FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Wort Kits ("Phil Yates") re: Check my math (John Schnupp) Re: bucket in a bucket ("RJ") Re: Hydrometer vs. bubbles ("RJ") Re: Berliner Weisse ("RJ") Re: Hops in the keg ("RJ") Octoberfe(a)st (Dave Burley) re: dry hopping in the keg ("Dr. Pivo") Five Star ("Strom C. Thacker") Brew Chem experiments for college class... suggestions (Andy Woods) Re: Specific gravity definition? ("Pete Calinski") Re: definition of specific gravity ("RJ") Don't Do the Do (Richard Foote) DCL Yeasts ("AYOTTE, ROGER C") Re: Keg dimensions (Rob Dewhirst) Dallas Brewpubs (Tony Plank) composting spent grain ("john brumley") Barley Wine carbonating ("Foster Jason") Root Beer ("Vernon, Mark") New Zealand leg of the Homebrew Tri-Nations (Brian Myers) Yeast Culturing ("Dennis Collins") Re: bucket in bucket sparge (Bret Morrow) RE: Specific gravity definition? (Steve Funk) Re; bucket in a bucket (Bret Morrow) Re: 5 Star Chemicals (David Sherfey) 2" Copper Pipe, other RIMS chamber notes ("Dave Howell") Specific Gravity ("A.J. deLange") Phenolic character (Mike Lemons)
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 16:27:36 +0900 From: "Phil Yates" <yates at> Subject: Wort Kits A great idea from Matt Donnelan here in Oz are wort kits. I believe Matt makes a full mash around 1200 litres which he packages into 15 litre containers. All you have to do is add three to five litres of water (hop tea optional). Throw in your favourit yeast and away she goes. I'm trialling three at the moment which I have kegged and are just about ready to drink. Samples are very promosing. What a great idea for the busy masher who has been away fighting all sorts of wars (very thirsty business this fighting) and is struggling to keep his kegs full. There will never be a better beer than your own, but this one looks like coming bloody close. I've got about three new blokes wanting to start brewing just cos they have heard of the wort kit Doc Pivo stated (when he was here) "If some other bastard would just make the wort, I'd spend my life experimenting purely with fermentation" Well Doc, this might be what you are looking for. Cheers Phil Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 23:31:41 -0700 (PDT) From: John Schnupp <johnschnupp at> Subject: re: Check my math From: "Mike Pensinger" <beermkr at> >Okay you may wonder why I am going about this whole exercise. Well I >discovered that 2 inch copper pipe is very hard to get but 1 inch is readily >available. I cam bild my RIMS chamber out of 1i inch pipe and fittings with >an element in each end pretty easily. The math is ok. Sounds like a plan. I'm not sure that you will be able to get an electric water heater inside a 1" copper pipe. You might not be using the "standard" electric water heater elements, you didn't say. I don't know what area you live in, but have you tried plumbing supply houses? 1.5", 2", 3" and even 4" is not uncommon, especially in commercial applications. Here at the plant I work at I even see some 6" on occasion. My parents live in PA. Their house is probably on the order of 30-40 years old and ALL the plumbing (water, waste and vent) is copper. Finding adapters you might need is another issue. I don't think there is a 2" to 3/4" adapter. To do that you will need to use a 2"x1" and a 1"x3/4". If you are handy with a propane torch and lead-free solder you should be able to assemble almost any fitting you might need. ===== John Schnupp, N3CNL ??? Hombrewery Georgia, VT 95 XLH 1200, Horse with no Name Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 07:18:19 -0400 From: "RJ" <wortsup at> Subject: Re: bucket in a bucket Chris Hatton <Chatton at> wrote: "I use the ole bucket in a bucket lautering system and I was considering adding an extension to the nozzle in the bottom bucket in order to direct the flow to the center of the bucket. I've noticed my extraction efficiency is a little low, could be I'm sparging too quickly, but I don't think so. Anyone tried this modification??" First, I've not tried that type of modification, but since you raise the issue... Just how fast are you lautering? If less than 45 min, I'd reconsider. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 07:35:19 -0400 From: "RJ" <wortsup at> Subject: Re: Hydrometer vs. bubbles "Tal McMahon" <tal_mcmahon at> wrote: "....but here is the question Do I use the beer as an indicator if it is finished (no bubbles in the airlock for 5 minutes as I was told by the local guru, and the yeast settled out) or do I use the hydrometer and wait until a certain reading or until the reading is consistant for a few days?... It has been bubbling 1 bubble every 2 1/2 minutes for 2 weeks. I took a gravity check and it has been at 1.01 at 70 degrees for 3 days. Keep waiting or bottle?? " Tal, I'd have bottled by now... My rule of thumb (for non-funky type ales, anyway), has been to bottle when the bubbling has dropped to less than 1 per minute (provided, that I had a normal fermentation). I've never experienced bottle grenades while using this method... Make sure your (if your using one) that your triple-ripple airlock is half full of liquid when not attached to the fermentor. If your using a bucket, instead of a carboy, then sealing becomes an issue where a hydrometer comes in handy. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 07:40:16 -0400 From: "RJ" <wortsup at> Subject: Re: Berliner Weisse Richard Foote <rfoote at> wrote: "The recipe alluded, somewhat confusingly, to mash hopping?" Richard, Mash hopping, is where hops are added on top of the mash, prior to lauter/sparge... Results are similar to FWH (first wort hopping). Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 08:00:06 -0400 From: "RJ" <wortsup at> Subject: Re: Hops in the keg Denis Bekaert <Denis-B at> wrote: "... I want to add some Saaz hops (about 2 ounces in the leaf style) to the keg and am considering a couple of techniques that I'd appreciate some comments on: 1. Dry hop in a floating muslin bag (sterilized bag). 2. Boil hops for five minutes to make a hop tea in about a cup or two of water." I would not use option (2.) listed above, as boiling defeats the effect you're looking for. In dry-hopping a keg, I'd recommend that you use a tight weaved cotton (draw-string) bag with weights inside... Or several muslin bags inside of each other and then weighted. If possible, tie the bag off on the draw tube about 3/4 of the way down. This'll get you a good extraction from the hops without clogging your draw tube, when you pour. "Also, what about adding bittering hops in the same way? I have a heavy smoked scotch that's in the keg and wondered if additional bittering hops would enhance the brew. Would either, or both, of the above methods work for bittering hops. I believe I'd boil the hop tea longer than five minutes for bittering hops, both otherwise pretty much the same idea and the flavoring hop addition." As for adding bittering hops to the keg, Option (2) above would be the 1st choice, as boiling releases the iso-alpha acids your looking to increase... A better way, however, would be to purchase an ISO-Alpha extract such as that sold through Iso-Alpha extract is useful for correcting an under-bittered beer. Hoptech sells the bottles for about $6 with instructions on how to use it. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 08:11:26 -0400 From: Dave Burley <Dave_Burley at> Subject: Octoberfe(a)st Brewsters: Alan McKay ( double congrats) asks about what foods are available at the Octoberfest. Well let's see. Lots of sausages ( esp brat and weisswurst in the AM) mit senf and bread, cottton candy, reddish sugar coated hot roasted almonds, hamburgers, and just about anything else you can find at a a fairgrounds in the US since that's exactly what it looks like with all kinds of rides, lights flashing and such. Do these first! But inside the tents and buildings and on picnic tables outside the tents where the beer is served you can get lots of good German meals like eisbein, sauerkraut, all kinds of roast and boiled pork, sauerbraten, boiled and roasted potatoes, noodles, brown gravies, boiled cabbage, varieties of sausages, grilled chicken, etc. ( man, I'm getting hungry) And don't forget the oompah bands and the waitresses, sans trays, carrying a dozen liters of beer all at once in handled glass mugs, six to a hand and moving like lightning - but not faster than you can drink it.. Keep on Brewin' Dave Burley Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 14:59:26 +0200 From: "Dr. Pivo" <dp at> Subject: re: dry hopping in the keg Someone asked about doing the above and planned to chuck 2 Wizard of Oz. of Saaz into a keg. If this is a 19 litre corny that's a LOT of dry hop. Otherwise the bag or the tea works. One bizarre "variant" on this theme is here... Dr. Pivo Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 09:30:12 -0400 From: "Strom C. Thacker" <sthacker at> Subject: Five Star Nathan, I haven't been able to access their web site either, but I was able to reach them by phone last week. The person who answered did not seem to know the web site was down. Strom Newton, MA > > >Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 07:12:42 -0500 >From: Nathan Kanous <nlkanous at> >Subject: Five Star Chemicals > >Hi, >I posted once before and only got a reply from Spencer. I like PBW and >StarSan but the FiveStarChemicals website is not loading. Has Five Star >gone out of business? Anybody know? >nathan in madison, wi > Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 01:18:34 -0400 From: Andy Woods <woods_a at ACADMN.MERCER.EDU> Subject: Brew Chem experiments for college class... suggestions Brew Chemists, I have a question. I am college senior looking to perform a independent study class with a professor in Brew Chemistry. I have experience up to and including Analytical Chemistry as well as advanced Biology research. Ive been looking over the America Society of Brewing Chemists web site ( and Zymurgy's Geek section. The article in March/April's 2001 Zymurgy about water chemistry and IPA's and how trace minerals in PPM affect the end product. I could use some advice on some areas of research for an undergrad student. The only draw back is my equipment, money, and experience keeps me still at Extract brews so far. Also, how much does breweries (Troegs, ABC, Sierra Nevada etc...) mess around with the chemistry of their brews? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Andy Woods woods_a at Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 10:10:40 -0400 From: "Pete Calinski" <pjcalinski at> Subject: Re: Specific gravity definition? Chris, The specific gravity isn't dependant on temperature, the measuring device (hydrometer) is. The specific gravity is the amount by which the liquid you are measuring is more (or less) dense than pure water when both are at the same temperature. A hydrometer is a weight inside a volume; the glass tube. It sinks to the level such that it displaces a volume of liquid equal to its weight. Its weight and shape are calibrated so that you can read the volume that has been displaced to equal the total weight. That is the SG reading. The temperature problem comes in because the liquid expands or contracts with temperature change. Thus, if you calibrate your hydrometer at a certain temperature it is only good at that temperature. If the temperature changes, the volume of the liquid changes and the hydrometer will float at a different level. The reading you get must be corrected if the liquid is at a different temperature. I have seen hydrometers calibrated for aquarium temperatures. They will read wrong at lager temperatures. I hope this helps. Pete Calinski East Amherst NY Near Buffalo NY ******************************************************************** *My goal: * Go through life and never drink the same beer twice. * (As long as it doesn't mean I have to skip a beer.) ******************************************************************** Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 10:52:55 -0400 From: "RJ" <wortsup at> Subject: Re: definition of specific gravity Christopher Farley <chris at> wrote: "So, what exactly is the definition of specific gravity, as used in brewing? "I've seen various temperature correction charts and formulas for correcting SG to 59F, 60F, and 68F. I've frequently seen definitions of SG citing 39F/4C as the standard reference temperature. What *is* the definition of SG? Is an arbitrary reference temperature defined, or do all SG readings require a temperature to be meaningful?" The definition is: The ratio of the weight of any volume of a substance (the wort) to the weight of an equal volume of another substance taken as standard (distilled water) at a constant or stated temperature. Solids and liquids are usually compared with water at 4C. In analytical work when corrections are made for the effects of air buoyancy, the term absolute specific gravity is used. The term apparent specific gravity is used to denote the specific gravity of a porous solid when the volume used in the calculations is considered to exclude the permeable voids. The term bulk specific gravity denotes specific gravity measurements in which volume of a solid includes both the permeable and impermeable voids. The temperature reference has to do with the calibration of your brewing hydrometer, generally 60F.... But, I've also seen 68F ones as well. The top part of your hydrometer generally has a rolled up pc of paper in it that states the calibrated temperature which is what you should use when making adjustments. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 10:55:17 -0400 From: Richard Foote <rfoote at> Subject: Don't Do the Do Glen writes re. compost thread: >The compost heap gets everything organic in it: grass clippings, weeds, >leaves, hedge clippings, dead squirrels (I didn't do it), drowned moles, dog >poop... In addition to keeping oils, fats, dairy products and meats out of your compost to keep from attracting "unwanted elements", one should NEVER compost pet feces--dog or cat. Their feces may harbor parasites transferrable to humans that you don't want winding up in your Caesar salad. Happiness is a hot pile [of compost]. Rick Foote Compostin' an' Brewin' in Murrayville, GA Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 10:01:00 -0400 From: "AYOTTE, ROGER C" <RCAYOT at> Subject: DCL Yeasts I have been using dried ale yeasts for some time now, and I understand that there are some great dried lager yeasts out there also. Specifically the DCL yeasts Saflager S-189 and S-23. I have only been able to find homebrew shops that carry the 11.5g sachets of S-23. The DCL web page however says that they sell the yeast in 500g sachets as well (both S-189 and S-23) I was wondering if anyone knew a source for 500g sachets for homebrewing? I think that 500g is probably a good size for homebrewers, you could make approximately 25 or more batches of beer with 500g and save money! Roger Ayotte Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 10:23:02 -0500 From: Rob Dewhirst <robd at> Subject: Re: Keg dimensions > >Can anybody give the the "exact" dimensions of a ball >lock keg? I assumed you mean standard 5 gallon kegs. :) You may find there is no such thing as an exact dimension. I have several makes of ball-lock kegs and they are different heights. Not much, but different. For comparison, the pin locks that my friends have are shorter whereas you state the pin locks you've used are taller. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 09:12:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Tony Plank <tplank at> Subject: Dallas Brewpubs I pretty much concur with Mark in Kalamazoo's recommendations. "Two Rows" is easily the best beer in Dallas. Some of their beers are some extent, that depends on timing. They have a tough audience here in the'll be amazed if you go to the number of BudMillerCoorsCorona longnecks being drank when some very good beer is right there on tap. If you go and they have it, don't miss the Barley Wine (it won't be on the beer list even if they have it). This said, "Two Rows" is not convenient to the airport though easy enough to find. If close to the airport is essential, "Big Buck" is definitely a good choice. They have only been open a few months, but the beers there have always been good to very good. Not to mention if you are an outdoors person, "Big Buck" is attached to the Bass Pro Shop which simply must be seen to be believed. Hoffbrau and Humperdinks are not worth the effort. Copper Tank is downtown (more or less - Deep Ellum) and they brew some great beers at times but cater more to the meat market crowd. Feel free to e-mail me privately if you like...I live in DFW (a/k/a Beer Heck) and would be happy to provide detailed directions or more information. Tony Plank "After all, beer is pretty much just beer." - Dallas Magazine Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 13:46:05 -0500 From: "john brumley" <johnbrumley at> Subject: composting spent grain Jeff May wrote, Everything I read about compost piles says that you are only supposed to add raw vegetable matter, never cooked. But then they say used coffee grounds are great for your pile. So my question is can I compost my spent grain and perhaps my spent hops? The only problem with cooked veggie matter is the possibility of added salt in the pile as well as meat and FAT. Both animal fat and veggie fat can (and usually will) go rancid and make an awfull mess and possibly attract dogs or vermin of various sorts. Salt is a preservative and slows down the process. The grain, and i would think especially the hops, will add valuable nitrogen to the mix but you will have to wach the water content of the pile. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 19:23:52 From: "Foster Jason" <jasfoster at> Subject: Barley Wine carbonating A quick question for the wise masses. My first ever barley wine (all grain) is happily aging in the secondary, and all is going extremely well. My mind has now headed toward when I bottle and I am somewhat concerned about a possible problem. It will have been in the secondary for 3 months when I bottle. I prime to carbonate. The specific gravity started at 1.102 and is now at 1.029. I had originally hoped for it to get closer to 20, but I am fine with 29. (I did rouse the yeast twice just to make sure.) I know it is recommended to pitch new yeast at bottling time. This is where my concern is. I am concerned that the new yeast will eat up the residual sugar as well as any priming sugar and create a brown hand grenade in the bottle. Should I worry? Should I bottle without priming? SHould I add some new yeast now to see if it ferments? If it does ferment, do I need to do a new round of dry hop? Thank you for your help. Jason Foster Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 15:43:30 -0500 From: "Vernon, Mark" <Mark.Vernon at> Subject: Root Beer I want to convert one of my taps to rootbeer and am looking for some recopies. How do you (those that do) go about it. Are you just using extract? or can you do an "all grain" rootbeer. If you are using extract, what is the best brand out there. Mark Vernon, MCSE, MCT Sr. Network Engineer Global Infrastructure Pioneer, A DuPont Company EMail:Mark.Vernon at Text Paging: 5153601729 at Office:(515)270-4188 Cell: (515) 360-1729 They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -- Benjamin Franklin Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 08:49:18 +1200 From: Brian Myers <BrianM at> Subject: New Zealand leg of the Homebrew Tri-Nations All home brewers in New Zealand are encouraged to enter the NZ leg of the upcoming Homebrew Tri-Nations. The NZ judging will be held on 24 October; the top three beers will be forwarded to the Tri-Nations competition in Australia. For entry details, please email me directly at: brianm_okiwi at For info on the Tri-Nations, see Ant's web page at thanks, Brian Auckland, NZ Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 17:04:53 -0400 From: "Dennis Collins" <dcollins at> Subject: Yeast Culturing I have a couple of questions for you yeast ranchers out there. I have read several articles on culturing and most of them say that reculturing from slants can only be done 4 or 5 times before mutation changes the yeast characteristics. Question 1 - is this true? Question 2 - How does a strain of yeast that you get from say, Wyeast stay the same every time you buy it? How does Wyeast culture yeast so that it never mutates? Dennis Collins Knoxville, TN Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 02:51:32 -0400 From: Bret Morrow <bret.morrow at> Subject: Re: bucket in bucket sparge Chris in Hoboken asked about the ole Zapap bucket in a bucket and sparge efficiency. I used to use this type of system a few years back (OK, a lot) and got good efficiency--about 29-31 points per pound making pale ales. My sparges, however, took about 45-60 min from the begining of recirculation to the final collection. Unfortunately, for me, short sparges always seem to yield poor recovery. YRMV. Bret Morrow, Hamden, CT Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 14:47:57 -0700 From: Steve Funk <steve at> Subject: RE: Specific gravity definition? Christopher Farley asked about specific gravity. Specific gravity (SG) is essentially the density of a substance as compared to water. It is a unitless measurement. Basically, we homebrewers use a hydrometer to measure the SG of our wort and beer. As ethanol is produced and sugars and starches are consumed, the SG will drop. This drop in SG is extrapolated to give a close approximation to the percentage of alcolol in the beer. The SG of pure ethanol is 0.7939. Hydrometers are calibrated based on pure water having a SG of 1.000 at a given temperature. Therefore, each hydrometer measures SG based on a calibration that was performed at a certain temperature. In science, the standard temperature is usually 20C or 68F. But in reality a variety of temperatures are used during calibration. Sometimes 4C is used because water exhibits a unique property where it is in its most dense form at this temperature. Other temperatures (i.e. 59F, 60F, etc.) just happen to be the termperature used when a particular hydrometer was calibrated. I hope this helps. Steve Funk Columbia River Gorge Brewing - --TO BREW BEER IS BENEVOLENT BUT TO DRINK IT IS DEVINE-- Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 02:56:08 -0400 From: Bret Morrow <bret.morrow at> Subject: Re; bucket in a bucket Sorry, I forgot something with the last message. Re: the ole Zapap bucket in a bucket and sparge efficiency. Chris asked about adding a hose to reach the center of the bottom of the collection bucket. I don't think this will make a lot of difference unless your tap is fairly high on the side of the collection bucket. Mine was about 1 inch off the bottom and I used to tilt the collection bucket a bit during the sparge. Bret Morrow, Hamden, CT "I think I forgot to remember to take my Ginko!" Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 19:13:16 -0400 From: David Sherfey <sherf at> Subject: Re: 5 Star Chemicals Nathan- FWIW, Five Star is advertising in the July/August New Brewer with a different website than I have used in the past, but it too is not loading. Cheers.... David Sherfey Warwick, NY Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 18:08:41 -0700 From: "Dave Howell" <djhowell at> Subject: 2" Copper Pipe, other RIMS chamber notes In Homebrew Digest # 3710, Mike Pensinger posted: "Okay here is the math problem. Page down all you non techie people :) I want to use 2 240v 3000 watt elements in series. My figures are that the resistance of one is 19.2 ohms so two in series will net me 38.4 ohms. If I plug this into Ohms law I find that the current through this combination is 3.125 amps at 120VAC. This nets me 375 wats over a total length of about 48 inches. That makes a watt density of 7.8 wats per inch. Okay you may wonder why I am going about this whole exercise. Well I discovered that 2 inch copper pipe is very hard to get but 1 inch is readily available. I cam bild my RIMS chamber out of 1i inch pipe and fittings with an element in each end pretty easily. Please let me know what you think." Mike: Here in the US 2" pipe is easy to get. 1 1/2 " is also common. Try plumbing supply stores (in the yellow pages). I made a RIMS chamber from a 18" length of 1 1/2" pipe, a 1 1/2" to 1" bronze bushing, a 1 1/2" FIPS adapter, a 1 1/2" bell reducer (to 3/4"), and a 3/4" to 1/2 " FIPS adapter. The 5500W heating element screws right in, and the output has a kynar 1/2" MIPS to 3/8" barb adapter on it. The supply store is much cheaper than Home Despot or Low's. Really, it is: you can usually buy your pipe by the foot. Mine cost me $32 total, including the heater element. You don't want 1" pipe. Your element will not fit (or fit with force, which means your element will be heating the chamber walls before the wort), and you will need to expand to 1 1/2" to get something with 1" threads. As far as the watts per inch: you should be talking watts per square inch, not linear inch. A good diameter to use for calculating this would be 1/4" for low density nickel alloy elements, and 3/16" for high density nickel (chrome) plated elements. My incalloy element is the folded type low-watt density. It's area would be pi*d*l, or 3.14*.25*(2*17 + 2*15.5) or roughly 51 sq in. This would be 5500 W / 51 sq in = 107 W/in2. For contrast, a simple loop element 10" long of 3/16" chrome-plated would have an area of 3.14*.1875*(2*10) = 11.8 sq in. A 2000 W element gives a density of 169 W/in2. The difference in cost between the elements is ~10$. With a 5500W element at 120 V, I deliver 1600W to my wort at full output. This translates to a 0.9 deg-F per min temp raise in my system (for 8 gallons of mash). This is fair for a RIMS, and fair for a step mash. Much slower heating times will result in your mash converting completely at a lower-than-intended temperature. I'm still trying to build a digital PID controller that will allow me to use 220VAC without fear of scorching my mash, but I think it's a long ways away. Currently, I use an adjustable PWM generator to control a solid-state relay which supplies the heater element. I can adjust the power output from 5-95% of maximum, or have the element full on or off. This allows me to set the system to maintain a temperature while I do other things. The total cost for the PWM generator, a box, the SS relay, and the power cords was $42 US. FWIW, I brew mostly decoctions anyway, so I use the heater to more-or-less maintain temp or slowly ramp while I decoct. (If you don't know, decoctions are portions of the mash you remove, then heat to a boil, then return to the mash. This is simplifying things a bit, but it results in a big temperature increase to the mash). Dave Howell in the flat, hot part of Arizona, where the temp was a cool 109F today. "The time has come, the Walrus said, to speak of many things: Of shoes, of ships, of sealing wax, of cabbages and kings, and why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings." --- Charles Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll) Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1904 02:55:58 +0000 From: "A.J. deLange" <ajdel at> Subject: Specific Gravity As you might already suspect, there are several definitions of specific gravity. In general the specific gravity is the ratio of the weight (not mass) of a volume of the fluid being tested at a specified temperature to the weight of an equal volume of deionized, degassed water at the same or another temperature. If the weighings are made in air the result is called the "apparent specific gravity" and if they are made in vacuuo (which they never are so in-vacuuo results are obtained from in air readings by calculating an adjustmement for the air displaced) the result is called the "true specific gravity." The true/appaprent difference is insignificant for all by laboratory work but whether readings are 20/4 or 20/20 is. In modern brewing measurements are made 20/20 in air (ASBC Tables) but you must be careful in the use of tables from older texts. For example, the Plato comission tables, from which the ASBC tables are derived mathematically were 20/4 true. Brewing hydrometers come calibrated for all sorts of temperature pairs and it is important that this be taken into account if conversion to Plato is being done for extract, RDF or alcohol calculation. Conversions from one pair of temperatures to another can be done fairly simply. A.J. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 21:01:39 -0700 From: Mike Lemons <ndcent at> Subject: Phenolic character I have been using Wyeast 3068 for years and have never been satisfied with its phenol production. I would like to make a Franziskaner clone. Something with a lot of "cloves." I usually make wheat beer when the air temperature is in the middle seventies. Is there another yeast strain that produces more phenols? I have always assumed that White Labs WLP300 is the same strain as 3068. White Labs has this new WLP380. Has anyone tasted beer made with WLP380? More or less phenols? Should I be using a Belgian Witbier yeast? The description of 3944 says "slightly phenolic character." The recommendation from Wyeast concerning 3068, "Best results are achieved when fermentations are held around 68 F" strikes me as totally insane. I've never gotten much phenols at that temperature. If you don't want phenols, then why would you use 3068? Return to table of contents
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