My goal: * Go through life and never drink the same beer twice. * (As long as it doesn't mean I have to skip a beer.) ******************************************************************** Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 09:05:44 -0500 From: Rob Dewhirst <robd at> Subject: Re: CO2 and Germany > >I purchased a used CO2 tank from a welding shop. Has anyone ever experienced >a contaminant of some sort from their tank purchased at a welding supplier? I >assume the only way this would happen would be during hydro-testing when the >valve is off. Most welding shops also supply restaurants and bars with their C02. By volume, it's probably used more for beverages than welding. Your tank should be fine, unless you have some reason to believe it was contaminated? Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 09:51:28 -0400 From: "Pete Calinski" <pjcalinski at> Subject: Re: Dry Hopping with pellets I usually dry hop my APA with 1 oz. Cascades in a hop bag 2-3 days before bottling. No weight, it submerges in a few hours. I have noticed that a significant amount of the hops gets through the bag. I also get the impression that the beer seems to carbonate to a higher level than if I don't dry hop. I don't know if it is due to the hop particles stimulating the yeast or to a minor infection. (Or maybe my imagination.) Pete Calinski East Amherst NY Near Buffalo NY ******************************************************************** *My goal: * Go through life and never drink the same beer twice. * (As long as it doesn't mean I have to skip a beer.) ******************************************************************** Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 09:13:19 -0500 From: Rob Dewhirst <robd at> Subject: Re: removing flux from copper > >P.S.: One thing I'd like to know is what's the best way to remove >any flux inside copper pipes once you've silver soldered them? Use water-soluble flux. It may be harder to find, but it IS available. The stuff I buy comes in a white disc-shaped case about the size of a hockey puck. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 09:08:53 -0500 From: "Houseman, David L" <David.Houseman at> Subject: Sour mash beer Scott, A few years ago I did a "sour mash" as a way of producing a Berliner Weisse. It wasn't actually the mash that was soured but rather cooled wort (to about 100oF) was infected with some crushed grain and left to sour for several days. And indeed it did. The stinkier the better. At that point this wort was re-boiled, yeast pitched and fermented. The lactic sourness was present in this Berliner Weisse and it was well received in competitions. I suppose you could certainly do this in the mash itself and just spread the brewing day over several days time. Might have to think about trying this again.... Dave Houseman Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 10:13:12 -0400 (EDT) From: "Bruce Francis" <bfrancis at> Subject: Re: Software Project (was: Software Piracy) Chris Farley wrote: >I don't disagree. ProMash is an incredibly useful piece of software, >well worth the $25. There's nothing else that even comes close, and it >would be a tremendous challenge to produce a product that would approach >the usefulness of ProMash. That said, I think it's do-able. >================= >If one or more competitors to ProMash were to emerge, free or otherwise, >I think that would probably be a good thing for the small-but-vital >brewing software 'industry'. Is everyone aware of the GREAT program(s) written by Mark Riley, hosted right here on ? Specifically, the "Recipator" is a truly wonderful program, and is web-based. There is also a huge collection of recipes, all in recipator-format. All of Mark Riley's programs: The "Carbonation Calculator" is particularly useful. If you haven't looked at and used the Recipator, I think you'd want to do so before starting a large project! If you have used it and still think this project is worthwhile, one would think getting input from Mark Riley would be useful. If you're going to reinvent the wheel, why don't you try to get one of the original inventors on-board? Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 07:30:04 -0700 (PDT) From: LJ Vitt <lvitt4 at> Subject: Brussels Subject: Re: At last a trip to Europe... Hi! > My girlfriend and I are going to Europe in Sept for 3 weeks and would >like some recommendations as to where to stop for good beer?? We will be >driving a rental and don't mind some off the beaten track kinda gigs. We >will be visitng England(shortest stay of all due to distance and time >constraints), Belgium(Brussels and Antwerp), Germany(Nuremburg and Munich >for Oktoberfest), Switzerland(Zurich, Interlakken, Thun, and Zermatt I have some Brussels suggestions. I was there in late May a trip our small group called 2001 a beer odessy. Cantillon - It operates as a museum. One of the last remaining traditional Lambic breweries. The standard self guided tour ends with samples of 2 lambics. There is a deluxe tour with more samples. point Noir - This is a basement level beer cafe with a large selection. Walking distance from Dam Cental, not sure of direction but I think Southwest. Pupit Theater - It is a cafe across the street from the famous Manican Pis statue. LopLop - another interesting beer cafe, general area of Dam Central. I recall this being to the east. Beer Circus - This is a bottle store. Even if you don't want to carry beer around with you, this is worth walking through. Confederation of Belgian Brewer Beer Museum - Interesting little museum with some centuries old equipment contrasted with modern stainless. 200BF includes one beer. This is located in Dam Cental, near the chocolate museum. Mort Subite Cafe - This is long out of the center to the south east. Serves the Mort Subite Lambics, but not a lot else. It took us 3 days to visit all of these places (along with Huyghe Brewery in Melle, and couple of places in downtown Ghent) - Leo Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 07:47:44 -0700 (PDT) From: LJ Vitt <lvitt4 at> Subject: Belgium trip Douglas, I think the 24 hours of Belgium (a tasting feastival) is in November. It is located in Antwerp, and held for 2 12 hour periods over 2 days. I enjoyed going in May (just this year). We were off peak for flight cost and hotel cost. Weather was good for packing light, because it was warm. My only coat was a wind breaker I rairly needed. Rail pass got us to Ghent, Brussels, Diksmuide. Westvlerten and Kastel required a car. No tours, you just get to drink in the cafe at Kastel and Westvlerten. Cab ride from Diksmuide to Mad brewers in Essen (Sat and Sun only, English/French tour 2pm). I hear Bruges is a good place for beer cafes too. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 08:52:13 -0700 From: Mike Lemons <ndcent at> Subject: Safe Sanitizer By "safe" I mean something that you could drip into the beer and it wouldn't affect the flavor or harm the health of the drinker or the yeast. I've been using cheap gin. I put it in the airlock. I wipe off the opening where the airlock goes with it. I use it to clean the crud from the top of the fermentor when I am going to refill it with fresh wort and want to keep the yeast at the bottom. The problem is that I am not even sure that 80 proof gin kills anything. At five dollars for 750 ml, it is not that cheap. I would rather use 150 proof ethanol, but I have never found any on sale for a reasonable price. I bought some hydrogen peroxide for pickling brass and it was on sale for 50 cents a pint. It seems to me that I could use this as a safe sanitizer as long as I didn't get it into finished beer or anything else that you want to protect from oxidation. New beer, fresh from the boiling kettle, it seems to me that it wouldn't be hurt very much by peroxide. I use iodophor for normal sanitation. I worry about getting it into small yeast starters. I feel that it might hurt the yeast. It also won't last in an airlock. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 17:36:14 GMT From: cearll at Subject: Brew Pubs in the Carolinas Hello everyone, my brother and I will be attending the Southern 500 at Darlington in a couple of weeks. Can anyone recommend a brew pub to visit at Charlotte or in the Myrtle Beach area? Hope this isn't too off topic and thanks! Craig Lefevre An amateur brewer in Vegreville, Alberta Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 13:49:34 -0500 From: Christopher Farley <chris at> Subject: Re: Software piracy Robert Schmidt wrote: > That sounds cool. Chris, can you set up the mailing list (if we are doing > something Free we could use SourceForge). It would also make sense > for it to be a web application (would work nicely with your XML schema). There is now a mailing list for this project; I didn't use SourceForge because we have a T1 here at the store and I'd like to use a bit more of its bandwidth so I feel like I'm getting my money's worth... Subscribe one of two ways: 1. Visit 2. Send a message to openbrew-dev-request@ with the word 'subscribe' in the subject I assume we'll report back here and elsewhere if we have anything that requires wider input. As you can see, I've also initially selected the name 'openbrew' for the project. This issue, and others, are subject to debate on the above list. Oh yeah, for the curious lurkers, posts are archived at There's not much there yet. - -- Christopher Farley Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 15:34:05 -0500 From: "Laborde, Ronald" <rlabor at> Subject: RE: Sparge Water Distributors >From: Karen & Troy Hager <thager at> > >Here is a question to the collective... How many of you use some kind of >sprinkling/manifold system to distribute the sparge/recirculation water on >top of the grain bed? And, how many of you, like myself use nothing but the >tube from the HLT or pump? I use the upside down H configuration. It seems to work well for me in my HERIMS. I did notice some depressions in 4 individual locations at the top of the grain bed just above the outlets. I figure a minimal amount of channeling was occurring. Then, I got the idea of using a lightweight plastic 8 inch plate floating on top of the grains. Once I used a heavier ceramic plate, and decided this was too heavy and would compact the grains from it's weight. The lightweight plate (the disposable kind, not Styrofoam, it warps) seems to work very well. Ron La Borde Ronald La Borde - Metairie, Louisiana - rlabor at Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 14:25:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Warren Place <wrplace at> Subject: HPLC analysis > Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 16:54:14 -0400 > From: Stephen.F.Higdon at > Subject: HPLC day dreams > > High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) would be a very handy > toy for us homebrewers. It can be fitted with a fermentation > monitoring column that allows for the separation of sugars and acids > (among many other things). It can tell you the exact amount of > glucose, ethanol or acetic acid in your beer, or nearly anything else > that may be there. That is a great piece of equipment. I used to have access to one, as well as a GC. Now, it is not as convenient, but I could get one if I was so inclined. The only time I find it necessary is when I want to check on spoilage in beer, wine, or cider. Warren Place Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 19:43:17 -0400 From: "Lou King " <lking at> Subject: RE: Dry Hopping with pellets It seems like people are saying it's ok to dry hop with pellets by just throwing them in the secondary. But I have a conical fermenter, and I have been wondering how the particles from the pellets will collect, and if they'll clog the bottom port. Does anyone have experience with this? -Lou Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 20:06:57 -0500 From: "Stephen Fiete" <sfiete at> Subject: marbles in the keg I am dryhopping an ESB and need somthing to weigh down bag of hops. I have some marbles, but I do not know if they are food grade, or would create any problem if left in my keg for as long as the beer lasted. Anyone know anything about this? Steve Fiete Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 22:38:42 -0500 From: "Gene" <gcollins at> Subject: Diacetyl II About a week ago, I posted a question as to whether yeast would re-absorb diacetyl if it was chilled. No one has responded to the post, so I thought I would post it again to see if I could get any takers. Is this a retarded question or was it overlooked? Gene Collins Broken Arrow, OK Return to table of contents
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