HOMEBREW Digest #462 Wed 18 July 1990

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  Boiling Grain (Brian Capouch)
  Botulism from malt syrup (Paul Michelman)
  Munich malt (Gerald Andrew Winters)
  wheat beer head (florianb)
  brewbag (Chip Hitchcock)
  German beers/yeast ("Andy Wilcox")
  My Daddy's Old Beer Recipe (Stephen E. Hansen)
  copper vs. stainless (Algis R Korzonas +1 708 979 8583)
  picnic cooler tun (florianb)
  Coors announces expansion (Mike Northam ext 2651)
  Filmore Christmas Ale 87 recipe (Marty Albini)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 16 Jul 90 19:10:07 -0500 (CDT) From: Brian Capouch <brianc at zeta.saintjoe.EDU> Subject: Boiling Grain In Homebrew Digest #360, Chris Shenton writes: >I would recommend against boiling the grains -- you may get astringency >from boiling the husks. Well, if that's the case, cut and dried, how comes it that in a decoction mash, one boils part of the mash, *several times*, for varying periods of time? I've long wondered this. There well may be an explanation that would resolve the conflict, but I choose to believe (until I hear it) that this is just another "old brewers' tale." If anyone would like to straighten me out on this, I'm all ears. Someday I'd like to really start a firestorm around here by asserting that brewing with commercially prepared extracts is exactly like making instant puddings: the results might be real tasty, but you can't really say you "made" it. But let's save that for another day. Prost Brian Capouch Saint Joseph's College brianc at saintjoe.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 12:24:23 EDT From: michelma at division.cs.columbia.edu (Paul Michelman) Subject: Botulism from malt syrup After reading about the possibility of botulism, I headed over to the local biology library and looked in some microbiology handbooks. The Home Brewery is right about boiling. The botulinum toxin is "completely inactivated at 100 degrees C for 10 minutes." Most outbreaks of botulism come from eating the types of canned food that are not cooked before eating, such as processed fish or sometimes canned vegetables. Remember the Vichyssoise outbreak a few years ago. Botulin bacterial spores are abundant in soil, lake and pond bottoms and vegetation, but they only germinate in anaerobic environments, which is why the toxin is likely to be found in canned foods in which there is not proper sterilization. By the way, according to Burrows' Textbook of Microbiology, 7 oz of botulinum type A would "suffice to kill the entire population of the world." Paul Michelman michelma at cs.columbia.edu Dept. of Computer Science Columbia University Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 13:11:30 EDT From: gerald at caen.engin.umich.edu (Gerald Andrew Winters) Subject: Munich malt Does anybody know a source of dark Munich malt (20 L)? I have about 5 or so homebrew catalogs and all list the light Munich malt (10 L). If anybody knows a source I'd sure you'd pass it along. Thanks. Jerry Return to table of contents
Date: 17 Jul 90 11:20:50 PDT (Tue) From: florianb at tekred.cna.tek.com Subject: wheat beer head Jake Turin says, in regard to a Williams' Brewing pitch on extract wheat beer: >I admire the prose, but question the accuracy. My two beers both had >fair to middling head qualities, similar to my all barley malt brews. >Am I missing something, or is the Williams quote a load of hooey? No wonder Williams' stuff is so expensive...they're selling poetry! No, the Williams' quote isn't a load of hooey. Your wheat beer should have a tremendous head, tremendous carbonation, and if it's of a certain variety, tremendous haze. I don't know how much wheat extract you used, or what kind, but the content of wheat can be as much as 40% of the total base ingredients. I don't think the extract brew is going to give you the head that an all grain recipe would, but in any case, it should be there. Chances are, if the carbonation is low, the head will be also. Next time, try using a whole cup of corn sugar to prime, or go to all grain, or both. Luck to you! Florian Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 10:42:42 EDT From: cjh at peoria.eng.ileaf.com (Chip Hitchcock) Subject: brewbag Bob MacDonald (beer reviewer for Boston GLOBE) tried one of these things for a recent column. I don't think he had ever tried homebrewing before; even so, the results were unusually bad---with the help of poor instructions and cheap construction he got a serious mess and very little beer of any description. (I don't remember him being thrilled with the beer either.) A local brew shop (BarleyMalt & Vine) had very negative remarks about the concept.... Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 15:03:56 EDT From: "Andy Wilcox" <andy at mosquito.cis.ufl.edu> Subject: German beers/yeast I'll be going to Germany in a few weeks, so I'd like all the requisite pointers on which breweries to visit, which beers to drink, etc, etc. Specifically, I'll be in Darmstadt, so anything close to this is better than great. Secondly, are there any bottles that I may want to bring home for the purpose of culturing some great german yeast? Thanks! -Andy Wilcox (andy at ufl.edu) Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 12:18:41 -0700 From: Stephen E. Hansen <hansen at gloworm.Stanford.EDU> Subject: My Daddy's Old Beer Recipe Dredge and I were in his old office down the hall on Friday when I recognized one of the filing cabinets from about 14 years ago. The drawers were stuck but the current occupant did some magic and opened the only drawer with anything in it. Low and behold, there were various manilla folders of Dredge's and mine dating back eons. I grabed one of mine and found old copies of off-color songs and poetry (The Dirty Golden Bear and Eskimo Nell), and one item that I had thought lost forever. My Pappy's old beer recipe!!! Back when I first started making beer (about 20 years ago now) I actually made several batches using this recipe. The results varied from barely drinkable to snail bait. My Dad used it to make beer when I was a kid, and while I don't remember ever tasting it then, I do have fond memories of listening through the bedroom wall to the quart bottles exploding in the garage. I have included it here for your amusement. Please kids, don't try this one at home. I especially like the comparison in the last line. ====================================================================== INGREDIENTS REQUIRED FOR HOME BREW 5 Cases or 12 Gallons 1 Can Blue Ribbon Malt 1 Hydrometer 1 Pkg Dry Fleshman's Yeast 1 Gross Bottle Caps 1 Cup Rice (or Rice and Barley Mixed) 1 Gauze Strainer 1 Tablespoon Salt 120 Bottles 5 Pounds Powdered Cane Sugar 1 Bottle Capper 1 Crock 1 Wooden Spoon 1 Siphon Hose 1 - 3 Gallon Porcelain or Stainless Steel Pan DIRECTIONS In a large (3 gal) porcelain pan add three (3) quarts of water and bring to a boil. To boiling water add 5 pounds sugar while stirring with wooden spoon. Then bring to boil again. Add 1 can of Malt while stirring with wooden spoon. Bring to boil and let simmer for 15 minutes (Caution: Might boil over). In a large glass, fill 1/2 full with luke warm water (not over 130'F) and add rice, yeast and salt. Prepare crock - wash in hot water (no soap). Fill 1/3 full with fairly warm water and pour in water and malt solution. Add cold water to within 3 inches of top of crock (thermometer not over 130'F). Then add yeast and rice solution and cover. Six to ten hours later remove foam with wire gauze strainer. Let set until hydrometer says "Bottle". Wash bottles (no soap) and fill. To each bottle add 1/2 teaspoon of fine granulated sugar. Then cap and let stand for 21 days. This should make 5 cases of pint bottles of beer equal to or superior to Millers High Life. Proof about 5 1/2%. ====================================================================== Stephen E. Hansen Electrical Engineering Computer Facility (415) 723-1058 hansen at sierra.Stanford.EDU {decwrl,rutgers,agate}!shelby!sierra!hansen Applied Electronics Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4055 "You can only drink 30 or 40 beers a day no matter how rich you are." --Col Adolphus Busch Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 14:03:17 mdt From: hplabs!hp-lsd.cos.hp.com!ihlpl!korz (Algis R Korzonas +1 708 979 8583) Subject: copper vs. stainless There is another advantage to copper, whether it is a solid copper kettle or a copper coated stainless kettle: TEMPERATURE DIRTRIBUTION. As I understand it, copper distributes heat much better than either aluminum or stainless steel. I am planning on buying a stainless kettle and then possibly electroplating copper onto the outside of the bottom to disperse the heat better. Some of my mom's old Wearever pots were like this. Al. Return to table of contents
Date: 17 Jul 90 11:25:20 PDT (Tue) From: florianb at tekred.cna.tek.com Subject: picnic cooler tun Keith Winter inquires: >I have seen this method mentioned several times but I guess I missed >Pete Soper's description. I'm interested in knowing more about this. >Does anyone have the description saved that they could send me? The best description I've seen is in the Zymurgy special grain issue (from 1985, I think). You can get it through the AHA or by ordering it from your local ingredient seller. As for Pete Soper's description, it came in one of the past HBD issues. Pete, are you listening? Can you send it to Mr. Winter? Florian Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 12:41:48 PDT From: Mike Northam ext 2651 <hplabs!fpssun!mbn!mbn> Subject: Coors announces expansion Please no flames :-), though not homebrew, this is (perhaps) of some interest to beerophiles. From the 7/13/90 *Capital Press*, a northwest regional agricultural newspaper. Coors announces expansion. Burley, Idaho-- Coors Brewing Co. Tuesday (7/10 mbn) announced a $7 million expansion of its barley storage facility here. ...completeion scheduled next June. ... the project will increase the long-term storage capacity from 6 million bushels to 9 million bushels. William K. Coors, Adolph Coors Co. chairman, made the announcement during Barley Field Day in Burley, an annual celebration sluting growers who provide the "single-most important solid ingredient" in Coors beers. About 450 growers attended the event. Coors said the special strains of barley used in Coors products are grwon only at higher elevations in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 15:59:32 PDT From: Marty Albini <martya at hpsdl39> Subject: Filmore Christmas Ale 87 recipe In response to many (ok, several) requests for the recipe I mentioned two issues ago, I'm going to save myself trouble and just post it. It comes from a recipe book published by the AHA called _The_Winner's_Circle_, which is a copyrighted document, hence the following statement: PLEASE SIGN THIS DISCLAIMER I, __________, do solumnly swear that I did not pay Marty Albini anything for this recipe, and that he provided it to me only to convince me to buy the book he took it out of because he's such a swell guy, who wants the authors and publishers, and of course their many fine lawyers, to enjoy terrific sales and not sue him. date:___________ So keep this on file, notarized if possible, and remeber to sign an actual piece of paper, not the screen. Filmore Christmas Ale 87 Mike Sternick Denver, Colorado Third Place, Herb Beer, 1988 ingredients for five gallons: 7 lb Munton & Fison light dry malt extract 1/2 lb crystal malt 1/8 lb black patent malt 1 lb clover honey 2 oz Cascade hops (60 min) 1 oz Hallertauer hops (2 min) 1 oz Cascade hops (2 min) 1 oz giger root (12 min) 6 inch stick cinnamon (8 g) (12 min) 4 TSP orange peel (13 g) (12 min) 1 package Edme yeast 3/4 cup dextrose to prime brewer's specifics: OG 1.050-1.054 FG 1.019-1.025 age when judged: nine months I used Australian dry malt extract and measured all ingredients in grams, so I could be more consistent next time. By my estimation (and measurement) this original gravity is WAY off; I didn't bring my log so I can't report my findings, but OG was somewhere over 1.060 and FG was in the low twenties. Fermentation completed in one day, but there was so much suspended hop gunk that it took a couple weeks before I could rack. SG only dropped about a point in the secondary. I used about 1/2 cup priming malt, which was plenty (remember, it's served warm, and has to age a long time, so don't overdo the priming sugar). As I menioned earlier, the cinnamon didn't come thru well. I'd welcome any ideas to bring it out (especially the aroma). Be prepared for a pretty astringent taste untill it's a couple months old. I brewed mine Christmas morning. Maybe that helps o<;^)E Merry Christmas! Oh, yeah--I got my copy of the book at Great Fermentations of Santa Rosa. - -- ________________________________________________Marty Albini___________ "The above opinions were created by a trained professional. Do not attempt to duplicate these thought processes at home." phone : (619) 592-4177 UUCP : {hplabs|nosc|hpfcla|ucsd}!hp-sdd!martya Internet : martya%hp-sdd at hp-sde.sde.hp.com (or at nosc.mil, at ucsd.edu) CSNET : martya%hp-sdd at hplabs.csnet US mail : Hewlett-Packard Co., 16399 W. Bernardo Drive, San Diego CA 92127-1899 USA Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #462, 07/18/90 ************************************* -------
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