HOMEBREW Digest #4989 Thu 06 April 2006

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  Judges & Entries Needed, 13th Annual BUZZ Off June 3rd ("Christopher Clair")
  CO2 volumes in fermentor ("Dave Draper")
  re: Gluten-Free Beer ("steve.alexander")
  RE: Leave the campden to the vintners ("Andrew Jepeal")
  UV Light for sanitizing ("Andrew Jepeal")
  RE: PID Controllers (Steven Parfitt)
  RE: Campden/sodium metabisulfite as time saving/2 day brewing aid? ("Eric Wescott")
  UV light for sterilization, 2 day brewing (Michael Hetzel)
  Safale K-97 ("Dave Draper")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 23:08:14 -0400 From: "Christopher Clair" <buzzclub at verizon.net> Subject: Judges & Entries Needed, 13th Annual BUZZ Off June 3rd Brewers Unlimited Zany Zymurgists (BUZZ) is proud to announce that the 13th annual BUZZ Off home brew competition will be held on Saturday, June 3rd at Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant in West Chester, PA. For another year we will be a qualifying event for the prestigious Masters Championship of Amateur Brewing (MCAB) as well as the Delaware Valley Homebrewer of the Year. All BJCP recognized styles (2004 guidelines) including meads and ciders are eligible for entry. We are also having a special bottle label category this year. For complete details and forms, please visit the BUZZ web site at http://hbd.org/buzz. Entries will be accepted between May 13th and May 26th. For drop off and mail in locations please refer to the BUZZ web site. Please, do not mail entries to Iron Hill. BJCP Judges and stewards will be needed. If you are interested please contact me or another committee member (contact information can be found on the web site). All judges must be BJCP certified (any ranking). Good luck and cheers! Christopher Clair buzzclub <at> verizon.net http://hbd.org/buzz "The mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer." - Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 21:12:00 -0600 From: "Dave Draper" <david at draper.name> Subject: CO2 volumes in fermentor Dear Friends, In #4988 Fred Johnson asks how much CO2 is dissolved in beer at the end of fermentation prior to priming. Years ago when Mark Hibberd and I compiled our "priming by weight" article we tabulated that information. The assumption here is that the beer is packaged soon enough after the end of fermentation that it remains essentially saturated with CO2; we provide the saturation values as a function of temperature in that writeup, which should directly answer Fred's question. You can go directly to the section of my beer page on this subject at: http://www.unm.edu/~draper/priming.html I also have a pdf of the more verbose writeup of this procedure that appeared in Brewing Techniques during the mid-90s, which I'd be happy to provide by email. Cheers, Dave in ABQ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=- David S. Draper, Institute of Meteoritics, Univ New Mexico David at Draper dot Name Beer page: http://www.unm.edu/~draper/beer.html ...when you think about it, everything makes sense. ---Ginger Wotring Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 04:23:57 -0400 From: "steve.alexander" <steve-alexander at adelphia.net> Subject: re: Gluten-Free Beer >I know gluten-free beer comes up every once in a >while. Good call Glyn, but anyone with family or friends afflicted with celiac disease should be aware that it is NOT literally a gluten allergy. Many of the common brewing grains, wheat, rye, barley and some of the variants like spelt and triticale contain a specific protein which appears primarily in the gluten fraction. This protein triggers celiac, not gluten generally. "Gluten" is a name for a class of many thousands of proteins defined on a functional basis (the protein fraction insoluble in water, but soluble in some other solvent). Corn (maize) and some other grains do contain gluten (yes they do, but at low levels), but do not contain the offending specific protein. Recent studies imply that oats do not contain the problematic protein, but that's not definite. It has been suggested that the problem protein resembles one that appears in a infection bacteria, and so triggers an immune response. After all an allergy is just a name for an inappropriate immune response to an allergen, usually a protein. If that's all there was to it then celiac disease would simply be an allergy to certain grain products. It's not so simple. During the allergic response the immune system actually damages the villa of the intestines, and causes permanent and progressive damage. Celiac is actually an auto-immune disease in which the an immune system response to an external allergen triggers an immune response to native cells. Other common auto-immune diseases include, juvenile diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and quite a list of endocrine disorders. There are both genetic and environmental factors involved in the development of these auto-immune diseases, however expression of one autoimmune disease increases the odds of others - there are several identified syndromes of these. There are now relatively inexpensive genetic tests for markers which *predispose* one to celiac, but even identical twins may express differently wrt celiac. Some recent studies suggest that asymptomatic celiac may affect nearly one percent in Western populations. To recap with a touch of flame-bait, the immune system of a celiac is a bit like the Bush defense department. When faced with a real external challenge they misidentify the source and create a vigorous but misdirected response which ultimately damages the very system they intend to protect. Apparently the problem of creating a strong, specific and properly directed defense is difficult on both levels. Of course the biggest practical problem for Celiacs in Western culture is that high gluten wheats are needed to create an adequate structure for risen breads. Lower gluten grains can be used with additives to form a heavy "cake-like" structured bread, but I don't believe a credible boule or a strudel can be made without wheat. Again, it may be possible to make a beer with only corn, rice, millet, sorghum, possibly oats and so on, but I don't think we'd recognize the result as an adequate replacement for conventional barley based beer. Perhaps some good news is on the horizon. Some "wild" related grains have been identified which lack the offensive protein so perhaps these can be used to develop and non-GMO celiac-safe wheat & barley. GMO seems a surer course. -S Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 08:33:01 -0400 From: "Andrew Jepeal" <jep_62 at hotmail.com> Subject: RE: Leave the campden to the vintners Winemakers have to worry about it, but a 12% alcohol, low pH solution with little or no nutrients is pretty safe from most spoilage organisms. Add sulfite to the mix and not much will grow in there. Andy Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 08:37:37 -0400 From: "Andrew Jepeal" <jep_62 at hotmail.com> Subject: UV Light for sanitizing Correct me if I'm wrong, buy isn't UV light effecting the isohumulones in hops the reason for skunky beer? I'm not sure using UV is such a good idea. Andy Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 06:07:47 -0700 (PDT) From: Steven Parfitt <thegimp98 at yahoo.com> Subject: RE: PID Controllers Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:08:17 +0000 From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at cox.net> Subject: Controllers >WRT the thread on PID controllers: "Triac output" >could mean two things. ...snip... No, it means it has a TRIAC Output. It can ONLY drive AC loads. It can not drive a DC load as it relies on a zero cross in current to shut off. If you apply DC to it it will never turn off. The three basic outputs of commercial PID controllers are : TRIAC. Usually limited to 1 Ampere or so. It can directly drive a slave TRIAC to handle larger loads, but requires an series resistor, gate to caathode bypass cap, and a snubber in addition to the Slave Triac. 24Vdc. This is the typical output for industrial controls in the US. Europe some times uses 48V instead of 24VDC, but 24VDC is the most common. It can drive an OptoTriac (Solid State Relay), 24V relay, or a host of other devices. Current output is normally fairly low. 4-20mA (or 0-20mA in some cases) also known as 20mA current loop. This is a holdover from the older serial communciations days. The predecessor was the 60mA current loop which fell into disfavor in the 60s. it requires a special load and power supply configuration. Steven, -75 XLCH- Ironhead Nano-Brewery http://thegimp.8k.com Johnson City, TN [422.7, 169.2] Rennerian "There is no such thing as gravity, the earth sucks." Wings Whiplash - 1968 Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 10:10:59 -0400 From: "Eric Wescott" <eric.wescott at gmail.com> Subject: RE: Campden/sodium metabisulfite as time saving/2 day brewing aid? Sulfites are used commonly in wine, cider and mead making. Some people swear by them, some say they hate them. Like most brewing things, you get a mixed bag of opinions. They do work to inhibit/kill yeast and bacteria up front (pre-ferment). I believe yeast tend to be more tolerant than bacteria. Many folks use a lower level of sulfites after pressing juice of apples or grapes, which kills off the bacteria, but lets some portion of the natural yeast survive and ferment. Others use a higher dose, then let it gas out over 2-3 days, then pitch their yeast. A boil will drive out most/all of the sulfites as gas, and probably prevent any off flavors down the line or inhibited fermentation. Sulfites are also used as a preservative. Adding some level after all brewing is done will kill off your yeast, and inhibit bacteria/yeast from starting anew. This is standard practice for many wine and mead home-brewers, who plan to age their brews for over a year. It is also a present flavor in just about EVERY bottle of wine out there that you buy. (Note: buy a cheap bottle of wine and shelve it for 6 months. Much of that harsh "cheap wine" sulfite taste will fade, and your $5 bottle will suddenly taste like a $15 bottle, assuming the base wine is not junk.) Flavor. Yes, sulfites have their own flavor. After about a year of homebrewing, I started to be able to pick it up. It's harsh to me, like a rough wine, but not purely that. I can taste it in BMCs, many young wines, and some foods too. I don't like it for flavor, but that sulfite flavor does fade, after perhaps 6 months in bottle. Quantities: sorry, I don't have my notes. Look around, and do a little research on a good wine/mead forum. They should be able to help you out with how much to use depending on what you want to do. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 12:02:47 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Hetzel <hetzelnc at yahoo.com> Subject: UV light for sterilization, 2 day brewing Wil Reed mentions using shortwave UV as an option for sterilizing wort. This is might be fine for non-hopped wort (which is what this was recommended for), but I wouldn't do it unless I was sure that the light wouldn't change some compounds much like UV light does to hops. Here's a good article on the lightstruck phenomenon, www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1200/is_23_168/ai_n15980540, and while it mostly focuses on hops near the end it mentions this: "The team reported in the March 9 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry that the free radicals can still react with other sulfur compounds, creating flavors reminiscent of rotten eggs." Shortwave UV has a wavelength of 254 nm, and hop resins can skunk at 400-500nm (shorter wavelengths are worse). My fear is that if something in the non-hopped wort absorbs energy at this length it could produce free radicals that could alter other compounds. In regards to 2 day brewing.. I guess it depends on where you roll the dice - leave the wort overnight and potentially allowing some bacteria to gain a foothold, sterilize it with UV and risk changing flavor compounds, or try the campden tablet/sulfite approach. I'm somewhat lazy myself and after one particularly late brewing session tried the leave-it-overnight method.. worked for me. Cheers, Mike Hetzel Worcester, MA Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 18:36:44 -0600 From: "Dave Draper" <david at draper.name> Subject: Safale K-97 Dear Friends, I have a yen to try out the Safale K-97 dried yeast, which is reputed to be derived from the Zum Uerige strain. I'm having the devil's own time trying to find someplace online to order it from. Anyone know where this stuff can be had in something less than a 500 gram brick (a la Crosby & Baker)? Thanks, Dave in ABQ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=- David S. Draper, Institute of Meteoritics, Univ New Mexico David at Draper dot Name Beer page: http://www.unm.edu/~draper/beer.html Life is short, grain is cheap. ---Rich Lenihan Return to table of contents
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