FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: pbabcock at *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies Visit to show your appreciation! Or call them at 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Keg conditioning ("D. Clark") Re.: Renewed Fermentation ("Sean Richens") Water Analysis ("Mike Long") Burtonization, was London Water (David Edge) how do I know if my 10 lb. CO2 tank is full? ("larry maxwell") 1056/1728 Comparison ("Ken Anderson")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 09:29:03 -0500 From: "D. Clark" <clark at> Subject: Keg conditioning Hi List, I brewed a wheat beer for a Christmas gathering at my brothers house. Brewed it on December 3, figuring to rack to a secondary a week later and then keg it mid week before Christmas so it could spend a few days carbonating. Sounded good anyway. This was my usual wheat beer, made with pilsner malt, malted and raw wheat and a pound of vienna malt. Yeast was 3068 from Wyeast. I have had some off flavors develop with this yeast when it ferments in too warm a place, so I put my fermenter in the spare bedroom with the door closed. I didn't note the room temperature, but it is cool without being cold. Well, I never got around to racking to the secondary, and now it's December 20. Okay, so I'll rack straight to the keg, should be okay. I hadn't noticed any airlock activity so I figured fermentation was far enough along that the beer should be finished. Popped the top on the pail to see a big foamy head on my beer. This was not good. Hydrometer reading was 1.020. I usually see it down to 1.012. Now what? I opted to transfer the beer to the keg and leave it in the warm kitchen to see what would happen. If the fermentation restarted, I could bleed off the pressure so it would keep going, and then I could carbonate it sometime late Friday or Saturday and hope for the best. This particular keg does not have a relief valve in the lid, so I had to depress the gas-in poppet to let the pressure off, and wow, did it build up some pressure! I was blowing yeast and foam all over the kitchen every time I tried it, so by Saturday I ended out on the deck with a hose, spraying water on the keg as I vented gas and beer all over the place. My wife was very amused by all of this. I still didn't know what I had in the keg because I couldn't get the lid off, so with the tap attached I drew off a glass of foam that settled out to a very nice tasting beer. Just what I wanted, and it was certainly well carbonated! I left the keg outside to chill and served it Christmas day. It was a beautiful golden cloudy wheat beer with that clovey banana taste from the 3086. Everyone enjoyed it. Does anyone out there do keg conditioning on a regular basis? This was accidental for me, but I don't see why you couldn't add corn sugar or DME to a keg of finished beer and let it go. Would the time be the same for a keg as it would be for a bottle? More things to try I guess. Just wanted to share my story with those who would understand. Have a happy and safe 2006. Dave Clark Eagle Bridge, New York Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 15:17:42 -0600 From: "Sean Richens" <srichens at> Subject: Re.: Renewed Fermentation Mike: For fear of bottle bombs, I would keep your Russian Imperial Stout at fermentation temperature and let it finish out. Champagne yeasts are cold and alcohol tolerant by function, so you might as well let it go. To restore some body and sweetness, try lactose. Once the beer is stable, take a sample and do a dosing trial. I've used 1/2 lb per 5 USG, 1 lb would be more than enough. I find it has a "tang" that goes away slowly after bottling then it's fine. Sean Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 16:02:22 -0600 From: "Mike Long" <fourrivbrew at> Subject: Water Analysis Hello to all, I am new to the industry and am faced with the following water situation. I am hoping someone can give some guidence on how to deal with this water for brewing ales. pH--------7.2 (fluctuating) specific conductivity----------235 color--------------colorless clarity-----------clear M alkilinity----------50 Tot Hardnes-----------96 Ca Hardnes----------74 Mg Hardnes-------------22 total iron----------<0.05 Silica-----------5 Nitrate-----------3 Nitrite---------<1 Chloride----------8 Sulfate-------------44 Phosphate------1 All in ppm. Any comments and guidence would be greatly appreciated!! Regards, Mike Long Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 12:56:15 +0000 From: David Edge <david.j.edge at> Subject: Burtonization, was London Water Oops! I confused Fred Johnson and maybe others by referring to the addition of mineral salts to liquor as "Burtonization". That was the term used at the time (nineteenth century) when liquor treatment with salts began and is still sometimes used today in the UK. The point I was making was not that Fullers (Fred is trying to replicate ESB) treat their liquor to match Burton, but they (a pound to a penny) don't treat it to match some ancient "London" water profile which made poor pale ales and bitters, rather aim for a composition that suits their product. So my suggestion for an ESB would be chuck some CaCl at it, RDW&HAH. The only reason I can see for replicating eighteenth or nineteenth- century London water is if you're going to get the Weber out and make your own blown (ie popped) brown malt to make an original porter or if you want to see why Burton IPA was so much more successful than the original London sort. David Edge, Derby Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 11:27:23 -0500 From: "larry maxwell" <larrymax at> Subject: how do I know if my 10 lb. CO2 tank is full? Maybe this is a goofy question, but I haven't used my CO2 setup in a while and forgot how many psi my 10 lb. tank holds when full. The gauge reads about 750 psi. Is it going to handle my New Year's Eve crowd? Larry Maxwell Atlanta Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 14:58:23 -0500 From: "Ken Anderson" <kapna at> Subject: 1056/1728 Comparison There's been recent discussion on the B&V in regard to 1056 robustness and reliability. Here's a comparison of the actual fermentation profiles of both a 1056 and a 1728 fermentation. It was the last time I used 1056. I would imagine there are still many happy users of 1056 though. These are the first two CO2 graphs I created: Ken Anderson Return to table of contents
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