HOMEBREW Digest #374 Fri 09 March 1990
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
RE: Homebrew Digest #373 (March 08, 1990) ("HQPROD::KEISTER")
Re: coffee in stouts (Bryan Hilterbrand)
Re: Homebrew Digest #373 (March 08, 1990) (John Worthington)
Another recipe using beer. (Stuart Williams)
Mead, not beer, and brew log (Mike Zentner)
mashing questions (Russell Greenlee)
Re: Sierra Nevada yeast (Chuck Cox)
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Date: 8 Mar 90 08:24:00 EST
From: "HQPROD::KEISTER" <keister%hqprod.decnet at hqafsc-vax.af.mil>
Subject: RE: Homebrew Digest #373 (March 08, 1990)
Please remove me from the list. Thanks.
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Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 09:14:19 PST
From: Bryan Hilterbrand <bryanh at dwalin.wr.tek.com>
Subject: Re: coffee in stouts
I've just caught up on over a month backlog of Homebrew Digests -- waaaaay
back, in #350, Florian Bell writes:
>In #349 Mark Stevens asks about putting coffee in stouts. I've done this
>occasionally with good results. I grind the coffee right along with the
>grain (both pale and adjuncts), and mash as usual. The 1/2 cup per 5 gal
>batch is about the amount I use. I prefer Sumatra coffee beans, since
>they are mild and usually less oily. In these stouts, I've also added
>cocoa and brewer's licorice to form a good taste combination.
The "mocha" brew sounded interesting (especially to my girlfriend). I'm
curious about how much cocoa you put into your brew? How pronounced is
the taste? Papazian mentions using bittersweet chocolate -- has anyone
done this (how did it turn out)?
Bryan Hilterbrand
bryanh at dadla.WR.TEK.COM
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Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 13:28:42 -0800
From: John Worthington <john at apple.com>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #373 (March 08, 1990)
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Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 14:39:32 PST
From: Stuart Williams <williams at cs.washington.edu>
Subject: Another recipe using beer.
Deep fried battered apple rings.
I got this recipe from a family in Southwestern Belgium. They used a
cheap beer (Jupiler) for the batter.
Peel and core an apple, and then slice it parallel to the equator.
Dip each slice (ring) in the batter and deep fry it.
Batter: mix the following
150g flour (about 1 cup)
a pinch of salt
1 large soup spoon of sugar
1 deciliter of beer (1/3 to 1/2 cup)
(If the batter turns out more like dough, try adding the whole
beer. My memory says it was 1 beer, my copied recipe says 1 dl.)
Serve the apple rings hot, with sugar sprinkled on top, or dipped in
Stuart Williams.
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Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 11:31:34 -0500
From: zentner at ee.ecn.purdue.edu (Mike Zentner)
Subject: Mead, not beer, and brew log
> In digest #368, the Zentners asked about Papazian's recipe for honey-ginger
> beer. First of all, it is a honeyed beer and not a mead; the presence of malt
> as the primary source of fermentables and hops makes that so. The same holds
> true for "Washington Apple Ale."
> This being the case, the fermentation should have proceeded as described. It
> should also have ceased as described. The extended aging in the secondary is
> due to the presence of the honey-- the molecular structure of the sugars in
> honey are such that extended aging periods are needed to achieve good flavor.
> It is not, for example, unusual for a mead recipe to call for an aging period
> of 2 or more years.
You and I must have two different versions of Papazians book.
The recipe for Barshack Gingermead in Appendix 5 (I think) clearly
does not include any malt. It does include only honey and dextrose
as sourcs of fermentables, and a small amount of hops, the purpose
of which I am not sure (either as a small amount of bittering or as
a "preservative"). While I have discovered that this recipe has
a lower amount of fermentables than some other mead recipes (7 lb
honey and 1.5 lb dextrose), it certainly does not qualify as a
"beer", in the malt-sense.
I understand that mead needs to be aged in the bottle for quite a
long time, but I was more concerned about what seemed like a long
aging time in the secondary. I was worried that if it appeared to
clarify too much prior to bottling, carbonation would not take
place. I now suspect there is no need to worry since the last
batch of beer we bottled was quite clear at bottling time and still
developed a reasonable level of carbonation, without a very thick
sediment. Thanks to all who replied.
On to another question. Can anyone get the postscript version
of Chris Shenton's brewing log to print out? I'd sure like to
get a copy, but can't get the postscript to print out here. It
seems to be missing some header section that our printer is looking
for definitions of some of the commands.
Or, even an ascii version would be enough to get the idea.
"Drink all ya want, we'll brew more,"
Mike and Lynn Zentner
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Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 18:24:07 MST
From: Russell Greenlee <russell at uswat.uswest.com>
Subject: mashing questions
I relatively new to homebrewing (< 10 batches so far), but I am so
taken with the sport that I am thinking about getting into all grain
brewing. Before I invest a lot of time/money in wort chillers, and
mash/lauter tuns, I am seeking some advice from the net.
1) Wort chillers: immersion vs. counterflow. Do immersion chillers
work as fast as counterflow chillers? And if so, why would anyone want
to use a counterflow? Others in this forum have commented on the
difficulty of cleaning the cf. chiller, but this doesn't seem hard to
do (soak in sanitizing sol., rinse w/170 degree water, correct me if
I'm wrong). I am more concerned (not worried ;-) about keeping the
thing from getting clogged with spent hops, etc. How do you cf.
chiller users handle it?
2) Lauter systems: double bucket vs. false bottom bucket w/grain bag
vs. insulated picnic cooler. Which work best? What are the trade-offs?
The picnic cooler seems ideal except that there is no way to add heat
to the mash (ie. for a step mash). Has anyone used a cooler to do a
decoction mash? Does the slotted copper tube system work as well
(fast, extraction rate) as the bucket systems? How about techniques
for insulating the bucket systems?
Thanks for any help. I'm looking forward to some good discussion of
mashing equipment/techniques.
Russell Greenlee
russell at uswest.com
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Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 14:11:54 EST
From: bose!chuck at uunet.UU.NET (Chuck Cox)
Subject: Re: Sierra Nevada yeast
In response to some information I gave about SN yeast...
Florian sez...
> Where do you get your information? From their PR people? And if so,
> how can you trust them?
I got my information while visiting the brewery for a half-day
VIP tour. I spoke with various people, including brewers & PR types.
All of the people were both informed and honest.
I have no reason to believe that anyone in the Sierra Nevada organization
would knowingly provide false information about their product or processes.
They are very open about what they do.
I spent quite a while discussing yeast and even got a sample right
from their starter culture.
Currently they have only *ONE* yeast culture. Given the setup, it would
be difficult to maintain a separate yeast just for bottling.
How did these rumors get started?
Well, here are some facts...
They DO use an additional dosage of yeast at bottling time,
however it is the same yeast as used for bottling.
They ARE planning on introducing a second yeast to the brewery SOON,
this lager yeast will be used to produce lagers and will not be involved
in the production of ales.
While this discussion may seem peripheral to homebrewing to some,
I think that it is important for us to be informed about the sources
of our ingredients.
As I said, I recently visited the brewery and had long discussions
about various aspects of their operation. If anyone has any questions
about the Sierra Nevada brewery (or Anchor for that matter),
please feel free to ask, if I don't know the answer, I'll bullshit
so well you won't know the difference.
- Chuck Cox - america's fastest beer judge (thats FASTEST dammit!)
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #374, 03/09/90
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