HOMEBREW Digest #4887 Sun 13 November 2005

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  Slotted False Bottoms (homebrewdigest)
  Plate Type Wort Chillers ("Tony Wilkinson")
  RE: One Canadian?!!!! ("Brian Lundeen")
  Elderflower Champagne Brewing Advice (Daniel Pittman)
  Re:  Fermentation and Greenhouse Gases (stencil)
  Re: CO2 emmisions ("Michael O'Donnell")
  Novembeerfest ("Jim Hinken")
  Re: A.J.'s growth metabolites ("Greg 'groggy' Lehey")
  Re: aluminum immersion chiller ("Greg 'groggy' Lehey")
  Greenhouse gases from brewing and related activities ("Dave Burley")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 21:58:55 -0600 From: <bscholtz at sbcglobal.net> Subject: Greetings all. I have been brewing and lurking for about 18 months and have really appreciated all of the information and wisdom shared. I will be in Connecticut for around a week later on this month. Does anyone know of any good brew pubs, micro breweries, brew stores, or other must see brewing related attractions? I'm going to have some job interviews with lots of down time. Thanks for the great info. Happy brewing, Brendon Scholtz Tulsa, OK 918-346-8179 Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 23:29:35 -0500 From: <homebrewdigest at myxware.com> Subject: Slotted False Bottoms Hello everyone, I am in the process of heavily modifying a 1/2 bbl keg into a mash/lauter tun. I am interested in the idea of having a slotted false bottom. Does anyone have any information on what the configuration (angles of slots, and lengths) and the width of the slots and space in between them? I plan on using two pieces of 18 gauge stainless that will fit into the bottom of my keg. The two pieces will be held together by stainless hinges so the entire false bottom can fit through the opening I cut into the keg and folded out. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help in advance. Keep the kegs (or bottles) filled, Michael Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 17:33:37 +1030 From: "Tony Wilkinson" <awilk at bigpond.net.au> Subject: Plate Type Wort Chillers I was very interested in the comments made by Murray Aldridge regarding plate chillers. I chill my wort using the more conventional copper coil in the boil pot and whilst it has worked well the Therminator plate chiller seems to be a step forward in speeding up the process and giving the precursors less oportunities to invade the sweet wort. However, it raises a couple of questions which someone who has had one of these working for some time may be able to answer for me. I siphon from boiler at bench height to fermenter on ground level, will the Therminator operate effectively in this situation? I also use hop pellets and some of the residue finishes up in the fermenter, will this block the Therminator, and does it come apart for ease of cleaning when it is needed? With regard to cold break, it is my understanding that a quick cooling of the wort assists in the cold break which settles in the boiler, it appears that this can not be the case with the Therminator and the cold break precipitate ends up in the fermenter? Any comments? Tony Wilkinson Adelaide Australia. 16269.1, 268.3 Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 01:04:06 -0600 From: "Brian Lundeen" <blundeen at mts.net> Subject: RE: One Canadian?!!!! > Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 23:33:22 +0000 > From: bob.devine at att.net > Subject: Frappr map - now nearly 200 HBDers > > The global map of HBD homebrewers continues to grow. > It now has nearly 200 registrants. > > Most are Americans but there are many from Europe, one > Canadian, one person from South Africa (likely the winner in > the "farthest from Jeff Renner" contest) and a good group > from Australia/New Zealand area. > I think you need to review your geography, Bob. There are clearly 6 Canadians visible on the map. I'm curious to know, though, which one of us you thought was NOT in part of the USA. Brian, the Canadian closest to you Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 19:10:30 +1100 From: Daniel Pittman <daniel at rimspace.net> Subject: Elderflower Champagne Brewing Advice G'day. I hope this is sufficiently on topic for the list - if not, I am sorry, and apologize for mis-reading the posting advice. I am relatively new to home brewing in a formal way, but for some years now we have been brewing an Elderflower Champagne each year, with reasonable success, but very ad-hoc methods. The current recipe is, per unit: 7 Elder flower heads 1 gallon of cold water 1 1/4 lbs white sugar 2 lemons (thinly sliced) 2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar The process is to combine sugar, lemons and vinegar with boiled water cooled to get a suitable temperature for the yeast - around 25 degrees Celsius - and add the flowers themselves. The only yeast, traditionally, supplied by the flowers themselves. This sits for a couple of days, then is bottled directly, and completes fermentation in the bottle. We use plastic soft drink (soda) bottles, which don't explode often, but do deform under the pressure. One of the problems is that the result can be anywhere between very dry and very sweet, for bottles out of the same batch. I would like to get a relatively sweet, and relatively low alcohol result, but I am not quite sure how to go about it. I would love advice. Regards, Daniel Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 09:39:02 -0500 From: stencil <etcs.ret at verizon.net> Subject: Re: Fermentation and Greenhouse Gases in Homebrew Digest #4885 (Thu 10 November 2005) Bob Tower expresses concern >[ ... ] Does it have much of an impact on the environment >(specifically CO2 released into the atmosphere)? The key concerns are with the oxidation of carbon that previously had been sequestered away from the atmosphere, buried far beneath the surface in the form of coal or petroleum, and in the abyss as clathrates. The CO2 that we and our yeast emit is a minor part of the continuous surface cycle and doesn't amount to a fart in a hurricane compared the volumes of new material contributed by submarine smokers and similar volcanic events. DW-HAHB stencil sends [535.2mi, 86.4deg] AR Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 07:24:29 -0800 From: "Michael O'Donnell" <mooseo at stanford.edu> Subject: Re: CO2 emmisions > >Bob Tower wonders about Fermentation and Greenhouse Gases... Industrial CO2 is generally a byproduct of other processes, including producing ammonia and, more and more frequently, fermentation. Only a little bit is extracted, and I doubt any of us are buying ultrapure CO2 at the local welding shop. In other words, brewing use is merely getting one more use out of it before eventual release to the atmosphere anyway. In the future, there are some plans to sequester the CO2 from such processes as oil drilling, liquify (or solidify) it, and sink it into the bottom of the ocean, in which case, you might grumble that brewing use is removing CO2 from this stream, but I'll bet all the beer drinkers in the world wouldn't use as much CO2 as a big sequestration facility would release when they shut down for repairs. (random web source for these facts: http://www.asbcnet.org/resources/CO2.html ) Mike Tower is right about the grain releasing only some of the carbon bound up during growing grains. In this case Charlie P. hit the nut: DWRHAH. Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 09:31:37 -0800 From: "Jim Hinken" <jim.hinken at verizon.net> Subject: Novembeerfest Novembeerfest 2005 was held Saturday, November 5. Best of Show was won by Jonny Miner of Seattle, with a Biere de Garde. The Novembeerfest organizers wish to thank Larry's Brewing Supply for hosting the competition and also thank our sponsors for their generous support. Novembeerfest 2005 was sponsored by Larry's Brewing Supply, Pacific Crest Brewing, Mountain Homebrew and Wine Supply, The Cellar Homebrew, Bob's Homebrew Supply, The Beer Essentials, Meconi's Pub and Eatery, The Ram Restaurant and Brewery, John I. Haas, Inc., Dick's Brewery, Hop Union, Harmon Brewery and Restaurant, Snoqualmie Falls Brewing, and Georgetown Brewing. Novembeerfest results are available at http://www.impalingalers.org/Nfest_2005/tblRank.html. Jim Hinken Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 12:04:32 +0200 From: "Greg 'groggy' Lehey" <grog at lemis.com> Subject: Re: A.J.'s growth metabolites On Wednesday, 9 November 2005 at 14:07:27 -0600, Francisco Jones wrote: > A.J. writes: > >> I'm also aware that the Whitelabs website advises pitching at >> 70F and dropping to 48 - 55F only after things are well under >> way. I'm too chicken to do this being nervous enough about >> the growth metabolites in a starter of such volume grown at 70F. > > This is what I normally do when making a lager. Seem like more of a time > saving measure than anything else. Time is on the side of infections. If you pitch a beer and it takes 3 days to get going, that's 3 days for other organisms to get their act together. Greg - -- Finger grog at lemis.com for PGP public key See complete headers for address and phone numbers Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 12:03:06 +0200 From: "Greg 'groggy' Lehey" <grog at lemis.com> Subject: Re: aluminum immersion chiller On Wednesday, 9 November 2005 at 8:42:24 -0800, Denny Conn wrote: > At 11:56 PM 11/8/05 -0500, [you] wrote: >> I have read that copper--if its not cleaned with acid >> before use--does oxidize wort. So, it makes sense to make >> an immersion chiller from Aluminum rather than copper. The >> thermal properties are close, and I'll get less oxidation. >> Because I use tubing and clamps, the lack of solderability >> doesn't bother me at all. >> >> Has anyone tried this? Am I missing something here? > > I think that what you're missing is that there are hundreds > (thousands?) of people who use copper wort chillers and don't get > oxidized wort! While I can't see anything wrong with an AL chiller, > I certainly don't see a compelling need for one, either. Another thing that's missing is an oxidant. That's needed for oxidation :-) Copper is an exceedingly weak reducing agent, and the coating on it is probably oxide, but it's not likely to promote any oxidation of the wort, and even if it did, it would be negligible. Greg - -- Finger grog at lemis.com for PGP public key See complete headers for address and phone numbers Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 09:25:31 -0500 From: "Dave Burley" <Dave_Burley at charter.net> Subject: Greenhouse gases from brewing and related activities Brewsters: Bob Towers wonders about the CO2 quantity generated by brewing and how it relates to the generation of greenhouse gases. I can only say. Put it in perspective and think about all those billions of tons of leaves and such decomposing each year due to bacterial and yeast activity and you will see that human contribution from brewing is insignificant. Next question is, however, the quantity of methane produced from drinking all that beer? {8^) Keep on Brewin' Dave Burley Return to table of contents
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