HOMEBREW Digest #4893 Sun 20 November 2005

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  Re: Home Brewery Pictures, peristaltic pumps (Scott Alfter)
  Hops and anticancer ("Dave Burley")
  Lager darkened  in keg ("parkwebonly")
  Blogging Homebrewers ("Dave Larsen")
  7th Annual Palmetto State Brewers Open (Gerald Jowers)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 22:04:54 -0800 From: Scott Alfter <scott at alfter.us> Subject: Re: Home Brewery Pictures, peristaltic pumps Dylan Tack wrote: > On to the burner - I wanted to boil in the kitchen, but our wimpy > Magic-Chef stove was no way up to the task. I decided to go with the > Superb burner. At 35,000 BTU/hr, it is comparable to a household oven, > and appeared to be an efficient design, so I figured (hoped) that the > carbon monoxide would be manageable indoors. > I plumbed it into the propane line that feeds our stove - and it works > great! It ran for nearly two hours, with only an open window for > ventilation, and the CO meter stayed at zero. I had been a little > worried, because others on HBD had reported CO problems with the Superb > burner. I would think that carbon monoxide wouldn't be a problem as long as the burner is properly adjusted. After all, running your kitchen stove for hours at a time won't kill you. Large stores and warehouses frequently power their forklifts, floor-cleaning equipment, etc. with propane when they're operated indoors. My understanding of the matter is that you don't want yellow flame. That indicates a too-rich fuel/air mixture, which produces soot and carbon monoxide. If you lean out the mixture so that you get a consistent blue flame, you should get little or no carbon monoxide. I made a couple or three batches indoors with a turkey fryer, and I'm still here. :-) It sent the indoor temperature skyrocketing into the low to mid-80s, though, and I get piss-poor ventilation when I open the one window that I have here. I ended up going electric with my brewing: http://alfter.us/heatstick/heatstick/ I get a shorter warmup time and a stronger boil than I ever did with gas, which leads to a better hot break. Between that and a better cold break from an improved cooling setup after the boil (circulating tap water through an immersion chiller to drop the temperature down to 100-110, then switching to ice water recirculated with a swamp-cooler pump to drop it the rest of the way), I'm making better beer than before. Because I'm dumping heat directly into the wort (instead of onto a pot and then into the wort), heating efficiency is greatly improved, as indicated by the indoor temperature barely nudging upward from its usual setting in the mid-70s. This also ends up being a safer setup for indoor use. It does away with the potential open-flame and indoor-propane-tank hazards, and stopping a potential boilover is as easy as flipping a switch. There's usually more than one way to flay a feline in this hobby, but after using the heatsticks, I don't think I'd want to go back to using gas unless I had no other choice. _/_ Scott Alfter / v \ Visit the SNAFU website today! (IIGS( http://snafu.alfter.us/ Top-posting! \_^_/ rm -rf /bin/laden >What's the most annoying thing on Usenet? Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 11:40:48 -0500 From: "Dave Burley" <Dave_Burley at charter.net> Subject: Hops and anticancer Brewsters: An interesting bit of health news from Food Navigator - USA - --------------------------- Hops rich in anti-cancer compounds 11/18/2005- New research into a flavonoid compound found only in hops shows that it may help prevent cancer if a method to improve its absorption in the body can be found. The anti-cancer activity of xanthohumol was first discovered around 10 years ago by a team at Oregon State University in the US. But although some brewers are now marketing products enriched in the compound, such as Germany's Xam, the US researchers say beer is unlikely to offer any anti-cancer benefits. Fred Stevens, based at Oregon's Linus Pauling Institute, told NutraIngredients.com: "Even with higher levels of xanthuomol in beer it is very hard to get the levels we tested in cell cultures into the bloodstream." "Absorption is very limited and even if it was all absorbed, there is very active metabolism. The xanthuomol is mostly glucaronated." Nevertheless, Stevens believes the findings are promising enough to merit further research, and also to look at different methods of consumption. "If you put the compound in a capsule, that's a whole different story," he said. A number of studies in cell culture and in animal models have demonstrated the flavonoid's ability to kill cancer cells, including a recent study presented at the AACR meeting in Baltimore earlier this month. The poster presentation described how xanthohumol killed prostate cancer in cells and animal models through apoptosis. In previous work looking at breast, ovarian and colon cancer cells, the researchers have also identified other mechanisms of anti-cancer action. Xanthohumol, and other related flavonoids in hops, appear to inhibit the family of enzymes commonly called cytochromes P450 that can activate the cancer process. It also induces activity in a 'quinone reductase' process that helps the body detoxify carcinogens. Other research groups have picked up on the research and are looking further at the compound. "The published literature and research on its properties are just exploding at this point, and there's a great deal of interest," added Stevens. It is thought that hops might be produced or genetically engineered to have higher levels of xanthohumol, specifically to take advantage of its anti-cancer properties. Some beers already have higher levels of these compounds than others. Lager and pilsner beers have fairly low levels of these compounds, but some porter, stout and ale brews have much higher levels. Ideally, researchers say, cancer chemoprevention is targeted at the early stages of cancer development and prevented by long-term exposure to non-toxic nutrients, food supplements or drugs that prevent the formation of cancers. With its broad spectrum activity, presence in food products, and ability to inhibit cancer at low concentrations, xanthohumol might be a good candidate for that list. Meanwhile the US government's National Institutes of Health is funding a study to test the potential for another hops compound, structurally very similar but with oestrogenic properties, to help menopause symptoms. - -------------------------- And in this last statement I am reminded of the joke about the effect of too many beers on a bunch of guys and them becoming more feminine and now we have scientific evidence - it must be the hops. {8^) Keep on Brewin' Dave Burley Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 21:27:14 -0600 From: "parkwebonly" <parkwebonly at austin.rr.com> Subject: Lager darkened in keg Brewed a basic BudMillerCoors American Lager that I've done a few times before. Everything was fine going into the keg - golden color and the taste I expected. After 3 weeks lagering in my kegerator I sampled it this evening and the beer has noticeably darkened and tastes very different. Hard to describe - bitterness going down but with a sickly sweet aftertaste. Any ideas on what could have happened? Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 18:36:45 +0000 From: "Dave Larsen" <hunahpumonkey at hotmail.com> Subject: Blogging Homebrewers Some people have mentioned that the number of posts on HBD has diminished over the years, though readership, I imagine, is still pretty high. One of the reasons for this, I think, is that the Internet is a bigger place, and there are more places now where people talk about brewing. Discussions are somewhat scattered. I know for me that I tend to write stuff in my brewing blog and I also read a lot of brewing blogs. Since HBD, in my opinion, is still the center of the brewing universe, I thought I'd post about some of the blogs I read. John, of The Musings of Fish, is a new homebrewer who has brewed with his friend Matt of The Prancing Tarantula. He is working on building his brewery at home, but wonders if his kitchen is big enough. John's blog is not strictly about brewing; it is about his life, which includes occasional posts about brewing. http://fishmuse.blogspot.com/ Matt, on the other hand, of the afore mentioned The Prancing Tarantula, is an experienced brewer, who also makes wine and other things. He is toying with the idea of going all-grain. Matt's blog has a high percentage of posts about brewing. http://prantran.blogspot.com/ The Marcobrau Brew Journal is a very tight blog where the writer sticks to his guns, blogging about batches he's done, his process, tasting notes, and so on. Like clockwork, you know where he is in the process of doing each batch. Most of the posts on this blog are about brewing. http://marcobrau.blogspot.com/ SudsPundit is a group of blogging brewers, all writing about brewing on one site. One of them in particular, Brian, is from Tucson, just like me. Like the Marcobrau Brew Journal, mentioned above, it is a very tight blog. They rarely deviate from the subject of brewing. http://sudspundit.blogspot.com/ The last one listed here is Bad Ben's Ramblings. Ben is a very experienced homebrewer who has done strictly all-grain brewing for 18 years. I was very impressed by his massive, home built, conical fermenter, which he has pictured on his site. Ben's blog, like John's above, is not just about brewing; it is about his life, which includes posts about brewing, and other things, like running. http://badbenkc.blogspot.com/ I am curious as to how many other HBD readers also have blogs where they post brewing discussions. Dave, the all-grain evangelist Tucson, AZ http://hunahpu.blogspot.com/ Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 18:01:18 -0800 (PST) From: Gerald Jowers <sumter1802 at yahoo.com> Subject: 7th Annual Palmetto State Brewers Open Wednesday, November 23, 2005 is the deadline for registering for the Palmetto State Brewers Open homebrew competition. Registration may be made online. Check the competition website for details and registration:http://www.sagecat.com/psb/psbo7.htm. Entries should be shipped for delivery by November 28 or personally delivered to the registrar on Friday December 2. Judges and stewards may bring preregistered entries on the day of the competition, December 3. This is the last qualifying event for the 2005 Carolinas Brewer of the Year competition. Entries are welcomed from anyone and we especially want entries from other regions. We will award spectacular ribbons and prizes. Gerald Jowers Organizer and Judge Director Columbia, South Carolina (a long way from Jeff Renner) Return to table of contents
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