HOMEBREW Digest #497 Mon 17 September 1990

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  Belgium Beer Tours (Tom Nolan)
  Holiday Brew Recipes? (Chris Quint)
  Soda Pop and taxes (Mike Charlton)
  Thomas Kemper - a minor correction (Rick Noah Zucker)
  Re: Belgium (Todd Koumrian)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 14 Sep 90 10:45:42 EDT From: nolan at lheavx.DNET.NASA.GOV (Tom Nolan) Subject: Belgium Beer Tours The folks that are contemplating a tour of Belgium for the beers should really try to see the 1st episode of "The Beer Hunter" which aired several weeks ago on The Discovery Channel. This first-of-the-series contained a lot of interesting information (some of which has been repeated here in the Digest) and was for me at least a real eye-opener on Belgian brewing. Maybe you can find someone in a local homebrew club who recorded the thing on videotape. The Discovery Channel has been airing ads for the whole series on tape for $35 or so. (I keep thinking of this Steve Allen story when, upon learning that a friend was from Belgium, he replied "Oh, I didn't know you were Belch!"). Tom Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 90 10:03:34 PDT From: Chris Quint <quint at hpindqj.cup.hp.com> Subject: Holiday Brew Recipes? Allow me to start off this year's thread on Holiday Brews. I'd like to brew up a batch of something like Anchor's Christmas Ale for the Holidays this year. Hopefully there is still time for it to age to an acceptable level before the end of December. Does anyone have a recipe that they have tried and would like to share? Thanks, Chris Return to table of contents
Date: 13 Sep 90 22:08:24 EDT From: brew at ncrmud.Columbia.NCR.COM Someone a few digests back mentioned using a freezer for a keg cooler. This sounds like a workable solution for kegs. I am also looking for a way to not only store kegs, but to have a place to lager beer while still in the glass carboy. My concern with using a chest freezer is lifting an already unwieldy carboy full of beer into such a freezer. How do others handle this? Lager in the keg? - ---- Would those who have beer refrigerators discuss how your choice for your refrigerator was made. Did you choose a no-frost model? How do you store kegs that when full weigh about 45 pounds each when fridge shelves seem so fragile? Has anyone used an old soft drink cooler, the kind in which you stack drinks on the bottom and has a sliding door on top? -Jim Griggers West Columbia, SC. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 90 12:25:37 CDT From: Mike Charlton <umcharl3 at ccu.UManitoba.CA> Subject: Soda Pop and taxes Hi all. Becuase I've exploded many a bottle (including beer bottles) making soda pop, I have come up with a virtually fool proof method for making naturally carbonated soda pop without the risk of shrapnel. (I don't have a soda keg system yet, so I can't artificially carbonate it). Here's a recipe for ginger beer with my method for bottling: 1 Imperial gallon of water 1 pound sugar 1-5 oz. peel and crushed fresh ginger (to taste really...) 1 lemon 1/4 oz. cream of tartar yeast (I use dried baking yeast) Bring the water to a boil. Add ginger, sugar, cream of tartar and grated lemon peel (using only the yellow part of the peel). Boil for about 5 mins. and then let cool. When it is cool, add the juice from the lemon and the yeast. Let this sit for a few hours (usually 3 or 4) to let the yeast get started. Strain through a towel and bottle in 2 litre plastic pop bottles. It is important that these bottles be new, because the plastic in the bottles will soak up whatever was in them previously. I have found that as long as they have only had pop in them, they are all right. MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO STERILIZE OR DISINFECT THESE BOTTLES. Just make sure they are clean. Screw the caps on the bottles and let them sit in a warm place until the bottles are hard (this means that they are well carbonated). I find that it takes less than 8 hours (and sometimes as little as 2 or 3 hours) for this to happen. Put the bottles in the freezer (standing straight up). Leave them there for several hours (but don't let them freeze). After taking them out of the freezer, decant the liquid off the yeast sediment and rebottle (I usually bottle them in pint sized plastic pop bottles). Put the new bottles in the fridge. This procedure gives you far more control of the carbonation than any other I have found. It also enables you to have relatively yeast free pop (which my brother demands). Note that the pop still tends to carbonate while in the fridge, but at a much slower rate than other bottling methods I've used. Regarding taxes: 5 cents is nothing! Here in Manitoba Canada taxes eat up 56 cents out of every dollar on beer! Count yourselves lucky. Of course we do have the third highest tax rate in the world... Mike Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 90 10:28:39 -0700 From: noah at cs.washington.edu (Rick Noah Zucker) Subject: Thomas Kemper - a minor correction >Date: 13 Sep 90 16:25:28 EDT >From: Jay Hersh <75140.350 at compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #493 (September 11, 1990) > >Glad to hear the oatmeal stout is going well for patrick. He mentioned >blueberry beers. I tried a commercial golden colored beer by Thomas Kemper >of Oregon I believe that had a distinct blueberry flavor imparted by a strain >of yeast that >created the right ester. Anyone else ever tried this and have >they seen this yeast strain out and about?? Just a minor correction - Thomas Kemper is from Poulsbo, Washington, across the water from Seattle. They used to be on Bainbridge Island, also on the other side of Puget Sound from Seattle. They actually brew a pilsner, a tough style to brew that most micros do not seem to want to attempt. But then again, Thomas Kemper specializes in lagers and most micros (at least around here) brew ales. Rick Zucker Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 1990 14:26:59 PDT From: todd at NISC.SRI.COM (Todd Koumrian) Subject: Re: Belgium Thanks to the many people who responded to my inquiries prior to setting up a trip to Belgium. Chuck Cox, I've been behind in reading my mail and just saw your posting. Thanks for the tips on what the real language situation is like, and it sounds like I'll be ok. I'd be interested in some notes taken, to help augment what I have in books like M Jackson's. Todd Koumrian Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #497, 09/17/90 ************************************* -------
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