FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: pbabcock at *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies Visit to show your appreciation! Or call them at 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Re: Mash Run-off Issue (Andrew Lavery) RE: Hops Offshoots ("Keith Anderson") traveling with homebrew (Marc Sedam) PBW, Effect of O2 on S.G. ("Kyle Jones") Schaerbeeck Belgian cherry substitute ("Steve Seeley")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 19:39:44 +1000 From: Andrew Lavery <alavery at> Subject: Re: Mash Run-off Issue Craig S. Cottingham wrote: > A couple of homebrews later, I'd figured out the problem. Phil's > Phalse Bottom is made of rigid plastic, but it's not perfectly rigid. > Warm it up to mash temperatures, and put 12+ lbs of grain on top of > it, and it will deform slightly. The brass elbow threaded through the > center of the false bottom protruded through about 1/8" or so, and > the false bottom was deforming enough that the elbow was bottoming > out in the cooler -- effectively sealing it off. I fixed it by > getting a few small stainless steel bolts, nuts, and lock washers and > building little legs for the false bottom that transfer the weight of > the grain bed directly to the bottom of the cooler. No more false > bottom deformation, and no more stuck mashes. I had the same problem first time I used my Phil's Phalse Bottom. It deformed to a wave profile, instead of the curve it starts as, almost eliminating the dead space underneath. I was using it in a stand alone lauter and it did not like mash at ~75C. I put some plastic bits under it to hold it up and it now works OK. Cheers, Andrew. Ballarat, Victora, Australia. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 10:23:27 -0400 From: "Keith Anderson" <keithxanderson at> Subject: RE: Hops Offshoots Dana writes: "I have a question about hop growing. My hops are growing like mad this year (2nd year) and are already up on my 2nd story deck. From my readings I have limited each plant to 2 or 3 strong shoots growing from the ground. However, I now have several small off-shoots growing from the half-way up to the top of vines. Should I trim these upper off-shoots or are they okay? I don't recall these from previous hop growing but I have never had such fast early growth before." I've read the same advice and tried both ways. When I only let 2 or 3 shoots climb all year I only had one harvest of hops and then that was it for the year. When I let the 2nd and 3rd wave of shoots climb then I've had a few batches of hops to pick and had more overall. I think the advice to let a few strong shoots climb is good to start off the year but if you have a healthy plant and it isn't getting sickly from the extra vines then let them climb. I have three cascade plants that grow like wildfire but my problem is the actual hops they produce. Very bland and mild. I've actually given up this year because the last few year's hops weren't worth the trouble of rigging a rope for them to climb. I dried them and used them and they had plenty of yellow power but next to no aroma or flavor. The cones were big and healthy also so I don't get the impression it needs more fertilizer (it gets plenty of compost). Maybe something missing in my soil. Keith in Red Bank, NJ Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 16:44:19 -0400 From: Marc Sedam <alechemist at> Subject: traveling with homebrew I have my own horror story on the way to the 2002 NHC in Dallas. Short version is that all bottles were confiscated and not allowed to go on the plane. I was asked to dump out the bottles in the bathroom...where I proceeded to drink several beers and bottles of mead. No one said I couldn't dump them in my stomach! I was, literally, drunk before boarding the plane--something I'm not totally proud about, yet it couldn't be helped. If you're traveling, simply bottle the beer in already labeled commercial bottles. It's still beer, in a proper container, no harm no foul. Otherwise, like all airport security (unfortunately I'm on a plane practically weekly, these days) it's at the discretion of the TSA rep who has your stuff. In my experience, you will not get anywhere trying to explain why it's OK to bring on board. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 22:14:49 -0500 From: "Kyle Jones" <kjones1 at> Subject: PBW, Effect of O2 on S.G. I have two unrelated questions that arose during my latest brew this weekend. The first: I have spent the last hour searching the archives, and it seems there *might* be some evidence that PBW can be harmful/less than optimal for copper. I soaked my mash tun (with copper manifold, which was gleaming after spending an hour in 155 degree acidic wort) in a cold PBW solution (hot water was too hard to get to) for 30-45 minutes. After rinsing and drying, the manifold is a dull brownish-orange color (different from slightly oxidized copper), and has silver-ish spots with rainbow-like borders (sorry for the terrible description). Why the decidedly unappealing appearance of the manifold after it's cleaning--something to do with cleaning water composition or brewing water chemicals? Also--I got all caught up in the first use of my Shirron chiller (which worked amazingly, I must say), and forgot to take my S.G. reading before oxygenating my wort with pure O2 via aeration stone for 60-90 seconds (at a rate to cause some decent foam formation). Can anyone offer up an idea of how much this might throw off my gravity measurement (I'm assuming the wort was pretty much saturated with oxygen)? My hydrometer reading (after foam settled) read 1.046 at 82 degrees (need to slow down flow rate through chiller, although 82 degrees was after only 5-6 min with 81 degree tap water ran through a 30 foot prechilling copper coil in ice bath), which Translates into 1.049. My target gravity was 1.050, and I missed my target volume of 5.25 gallons, about .15 gallons short. My spreadsheet I built for calculations, along with my efficiency numbers, have been pretty good to me, so it looks like the dissolved O2 didn't affect my gravity reading much at all, considering my wort of gravity 1.049, when you account for the slight volume shortcoming--does this sound OK? Thanks, Kyle Houston, TX Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 22:05:07 -0700 From: "Steve Seeley" <seseeley at> Subject: Schaerbeeck Belgian cherry substitute Hi all, I'm hoping someone can suggest a substitute for Schaerbeeck cherries. Schaerbeeck cherries are the cherries that Belgian lambic brewers make Kriek with. I think I remember someone suggesting a cherry from Michigan? Thanks, Steve Return to table of contents
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