HOMEBREW Digest #372 Tue 06 March 1990
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Re: Hmmm (dw)
yeast vs. temp. (CORONELLRJDS)
Boulder Beer (Tony Ernst)
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Date: 5 Mar 90 08:38:57 EST (Monday)
From: dw <Wegeng.Henr at Xerox.COM>
Subject: Re: Hmmm
>Does this qualify as a cyser?
Cyser is apple cider, fortified with honey. It's not beer.
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Date: Mon, 5 Mar 90 09:35 MST
Subject: yeast vs. temp.
I have a question regarding temperature of fermentation vs. type of yeast
used. I've used either a packet of yeast that comes with an extract kit, a
package of Doric ale yeast, or both, in all brews I've made so far. All of
my fermentations were done in the cellar which has been pretty cold this
winter (maybe about 62 F) and the beers have been rather tasty. My
question is this: does it matter if you use a lager yeast at these
temperatures, or even warmer temperatures? Some of the recipes in
Papzian's book call for lager yeast, but don't require brewing at lagering
temperatures. I've been told that brewing at higher temperatures using
lager yeast results in "steam beer". What is characteristically different
about steam beers?
Hoppily yours,
Chuck Coronella
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Date: Mon, 5 Mar 90 10:20:23 CST
From: tee at vielle.cray.com (Tony Ernst)
Subject: Boulder Beer
I've heard recently from two different sources that the
Boulder Brewing Company is having some serious problems.
Is this true? If so, what's the story??
It doesn't really affect me since Boulder isn't sold in
Minnesota -- I'm just curious.
Tony Ernst -- tee at cray.com
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