FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: pbabcock at *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies Visit to show your appreciation! Or call them at 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: aluminum immersion chiller (Raj B Apte) Batch size vs fermentation time (Thomas Rohner) Subject: A true honeymoon ("Jodie") Just another Fridge question (Dave Perez) Figures, don't it. (Vincent Dongarra) Plate Chillers & Brewery Organization (Bob Hall) strange layer in primary fermenter (Matt) time to brew, indeed! (leavitdg) [Fwd: [Fwd: Fermentation Rate]] ("A.J deLange") cinnamon,...and haze? (leavitdg) RE: A true honeymoon [Sec: Unclassified] ("Williams, Rowan") Bad year for hops (4th send attempt, thangyouverymuch) (Francisco Jones) Chocolate DME and salt brine ice chiller ("eric") Small Cap Stox Can Sizzle ("Kerry I. Wilkerson")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 20:54:33 -0800 (PST) From: Raj B Apte <raj_apte at> Subject: aluminum immersion chiller Hi all, I'm in the process of putting together a new kettle. I decided on Aluminum because I need the thermal conductivity (had scorching problems with stainless). The health questions didn't convince me. And new, 6mm thick stock pots are readily available for < $100. Then I started wondering about my immersion chiller. I have read that copper--if its not cleaned with acid before use--does oxidize wort. So, it makes sense to make an immersion chiller from Aluminum rather than copper. The thermal properties are close, and I'll get less oxidation. Because I use tubing and clamps, the lack of solderability doesn't bother me at all. Has anyone tried this? Am I missing something here? raj Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 11:20:34 +0100 From: Thomas Rohner <t.rohner at> Subject: Batch size vs fermentation time Hello all In general i read that bigger vessels give a faster and more complete fermetation. Big fermentation tanks are cooled asymetrically to keep the wort in motion and the yeast suspension. There is one problem with large fermenters. It is the pressure at the bottom. 10m height gives you 1bar or 14.5psi at the bottom. This can have a negative effect on the yeast performance. (as i know from a brewery near us. They had huge problems, when they switched to bigger tanks. They had to change from the "house-yeast" to a more pressure tolerant strain.) Besides the movement in the fermenter, it should make no difference in the homebrew scale.(from 5 to 20 gal) Given the same yeast count and temperature. Cheers Thomas don't know the rennerians but you can find me as the only one in switzerland on Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 07:24:29 -0500 From: "Jodie" <jodiedavis at> Subject: Subject: A true honeymoon Hey Aaron, Congrats! Before we were married my husband and I took a trip and while he was at a meeting I bought fabric--what quilters do everywhere they go. When he saw my purchases that evening he suggested that the next time we travel we pack an extra suitcase to be sure we had room to bring home my goodies. He's been the same way with beer equipment. Yeah for supportive spouses! has a wish list function. I've never used it but assume it's something like that on Amazon, and could be just what you're looking for. Jodie Jodie Davis Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 09:38:43 -0500 From: Dave Perez <perez15 at> Subject: Just another Fridge question So I know we can control a regular refrigerator and a chest freezer to fermenting temps with an external controller ala Johnson. My question is, can I control a forced air, upright freezer to refridge temps? I will initially use the external Johnson controller but want to ultimately change the original freezer thermostat to a refrigerator thermostat. Will it Work??? Dave Perez Hogtown Brewers Gainesville, FL Home of the Hogtown Brewoff November 19th. Get your entries in now!!! Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 09:46:05 -0500 From: Vincent Dongarra <vdongarra at> Subject: Figures, don't it. Directly after work yesterday, I went home and found all activity to have stopped on my Pale Ale. Thanks everyone, for your help. Any suggestions on an ale yeast that can do a little better at cooler ale temps? Thanks Vincent - -- Montgomery Village, MD Bonum vinum laetificat cor hominis Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 10:05:11 -0500 From: Bob Hall <rallenhall at> Subject: Plate Chillers & Brewery Organization First of all, I too miss the volume on HBD. Topics and responses here seem to have a depth and quality that aren't matched at other sites. I'd guess that most of the traffic has swung over to the relatively new AHA list which has a built-in member base. OK, a couple of things: 1) With Christmas coming it's time to get brew-toys on the list. There seems to be a variety of plate chillers on the market ... Therminator, Shirron, etc. What are your experiences and recommendations (or non-recommendations). Do improvements in chill-down time and water savings justify the cost? Can these chillers actually be used in a gravity flow system, or should I also plan on adding a pump to the list? 2) Speaking of toys, it seems that I keep adding items to the basement brewery, but the floor space just doesn't get any larger. Are there any organization or storage tips and tricks out there that have helped make your brewery a more efficient and/or pleasant place to work? Thanks lots, Bob Hall Napoleon, OH 65.3, 189.7 Rennarian Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 08:55:11 -0800 (PST) From: Matt <baumssl27 at> Subject: strange layer in primary fermenter Several times in the past, and on my latest brew, I have noticed a phenomenon in my (glass) fermenters, in which there is a strange layer on top of the beer. It is the same color as the beer itself and can be anywhere from very thin to maybe 3/4" thick. It distinguishes itself from the rest of the beer by being completely transparent--while below it the beer is still hazy from what I am pretty confident is just yeast that hasn't settled. When you jostle the fermenter, the layer doesn't immediately mix with the rest of the beer. Instead it swirls and diffuses down into it. If you shake the carboy hard the layer will disappear, but hours later it returns. Beers that have shown this in the past have had no obvious accompanying signs of infection. This latest is a pretty standard tripel, with 1.072 OG from pils malt and 15% sugar, pretty light hopping, rising ferment temp from an initial 66 up to 76 degrees F. WY3787 from an XL smack pack stepped up with a 1.5L starter, was still fermenting well (4 seconds/bubble on a 3-piece airlock) on the 6th day when I left town. Came back on the 9th day and fermentation appears to be stopped and it is clearing just a bit, and there is also this layer. I have thought in the past that this phenomenon is just the visual effect of yeast fully settling out of the top layer first (as you would expect), but the layer *seems* too well-defined and distinct for that. If a yeast is flocculating poorly, might such a layer appear at the top? I have also wondered if it is due to some (probably aerobic) bacteria that somehow coagulates protiens. In the past I have associated this layer with excessive headspace in the secondary--and I did have to remove the airlock from this 4G batch (in a 6.5 G carboy!) on day 3 because it filled with yeast, and it spent two days under a tight aluminum foil cap. When the airlock was then replaced on day 5 the krausen was still 6" high, at least, and I would expect the still-violent ferment did push most of the oxygen out, but maybe not. Any ideas? Has anyone seen this before? Matt Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 13:30:33 -0500 From: leavitdg at Subject: time to brew, indeed! Someone suggested it is too quiet, so here goes Darrell : What has been brewed at the Cumberland Head Brewery since July: 7/14/05: Bastille Dry Ale Brewed on Bastille Day, first use of wlp007 8.25 pale .25 Biscuit .5 Caraamber 20.2 IBU (Yakima Goldings and Tet) OG 1.05 FG 1.010 %abv 5.26 7/22/05: English Dry Ale, 2nd use of wlp007 9.5 pale .25 Biscuit .25 Cara Amber OG 1.053 FG 1.010 %abv 4.5 ibu 32.5 (Amarillo, and Brewers Gold) 7/31/05: English Red Ale, 3rd use of 007 6.33 pale .5 Crystal 4.5 Pilsner pinch of Biscuit OG 1.06 FG 1.004 ibu 42.2 (Amarillo and Brewers Gold) %abv 7.4 8/10/05: Sleepwalker Brown Ale, 4th use of 007 10.5 pale 1 crystal (dark 80 lov) .5 Brown (Fawcett's) OG 1.058 FG 1.005 ibu 29.6 (tet, Brewers Gold, Yakima Goldings) %abv 7 8/25/05: Hefe, first use wlp300 6lb pils 3 lb wheat 1 lb rye 8 cups rice hulls og 1.053 fg 1.009 ibu 18.2 (tet) %abv 5.9 9/2/05: Rye Hefe Wit, 2nd use wlp300 6 pils 3 wheaqt 2 rye 12 cups rice hulls this one had an identity issue: started as a hefe, but used corriander like a wit og 1.056 fg 1.010 ibu 15 (tet) %abv 6 9/9/05: Jake's Blonde Abbey, 1st use wlp530 5.5 pils 2 wheat 1 vienna 1.5 Flaked Brown rice og 1.052 fg 1.007 ibu 26.3 (home grown goldings, and Hal) %abv 5.9 9/16/05: Zapatista Lager, Saflager s-23: 2 pkgs , re-hydrated 9.5 pils .5 CaraAmber 1.0 Vienna og 1.06 fg 1.01 ibu 35.4 (home goldings, and Saaz) %abv 6.6 9/23/05: Passing Thru Abbey, 2nd use of wlp530 7.5 pils 3 wheat 1 vienna og 1.06 fg 1.01 ibu 31.5 ( home Goldings, and Hal) %abv 6.6 9/30/05: Gingered Pale Ale, Safale SO4, 2 pkg rehydrated 10 pils .5 wheat .5 caraamber lots of fresh ginger root in the boil og 1.059 fg 1.010 ibu 38.7 (home goldings and Yakima goldings) %abv 6.5 10/10/05: Sleepy Hollow Ale, 2 Danstar Nottingham, re-hydrated 6 pale 1 wheat 3 pils 1 carapils touch special B baked 1/4 of a large pumpkin, chopped, 350 degrees in oven for 1 hour, with lots of spices, added to mash. added tons of fresh ginger root, nutmeg, cardomom, allspice, clove, etc to the boil og 1.06 fg 1.007 ibu 35.1 (home goldings, and Brewers gold) %abv 7 10/20/05: Brown Abbey, 3rd use of slurry from wlp530 7 pils .5 brown 1.5 wheat 1 KilnAmber og 1.047 fg unknown...still in primary...I'm slippin.. 11/4/05: Rusty's Steam Beer, wlp810 Calif Lager: first use 9.5 pale .5 CaraAmber .5 Vienna og 1.057 fg not determined yet not a british pale ale, but I put in some Burton Salts, just for kicks and noticed a pH drop 11/11/05: California Common, 2nd use of wlp810 this will happen this friday. recipe like the above, but with a little more zip. I am just geeting caught up! Happy Brewing! Darrell Plattsburgh,NY 44 41 58 N Latitude 73 27 12 W Longitude [544.9 miles, 68.9]Apparent Rennerian Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 21:13:50 +0000 From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at> Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Fermentation Rate]] Francisco asked about fermentation rate as a function of batch size. Ceteris paribus (including pitching rate) there should be no differences. If, OTOH, pitching rates are lowered a longer fermentation time and less overall attenuation can be expected as the yeast must spend longer in the log phase and must go through more generations which generally results in weaker cells. Another very major factor is temperature. The difference of a single degree can make a large difference. As a general rule a 4C change in temperature doubles or halves the rate of a reaction and the reactions taking place in yeast cells are no exception. Another factor which may have an influence is fermenter geometry. One in which for example the cooling jacket(s) cause the generation of circulating currents will keep the yeast cells in suspension and speed the fermentation relative to a geometry in which the liquid does not get circulated. And as another respondent mentioned, in a larger volume the ratio of surface area to mass contained goes down so that heat generated by the fermentation may build up if no steps are taken to remove it. This would result in faster (even runaway) fermentation. This very subject is of interest to me because I have relatively recently returned to brewing after a hiatus of 4 years. My new supplier (the old one went out of business) tends to stock White Labs rather than Wyeast so I have been using White Labs with which I had no previous experience. I find the White Labs lager strains to be much slower than I remember similar Wyeast strains. To get a half a degree Plato per day I must hold the temperature at 50F whereas my recall is that I used to get nearly a degree a day from the simiular Wyeast strains at 47F which was always my standard temperature for lagers. My first Pils fermented at 47 was in the fermenter nearly 7 weeks. Indeed the White Labs website indicates that lager fermentations may take a month or more. While I certainly cannot complain about the results in the case of that Pils who wants his fermenters tied up for 7 weeks? So the question is: have others found the White Lab lager strains to be slow or is my memory faulty (WRT to the current topic - I know it's faulty WRT to most other subjects)? I'll note that I have been pitching a 10% starter at fermentation temperature and oxygenate to 15 mg/L. I'm also aware that the Whitelabs website advises pitching at 70F and dropping to 48 - 55F only after things are well under way. I'm too chicken to do this being nervous enough about the growth metabolites in a starter of such volume grown at 70F. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 16:39:54 -0500 From: leavitdg at Subject: cinnamon,...and haze? Hey; Has anyone here made a correlation between the use of sticks of cinnamon, in the boil, and haze in the final product? I have done this twice recently, using different yeasts (wlp530, and Danstar Notingham) and have found that both batches are hazy. I brew frequently, and, unless it is a Hefe, or a wit, etc, they are not regularly hazy. Any ideas as to a relationship between haze and cinnamon? Happy Brewing! Darrell Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 09:55:37 +1100 From: "Williams, Rowan" <Rowan.Williams at> Subject: RE: A true honeymoon [Sec: Unclassified] Hey Aaron, Why bother with a register? You do have a best man, doncha?! ;-) Cheers, Rowan Williams Canberra Brewers Club [9588.6, 261.5] AR (statute miles) - ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you have received this transmission in error please notify us immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies. If this e-mail or any attachments have been sent to you in error, that error does not constitute waiver of any confidentiality, privilege or copyright in respect of information in the e-mail or attachments. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 16:55:16 -0600 From: Francisco Jones <frandog at> Subject: Bad year for hops (4th send attempt, thangyouverymuch) Rama, near San Fran, laments: |The 2005 year was a wash for the hop vines this year too. Some squirrels |took an interest in the younger rhizomes of one varietal, so only the Mt |Hood survived- but interestingly didn't produce a single cone (despite |being 3 years old, and producing the previous 2 years. Whats up with |that?) I had very high hopes this year for my two newest vines, an Ultra and a Willamette, since this was their second summer. They are in half barrels so as to not take over the yard, but they are my only hops to have proper ropes to grow on (0.25 in diameter jute, 25 ft high). However, this year they produced nothing, nada, the big zilcho! A few (and I mean like literally, three) hops formed early on, but they stayed small, browned early, and had no aroma when crushed. There was nothing at all to harvest. Those two vines produced more harvestable hops the first year I planted them. I think I got about 8g of Willamette and 17g of Ultra last year (dry weight). You can imagine my disappointment! I am awash in Casacdes every year, despite their inadequate trellis, but those vines are over 10 years old. But I'm sick of Casacdes - I've been itching for some variety, and some hops more appropriate to style(s). And even those Cascades didn't produce as well as the previous two years. My Fuggles NEVER do well, but the harvest was zero this year, compared to something like 20g (dry) last year. We did have a very dry and hot summer in the Chicago area this year. I'm hoping the bad harvest is as simple as that, and not something more sinister. But San Fran is a long way from here. So bad hop crop in Chicago and San Fran for 2005. Anyone else have harvest reports? Just as a point of reference, because I'm a data nerd, my hops have been consistently losing 80% of their fresh-picked weight during the drying process. I have been keeping better track this year than in previous years, so I can better estimate the expected dry weight right when I come in from the field. I have seen 75% listed in the lit. as the amount of weight they will lose. So I was surprised that mine are getting drier. I have a good oast with plenty of space, forced air, and gentle heat. That, plus the laminated O2 barrier bags (polyethylene/polyester) and a vacuum sealer have revolutionized my hop production and storage process. Now I just need to find something more effective at tamping them than my fist. An ammonia/alcohol solution is very effective at dissolving the staining, persistent yellow hop resins off your hands, vacuum sealer, and kitchen counter, btw. Francisco Jones Kankakee, IL [256 magnetic/196 nm] AR Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 18:35:07 -0700 From: "eric" <zeee1 at> Subject: Chocolate DME and salt brine ice chiller Hello all If you have read my post on ice temp vs chilling temp, delete it from your memory. I mistakenly wrote that if the ice is right at 32 f (melting point) then adding salt would not lower the water temp. My bad! Adding salt to ice water will lower the temp of the water from the latent heat in the ice. I would like to know what to expect from chocolate DME, adding one pound to 4-5 pounds of light DME for a 5 gallon batch. Is 1 lb too much? Is this similar to "chocolate" grains, as in Porter-like? Or is this more chocolate milk like? Thanks Eric Deweyville, UT Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 15:31:31 +0000 From: "Kerry I. Wilkerson" <kerry_wilkerson_ui at> Subject: Small Cap Stox Can Sizzle Great Pick for Professional Services Industry!! In this issue of the November St0ck-Pick Newsletter, the featured Play of the Month is AccountAbilities, Inc. (HTSC). +++++++++++Current Profile++++++++++++ AccountAbilities, Inc. (OTC: HTSC) Symb0l: HTSC . pk Current_Price: $0.12 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Watch this one trade starting Wednseday Morning and Especially the rest of this week. The volume and price of this stock has been ticking upward over the past week. A huge PR campaign just started now and the price is expected to continue its surge. Big increases appear possible! * 4 mi||i0n d0||ars in revenue over the next 12 months!! About the company: Established in 2001, AccountAbilities is a publicly traded company, currently trading under the symbol "HTSC." The company is engaged in the professional staffing industry, marketing, and management services to professional services firms in the Accounting and Professional fields. * Seize Opportunity * AccountAbilities is a U.S. based-company providing "niche" recruitment and marketing services for high-end professional service companies. Companies are increasingly contracting for the services provided by AccountAbilities, Inc. This is due to the volatile turnover rates in theprofessional services industry, On Friday, AccountAbilities, Inc. announced 2 new service contracts with top-tier CPA firms. These contracts are expected to bring $4,000,000 in revenue over the next 12 months, significantly increasing current revenues. Does It Sound New and Exciting To You? How High Will This Stock Rise? Please Review Exactly What this Company Does. Why Consider American Petroleum Group, Inc.'s? AccountAbilities, Inc. (HTSC), has recently been awarded a contract to provide their services to Carter, Belcourt and Atkinson, a CPA firm out of Tampa, Florida and Tedder, James and Worden, a CPA firm out of Orlando, Florida. It is anticipated that each location will generate $2,000,000 in yearly revenue. It also anticipated that AccountAbilities, Inc will begin providing services to several other key clients before the year's end. Allan Hartley, President of AccountAbilities, stated, "This is a significant step for our company. Since joining our network they are billing on both permanent placement and contract placements within the first month of operations. This is a great catalyst toward our goal of providing services for 50 major and mid-level accounting and other professional firms across the U.S." ** Go to your favorite Financial website to read All the recent Breaking News for: * AccountAbilities, Inc. (HTSC)! * Symbol: HTSC . pk Conclusion: The examples above show the Awesome, Earning potential of little known Companies that Explode onto Investors Radar Screens. This st0ck will not be a Secret for long. You May Feel the Desire to Act Right Now! And Please Watch This One Trade! GO HTSC! _____________________________________________ d1sc|aimer: Inf0rmation within this em4i| cont4ins "f0rward _l00king _st4tements" within the meaning of Sect10n 27A of the Secur1t1es Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Secur1t1es Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "f0rward_|00king_st4tements." 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