FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: pbabcock at *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Your Business Name Here Visit "Sponsor the HBD" to find out how! Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: bad hops (Thomas Rohner) A new type of beer glass from Boston... (Dick Roark) bleach and vinegar. ("") Photoshop CS3 you save $1529.1 ("Rosa Wiley") Regulator problem (Brew) Save: $1049 Creative 2 Premium $149.95 ("Paula Lawrence") ***working application form*** ("Fabric Company") ***working application form*** ("Fabric Company") ***working application form*** ("Fabric Company") PERSONAL!!! ("BRITISH TOBACCO ONLINE PROMOTION") Re: PROTOCOL ("Viola Rosado") Regulator problem - Fixed (Brew)
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 22:21:55 +0200 From: Thomas Rohner <t.rohner at> Subject: bad hops Hi Peter there certainly is bad/old hops. We used mediocre hops for a long time. At some point, i ordered some fresh saaz hops and added it late in the boil. It blew me away. I had to reconsider many things, after this experience. The main cause to do this, was a weekend in munich, where i tasted some real hop-aromatic beers. I wanted / needed to replicate these brews, so i started to late-hop my beers with somewhat expensive aroma hops. But then, what is expensive, if you have a 8 hour brewing day. Since then, we completely eliminated the use of higher alpha hops. Well, i heard that using lots of hops can give the beer a grassy note. But for the bitterness that i like, i rather use aromatic hops in higher quantities. I have to admit, that i'm no hophead. I drank a IPA in taos once, i needed 3 pints to accomodate, but then i liked it. When i drink a Helles in munich, it pleases me from the first sip. It's my personal experience, but think about it. Cheers Thomas Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 18:27:44 +0800 From: Dick Roark <droark at> Subject: A new type of beer glass from Boston... A friend of mine sent me this link. It is about a beer glass developed by a Boston brewer. I live in Singapore, so I have not heard of this before. I can see from their website that the "product" part is true. Does anyone have any comments on how well it works? Dick Roark Singapore the link: <> Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 20:16:35 -0500 From: "j2saret at" <> Subject: bleach and vinegar. Well I tried the bleach plus vinegar method with my glass fermenter. I use more bleach than the rest of this list seems to. I use 1 oz/gal to which I added an oz of white vinegar. I did rinse before I used the fermenter. I am making a batch of cherry ginger mead so it will still be about a year before I discover any ill effects, but so far so good. What I am wondering is this: Would this method of sanitizing pose any risk to metal? I have a conical plastic fermenter with a couple of metal fitting for bottling and harvesting yeast. It is difficult to clean and sanitize. I use oxyclean and then live steam but I am never sure I've eliminated all possible infection that might be lurking in the valves. I would like to give the bleach/vinegar mixture/rinse methold a shot as an intermediate step before the live steam. Does anyone forsee a problem with this? Thanks John Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 05:08:21 -0800 From: "Rosa Wiley" <glynismcdonald at> Subject: Photoshop CS3 you save $1529.1 Photoshop CS3 Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 03:54:43 -0700 (PDT) From: Brew <kristbigfoot at> Subject: Regulator problem All of a sudden on Saturday, July 28th, the set screw on the CO2 regulator will not turn. The nut on the set screw is not causing the problem. Before the regulator set screw got stuck it became very difficult to turn. Can anyone explain how to fix? Thanks. Kraig Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 11:52:39 -0800 From: "Paula Lawrence" <andrewa at> Subject: Save: $1049 Creative 2 Premium $149.95 Retail price: $999 save - $909 adobe photoshop cs3 Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 15:54:50 +0100 From: "Fabric Company" <tiawantaffeta at> Subject: ***working application form*** - -- Tiawan Taffeta Fabric 89 Newport ave, Scoffford Area, Oxford, L349HA Phone #:+(44) 704-011-3837 +(44) 704-011-5691 Email: tntfabs at Hi, my name is Bruce Wales,an Artist and also the Manager of Tiawan Taffeta Fabric and i live and work here in United Kingdom, Would you like to work online from home and get paid without affecting your present job? Actually i need a representative who can be working for our company as online book-keeper.We make lots of supplies to some of our clients in the USA/CANADA,for which i do come to USA/CANADA to receive payment and have it cashed after i supply them raw materials. Its always too expensive and stressful for me to come down and recieve such payment twice in a month so i therefore decided to contact you. I am willing to pay you 10% for every payment receive by you from our clients who makes payment through you. Pls note you dont to be a book keeper to apply for the job.. Kindly get back to me as soon as possible if you are interested in this job offer with your: NAME... ADDRESS(not p.o. box)... CITY..... STATE......... ZIPCODE........ COUNTRY PHONE NUMBER (S) GENDER................... AGE..................... OCCUPATION........... PLEASE SEND YOUR REPLY ASAP TO: tntfabs at Bruce Wales Tiawan Taffeta Fabric Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 15:57:50 +0100 From: "Fabric Company" <tiawantaffeta at> Subject: ***working application form*** - -- Tiawan Taffeta Fabric 89 Newport ave, Scoffford Area, Oxford, L349HA Phone #:+(44) 704-011-3837 +(44) 704-011-5691 Email: tntfabs at Hi, my name is Bruce Wales,an Artist and also the Manager of Tiawan Taffeta Fabric and i live and work here in United Kingdom, Would you like to work online from home and get paid without affecting your present job? Actually i need a representative who can be working for our company as online book-keeper.We make lots of supplies to some of our clients in the USA/CANADA,for which i do come to USA/CANADA to receive payment and have it cashed after i supply them raw materials. Its always too expensive and stressful for me to come down and recieve such payment twice in a month so i therefore decided to contact you. I am willing to pay you 10% for every payment receive by you from our clients who makes payment through you. Pls note you dont to be a book keeper to apply for the job.. Kindly get back to me as soon as possible if you are interested in this job offer with your: NAME... ADDRESS(not p.o. box)... CITY..... STATE......... ZIPCODE........ COUNTRY PHONE NUMBER (S) GENDER................... AGE..................... OCCUPATION........... PLEASE SEND YOUR REPLY ASAP TO: tntfabs at Bruce Wales Tiawan Taffeta Fabric Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 16:17:34 +0100 From: "Fabric Company" <tiawantaffeta at> Subject: ***working application form*** - -- Tiawan Taffeta Fabric 89 Newport ave, Scoffford Area, Oxford, L349HA Phone #:+(44) 704-011-3837 +(44) 704-011-5691 Email: tntfabs at Hi, my name is Bruce Wales,an Artist and also the Manager of Tiawan Taffeta Fabric and i live and work here in United Kingdom, Would you like to work online from home and get paid without affecting your present job? Actually i need a representative who can be working for our company as online book-keeper.We make lots of supplies to some of our clients in the USA/CANADA,for which i do come to USA/CANADA to receive payment and have it cashed after i supply them raw materials. Its always too expensive and stressful for me to come down and recieve such payment twice in a month so i therefore decided to contact you. I am willing to pay you 10% for every payment receive by you from our clients who makes payment through you. Pls note you dont to be a book keeper to apply for the job.. Kindly get back to me as soon as possible if you are interested in this job offer with your: NAME... ADDRESS(not p.o. box)... CITY..... STATE......... ZIPCODE........ COUNTRY PHONE NUMBER (S) GENDER................... AGE..................... OCCUPATION........... PLEASE SEND YOUR REPLY ASAP TO: tntfabs at Bruce Wales Tiawan Taffeta Fabric Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 18:24:17 +0200 (CEST) From: "BRITISH TOBACCO ONLINE PROMOTION" <info_btconlinepromo at> Subject: PERSONAL!!! OFFICIAL PRIZE NOTIFICATION This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of $5,000,000.00 USD (FIVE MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS) in the International programs held on the 27TH OF JULY 2007 in London Uk.The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized email selection system(s) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawnfrom all the continents of the world.The British Tobacco Lottery is approved by the British Gaming Board and also Licensed by The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).To begin the processing of your prize you are to contact our executive claims officer through the contact stated below with your personal informations for verification purpose: Mr. ALBERT GREGORY. Fudiciary Agent/Payment Officer. 20 Lausanne Road London, SW2 3JB ENGLAND.U.K E-mail: britishtobacco_claimsoffice2 at WINNING VERIFICATION FORM 1.Name in full....................... 2.Address............................ 3.Nationality........................ 4.Age................................ 5.Occupation......................... 6.Phone/Fax.......................... 7.Present Country.................... Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 18:43:51 -0100 From: "Viola Rosado" <nxiklcerepm at> Subject: Re: PROTOCOL Have you ever wanted a expensive Watch? We have the soulition for you! We stock all the big names for a low fraction of the cost. Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 17:37:43 -0700 (PDT) From: Brew <kristbigfoot at> Subject: Regulator problem - Fixed Disassembled the regulator. Problem was simply the set screw. For some reason, perhaps dirt or dust in the screw threads, the set screw was frozen. I lubed the set screw and carefully turned the set screw. The set screw moved. I fully backed out the set screw and throughly cleaned the screw threads. The set screw now easily turns. Reassembled the regulator and the regulator works. Problem fixed. Cheers. Kraig Return to table of contents
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