HOMEBREW Digest #4809 Mon 25 July 2005

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  Sanitizing Aluminum Coldplate ("Eric R. Theiner")
  Santizing Aluminum Block from JockeyBox ("Rob Moline")
  Re:   Ballantine XXX (asemok)
  Fortnight of Yeast - Commercial starters (Fred Johnson)
  Larger Batch Sparge ("Martin Ammon")
  Yeast viability data point (stencil)
  Re: HCCP Under Linux (Option: Emulation?) ("Meyer, Aaron D.")
  Re: Santizing Aluminum Block from JockeyBox (Kent Fletcher)
  FOY 2005 - Yeast stress response question for Chris Powell (ALAN K MEEKER)
  Fortnight of Yeast, 2005 (Matt)
  FOY  Lallemand  Answers, Crabtree effect and Overflow Metabolism ("Dave Burley")
  Dry Yeast Question (Donald Hellen)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 23:16:23 -0500 From: "Eric R. Theiner" <rickdude at tds.net> Subject: Sanitizing Aluminum Coldplate On the question of what to use to sanitize an aluminum cold plate, I think that I would suggest an iodophor sanitizer. For those of you rubbing your eyes, yes, I do make One Step, and I was very gratified to have it mentioned... but aluminum is a pretty soft metal, and beer is rather acidic. I wonder about using an oxidizer (so this goes for bleach as well) inside a cold plate that may not have much of an protective oxidative coating in place. I think Star San might be detrimental as well, so that leaves iodophor (which, although acidic, is not as acidic as Star San). Maybe John Palmer will weigh in with a more informed opinion. Rick Theiner LOGIC, Inc. Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 23:29:05 -0500 From: "Rob Moline" <jethrogump at mchsi.com> Subject: Santizing Aluminum Block from JockeyBox Santizing Aluminum Block from JockeyBox >how do we sanitize the aluminum block? The aluminium block is the heatsink for the stainless lines that the product run through. Just use PBW, or PBW, then acid.... or any other regime you favour. While the stainless product lines are buried in the AL block, since you are changing the lines, go ahead and change the gaskets....and fittings...cheap...in the block and out.... >Or possibly a cooler with a wooden exterior, since we use it at SCA events and the like. We do a great rootbeer biz with a wooden bbl, originally from decades ago that had faucets that still had leather gaskets, but has since been modified with a more modern plumbing. You might want to consider a similar set up. The wooden bbl had 3 old faucets, replaced by 2. It is mounted on a cart which contains the cO2 bottle and regulator, and the coldplate....a 2 line small model that fits into a small esky cooler. Our rootbeer events are short in duration, <6 hrs, and we use a keg jacket to keep the keg cold. Gump 515-282-2739 brewery 515-450-0243 cell "The More I Know About Beer, The More I Realize I Need To Know More About Beer!" - -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.9.4/57 - Release Date: 7/22/2005 Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 01:37:28 -0400 From: asemok at mac.com Subject: Re: Ballantine XXX On Jul 24, 2005, at 11:21 PM, pulsarxp wrote: > I still think Juniper Berries were used in Ballantine XXX because it > always had > a pine needle aroma to it and I know of no hops nor do any of my > friends know of any hops that give off a pine needle aroma. No. Juniper berries were never, ever a part of any of the Ballantine Ales. I have had several conversations with people involved with the making of these products at the Newark brewery (which closed in the early 70's), and even have recipe notes. The ales were all certainly generously hopped for bitterness, but the intense hop __aroma__ of the standard Ballantine XXX, the IPA, and the Burton came from the very generous use of an "in house" made hop oil; this was a distilled aromatic product made on premises at the Newark brewery (and according to one industry source, apparently also after the product moved to Narragansett) and that amazing and elusive hop aroma is probably the single most identifying profile of the original Ballantine products. The brewmaster conversations I had are borne out in other writings by Ballantine-o-philes and industry folks whose research says essentially the same thing. If you've been fortunate enough to be on hand in the last few years where an old bottle of Ballantine Burton or a pre 1980 bottle of the IPA were opened, whatever the flavors have mutated into the most surprising thing about these beers (remember...from 25 to more than 60 years old) is the amount of hop aroma still intact. That's the hop oil talking!!!! My experience with XXX and the IPA both go back to around 1968. I suppose that some noses/palates would interpret the intense hoppiness as "pine" (though honestly I never thought of it as such), but it is clear and straight from the horses mouths (the guys who brewed the stuff) that juniper berries, pine needles, or any other such flora never infested the kettles at Ballantine! Your best shot at reproducing the original profile of Ballantine's products is to use hop oil, specifically distilled for the aromatic fraction. God...to have one of those IPA's now.... :-( cheers, AL Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 06:22:38 -0400 From: Fred Johnson <FLJohnson at portbridge.com> Subject: Fortnight of Yeast - Commercial starters When pitchable quantities of "liquid" yeast are provided to a commercial microbrewery by a commerical yeast producer, in what stage of the life of the yeast is the yeast supplied? It is my understanding--please correct me where I am wrong--that commercial yeast producers typically propagate the yeast aerobically with constant infusion of medium at rates that maintain very low glucose concentrations in the culture--conditions that avoid induction of the Crabtree effect of high glucose. At some point in the propagation, the infusion of the medium is discontinued and the yeast are allowed to consume the remainder of the fermentables and to flocculate. Is this the stage in which the pitchable quantities of yeast are sold to commercial microbreweries? If not, tell us what the yeast producers provide to commercial breweries. Fred L Johnson Apex, North Carolina, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 06:53:58 -0500 From: "Martin Ammon" <SURFSUPKS at KC.RR.COM> Subject: Larger Batch Sparge With no answers to my question of July 18 I guess its time to start building a large coil and give it a go and see what happens. I can compare the results with beers brew with the old system. Will need a larger pump to push that much wort. To quote a good friend ITS JUST BEER. Martin Ammon aka Kansas Swagman Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 10:37:41 -0400 From: stencil <etcs.ret at verizon.net> Subject: Yeast viability data point I just finished bottling a weizen made with Brewtek CL920 that had been purchased from Brewer's Resource in December 1997. The mini-slant had spent most of its existence at 33-38F. It had been opened once, in Feb '98, moistened with wort to take a sample, and put away again. The procedure, now as then, was to add a few drops of starter wort and then streak a plate; after 96 hours a clump was selected and ramped up in 1040 wort to make a starter. All colonies seemed (to my uneducated eye) to have the same color and texture. This time, I did not save the original mini-slant. The rummage- in- the- chillbox that produced it was occasioned by the failure of a 10-month old smackpack to quicken. At bottling, warm and still, the beer had a room-filling clove aroma and a flavor to match, with a hint of tartness. No noticeable banana tones. First real tasting, 1 August. Tentative conclusion: *Never* throw anything away ...but I knew that anyway. stencil sends etcs.ret-at-verizon.net Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 10:43:08 -0500 From: "Meyer, Aaron D." <Aaron.Meyer at oneok.com> Subject: Re: HCCP Under Linux (Option: Emulation?) >>>> Has anyone else had better luck getting HCCP running under Linux? I have a competition coming up in a couple of months and can run it under WinXP if necessary, but getting it working under Linux would be better. <<<< Interesting read from the author in the last issue of HBD. If the application does rely on the windows printing subsystem you might indeed have to run it under that OS. This doesn't mean you cannot run it under Linux though! You could run Windows as a slave OS under Linux. There are open source projects i.e.: Bochs as well as commercial packages i.e.: VirtualPC that which emulate x86 hardware on which you can install any x86 OS. I successfully installed Windows 98 on a Bochs emulation environment a while back, was a bit slower than if it had been run on the hardware directly but it was workable. You should be able to load anything up to XP if desired (depending on abilities of the emulation environment.) Of course the fatter the OS you run the slower the emulated environment and host system are going to run. I even recall some pass-through options to be able to print from the slave OS to a printer on the host system.... Bochs Project: http://bochs.sourceforge.net/ Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 10:30:31 -0700 (PDT) From: Kent Fletcher <fletcherhomebrew at yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Santizing Aluminum Block from JockeyBox Steven asked: > (snip) how do we sanitize the aluminum block? So far > the only thing I can think of is to run pressurized > one-step solution through it, or possibly a mild > bleach solution, though I wonder/worry if there's > any chance of that reacting badly with aluminum. The beer never comes in contact with aluminum. The lines are stainless steel tubing, bent in a serpentine pattern, then cast into the aluminum block. So, you can safely use any solution you would use on a corny keg or other stainless brew ware. I clean mine with PBW and then sanitize with Five Star Sani-Clean. I just make up a keg of solution, connect to the beer line, pump through for a minute or so to purge any air, then let the solution do the work. If the lines are soiled (left with beer or soda sitting in them), you'll maximize the cleaning power of PBW by heating the water to 160 f. But you'll have to heat the plate as well, else the aluminum will absorb the heat, just as it does in use with beer. After letting the hot PBW work for a few minutes, pump in fresh solution and repeat. You can minimize your labor substantially by making up jumper lines, and connecting Line 1 Out to Line 2 Out, Line 2 In to Line 3 In, Line 3 Out to Line 4 Out, etc. I have a six line plate for the club bar, and jumpers save a lot of time. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 14:38:25 -0400 From: ALAN K MEEKER <ameeker at mail.jhmi.edu> Subject: FOY 2005 - Yeast stress response question for Chris Powell A hearty welcome to Chris Powell on FOY! The descriprion of his earlier work reminds me of a question regarding yeast stress. Chris, I've briefly studied the literature on yeast stress response. It appears that important stress response genes, such as those for heat shock proteins, are under the control of upstream Stress Response Elements (SREs) and are co-ordinately regulated. Studies seem to indicate that this results in cross-protection against a given type of physiological stress following exposure to a different type of stress. So, for example, heat shock may lead to increased resistance to osmotic stress. The question is, can this phenomenon be exploited in brewing in prepariong yeast for highly stressfull fermentations? For instance, when pitching into a very high gravity ferment, such as a mead or barleywine (high osmotic stress), could the yeasts' performance be enhanced by a mild stress exposure during starter production or close to pitching? I stress (pun intended) that this would be a mild stress, just enough to start inducing the protective systems, but well below any level that would actually lower the yeasts' health/viability. Looking forward to your response, Alan Alan Meeker, PhD Assistant Professor of Pathology and Urology Department of Pathology Division of Genitourinary Pathology Bunting-Blaustein Cancer Research Building Room 153 1650 Orleans Street Baltimore, MD 21231-1000 Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 13:16:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Matt <baumssl27 at yahoo.com> Subject: Fortnight of Yeast, 2005 Another question for the good Doctors: I have already asked two questions, so I will understand if you are unable to answer a third. I would like to clear up some confusion I have about the production/reduction of esters and fusels during fermentation. I am asking these questions in the context of "healthy" (sugar-limited) ferments, where the yeast have plenty of O2 and nutrients. A. I have read statements to the effect that for a healthy fermentation, "increased aeration leads to increased yeast growth, which ties up acetyl-CoA and hence reduces ester formation." I have also read statements to the opposite effect, that "increased yeast growth leads to increased acetyl-CoA production and hence to more esters." This apparent contradiction confuses me and I'd appreciate any light you can shed upon it. B. I am particularly interested in brewing Belgian-style ales with lots of esters, but not too many higher alcohols. It is my understanding that higher alcohols can be converted to esters by the yeast--when does this happen? I am (purely) guessing that much of it happens near the end of fermentation, when the acetyl-CoA is no longer needed for growth. Can I therefore achieve my goal of high esters and low fusels by fermenting cooler at first (producing a managable level of fusels) and then letting the temperature rise later on (to speed the conversion of fusels to esters)? Does the notion of a "fusel rest," similar to a diacetyl rest, make any sense? Is there a point at which it is "safe" to raise the ferment temp, as the danger of producing too many fusels has passed? I understand that there is a baseline level of esters produced in a healthy ferment--I am just interested in how to convert as high a fraction of fusels as possible into esters. Thanks again. Matt Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 16:58:42 -0400 From: "Dave Burley" <Dave_Burley at charter.net> Subject: FOY Lallemand Answers, Crabtree effect and Overflow Metabolism Brewsters: I sent this last week or so, but realized this, like a number of other past submissions of mine were not making it on the HBD and I was not getting a bounce message. So a little out of date, but here is my question and comment for the group and those fine Gentlemen from Lallemand. I have modified my format for message approximately as that fabled Janitor, Pat Babcock, instructs and we will see if this does it. (Editorial note: It failed. I forced this on since his post is coming through as multipart MIME with html attachments. Folks, whenever pasting an URL, ensure your mailer hasn't converted it to an HTML tag - as appears to have been the case here.) Clayton Cone has explained that if have more than 0.2% glucose in our starters that we cannot expect any cell wall improvement even in the presence of oxygen, since the mechanism changes from a Pasteur Efftect to a Crabtree effect.. Presumably the addition of oxygen to our wort at the beginning of the fermentation will likewise make no sense. Does thismean we ned to wait until the end of the fermentation? And why do it at all?. So we need to develop method of stirring our starters which will keep the glucose concentration low, but allow yeast to grow more cell wall fatty acid contaiing substances. Since few of us have the metering and measuring equipment to do this in a strarightforward process control way, perhaps there is another way to do it. 1) Clayton: Any idea about how fast sucrose would be inverted e.g. if we started with a 1% sucrose solution with appropriate nutrient levels in a strirred, oxygenated starter , is there any chance that the rate of inversion would be slower than the rate of consumption (I guess this would be yeast concentration dependent) , so we can keep the glucose ( does Crabtree also work for fructose?) concentration down and permit good cellwall development in an oxygenated starter? 2) How about the Overflow Metabolism effect? * www.biotech.kth.se/courses/3A1308/Downloads/Overflowmetabolism.pdf * * Does this affect your explanation? Keep on Brewin' Dave Burley Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 18:38:57 -0400 From: Donald Hellen <donhellen at horizonview.net> Subject: Dry Yeast Question I would like to know how long dried yeast stored in the refrigerator (under 40 degrees F) can be expected to be useful? I'm sure that studies have been done like those with liquid yeast discussed recently, and my own experience has shown that we can expect at least some dried yeasts to last two years or more. Also, is there a significant difference between different brands of dried yeasts in how long they can be stored and still be usable? - ------------------------------------ Beer--Not just another breakfast drink! Return to table of contents
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