HOMEBREW Digest #424 Thu 24 May 1990
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Re: Homebrew Digest #423 (May 23, 1990) (Ken Schriner)
maerzen recipe (florianb)
Several questions (CRF)
Any European brewers, out there ? (pyt)
Stuck Fermentation? (Richard Stueven)
In Hot Water Again ... (Martin A. Lodahl)
blow-off, dry hop (cckweiss)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
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Date: Wed, 23 May 90 07:50:11 CDT
From: Ken Schriner <KS06054 at UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #423 (May 23, 1990)
In response to William F Pemberton <wfp5p at euclid.acc.virginia.edu>
query about Brewcraft Plastic Kegs.
Yes, I've tried Brewcraft Plastic Kegs, and the experience prompted me
to bite the bullet and buy a real kegging system. I found the pressure
in teh Brewcraft Plastic Keg to be difficult, if not impossible, to regulate,
mainly due to the lack of a regulator. I had difficulty with the tap on
the keg leaking. Also, the top sometimes leaked the CO2 out. My
entire experience with the Brewcraft Plastic Keg was negative, and it
currently collects spider webs in some distant corner of the barn.
(Perhaps the product has improved since when I tested it in 1984.)
My advice. Don't waste your time or money on it. Get some stainless steel
soda syrup kegs and do it right.
Ken Schriner BITNet : KS06054 at UAFSYSB
220 ADSB, Computing Services Internet : KS06054 at UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701 (501) 575-2905
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Date: 23 May 90 08:04:24 PDT (Wed)
From: florianb%tekred.cna.tek.com at RELAY.CS.NET
Subject: maerzen recipe
The following is my recipe for Maerzen beer.
Maerzen Beer (recipe for 5 gal)
Two varieties can be made from this semi-mash recipe. Leaving out the
ingredients marked with an asterisk (*) will produce a drier, more
traditional brew. the Cascade cones produce a fruitier aroma.
Substitute Hallertauer for a more traditional aroma. Although I kegged,
bottling should work just as well.
4# light malted barley
3# light dry malt extract
1/2 # 40 L crystal malt (*)
2 oz chocolate malt
1/2 # toasted malted barley (375 deg oven for 12 minutes)
1/2 # Munich malt
2 oz dextrine malt (*)
2.5 oz Tettnanger 4.2 cones
1/2 oz Cascade 5.0 cones (!)
3 tsp gypsum (optional, depending on water)
Vierka dry lager yeast
og = 1.056
sg at racking = 1.020
sg at kegging = 1.020
kegging sugar = 3/4 cup corn sugar
Make up yeast starter (room temp) 2 days before brewing. Grind all
grains together, dough-in with 5 cups warm water. Use 3 qts water at
130 deg to bring up to protein rest temp of 122 deg. Set for 30
minutes. Add 8 pints of boiling water and heat (if needed) to bring
temp to 154 deg. Set for at least 30 minutes. Bring up to 170 deg for
5 minutes for mash-out. Sparge with 2 gal water.
Add dry extract, bring to boil. Boil 15 minutes and add one oz
Tettnanger. Boil one hour. Add 1 oz Tettnanger at 30 minutes. Add 1/2
oz Tettnanger and 1/2 oz Cascade at 5 minutes (with Irish moss if
desired). Strain and chill. Rack off of trub. Pitch yeast.
Ferment at 68 deg for 3 days. Rack to secondary, and lager for 18 days
at 42 deg. On the 18th day, I keg the brew and lager for an additional
17 days before tapping.
This brew was dark brown-red with a distinct nutty flavor coming from
the toasted malted barley. A good head, little chill haze.
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Date: Wed, 23 May 90 12:45 EST
Subject: Several questions
Hi, All!
Well, my test gallon of framboise is in the bottle, and even though it isn't
ready to drink, I have some questions.
For the first time, I have a cloudy brew. I attribute this to the nature of
the beast; I was very careful about avoiding letting the fruit pectins set.
There doesn't seem to be any sign of contamination from unsterile fruit puree.
So, in going to a 5 gallon batch, I'll need a clarifier. What would be best
in this instance? Irish Moss? Finings? Suggestions for use, also, please.
Next question: I may very well want to switch to wheat malt from barley malt
for the big batch. I've not yet worked with wheat malt. Do the two equate in
measure? In other words, if I was thinking of using 6 lbs of barley malt, do
I _de facto_ want 6 lbs of wheat malt?
If I decide I want to sweeten with dextrose, how much might be good in this
instance? My reasoning is that fruit beers such as framboise tend to the
sweet side, and a little bit of sweetening might actually bring out the fruit.
So, I might want less than might be usual. Suggestions, please?
Thank you!
Yours in Carbonation,
"God save you from a bad neighbor and from a beginner on the fiddle." --
Italian proverb
Univ. of Fla. BITNET: CRF at UFPINE
Gainesville, FL
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Date: Wed, 23 May 90 10:10:53 PDT
From: pyt at hprvlc0.hp.com
Subject: Any European brewers, out there ?
Full-Name: Pierre-Yves Thoulon
I was wondering whether this mailing list was reaching Europe.
I'm a Frenchman, temporarily moved to the US by my employer. While
I was here, I got the homebrew virus. I'm about to go back to
France and will be taking my gear with me.
Unfortunately, homebrewing is not a big thing in France (I don't
even know whether it is legal, for that matter---but I'm not sure
I want to know...:-) and I haven't been able to find a homebrew
supply shop there.
My best guess is I'll have to mail order everything. Since the US are
a little far from there, and the European market is about to emerge,
it would be better if I could order from some place in Germany or
England (or anywhere else, for that matter...).
If you know of a good mail order place somewhere in Europe,
I'd appreciate to hear from you.
pyt%hprvlc0 at hplabs.hp.com
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Date: Wed, 23 May 90 11:15:42 PDT
From: gak at Sun.COM (Richard Stueven)
Subject: Stuck Fermentation?
"Gak & Gerry's Batch #3" is in the fermenter now. We brewed it on
Sunday and pitched two packets of Red Star Ale Yeast. It bubbled
Like Mad on Monday, but it was almost stopped by Tuesday night!
Is this your basic "Stuck Fermentation"? What can be done about it?
Relaxed and trying not to worry and I can't have a homebrew because I
drank it all,
Richard Stueven ...!att!attmail!gak gak at sun.com
I like to know what I'm doing when I'm doing what I do when I'm
doing it because I don't know what to do when I'm not doing it. - S.Ridgeway
Relax, don't worry, have a homebrew!
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Date: Mon, 21 May 90 8:37:23 PDT
From: Martin A. Lodahl <hplabs!pbmoss!mal>
Subject: In Hot Water Again ...
In HOMEBREW Digest #421, Chris Shenton noted that in using his
immersion wort chiller:
"The water initially absorbed so much heat from the near boiling wort that
"it came out boiling at first ...
"I was trying to think of what I could do with 5-10 gallons of
"nearly-boiling water and all I could thing of was to make a hell of a lot
"of tea.
I use mine to clean & sterilize everything I'm going to use in the
rest of the brewing process. I pile all the equipment into the
lauter tun, add bleach, and let the hot water fill it up. By the
time it's full (7 gallons), the water coming out of the chiller
isn't so hot any more. After letting everything in the tun soak a
sufficient time, I drain the still-hot water from the tun to the
carboy. I have a week well and we're in our fourth consecutive
drought year, so multiple uses for water is rather imperative ...
= Martin A. Lodahl Pac*Bell Minicomputer Operations Support Staff =
= pacbell!pbmoss!mal -or- mal at pbmoss.Pacbell.COM 916.972.4821 =
= If it's good for ancient Druids, runnin' nekkid through the wuids, =
Et puis zut, je ne me souviens pas du reste ....
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Date: Wed, 23 May 90 16:15:40 -0700
From: cckweiss at castor.ucdavis.edu
Subject: blow-off, dry hop
I recently had an inadvertent experiment in blow-off brewing. I racked into
the secondary a bit too soon and got about 2 cups of blow off through the
fermentation lock and onto the basement floor. My question is, for anyone
who converted from conventional to blow-off fermentation, did it make a really
*BIG* difference in the quality of your brew? Cause this stuff I made is in
the fridge now, and it's really good, and I'm wondering if a revision in my
brewing techniques is called for.
Second question: There's been a lot of traffic lately about dry hopping. I
know what dry hopping is, but I don't know what it's supposed to do. How does
a dry hopped beer differ from a conventionally produced brew?
I'll try to get a schedule for the Rubicon brewery tour together tomorrow.
Ken Weiss
krweiss at ucdavis.eud
no, no, that's krweiss at ucdavis.edu
cckweiss at castor.ucdavis.edu
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