HOMEBREW Digest #38 Thu 29 December 1988

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  Medoc (Jason Goldman)
  extracts, cider, etc.. (Jay Hersh)
  Cider (hplabs!amdahl!uunet!ingr!wiley!wiley)
  Boots kits (Pete Soper)
  Sake Recipe Wanted ("MR. DAVID HABERMAN")

Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 29 Dec 88 07:24:31 mst From: Jason Goldman <hp-lsd!jdg> Subject: Medoc Full-Name: Jason Goldman Well, my very first brew has just been bottled, Now it's time to look to the future. While I was in San Francisco recently, I had a bottle of what my friend called a medoc (sp?). It tasted pretty good, so I'd like to try a batch. It's very similar to beer, in that there was a strong hops flavor and it was made with malt. However, there is also honey in it. My friend gave me a rough recipe, but there wasn't enough detail for me (a beginning brewer) to start a batch. I'm not sure what type of malt or hops to use, etc. If anyone has some suggestions (including recipes), please respond. Jason Goldman hplabs!hp-lsd!jdg Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 88 09:40:28 est From: jhersh at yy.cicg.rpi.edu (Jay Hersh) Subject: extracts, cider, etc.. Hello, For Rob, Extract certainly makes a big difference. My 2 favorite brands are the Ireks and Alexanders Pale. I used to use Munton and Fison almost exclusively, though I wasn't ever convinced there was a great difference between that and John Bull or Edme. About 1.5 years back I read something in Zymurgy urging the use of light Extract as a base for fermentable sugars and the creation of flavor and color from the use of a partial stove-top mash with grain. I have adopted this technique, and it works pretty well for everything but the darkest of beers for which I still use the M&F dark or extra dark DME. The one brand which I have little respect for is the Superbrau products from N.C. I find their only virtue is that they're inexpensive, but I think the quality is inferior. Alexanders on the other hand is an excellent quality malt, comes in 4lb. cans ( i like that little 25% extra oomph) and makes a great base for the above techniques. Regarding BOOTS. The only can I have ever seen of it was already empty. Some friends of mine had been given it by someone who brought it back from England. I never tasted the batch he made from it, but hopefully he is reading this and will chime in! Who said cider has no sugar. Maybe it has no dextrose, but it certainly has sugars or it wouldn't ferment. I believe it is fructose, which is a type of fruit sugar. All fruits have some type of "sugar" content. The ciders I have made/ am making have all fermented to high alcohol contents without added sugar. I also have never used sterilizing agents (like campden tablets) in them. I don't use those for meads either and don't see any need to. For mead there will typically be little or no wild yeasts, especially if you boil it down or hold at a sterilizing temperature (+180F) so campden tablets are unnecessary. For ciders I have found that the added champagne yeast will quickly displace any wild ones, as its growth is more vigourous. - jay h Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 88 23:05:50 EST From: hpfcla!hplabs!amdahl!uunet!ingr!wiley!wiley Subject: Cider Full-Name: Cider: I made a batch of cider about two months ago using only five gallons of commercial apple juice and Red Star Champagne yeast. After fermenting for two weeks solid, I primed with 1/2 cup corn sugar. The result almost, but not quite, entirely unlike anything I have had before. The flavor is better than but reminds me of cheep dry champagne. BTW - the carbonation in the bottles should be independent of whether sugar was used in the original recipe. It should depend mostly on the priming sugar. Microbiology: Checking for infection at various stages of brewing might be useful. Perhaps also trying to culture bacteria from supposedly sterilized equipment would provide clues about sources of contamination. Is this a good idea? How can you tell the difference between yeast, bacteria, and molds in a microscope? Is there a Peterson's Field Guide to the Microorganisms? Would a basic book on mircobiology answer these questions? dave wiley Intergraph Corp. !uunet!ingr!wiley or wiley at ingr.com Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 88 11:45:58 est From: Pete Soper <soper at maxzilla.encore.com> Subject: Boots kits Boots is a drug store chain similar to Revco in the states. They have all the private label items you would expect of a drug store, plus private label homebrew supplies. I'd put the chances of Boots kits being exported to the US somewhere between zero and zilch. I'd put the chances near 100% that Boots kits are made by M&F, Geordie, or a similar British malt house and thus very similar to the kits these companies sell with their own label. I brought three Boots kits from Britain in my luggage once with no hassles. One of the kits came with what I believe was a genuine liquid yeast culture. It was a small clear plastic bag of liquid with no solid matter apparent. The other two kits had the usual dry yeast packets. When I made the first kit ("Boots Best Bitter") with the prescribed amount of corn sugar, I got a very drinkable but slightly cidery, homebrew the color of (but not the flavor of!) Bass Ale and with an ending gravity of 1.005. On another subject could someone with a microscope and stains tell me if Saran Wrap fresh off the roll is relatively bacteria free? On yet another subject, I'm going all out to grow my own hops in '89. Could someone who has done this with real success tell me the kind of soil they used, their geographic location, and the date they planted their rhizomes? When I prepare to bottle, I put my cleaned bottles in my oven and bake them at 300 degrees for 30 minutes, then let them cool overnight. It's overkill, but so convenient compared to messing with the dish washer and hot water heater temp that I can't resist it. Also, since I started using the oven, the little variations in flavor from bottle to bottle have vanished. Unfortunately for scientific method, I also switched to 100% use of liquid yeast at this time, so that may have been a factor. Don't forget to take off your Grolsh bottle rubber seals if you use your oven or you won't like this idea at all. --Pete Soper Return to table of contents
Date: 29 Dec 88 09:05:00 PST From: "MR. DAVID HABERMAN" <habermand at afrpl-vax.ARPA> Subject: Sake Recipe Wanted I am interested in brewing Sake and would like to know if anyone has tried it. The process is different from beer and wine in that all the sugar is not present at the start. As I understand it, a mold works on converting the rice to sugar while the yeast is turning the sugar to alcohol. It also takes place at lower temperatures than other types of brew. This would make it ideal for winter brewing. I would appreciate any information on recipes, methods, and sources for ingredients. I live in the Southern California area. Thank you. David ------ Return to table of contents
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