HOMEBREW Digest #4902 Fri 02 December 2005

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  Refractometer vs. Hydrometer... And MORE! (Bev Blackwood II)
  Eating Hops (Thomas Rohner)
  Re: Rennerian co-ordinates (Jeff Renner)
  Re: Bicentenary All Grain Brew... (Jeff Renner)
  RE: Eating Hops ("Doug Hurst")
  Refractometers anyone ? ("steve.alexander")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 22:39:41 -0600 From: Bev Blackwood II <bdb2 at bdb2.com> Subject: Refractometer vs. Hydrometer... And MORE! So many interesting threads, so little time... > Hydrometers are a cast-iron pain in the *ss to use. I could never be > bothered to take regular readings with one. The refractometer is so > much easier to use that it's no big deal to track gravity from pre- > boil > to the keg. I'll second that. Although, what I do is use the Refractometer on brew day and double check with the Hydrometer at the end of the day. My understanding is that once fermentation begins, Refractometers are pretty much useless. I use hydrometers after day 1 of fermentation. My freezer is sufficient to cool my samples to get accurate results and I always enjoy tasting the results after the gravity reading! > Subject: Bicentenary All Grain Brew... > Yes, the 200th all grain brew is coming up! I started brewing in 1977 Hmmmm... I'm getting ready for brew #100, and I started in 1998... So I get to #200 in 2014... :-) > Steve, I don't understand why you want to monitor the fermentation > progress continuously at all, let alone with great precision and > accuracy; it seems a very invasive activity to me. I'd have to agree... the beauty of a clear fermentation vessel is the visual confirmation of the quality of the fermentation... If it's blowing the top off, you KNOW it's going to do well. On the other hand, that 1/2 inch layer of foam that never grows could be a sign you need to be paying closer attention. Granted, if you're keen to stop fermentation somewhere between OG and the yeast's notion of FG, you'll have to choose your moment by taking constant readings. But I can't help but be concerned that every time the stopper comes out of the carboy to take a sample, you're inviting an infection. -BDB2 Bev D. Blackwood II Brewsletter Editor The Foam Rangers http://www.foamrangers.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 11:45:55 +0100 From: Thomas Rohner <t.rohner at bluewin.ch> Subject: Eating Hops Hello All in the hop producing regions like here around lake constance (Tettnang in Germany and Stammheim in Switzerland) it's a seasonal treat. It's made in different ways, for example like asparagus tips. If you can read german, there is a very good cooking page. http://www.chefkoch.de You have to search for "Hopfensprossen". (hop sprouts) There are a couple of recipes. (We just made our second batch of "Sauerkraut" yesterday) Cheers Thomas Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 09:25:30 -0500 From: Jeff Renner <jsrenner at umich.edu> Subject: Re: Rennerian co-ordinates "simon vogel" <vogelsimon at hotmail.com> wrote: > Jeff's new address noted -does this mean we've all moved as well ? No, just a virtual move to a new email address for me. I decided to take advantage of the University of Michigan's offer to alumni of a free email address (not an account). It is just redirected to my old comcast address. But I figure this should be the last address change for me (until they come up with something different from email). If I change ISPs, I'll just change the redirection, and it will be transparent. I've had a few inquiries asking if I were now teaching at U of M. No - I was lucky to manage a degree from them! Jeff - --- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, jsrennerATumichDOTedu "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 ***Please note new address*** Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 10:42:43 -0500 From: Jeff Renner <jsrenner at umich.edu> Subject: Re: Bicentenary All Grain Brew... "Cave, Jim" <Cave at psc.org> wrote from an undisclosed location (psc.org suggests Vancouver, BC?): > Yes, the 200th all grain brew is coming up! I started brewing in > 1977 when many of you were in diapers ... My first all grain brew was > on March 28th, 1991 > Congratulations. I'm just about four years ahead of you on total, but managed all-grain as early as 1979, thanks to Dave Line's Big Book of Brewing. There aren't too many of us who have stuck with this great hobby as long as we have. > I would suggest that I would once again brew a barley wine. > A most logical choice. You don't say why your 100th brew barley wine was a disappointment. Perhaps if we knew, we could suggest ingredients better. I once made a disappointing one from all pale malt, and have decided that with my water (I did remove the bicarbonates) and/or brewing techniques, I need a bit of dark malt in pale ales of whatever strength. Otherwise, they seem flabby. An exception was an all pale malt historic IPA at 1.070 and a calculated 100+ IBU in which I used my bicarbonaceous water without removing the bicarbonate but added a whole lot of gypsum. This turned out fine. Regardless of your grain and hop bill, consider your water, too. I think that a barley wine can use a fair amount of gypsum, at least with my water. > I will make a normal pale ale the week before and use much of that > yeast for the barley wine, so consideration of a > starter in unnecessary. > I suggest that even with freshly repitched yeast that you rejuvenate it by feeding it, preferably with a low gravity (1.025) starter wort with added nutrients and continuous aeration with filtered air and on a stir plate if you have one. It's my experience that this boosts the yeast's performance, which is especially important in a high gravity beer. You might consider using some proprietary yeast supplement as well in the wort itself - Servomyces, Fermaid, etc. But my main suggestion is that you consider brewing an English style bw and do a true secondary bottle fermentation using Brettanomyces claussenii, now available from WhiteLabs. See my post http://hbd.org/ hbd/archive/4608.html#4608-9. While Brettanomyces spp. are in general avoided like hell in wineries (N. Italian wines like Barolo are an exception), they are necessary for many Belgian beers (B. lambicus and B. bruxellensis) and were a part of the flavor profile of traditional English stock ales (B. claussenii) until about WWI. I've appended some relevant excerpts from a paper about this wild yeast in traditional English stock ale below. Try to get past the flavor descriptions in the first sentence. ;-) Jeff ======== What is "Brett" (Brettanomyces) Flavor? A Preliminary Investigation J. L. Licker, T. E. Acree, and T. Henick-Kling, Cornell University, Department of Food Science & Technology, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY, 14456 PRESENTED American Chemical Soc. symposium , 213th National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 1997. PUBLISHED Chemistry of Wine Flavor. A. L. Waterhouse and S. E. Ebeler, eds., ACS symposium series, volume 714, 1998, 96-115 (c)1999 American Chemical Society. Barnyard, horse sweat, Band-aid, burnt plastic, wet animal, wet leather: all have been used to describe an aroma or flavor characteristics in some wines deemed "Bretty". The organisms cited for the production of this character are the yeasts of the genus Brettanomyces and Dekkera. In the literature, 4- ethyl phenol and 4- ethyl guaicol are the identified volatile phenolic compounds associated with this off-odor in wine. Included in this report is a review of "Brett" flavor and results from our recent study on wines identified by their respective wine makers as having "Brett" character . In wines with "Brett" character, sensory profiles showed an increase in plastic odors and a decrease in fruit odors. I. LITERATURE REVIEW A. The Beginning of "Brettanomyces" N. Hjelte Claussen, then director of the Laboratory of the New Carlsberg Brewery, in Copenhagen, Denmark, introduced the word "Brettanomyces" at a special meeting of the Institute of Brewing in April 1904 (1). Claussen proved that a type of English beer known as stock beer underwent a slow secondary fermentation after the completion of the primary fermentation. The secondary fermentation was induced by inoculating the wort with a pure strain of Brettanomyces: a non-Saccharomyces, Torula-like asporogeneous (non- spore forming) yeast. The flavors produced during the secondary fermentation were characteristic of the strong British beers of that time. Claussen chose the name "Brettanomyces" for the close connection between the yeast and the British brewing industry. In 1903 Claussen obtained a patent in England for his process of adding Brettanomyces yeast "to impart the characteristic flavour and condition of English beers to bottom-fermentation beers and for improving English beers" (3). At that time it was unknown how the wine-like flavor developed in British beers. Brewers used the method developed by Hansen in 1883 for the inoculation of pure yeasts in bottom fermented beers; however, they were unsuccessful in their attempts to use the method to recreate the flavors of well- conditioned top fermented English stock beers. These were stored in cask, vat or bottle for more than a week after racking. Unfortunately for Claussen's discovery, the strength of British beers began to decline, in large part due to excise tax increases (4-7) . Low attenuated beers that forgo storage after racking (running beers) replaced the stock beers along with the associated flavor characteristic of this British national beverage (7) Claussen (1) noted a beer must reach a certain degree of attenuation to receive the benefits of a "pure flavoured product"; otherwise, the low attenuated beer "thus infected (with Brettanomyces) possesses a peculiar impure and sweet mawkish taste, whilst at the same time an English character becomes apparent to the nose and a very similar impure taste is the result" (1). C. Flavors Associated with Brettanomyces in Beer "English character". Claussen (1) stressed "a general rule cannot be given for all cases, but the quality of Brettanomyces to be added must be regulated by local circumstances, more especially by the time the beer has to be stored and by the temperature of the storing room." A Brettanomyces inoculation with a wort of 1055 specific gravity and a room temperature of 24-27 C would achieve the "English" character. Schimwell confirmed these conditions: a 1.060 specific gravity was essential to achieve a "vinous" wine-like flavour (6); in contrast, a beer under 1.050 would produce an unpalatable and turbid beer with an objectionable, insipid flavor and aroma (77). As Shimwell (6) noted, Brettanomyces can behave "as a desirable organism in one beer and an undesirable one at one and the same brewery". - --- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, jsrennerATumichDOTedu "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 ***Please note new address*** Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 09:57:45 -0600 From: "Doug Hurst" <dougbeer2000 at hotmail.com> Subject: RE: Eating Hops Puterbaugh Farms (aka Hops Direct) sells pickled hop shoots: http://www.hopsdirect.com/detail.src?SKU=HSPIHS&Category=Pickled%20Hop%20Shoots I've never tried them but I can't imagine there really all that tasty, but who knows. And what about those sharp prickly hairs that form on the hop bines? Ouch! They also carry various blends of hop tea. That sounds more appealing to me as long as it's not steeped too long or too hot. I bet the tea has a great aroma. Oh, and of course I'm NAJASCYYY Doug Hurst Chicago, IL [197.5, 264.8] Apparent Rennerian Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 19:24:10 -0500 From: "steve.alexander" <-s at adelphia.net> Subject: Refractometers anyone ? Bob Tower wrote: >I'm surprised nobody's mentioned refractometers yet. They're cheaper >than you think (I bought mine from an eBay seller for ~$50 shipped, and Only cheap refractometers are cheaper than you think. Here's a word to the wise - never buy an optical instrument based on a low price. A good tool is a joy to use, but a fussy cheap one with fuzzy line width is a bane till the day it hits the trash bin. The optics I've seen on some of the cheesy Chinese instruments are dismal. > For beer, you want one that reads 0-32 deg. Brix, and has automatic > temperature compensation. Once you verify a 0 deg. Brix reading with > distilled water (you can tweak it if necessary), you can pull a sample > at any stage of the brewing process, drop it on the business end of the > refractometer, and get a reading. ProMash has a built-in utility > that'll determine true specific gravity from refractometer readings > taken at any point after the yeast is pitched, given an initial > (pre-pitching) reading. No - wrong - not really. You are missing the whole issue. Refractometers measure optical index of refraction - they DO NOT and never can measure Brix. You can *impute* a Brix value if you *assume* you're reading .... a sugar solution, or wine must .. and you have an appropriate calculation or scale. This is what the "brix" scale on your refractometer is - a calculation from IR to Brix based on *assumptions*. ProMash must do this too - make up a calculation under the assumption that you have maltose and ethanol or some other simplified model of wort/beer. That's swell until you add fructose adjunct or something with some optical activity .... Similarly hydrometers measure bouyancy and then - with recalculations as demonstrated you can impute density, then gravity which at least has a lot of characterization for wort extract. As for refractometers - yes they are a nice tool, and happily only use a drop of wort per reading. Sadly the resolution of a $100 refractometer or even a $1000 one is just as dismal as a hydrometer and they are reading a quantity (index of refraction) which is more tenuously connected to fermentation than a hydrometers SG. The $100 ATC refract's at Cole-Parmer have +-0.2 Brix accuracy/resolution for the 32 Brix scale. That's just a hair better than a +-1SG degree accurate hydrometer. I seriously doubt you could resolve 0.2 brix on most $100 refractometers, but then again my eyesight is crummy. > Hydrometers are a cast-iron pain in the *ss to use. I could never be > bothered to take regular readings with one. Right, but you are paying $100 for convenience NOT accuracy - and that's not a bad deal, but it's not exactly what I am looking for. -S Return to table of contents
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